Equality Impact Assessment Form

Equality Impact Assessment Form

Step 1 – Identify the policy

The term policy is interpreted broadly in equality legislation, and refers to anything that describes what we do and how we expect to do it. It can range from published policies and procedures to the everyday customs and practices – sometimes unwritten – that contribute to the way our policies are implemented and how our services are delivered.

Published statements of policy are a useful starting point for equality impact assessments, as they establish the overall purpose of particular activities. Please use this form to document your assessment.

|Policy title |CILIP Ethics Review |

|Department carrying out the assessment |Policy Unit |

|New or previously approved policy? |Revised policy |

|Date of approval / last review (if known) |2005 - current Ethical Principles and Code of Professional Practice |

| |approved by CILIP Council |

| |2012 – Some amendments to the Code of Professional Practice agreed by |

| |CILIP Council |

|Name of Assessor(s) |Guy Daines/Ethics Committee |

Step 2 – Further information

|1. Who is responsible for the policy that is being assessed? |Guy Daines/Policy Unit |

|2. Describe the main aims, objectives and purpose of the policy |An initiative to review the current state and need for professional |

| |ethics in the information, library and knowledge management community |

| |and to make recommendations for revisions to the CILIP Ethical |

| |Principles and Code of Professional Practice (or to provide some other |

| |form of statement of professional ethics) |

|3. Are there associated objectives of the policy? If so, please |The Ethics Review takes place alongside the development of a CILIP |

|explain. |Diversity and Equalities Strategy also being overseen by the Ethics |

|Examples include statutory requirements, sector initiatives, etc. |Committee. It will also help underpin the planned new CILIP – a new |

| |membership model and offer - being launched at the start of 2018. (the |

| |Ethics Review will be an early win for this as it is planned to be |

| |signed off by the CILIP Board in May 2018) |

|4. Who is expected to benefit from this policy? |Ethics are primarily focused on underpinning good service to |

| |users/customers but they also help ensure proper relationships between |

| |all stakeholders – notably other information professionals, |

| |professionals from other disciplines and other employees, employers, |

| |and society more generally. |

|5. Who was consulted on this policy? |The Ethics Review will seek to include all stakeholders. In so doing it|

| |will seek to include representatives from minority groups within the |

| |profession, although as the recent Information Workforce Mapping |

| |project has illustrated generally these groups are not represented in |

| |the information workforce in proportion to their presence in the |

| |population. The Ethics Committee will ensure that particular heed is |

| |given to those communities whose voice is often not heard – in this |

| |respect the Review will pay especial attention to the young (and new |

| |professionals); those from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) |

| |Communities, those with disabilities; and those who identify as |

| |Lesbian, Gay, Transgender or Bi-sexual (LGTB) |

|6. How has the policy been explained to those who would be directly or|The main part of the Ethics Review project will be engaging with CILIP |

|indirectly affected by it? |members and other stakeholders to review how fit for purpose the |

| |existing Ethical Principles and Code of Professional Practice are to |

| |current professional practice and what changes may be needed to make |

| |them more so (or what alternative statement of professional ethics will|

| |be made) |

|7. What outcome(s) are meant to be achieved from this policy? |Revised Ethical Principles and Code of Professional Practice or other |

| |statement of professional ethics |

| |Ethics Review report (with survey and workshop outputs) and summary |

| |recommendations |

| |Individual affirmation of Ethical Principles in joining and renewal |

| |processes |

| |Training and professional development resources |

|8. What factors could contribute to the outcome(s)? |Positive engagement in consultation process by all parts of the CILIP |

| |membership, broader profession and other stakeholders. This should |

| |include those from minority groups. Especial attention will be given to|

| |young (and new professionals); those from Black, Asian and Minority |

| |Ethnic (BAME) Communities, those with disabilities; and those who |

| |identify as Lesbian, Gay, Transgender or Bi-sexual (LGTB) |

|9. What factors could detract from the outcome(s)? |Lack of engagement in the consultation process, especially by those |

| |from minority groups. |

Step 3 – Assess the impact on different groups of people

10. In the table below, please tick whether the policy affects particular groups of people in different ways, compared to other groups. Here are some examples:

Positive impact: a policy or practice where the impact on a particular group of people is more positive than for other groups, e.g., accessible website design. It can also include legally permitted positive action initiatives designed to remedy workforce imbalance, such as job interview guarantee schemes for disabled people.

