Chapter 1

Chap1. Cosmology & Birth of Earth

-heliocentric model: Earth orbits Sun

-Big Bang Theory: Universe is considerably older than Earth

-Universe age: 14 billion year old.

-Strong evidence that Universe is expanding: red shifted

- most common elements in Universe & solar system: hydrogen & helium

-Eratosthenes estimated size of Earth: compared length of Earth day with distance between Earth & Sun

-In addition to Earth, other terrestrial planets:Mars, Mercury, & Venus

- Gas giant (Jovian) planets:Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, & Neptune

-circumference of Earth: 40,000 km

-A light year:measures distance

- Sun belongs to a galaxy called:Milky Way

-contribution by Copernicus is:Earth is center of Universe

-Chemically, the Moon is quite similar to: Earth’s mantle

- Johannes Kepler’s contribution:planets orbit Sun in an elliptical path

-Humans 1st realized that Earth is spherical: time of Aristotle in ancient Greece

-Differentiation of core from mantle early in Earth’s history: planet was very hot

-In 2006, International Astronomical:Pluto demoted from former status as one of nine major planets in our solar system.

Chapter 2. Journey to the Center of the Earth

-Earth’s surface protected from solar wind & cosmic radiation by: Earth’s magnetic field

-shape of Earth’s magnetic field: dipole

- Heat transfer occurs through the movement of a fluid, driven by temperature differences among various points within the fluid, is termed: convection.

-Presently, Earth’s atmosphere is dominated by which two gases: nitrogen and oxygen

-In the whole Earth,4 most common elements:oxygen, silicon, magnesium, & iron

- Earth’s hydrosphere:surficial freshwater, the oceans, groundwater, & atmospheric water

-most common minerals within Earth: silicates

-As compared to rocks that make up crust, Earth as a whole is: considerably more dense

-Hot, liquid rock beneath the surface of the Earth is termed magma

-Earth’s geothermal gradient is rate of temp change incurred by: traversing down within Earth’s interior

- Earth’s magnetic field is generated by:the flow of the liquid outer core

- densest layer of Earth is the:inner core

-The distinction between the crust and mantle is primarily on the basis of a difference in chemistry/ composition (mineral content);the distinction between the lithosphere and asthenosphere is primarily on the basis of a difference in degree of physical rigidity

-On average, continental crust is approximately five times as thick as oceanic crust.

-thickness of Earth’s crust: 7 to 70 km

-With increasing altitude, the concentration of gases in our atmosphere: less dense

-Substances that can be transformed to a gas @ relatively low:volatiles

-As compared to continental crust, the rocks that make up oceanic crust are:denser

-Heat transfer that occurs through movement of a fluid, driven by large temp differences among various point within the fluid: convection

-The Moho is found deeper underneath continents than under oceans

Chapter 3. Drifting Continents and Spreading Seas

- sea floor w/ neg magnetic anomalies were formed when magnetic field:reversed polarity

-Wegener proposed continental drift that suggested all of the continents were once: combined to form a supercontinent (he termed Pangaea) in the late Paleozoic through the Mesozoic

-The apparent tendency of the north (or south) magnetic pole to vary in position over time is termed polar wander

-Sea-floor spreading is driven by volcanic activity: along mid-ocean ridges

-Marine magnetic anomaly belts run parallel to: mid-ocean ridges

-age of oceanic crust increases with increasing distance from a mid-ocean ridge.

-Evidence for Pangaea comes from the fossil record of which type(s) of organisms?all

-Evidence of Late Paleozoic glacial deposits: more readily explained than in the modern continental configuration

-Beneath a blanket of sediments, oceanic crust is primarily composed of:gabbro & basalt

- Marine magnetic anomalies result from sea-floor spreading in conjunction with:magnetic polarity reversals

- The oldest basalts on the ocean floor are about 4 billion years old.

