Sample Research Proposal

Name of Researcher

Agency and Position of Researcher

Address, City, State Zip

Phone and Email

Title: A Study of Depression in African American and Hispanic American Tenth Grade Students

The Scope and Significance of the Study:

The purpose of this study is to measure depression experienced by African American and Hispanic American students by means of collecting information using the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). The CES-D is a 23-question, self-reporting measure that is used to assess the frequency of depressive symptoms presently experienced by individuals taking the test. The CES-D will be offered to students during study hall. The test should not exceed 15 minutes and student participation will be voluntary. Two versions of the CES-D will be used: an English version and a Spanish language version. Both will be available to students.

The data collected in this study will be correlated with statistics on the school report card related to disciplinary problems. The results will serve to inform students, parents, teachers, school psychologists and administrators of the level of depression experienced by students, as well as offer possible explanation for some of the disciplinary problems that occur in the educational system. This would affectively help prevent and/or resolve conflicts brought on by depression and possible help raise student benchmarks.

The Research Design:

Participation in this study by all subjects will be voluntary. The subject population will consist of African American and Latino students enrolled in Salmon High School. We anticipate 50 students will be participating in the study. Specific inclusion and exclusion criteria are explained below.

Inclusion criteria:

1) Age 14-16

2) Enrolled in Salmon High School as a tenth grade student

3) Self-identified as Black or Latino

4) Signed informed consent by parent and student

Exclusion criteria:

(1) Over age 16

(2) No signed consent by parent or student

(3) Not enrolled in Salmon High School

(4) Not self-identified as Black or Latino tenth grade student

Confidentiality will be maintained throughout and following the research process. Participants will only be asked to identify their grade and ethnicity. The consent forms, CES-D tests and test scores will all be kept in a locked file cabinet at Oregon State University in the ABC Department and will only be made accessible to the principal investigator. All participant data will be destroyed on September 1, 2005.

Logistics of the Study:

A. Selection and Definitions of the Study Population

The population from whom data will be collected for the purpose of this study, Latino and Black tenth grade students enrolled at Salmon High School. This school was selected because...

B. Data to be Collected

Information will be gathered from a student census, general School Profile statistics posted on the PPS webpage (specifically student enrollment, school report cards, and standardized test scores), and the CES-D survey.

C. The Source of the data

Each participant will be given a copy of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) and student census. The CES-D will rate and score the levels of depression identified by students. The CES-D is a 23-question; self-reporting measure that is used to assess the frequency of depressive symptoms presently experienced by the test taker. The census will inquire about the following demographic information: grade and ethnic identification. Students will not write their names or identifying information on the survey.

E. The Quality of the Data

The quality of the data will be comprehensive and unmodified, since the measurements used are quantitative survey questions.

F. Survey Distribution Methodology

Survey information packets will be given to teachers a week prior to the administering of the CES-D. Homeroom teachers will hand out the information packets to students one week prior to the administering of the CES-D. The information packets include a cover letter explaining the study, an informed consent for the parents of the student, and a colorful flyer. The parents will need to sign the consent form, and return it before the following Monday, when students will be taking the CES-D. On the day the CES-D is administered to the students, I will ask each of the students to sign a “Student Assent” before they take the test.

G. Propose Start and End Date

This study will approximately start on Monday October 17, 2005, during first period study hall because I do not want to take away from class time. This survey will take approximately 15 minutes. Below is a tentative timeline.

Time Schedule for Research

|Task | Time Period |

|Obtain all needed information and forms from PPS, Human Subjects Research Review Committee |Aug 2005 |

|Finish the Research Protocol and add Human Subjects Review Committee proposal to it. |Aug 2005 |

|Submit Human Subjects Review Committee & research proposal to OSU Institutional Review Board. Write a research proposal for |Sep 2005 |

|Portland Public Schools Research and Evaluation Department and submit it. | |

|Once Humans Subjects Review Committee approves the proposal, submit a research proposal to Portland Public Schools Research, |Sep 2005 |

|Evaluation, and Assessment Department. | |

|After R&E approves the study, communicate with principal to obtain approval and arrange distribution of cover letters, parent |Sep 2005 |

|consent forms, and fact sheet for teachers. | |

|Complete PPS criminal background check form |Sep 2005 |

|Set a date for administering the survey to participants, after the students have signed consents and PPS has approved it. The |Oct 2005 |

|survey administration should take less than 15 minutes. | |

|Analyze data and write draft report. Submit results to PPS Research & Evaluation Department. |Oct 2005 |

|Disseminate results to appropriate agencies. |Winter 05-06 |

Informed Consent:

A random sample of tenth grade homeroom teachers at Salmon High School will send home with students an information packet about this research study. The packet will include the following: a letter explaining the purpose of the study, a copy of the questions to be asked, and informed consent forms for both students and parents to sign. A week later, the researcher will collect the consent forms from teachers and make two sets of copies, one for the principal to keep on file and the other set for the PPS Research, Evaluation & Assessment Department. Then the researcher will make arrangements with the school to distribute tests to students during first period study hall. The researcher’s contact information will be included on both consent forms in case parents or students have any questions.

