Professional Standards Manual - Oregon

Professional Standards Manual


Professional Standards Manual




250 Division Street NE Salem, Oregon 97301 TSPC Approved by Commission November 2011


Professional Standards Manual

Teacher Standards and Practices Commission

MISSION STATEMENT To establish, uphold and enforce professional standards of excellence and communicate those standards to the public and educators for the benefit of Oregon's students.


It is the policy of the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission that no person be subjected to discrimination on basis of race, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation in any program, service or activity for which the Commission is responsible. The Commission will comply with the requirements of the state and federal law concerning non-discrimination and will strive by its actions to enhance the dignity and worth of all persons.

TSPC CONTACT INFORMATION; If you have questions, contact: Keith Menk, Deputy Director Director of Educator Education

Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) 250 Division Street NE Salem, Oregon 97301 TSPC (503) 378-3757


Professional Standards Manual

TSPC reserves the right to amend these standards as state or national standards are changed or updated. Please check the TSPC website or contact the office for any updates. TSPC

Introduction to the TSPC Unit Standards The TSPC unit standards are the basis for the on-site review of the unit conducted by the TSPC site visit review team. Each of the standards contain several components: (1) the language of the standard; (2) rubrics that delineate the elements of each standard and describe three proficiencies levels -- unacceptable, acceptable and target, at which each element is being addressed; and (3) a descriptive explanation of the standard. Programs striving to meet the standards at the target level must also meet the expectations at the acceptable level. The unit standards identify the knowledge, skills and professional dispositions expected of educational professionals. The standards also identify the organization structures, policies and procedures that should be in place to support candidates in meeting these expectations. These standards are based on significant research. The TSPC standards promote best practices in educator preparation programs. These standards assure the public that TSPC accredited institutions are held accountable for implementing programs that prepare the effective educators that the nation's students deserve. The unit standards apply to initial preparation and advanced preparation programs for teachers and other school professionals. These standards apply to programs that include off-campus, distance learning, and alternate route programs. The standards also apply to online institutions and non-higher education organizations offering programs for the professional preparation of educators.


Professional Standards Manual

Conceptual Framework The conceptual framework establishes the shared vision for a unit's efforts in preparing educators to work effectively in p12 schools. The framework provides a direction for programs, courses, teaching, candidate performance, scholarship, service, and unit accountability. The conceptual framework is knowledge-based, articulated, shared, coherent, consistent with the unit and institutional mission, and continuously evaluated.

Faculty members in the unit are expected to collaborate with members of their professional community in developing a conceptual framework that establishes the vision for the unit and its programs. The conceptual framework provides the basis for coherence among curriculum, instruction, field experiences, clinical practice, assessment and evaluation. The framework makes the unit's professional commitments and professional dispositions explicit. It reflects the unit's commitment to diversity and cultural competency, and the preparation of educators who help all students learn. It reflects the unit's commitment to the integration of technology to enhance candidate and student learning. The conceptual framework also aligns the professional and state standards with candidate proficiencies expected by the unit and programs for the preparation of educators.

The conceptual framework includes the following aligned structural elements:

Vision and mission of the institution and unit; Philosophy, purposes, goals and institutional standards of the unit; Knowledge bases, including theories, research, the wisdom of practice, and educational policies that drive the work of the unit; Candidate proficiencies related to expected knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions, including proficiencies associated with cultural competency and technology, that are aligned with the expectations in professional, state, and institutional standards; and A summarized description of the unit's assessment system.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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