-Distincetive South America:Africa

-Sea Floor Rate of Geothermal:Mid-Ocean Ridges

-Spreading Rate: Vary from 1 to 10 cm

Chapter 4: Plate Tectonics

-Two bodies of continental lithosphere:Collision

-Pushing force:Mid Ocean

-Slab Pull:Cool More dense

-Rate of Lithosphere:Relative

-Deep Ocean:Convergent


- plate tectonics:incorporates sea-floor spreading & continental drift

-The plates themselves are: discrete pieces of lithosphere at the surface of the solid Earth that move with respect to one another

- active margin: anywhere on Earth where earthquakes are especially frequent

- Continental coastlines that occur in interior of a plate are:passive margins

- Every plate boundary can be recognized by: none of the above

-convergent plate boundary, two opposed plates: move toward one another

-At a transform plate boundary, two opposed plates: slide past one another

- Mid-ocean ridges are: convergent plate boundaries

-The youngest sea floor occurs: along mid-ocean ridges

-Oceanic lithosphere thickens away from the mid-ocean ridge due to:addition of new lithospheric mantle as a result of cooling

-entire surface Earth:rates of lithospheric production& consumption are equal

-Earthquakes are most frequent near coastlines: active margins

- Most of the pulling force driving plate motion is produced:subduction zones

-subduction zone, overriding plate:oceanic or continental lithosphere

- subduction zone, downgoing (subducting) plate:always oceanic lithosphere

-The Wadati-Benioff zone extends down the mantle to max depth: 670 km

-@transform plate boundaries:earthquakes common, but volcanoes are absent

-triple junction:boundaries of 3 lithospheric plates meet @ single point

-mid-ocean ridges elevated above surrounding seafloor:ridge rocks are hot (low density)

- Hot spots can occur:within either continental or oceanic plates

- Large,thick,non-volcanic mountain belts(Himalayas):convergent plate

-San Andreas Fault in SoCal: transform plate boundary

Chapter 5. Patterns in Nature: Minerals

- The internal ordering of mineral crystals is detected using: X-ray diffraction

-The color of a mineral in powdered form is termed: streak

-Cleavage in minerals refers to: a tendency to break along planes of weakness

- Minerals utilized by humans as a source of metal are termed: ore minerals

-2 distinct minerals may have the same chemical formula:true

- single mineral may take on multiple crystalline lattice structures:false

- silica tetrahedron that forms backbone of silicate minerals is silicon &:oxygen

-for minerals, hardness refers to:ability to resist being scratched by other substances

-Gemstones are found in pegmatites, igneous rocks:exceptionally coarse grained

- Topaz, with Mohs hardness of 8, is twice as hard as fluorite, Mohs hardness of 4:false

- Referring to mineral hardness talc is softer than quartz

-The shininess of a mineral is a helpful diagnostic property termed: luster

Chapter 6: Up from the Inferno: Magma and Igneous Rocks

-Bombs, ash, and cinders are all examples of:pyroclastic debris

- diff between lava & magma: magma beneath Earth’s surface, lava has reached surface

-Igneous rocks: all

-A blob-like igneous rock body that has cooled beneath the surface of Earth is: pluton

-A dike is: a sheetlike intrusion that cuts across preexisting layers

-A sill is: a sheetlike intrusion that lies parallel to surrounding layers of sedimentary rock

-formation of magma in Earth is not caused by which: loss of volatiles to the atmosphere

-Obsidian: all of the above

-Volcanoes that don’t occur on present/emergent plate boundaries are:mantle hot spots

-Coarse-grained granite is most similar in mineral composition to fine-grained: rhyolite

-Coarse-grained diorite is most similar in mineral composition to fine-grained:andesite

-Coarse-grained gabbro is most similar in mineral composition to fine-grained:basalt

-Pillow basalts get blob-like shapes because their parent lavas do not travel far prior to solidification.because the parent lavas:erupt underwater & thus cool very quickly.

- magma with greatest silica content & its produced at the coolest temps:felsic

- magma has greatest iron & magnesium content & produced at highest temps: ultramafic

- volatile content of magma is increased, viscosity:decrease

-If magma becomes more felsic, viscosity:increase

Chapter 7: A Surface Veneer: Sediments, Soils, and Sedimentary Rocks

-breakdown of exposed rock into small fragments & dissolved ions:weathering

-removal of detritus from weathered rock at outcrop:erosion

- majority of the rocks that occur at surface of Earth:sedimentary rocks

-Frost wedging, root wedging, and salt wedging are all: physical weathering

-Hydrolysis, oxidation, and hydration are all examples of: chemical weathering

-Grains become rounded primarily during: weathering at outcrop

-loose sediment covers bedrock, chemically altered by rainwater & organic matter:soil

