Oregon’s Employment Situation: December 2009

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 20, 2010 PRESS CONFERENCE PRESENTER: Amy Vander Vliet, Portland Regional Economist CONTACT INFORMATION: David Cooke, Economist, (503) 947-1272

Oregon's Employment Situation: December 2009

Oregon's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was essentially unchanged at 11.0 percent in December from the revised November figure of 10.7 percent. The rate has been close to 11 percent for the last four months of 2009. Oregon's unemployment rate was 8.3 percent in December 2008.

In December, 209,576 Oregonians were unemployed. In December 2008, 173,121 Oregonians were unemployed.

The U.S. seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 10.0 percent in both November and December. The U.S. rate has been close to 10 percent for the last four months of 2009.

In December, Oregon's seasonally adjusted nonfarm payroll employment added 2,900 jobs, following a loss of 2,000 (as revised) in November. December was the first month of substantial job gains since July 2008 when 5,400 were added.



Oregon unemployment rate, seasonally adjusted

Millions 1.8

Oregon nonfarm payroll employment, seasonally adjusted



1.7 10.0







4.0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

1.5 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Industry Payroll Employment (Establishment Survey Data)

In December, three major industries posted substantial seasonally adjusted job gains: educational and health services (+2,900 jobs), manufacturing (+1,800), and trade, transportation, and utilities (+1,400). Three of the other major industries posted substantial seasonally adjusted job losses: construction (-1,100 jobs), mining and logging (-700), and leisure and hospitality (-1,000).

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Employment Department

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News Release

January 20, 2010

Educational and health services added 2,200 jobs in December during a month when the sector would normally shed 700 jobs due to seasonal factors. Much of the gain came in social assistance, which added 1,400 jobs and is up 2,500 since December 2008. Many social assistance firms are seeing heavy demand for their services as the economic downturn has forced people out of work and therefore in need of their services.

Manufacturing cut only 200 jobs in December during a month where it would typically lose 2,000 due to seasonal factors. Typical seasonal declines of 1,300 jobs were felt in fruit and vegetable preserving, which employed 9,900, about the same as in the prior December. Several of the durable goods manufacturing components added close to 400 jobs apiece: fabricated metal products manufacturing, machinery manufacturing, and computer and electronic product manufacturing. At the national level, gains in durable goods orders may be spurring increasing labor demand for these firms in Oregon.

Trade, transportation, and utilities added 2,200 jobs in December, which was well above the typical 800- job gain due to seasonality. Wholesale trade added 300 jobs, retail trade added 1,100, while transportation, warehousing, and utilities added 800.

On a seasonally adjusted basis trade, transportation, and utilities gradually has trended upward since September.

Construction employment dropped again in December. The loss of 3,500 jobs was 1,100 more than the typical decline for the time of year. On the plus side, the November reading was revised upward substantially to now show an employment change of only 400 below the normal November seasonal movement.

Construction employment has been on a declining seasonally adjusted trend during 2009. Building permits throughout the state remain at depressed levels following the home-building boom that peaked more than two years ago.

Mining and logging cut 1,300 jobs in December, which was more than the typical loss of 600 for the month. This industry has declined sharply over the past year, following a steady employment pattern during 2001 through 2006.

Leisure and hospitality shed 1,000 more jobs than normal in December. Accommodation cut 1,000 jobs, while food services and drinking places cut an additional 1,000 for the month. Leisure and hospitality has been on a generally declining employment trend for more than a year.

The Oregon Employment Department plans to release the December county and metropolitan area unemployment rates on Monday, January 25th and the statewide unemployment rate and employment survey data for January on Tuesday, March 2nd.

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For the complete version of the news release, including tables and graphs, visit: pressrelease.

For help finding jobs and training resources, visit one of the state's WorkSource Oregon Centers or go to: .