Negative impact: a policy or practice where the impact on a particular group of people is more negative than for other groups (e.g., where the choice of venue for a staff social occasion precludes members of a particular faith or belief group from participating).

Neutral impact: a policy or practice with neither a positive nor a negative impact on any group or groups of people, compared to others.

|Equality Target Group |Positive impact |Negative impact |Neutral impact |Reasons / comments |

|Men | | |x |All will benefit from refreshed ethical principles and|

| | | | |codes of practice designed to address the challenges of|

| | | | |modern professional practice |

|Women | | |X |All will benefit from refreshed ethical principles and|

| | | | |codes of practice designed to address the challenges of|

| | | | |modern professional practice |

|People from black and |X | | |The Review will give special attention to gathering |

|minority ethnic communities | | | |views and information from BAME groups |

|Disabled people |X | | |The Review will give special attention to gathering |

| | | | |views and information from those with disabilities |

|Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual |X | | |The Review will give special attention to gathering |

|People | | | |views and information from those who identify |

| | | | |themselves as Lesbian, Gay, Transgender or Bi-sexual |

|Transgender people |X | | |The Review will give special attention to gathering |

| | | | |views and information from those who identify |

| | | | |themselves as Lesbian, Gay, Transgender or Bi-sexual |

|Older people (50+) | | |X |All will benefit from refreshed ethical principles and|

| | | | |codes of practice designed to address the challenges of|

| | | | |modern professional practice |

|Younger people (17 – 25) | | |X |All will benefit from refreshed ethical principles and|

| | | | |codes of practice designed to address the challenges of|

| | | | |modern professional practice |

|Faith or belief groups | | |X |All will benefit from refreshed ethical principles and|

| | | | |codes of practice designed to address the challenges of|

| | | | |modern professional practice |

Step 4 – Promoting equality

|10. Please give a brief description of how this policy promotes|The current Ethical Principles include a provision that the conduct of members |

|equality. |should be characterised by “concern for the public good in all professional |

| |matters, including respect for diversity within society, and the promoting of |

| |equal opportunities and human rights”. Other principles cover the equitable |

| |treatment of all users and respecting the skills and competence of all others |

| |including colleagues, information users and employers. Inclusivity and |

| |accessibility are two of the agreed design principles that will inform the |

| |conduct of this Ethics Review. |

| | |

|11. If there is no evidence that the policy promotes equality, |It will be important for the Ethics Committee to ensure that equalities matters|

|what changes, if any, could be made to achieve this? |are properly addressed in the Ethical Principles and Code of Professional |

| |Practice (or whatever form it is decided the statement of professional ethics |

| |should take). It should be noted that the same Committee is also overseeing the|

| |development of the CILIP Diversity and Equalities Strategy |

|12. If there is a negative impact on any equality target |N/A |

|groups, can this impact be legally and objectively justified? | |

|(If no, then a full Equality Impact Assessment should be | |

|completed* ). | |

Step 5 – Recommendation

|13. Is a full Equality Impact Assessment required? | No Yes ( |

| |✓ |

| |This is an equality impact assessment of a project proposal rather than the |

| |project outcomes. A separate assessment will be needed then. |

Signature of Assessor(s):

Authorised by:

Equality Impact Assessment Flowchart


Identify the policy, practice or procedure

In its design or implementation, does it intentionally or unwittingly discriminate against particular groups of people, e.g., men, women, disabled people, people from different racial groups and religions, age groups, and sexual orientations?

How do you know? Who or what information did you consult?

How do you know? Who or what information did you consult?




Can you legally justify the discrimination on objective grounds?

Good! There is no need to change this policy at present, though remember to keep it under review.

Ask those most affected, and consult relevant staff or student data.



You will need to change this policy, practice or procedure. When doing so, you will need to ensure that any amendments made do not result in unjustified discrimination towards other groups. You will then need to repeat the Policy Impact Assessment process.

!">?GHNOƒŒŽ»ÁÅÍÎàYou may need to explain your justification further. A full Policy Impact Assessment may also be required.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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