Chemistry 12A- Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry IChemistry 12ASpring 2017Instructor: Mackenzie Alvarez Phone: (951) 827-5240E-mail: malva006@ucr.eduOffice Hours: Email onlyLecture (CAK 140): MW: 4:30 p.m. – 5:55 p.m.Lab (MTSC 405): MW: 6:00 p.m. – 9:10 p.m.Course Website: ? Course Description:??This is the first semester of organic chemistry. This course covers the structure and bonding of organic molecules, the stereochemistry (3 dimensional structure) of organic molecules, and the naming, structure, and reactivity of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkyl halides, alcohols, and ethers.Learning Objectives - By the conclusion of the course you should be able to:Name simple organic molecules of all functional groups.Look at a molecule and discuss structure, bonding and stereochemical properties.Synthesize more complex organic molecules.Understand nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions from a mechanistic point of view.Determine the structure of simple organic molecules based on spectroscopic data.Approach to material:? Successful students, those that get A’s, and B’s, use their time wisely. You should read over the material in the textbook, take careful notes during lecture, review your notes and text, and do all the assigned problems. The standard formula for college coursework is that every one hour of class time will result in two to three hours of homework, so a five unit class will do an average of ten or more hours of homework (reading, research, studying etc.) per week. You must work the homework problems to do well in this course. They will not be formally graded, but you are expected to check your answers with the solutions manuals, which are available on loan from the library and online. Failure to do assigned homework will most likely negatively impact your grade. Grading:Quizzes20%Exams40%Laboratory20%Final Exam20%There are no quiz make-ups. You must contact your instructor immediately if you miss an exam or you will receive a 0. Attendance:?Attendance is expected, and you must be present and ON TIME for all class sessions. The laboratory may be locked 15 minutes after lab begins. No extra time will be given for quizzes, exams, or laboratory assignments. If you are sick and you wish to make up or turn in a late assignment, you must submit a doctor’s note for the day(s) you were ill. For assignments that cannot be made up, such as exams or labs, you will be given a grade that corresponds to your lowest score in the same category upon presentation of a doctor’s note.Please turn off all electronic devices before coming into class and lab. They are a serious distraction in college classes and a safety hazard in lab. Do NOT text message during class. This is a disruption to other students!!! Please instruct relatives or friends to call campus security in case of an emergency. Security will look up the class in the system and then send someone to the class.Students who choose not to continue the course are responsible for dropping the class. Please do not assume that I have dropped you. Failure to officially drop the course may result in an "F". If you miss work after the deadline to drop and have an acceptable reason (like hospitalization), an "Incomplete" would be more appropriate. When in doubt, communicate.?Deadlines:Last day to add:02/24/2017Last day to drop without a “W”02/26/2017Last day to drop with a “W”05/12/2017***You are responsible for double-checking these municating in Class:? Students are encouraged to communicate during lecture and lab by asking questions relevant to current and/or past material. To work out difficult homework or lab problems, please see your instructor during office hours or contact her/him via email. Special Needs:? If you have a physical, psychiatric/emotional, medical, or learning disability that may impact your ability to carry out assigned course work, please contact the staff in Disabled Student Services at 222-8060.? They will review your concerns and determine what accommodations are necessary and appropriate.? All information and documentation is confidential.?Academic Integrity:Cheating will not be tolerated. Copying another student’s lab report, plagiarism, looking at someone else’s exam etc. etc. may result in a zero for the assignment, a grade of “F” in the course, or suspension from RCC. All cheating will be reported to the Dean of Student Services and will become part of your permanent record.Materials: Required:Textbook: Organic Chemistry by D. Klein 2nded. Wiley. Lab Manual: “Organic Chemistry Lab – Chemistry 12A” by Pavia, Labdgrebe, Bell, Taber, and Clarke. Brooks/Cole Laboratory SeriesMolecular Models: Model Kit.Suggested: Student Study Guide and Solutions Manual. D. Klein 2nded. Wiley. A Short Guide to Writing About Chemistry by Davis, Pechenik, and Tyson. Pearson/Longman.Zubrick’s Organic Chem Lab Survival Manual (9th or 10th Ed)TENTATIVE CALENDARWeek 1Holiday Feb 17Chapter 1Introduction to Organic ChemistryWeek 2Holiday Feb 20Chapter 2Molecular RepresentationWeek 3Chapter 3Acids & BasesQuiz 1, Chapters 1 & 2Week 4Chapter 4Alkanes & CycloalkanesWeek 5Chapter 5StereoisomerismExam 1, Chapters 1-4Weeks 6 & 7Holiday Mar 31Chapter 6Chemical Reactivity and MechanismsWeek 8Chapter 7Substitution ReactionsQuiz 2, Chapters 5 & 6Week 9Spring Break (April 10th – 16th)Week 10Chapter 8Alkenes – Elimination ReactionsWeek 11Chapter 9Alkenes – Addition ReactionsExam 2, Chapters 5-8Week 12Chapter 10AlkynesQuiz 3, Chapters 9 & 10Week 13Chapter 11Radical ReactionsWeek 14Chapter 13Alcohols and Phenols Quiz 4, Chapters 11 & 13Week 15Chapter 14Ethers and EpoxidesWeek 16Holiday May 29Chapter 12SynthesisFinal ExamTuesday June 6, 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.***You are responsible for double checking this date***Please note: this is a tentative calendar. It may be changed at any time by your instructor. It is your responsibility to attend class and check the course website for any and all updates. ................

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