- Cemented shells of marine organisms form sedimentary rock: biochemical

- Clastic sedimentary rocks are primarily classified on the basis of: grain size

-transport medium carries largest particles:ice

-diff b/w breccia & conglomerate: conglomerate possesses more rounded grains

-Sedimentary deposition is a continuous process at a fairly constant rate: False

-fine-grained clastic rock that splits into thin sheets is: shale

-environment most likely to produce sedimentary deposits characterized by very well sorted, very well rounded grains that are nearly pure quartz: beach

-Most sorting of detrital grains takes place during: transportation

-Stratification refers to: the development of layering within sedimentary rocks

-Chemical & biochemical rocks are classified on basis of:mineral composition

-Diagenesis refers to: physical and chemical alterations, including compaction and cementation, that occur as sediment is transformed into rock

-compared to metamorphism, diagenesis: takes place at lower temperatures and pressures

-compared to normal rain: acid rain produces increased rates of chemical weathering.

Chapter 8: Metamorphism: A Process of Change

-Metamorphism may be induced by: all of the above

-Squashing a fly with a fly swatter is an application of: normal stress

-Spreading peanut butter on bread is an application of: shear stress

-Slaty cleavage, schistosity, and compositional banding examples of:foliation

-metamorphic rocks that typically lack foliation are: quartzite and marble

-Meteorite impacts induce metamorphism of sediments and rocks: True

-mineral in metamorphic rock that can be used to provide a narrow constraint on the temperature and pressure of formation of the rock: index mineral

-protolith subjected to metamorphism: may belong to any of the three primary rock types

-in a single mountain range: it is possible to find a variety of metamorphic rocks produced in distinct facies, high-, low-, and intermediate-grade rocks

-Precambrian metamorphic rocks are exposed at surface:places in continental interiors termed shields

-Thermal(contact)metamorphism occurs:areas surrounding igneous intrusions

-Dynamothermal (regional) metamorphism occurs when: rock becomes buried deeply during continental collision and mountain building

-Metamorphism, in broadest terms, involves: changes in mineralogy and texture in response to heat and stress

-Dynamothermal (regional) metamorphism produces: nonfoliated rocks only

-Thermal (contact) metamorphism produces:nonfoliated rocks only

-Burial metamorphism produces nonfoliated rocks only

-Limestone commonly serves as a protolith in the formation of marble.

-Slate commonly serves as a protolith in the formation of phyllite.

-Sandstone commonly serves as a protolith in the formation of

-Shale commonly serves as a protolith in the formation of slate.

-Rapid, deep burial of sediments in an accretionary prism leads to the formation of a metamorphic rock termed: blueschist

Chapter 9: The Wrath of Vulcan: Volcanic Eruptions

-In 79 C.E., the citizens of Pompeii in the Roman Empire were buried by pyroclastic debris derived from an eruption of : Mt. Vesuvius

-Basaltic lavas: contain more iron and magnesium than rhyolitic lavas

-Ash, cinders, and blocks are all:volcaniclastic debris

-Olympus Mons, the largest known volcano in the Universe, is found on:Mars

-Volcanic bombs:pyroclastic blocks acquire aerodynamic shapes during flight

-A fast moving flow consisting of a mixture of water and volcaniclastic debris: lahar

-Explosive or voluminous eruptions may cause the volcano to collapse on the floor of the (now empty) magma chamber, producing a broad depression: caldera

-The characteristic “rotten egg” smell of active volcanoes:hydrogen sulfide gas

-3 primary forms of subaerial volcanoes, shield volcanoes have the most gently sloping sides, due to the low viscosity of the basaltic lavas which form them.

-3 primary forms of subaerial volcanoes, cinder cones consist simple, conical pile tephra.

Of the three primary forms of subaerial volcanoes, stratovolcanoes are sometimes referred to as “composite volcanoes.”

