OCEACT | Oregon Center of Excellence for Assertive ...

46863005715000Oregon Center of Excellence for Assertive Community TreatmentAdvisory Board - Minutes 7/10/14In attendance:Erika Armsbury, Lara Carranza, Wendy Chavez, Ken Jasperse, Rick Wilcox, Kevin Brooks, Nori Gruber (p), Susan Tingley, Tammy Guest and OCEACT staff: Kris Anderson, Jeff Krolick, Emily Reynolds NOTE: We will be looking for a new location for better acoustical quality in our meeting spaceApril minutes were reviewed and approvedOCEACT Updates: OCEACT Collected feedback re application process and prioritization for selecting teams to attend the IDDT/IMR Training with Lindy Fox scheduled for Sept 30, Oct 1, and 2, 2014.Good arguments for prioritizing all programs; will probably be on a first come/first served basis. A separate formal announcement will be going out soon with application form. Application form indicates need for a firm commitment to the approach and follow up consultation by participating programs. It was agreed by all the team leader and substance abuse specialist need to attend the training as a minimum from each ACT team participating.Review of ACT Conference: Thoughts on scheduling the more informative/didactic breakout sessions on first day – with same or slightly shorter time frame and have longer conversational breakout session(s) on second day. This group expressed interest in helping to select speakers for next year’s conference and this will be a standing agenda item. A suggestion was made to identify program size of presenters to assist choosing relevant sessions.A current “state of the union” map showing provisional and qualified ACT providers across Oregon is on the OCEACT website: state is having a challenge in pulling and accurately reviewing data due to inconsistencies in using the ACT billing code. Reminder: All services/supports provided by ACT Team members should be billed using the ACT code – including psychiatrists, peer specialists, etc.Wendy Chavez from AMH has requested agencies get in touch with her, regarding the creation of a means for information sharing when ACT participants utilize emergency rooms. You can explore the program: Wendy’s email address is ruth.a.chavez@state.or.us Wendy also shared that there were transformation enhancements funds distributed to rental assistance programs and should mean greater resources for ACT participants in many parts of the state in the near future.Traditional Health Workers Commission: Peer Support Specialists and Peer Wellness Specialists are defined in rule, with oversight by the Traditional Health Workers Commission (HB 3407; 2013). In order to bill Medicaid, peers need to be on the state registry. However, a technical glitch has happened and the electronic submission to the registry is not functional at this time. Per Chad Scott, peers who have not been approved for the registry yet but meet all qualifications, can bill.The following are some helpful links:To the Traditional Health Workers webpage: the OAR defining peer specialists so that they can bill Medicaid 410-180-0300: registry application information: was suggested that agencies share resources as able, such as for peer specialist on ACT team job descriptions. OCEACT will be sending out a separate request for peer job descriptions and will make them available to all as a resource.Next meetings will be October 9, 2014 and January 8, 2015 at a location TBA in Salem 9:30-11:30 am and will be available by phone 800-920-7487 ................

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