Equal Opportunity program -- auxiliary aids and services available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

Workforce and Economic Research 2008 Benchmark January 20, 2010

Oregon Current Labor Force and Industry Employment

Labor Force Status Civilian labor force

Unemployed Unemployment rate Unemployment rate, seasonally adjusted


December 2009

1,938,932 209,576 10.8 11.0


November 2009

1,951,507 203,278 10.4 10.7


December 2008

Change From Change From November 2009 December 2008

1,973,852 173,121 8.8 8.3


-12,575 6,298 0.4 0.3


-34,920 36,455

2.0 2.7 -71,375

Nonfarm Payroll Employment Total nonfarm payroll employment

Total private Mining and logging Logging Construction Construction of buildings Residential building construction Nonresidential building construction Heavy and civil engineering construction Specialty trade contractors Building foundation and exterior contractors Building equipment contractors Building finishing contractors Other specialty trade contractors Manufacturing Durable goods Wood product manufacturing Sawmills and wood preservation Plywood and engineered wood product mfg. Other wood product manufacturing Primary metal manufacturing Fabricated metal product manufacturing Machinery manufacturing Computer and electronic product manufacturing Computer and peripheral equipment mfg. Semiconductor and electronic component mfg. Electronic instrument manufacturing Transportation equipment manufacturing Nondurable goods Food manufacturing Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty Paper manufacturing Trade, transportation, and utilities Wholesale trade Merchant wholesalers, durable goods Merchant wholesalers, nondurable goods Electronic markets and agents and brokers Retail trade Motor vehicle and parts dealers Building material and garden supply stores Food and beverage stores Clothing and clothing accessories stores Sporting goods, hobby, book and music stores General merchandise stores Miscellaneous store retailers Nonstore retailers

1,623,200 1,320,600

6,200 4,700 73,600 18,200 11,700 6,500 9,500 45,900 9,100 18,600 12,100 6,100 162,800 115,000 20,300 6,100 6,400 7,800 7,800 14,900 8,500 34,000 3,400 26,500 4,600 11,700 47,800 24,900 9,900 5,000 322,500 75,700 32,600 27,900 15,200 191,400 23,200 13,100 38,600 15,000 9,300 39,600 9,800 8,000

1,629,300 1,323,300

7,500 5,700 77,100 18,500 11,600 6,900 10,800 47,800 9,500 18,900 12,600 6,800 163,000 113,800 20,300 6,100 6,400 7,800 7,800 14,500 8,100 33,500 3,400 25,800 4,800 11,700 49,200 25,700 11,200 5,100 320,300 75,400 32,600 27,800 15,000 190,300 23,200 13,500 38,500 14,700 9,300 39,200 10,200 7,300

1,695,300 1,389,900

8,000 5,900 86,300 21,400 12,600 8,800 9,800 55,100 10,900 22,500 13,900 7,800 184,500 132,400 25,100 7,500 8,200 9,400 9,400 16,900 11,400 36,700 3,500 26,500 5,500 12,200 52,100 24,500 10,100 5,900 332,600 77,100 34,300 29,900 12,900 196,600 22,400 14,200 39,200 16,800 9,900 40,900 10,400 8,300

-6,100 -2,700 -1,300 -1,000 -3,500

-300 100 -400 -1,300 -1,900 -400 -300 -500 -700 -200 1,200

0 0 0 0 0 400 400 500 0 700 -200 0 -1,400 -800 -1,300 -100 2,200 300 0 100 200 1,100 0 -400 100 300 0 400 -400 700

-72,100 -69,300

-1,800 -1,200 -12,700 -3,200

-900 -2,300

-300 -9,200 -1,800 -3,900 -1,800 -1,700 -21,700 -17,400 -4,800 -1,400 -1,800 -1,600 -1,600 -2,000 -2,900 -2,700

-100 0

-900 -500 -4,300 400 -200 -900 -10,100 -1,400 -1,700 -2,000 2,300 -5,200 800 -1,100 -600 -1,800 -600 -1,300 -600 -300

employment tables 1-20-2010.xlsx "CLFIE"

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David Cooke (503) 947-1272

December 2009

November 2009

December 2008

Change From Change From November 2009 December 2008

Transportation, warehousing, and utilities Utilities

Transportation and warehousing Air transportation Truck transportation Couriers and messengers Warehousing and storage

Information Publishing industries, except internet Newspaper, book, and directory publishers Software publishers Telecommunications

Financial activities Finance and insurance Credit intermediation and related activities Insurance carriers and related activities Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate

Professional and business services Professional and technical services Legal services Architectural and engineering services Computer systems design and related services Management of companies and enterprises Administrative and waste services Administrative and support services Employment services Business support services Services to buildings and dwellings

Educational and health services Educational services Health care and social assistance Ambulatory health care services Hospitals Nursing and residential care facilities Social assistance