-All volcanic eruptions pass through the crater at the volcanic summit:False

-Nonviolent eruptions characterized by extensive flows of basaltic lava: effusive

-Whether eruption produces lava flows or pyroclastic debris influenced: all of the above

-The greatest hazard to human life associated with volcanoes is: pyroclastic flows

-As compared to subaerial basaltic lavas, submarine basaltic lavas differ in that they: form pillow-like mounds because they cannot flow as far from their source

-The hot-spot track associated with the Hawaiian Islands and Emperor Seamounts: shows that the Pacific Plate has been moving northwest for the last 30 million years

-Which national park is home to a large volcanic caldera formed through a very large explosive eruption 640,000 years ago:Yellowstone

Chapter 10: A Violent Pulse: Earthquakes

-Surface Opposed Sides Induced slip:Fault

-Hanging Wall Upward to Relative to Footwall:Reverse or Thrust

-Footwall upward relative to Hanging wall:Normal

-Fault vertical orientation opposite sides slide horizontally:Strike Slip

-Quantity of offset fault:Displace

-Intersection between a fault plane&ground:Fault trace

-Fault does not, by definition, have a fault trace:Blind

-Greatest Earthquake Chile: 9.5

-Primary force opposing motion faults:Friction

-Intermittent sliding on a fault result release stress:Stick Slip

-Aftershocks following a major earthquake:All

-Faulting and earthquakes are examples:Brittle

-Earthquake wave travels fastest:P wave

-Seismographs detect but also:Moon

-Point on Earth’s surface directly above earthquake:Epicenter

-Seismic stations necessary to find the epicenter:3

-Earthquake severity scale measures the amplitude:Richter

-Medium- and deep-focus earthquakes occur:Convergent

-Long-term prediction of earthquake behavior: all of the above

-Earthquakes occur in a band called Wadati-Benioff zone can be used to track motion of subducted oceanic lithosphere.

-Short-term predictions of earthquake behavior: have been largely unreliable

-liquefaction: shaken loose or water-saturated sediments behave like a liquid

Chapter 11: Crustal Deformation & Mountain Building

-An episode of mountain building is termed a:Orogeny

-Deformation brought on by orogeny can:All

-Change in shape, induced by stress, is termed:Strain

-A hot body of rock is more likely to exhibit:Ductile

-Force per unit area is termed:Stress

-A fold shaped like an elongate arch:Anticline

-A fold shaped like a n:Syncline

-A fold shaped like an upside-down bowl:Dome

-A fold shaped like an right-side up bowl:Basin

-Orogenesis leads to the production:

-Regions of continents that have not been subjected to orogeny:Cratons

-The Midcontinent Rift produces a positive:Basalt

Chapter 12: Deep Time: How old is old?