Cover Letter to Parents

September 20, 2005

Dear Salmon High School parent(s):

My name is Jane Doe and I am a professor at Oregon State University. I am beginning a study on depression in African American and Hispanic American tenth grade students and would like to invite your son or daughter to participate.

Tenth grade students are being asked to take part because I am very interested in how depression affects adolescents in an educational environment. As part of this study, I am interested in your son or daughter’s opinions and attitude about interpersonal depression, and hope that the information I collect will help us to better understand depression experienced by adolescents. If your child decides to participate, he or she will be asked to take a test, which involves answering about how they experience depression. It should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Your child’s name will NOT be on the questionnaire. Any information that is obtained in connection with this study that can be can be linked to your son or daughter will be kept confidential. Subject’s identities will be kept confidential by only asking for the grade and ethnicity of the participant and the results of the study will be kept in a locked file cabinet.

Participation is entirely voluntary. Your child’s decision to participate or not participate, will not affect his or her relationship with the researcher or with Oregon State University in any way. If your child decides to take part in the study, he or she may choose to withdraw at any time without penalty. Please keep a copy of this letter for your records.

If you have any concerns or problems about your son or daughter’s participation in this study or his or her rights as a research subject, please contact the Human Subject Research Review Committee, Division of Research, 123 Trout Hall, Oregon State University, (503) 555-5555. If you have questions about the study, contact Jane Doe at (503) 555-7777.


Jane Doe


Department of Educational Psychology

Parent Informed Consent Form

Your child is invited to participate in a research study conducted by Jane Doe, professor in the Department of Educational Psychology, Oregon State University. The research hopes to learn about how Black and Latino tenth grade student experience depression. This project is being conducted as part of a federal grant from the National Institute of Mental Health.

If your child decides to participate, he or she will be asked to take a test called the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale during study hall. The test takes approximately 15 minutes.

Your child’s participation in this study will be kept confidential. Your child’s name will NOT be on the test. Any information that is obtained in connection with this study that can be linked to your son or daughter will be kept confidential. Subject’s identities will be kept confidential by only asking for the grade and ethnicity of the participant and the results of the study will be kept in a locked file cabinet.

Participation is entirely voluntary. Your child’s decision to participate or not will not affect their relationship with the researcher or with Oregon State University. If your child decides to take part in the study, he or she may choose to withdraw at any time without penalty. Please keep a copy of this letter for your records.

If you have any concerns or problems about your son or daughter’s participation in this study or his or her rights as a research subject, please contact the Human Subject Research Review Committee, Division of Research, 123 Trout Hall, Oregon State University, (503) 333-5555. If you have questions about the study, contact Jane Doe at (503) 222-7777.

Your signature means that you have read and understand the above information and agree that your child has permission to take part in this study. Please understand that you may withdraw your consent at any time without penalty, and that, by signing, you are not waving any claims, rights or remedies. The researcher will provide you with a copy of this form for your own records.

_ _______

Signature of parent Date

Print the name of the child

Student Assent Form

Student’s name:

Your parent (or guardian) has said it is okay for you to take part in a project about depression. If you choose to do it, you will be asked to take a 15-minute test.

If you want to rest, or stop completely, just tell me –you will not get into any trouble! In fact, if you do not want to do it at all, you do not have to. Also, if you have any questions about what you will be doing, just ask me to explain.

If you do want to try the survey, please sign your name on the line below. Remember, you can stop to rest at any time and if you decide not to take part anymore, let me know.

Signed: Date: ____________


1. Student Census

Please answer the questions below by circling your answers.

A. Grade Level: 9 10 11 12

B. Ethnic Identification:

American Indian or Alaskan native Asian American

Black, African American or non-Hispanic Hispanic American

White non-Hispanic Decline to respond


2. CES-D (English version)

The questions below are about ways you may have felt. For each question, indicate how often you felt that way during the past week. Choose a category from 1 to 4 as described on the card.

| Rarely or none of |Some or a |Occasional or moderate|Most or all of |

|the time |little of |amount of time |the time |

| |the time | | |

| |How often … |Up to |1-2 |3-4 |5-7 |

| | |1 day |Days |Days |Days |

|1. |Did things bother you that usually do not bother you? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|2. |Did you not feel like eating or your appetite was poor? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|3. |Did you feel that you could not shake off the blues even with help from your family and |1 |2 |3 |4 |

| |friends? | | | | |

|4. |Did you feel that you were just as good as other people? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|5. |Did you have trouble keeping your mind on what you were doing? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|6. |Did you feel depressed? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|7. |Did you feel that everything you did was an effort? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|8. |Did you feel hopeful about the future? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|9. |Did you think you r life had been a failure? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|10. |Did you feel fearful? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|11. |Was your sleep restful? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|12. |Were you happy? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|13. |Did you talk less than usual? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|14. |Did you feel lonely? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|15. |Were people unfriendly? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|16. |Did you enjoy Life? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|17. |Did you have crying spells? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|18. |Did you feel sad? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|19. |Did you feel that people disliked you? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|20. |Could you not get "going"? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|21. |Did you think about killing yourself? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|22. |Did you have thoughts about death? |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|23. |Did you feel your family would be better off if you were dead? |1 |2 |3 |4 |


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