Leisure and hospitality Arts, entertainment, and recreation Amusement, gambling, and recreation Accommodation and food services Accommodation Food services and drinking places Full-service restaurants Limited-service eating places

Other services Repair and maintenance Personal and laundry services Membership associations and organizations Religious organizations

Government Federal government State government State education Local government Indian tribal Local education

Labor-management disputes

55,400 4,700

50,700 4,200

16,200 7,100 7,300

35,400 14,600

5,700 8,900 8,200 94,200 59,800 27,500 27,200 34,400 28,700 179,600 69,200 12,600 13,400 9,800 29,300 81,100 74,400 25,200 15,700 19,900 231,100 34,300 196,800 68,600 54,300 41,600 32,300 158,400 22,500 17,500 135,900 18,200 117,700 57,700 50,000 56,800 15,200 12,900 28,700 16,000 302,600 28,800 78,800 30,300 195,000 7,800 106,700


54,600 4,700

49,900 4,200

16,300 6,100 7,300

35,200 14,600

5,700 8,900 8,200 93,700 59,900 27,700 27,200 33,800 28,900 180,000 69,800 12,500 13,600 9,800 29,500 80,700 74,100 26,500 13,900 20,500 228,900 35,000 193,900 68,100 54,100 40,800 30,900 160,100 22,200 16,800 137,900 19,200 118,700 58,000 51,200 57,500 15,400 13,000 29,100 16,300 306,000 29,200 79,700 30,900 197,100 7,900 108,500


58,900 4,800

54,100 4,400

17,400 7,900 7,800

35,700 15,000

6,000 9,000 8,200 99,900 61,100 28,500 27,600 38,800 31,500 188,600 73,700 12,500 14,500 9,900 31,100 83,800 78,000 28,500 14,800 20,300 226,400 33,700 192,700 68,200 54,100 40,600 29,800 167,800 22,600 17,000 145,200 20,600 124,600 59,200 51,800 60,100 16,500 13,100 30,500 17,000 305,400 28,900 78,500 30,400 198,000 8,300 108,200


800 0

800 0

-100 1,000

0 200

0 0 0 0 500 -100 -200 0 600 -200 -400 -600 100 -200 0 -200 400 300 -1,300 1,800 -600 2,200 -700 2,900 500 200 800 1,400 -1,700 300 700 -2,000 -1,000 -1,000 -300 -1,200 -700 -200 -100 -400 -300 -3,400 -400 -900 -600 -2,100 -100 -1,800 0

-3,500 -100

-3,400 -200

-1,200 -800 -500 -300 -400 -300 -100 0

-5,700 -1,300 -1,000

-400 -4,400 -2,800 -9,000 -4,500

100 -1,100

-100 -1,800 -2,700 -3,600 -3,300

900 -400 4,700 600 4,100 400 200 1,000 2,500 -9,400 -100 500 -9,300 -2,400 -6,900 -1,500 -1,800 -3,300 -1,300 -200 -1,800 -1,000 -2,800 -100 300 -100 -3,000 -500 -1,500 -200

The most recent month is preliminary, the prior month is revised. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Labor Force Status: Civilian labor force includes employed and unemployed individuals 16 years and older by place of residence. Employed includes nonfarm payroll employment, self-employed, unpaid family workers, domestics, agriculture and labor disputants. Unemployment rate is calculated by dividing unemployed by civilian labor force.

Nonfarm Payroll Employment: Data are by place of work and cover full- and part-time employees who worked or received pay for the pay period that includes the 12th of the month. The data exclude the self-employed, volunteers, unpaid family workers, and domestics.

employment tables 1-20-2010.xlsx "CLFIE"

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David Cooke (503) 947-1272

Workforce and Economic Research 2008 Benchmark January 20, 2010

Seasonal Expectations and Over-the-Month Employment Changes

November 2009 to December 2009

INDUSTRY Total nonfarm payroll employment

Mining and logging Construction Manufacturing Trade, transportation, and utilities Information Financial activities Professional and business services Educational and health services Leisure and hospitality Other services Government




Seasonal Movements

Unadjusted OTM Change

Adjusted OTM Change





































employment tables 1-20-2010.xlsx "Raw v. SA"

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David Cooke (503) 947-1272


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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