-The oldest geologic unit in the cross section:Limestone

-The youngest geologic unit visible in the cross section:Conglomerate

-The marble rind surrounding the granite pluton:Baked contacts

-The basalt body is best described:Dike

-Contact #3 is both:Disconformity nonconformity

-lithology and fossil content idea summarizes:original continuity

-Relative ages expressed on the geologic time scale:FossilspatialSED

-Numerical ages for boundaries: radiometric igneous rock

-Precisely speaking, a measured radiometric:Temp equal Closure

-Radiometric dates applied to sedimentary:too old

-The age of Earth cannot readily:All

-Which statement best development time scale:Relative ages

-For multiple isotopes:atomic#,astomic mass

-If the numerical ages of two formations:True

CH13: A Biography of Earth

-Earth Old:4.57

-The Mesozoic era:Dinosaurs

-Crustal rock 150ma:million

-Himialayas collision Asia:India

-Cambraian explosion: Filter-feed

-crustal rock 150ka:thousand

-crustal rock dated to 1.9 Ga:1,900,000,000

-first dino:Triassic

-first mammals:Triassic

-Eon shelly: Phanerozoic

-The Cretaceous-Tertiary:65

-Quaternary glaciation:11,000

-Iridium-rich: Bolide

-Cenozoic Era, most large-bodied terrestrial:mammals

-Earth became internally metallic core:Hadean Eon

-Stromatolites are layered structures:Cynobacteria

-Generally theory Moon:Impact Mars Hadean

-Carbon Sediments organic matter:C12

-Oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere:Photosynthesis

-Banded-iron formations:Proterozoic

Chapter 14: Energy Resources

-The most commonly used sources: Coal& Oil

-permeable & porous rock: Reservoir Rock

-Produce a commercially viable oil deposit:TRAP

-All porous rocks are highly permeable:False

-Hydrocarbons consisting of short:Volatile

-Oil window:Temperature

-Buried rock induced exude oil:Source

-Impermeable rock:Seal

-Black organic shales at temperatures below:Kerogen

-The greatest depth at which oil:6.5km

-Drilled both oil and gas:gas float on oil

-Coal deposited in coal swamps:Carboniferous

-World’s supply of oil to be depleted:100

-Coal burning:Carbon Dioxide

-Three main arguments nuclear power:Security,accident

-Two renewable energy resources:WIND

-Material is porous:permeable or impermeable

Chapter 15: Mineral Resources

-The ability of a metal to be bent:Mallebility

-Which 3 metal is native metal:Copper

-Concentrated in magmatic deposits: Sulfides

-Mineral-rich veins within plutons:hydrothermal deposits

-Ore minerals 2 billion years old:Iron Oxides

-Not an important ore of iron:Pyrite

-Most Metals society from:Ore minerals

-Smelting:Native metals

-Open pits on surface Earth:Quarries

-Split easily into thin sheet roofing tiles:Slate

-Concrete is: Powered rock water

-U.S. active mines: False

-Coal mining:False

-Commercial Ore:Sandstone

-In magma chambers, sulfide:Sink to bottom

Chapter 16: Landslides & Mass Movement

-To geologist:all landslides are mm, but not mm are land

-Slowest mass movement:Creep

-mass movement is least coherent:mudflow

-Mass movement curved surface:slump

-Landslide:Rock slide

-Difference between debris-mudflow:Grain size

-Most rapid:Rock Slide

-Submarine movement order:Slump,debris, current

-Increase risk of mass movement:Flooding

-Dry sediments, the angle of repose:30-37

Chap17: Geology of Running Water:streams &floods

-Capacity of a stream-Sediment carry



-Ephemeral streams:Portion of year

-Meandering streams: curvy

-Flat-lying river channel:Floodplain

-Lowest elevation downcut:BaseLevel

-Deppest part of Channel:Thawleg

-Slope of a streambed:Stream gradient

-Uniform sediments constant slope:Dendritic

-Region orthogonal joint:Retangular

-Region parallel series:Trellis

-Region isolated volcano:Radial

-Stream highest speed:Near the Top Center

-Equal Deep Narrow:More Rapid

-Base level of a stream rises a lake:Contacting

-Distinction between valley & canyon:Canyon Steeper

-Inner edge of a meander:Point Bar

-Outer edge of a meander:Cut Bank

-Meander that is cut off:Oxbow Lake

-Discharge river humid region:Increase Decrease

-flow faster in a stream with:Straight

-Shape of a delta:whether river currents

-Nile longer Amazon greatest discharge:True

-Amazon flowed toward the west rather than the east:True

Chapter 18: Restles Realm:Ocean Coasts

-Coastal processes are of interest:False

-The form and topography:bathymetry

-The shallowest portion:shelve

-Sea Floor most steeply tilted:Slopes

-Majority of ocean floor:Plains

-Average depth abyssal plain:4.5

-Continental coastline broader shelve:Passive

-Turbidity current yield:Graded Bedding

-Density of seawater:De-temp&In-salinity

-Bathymetric map utlizize:Depth of sea floor

-Continetal interior,surface temp coastal:Experience More

-Major Oceanic surface current:At an angle-Coriolis effect

-wave will disturb water to depth:Wavelength

-Eddy is: tendency of current directions

-Magnitude of tidal effect:Both A and B

-Trench deepest sea floor:Marian trench

-Rip Current flow:directly away from shorline-parllel

-Wave refraction,erosion along:Greatest in headlands

-Sea level rise,ocean invade:Estuary

-Locally tidal reach:full or new moon

-Rouge waves arise:True

-Estuaries most commonly:Brackish

-Width of beach in winter:Less than

Chapter 19:Groundwater

-Topography of water table:Subdued mimic

-Order 3 types subsurface shallow-deep:Soil,vadose,ground

-Sinkholes concern:Limestone

-Groundwater flows:Greater water pressure

-Impermeable layer of rock:Aquitard

-Rock or sediment water filled pores:Unsaturated zone

-Permeable rock or sediment between:Confined

-Body of permedable rock resides:Unconfines aquifer

-Rate of groundbater flux:Slope water table Permeablilty

-Statement about recharge area:Same as discharge

-In Groundwater:calcite

-Hard water:calcium magnesium

-Large cave Karst:Carbonic acid,Limestone

-Groundwater naturally flows:Spring

-Water Hot springs:Contain more minerals

-Land subsidence:nonrenewably-sediment

-Artesian well: induces upward

-Sorterd Sediments have:Greater

-Extensive pumping Groundwater:Saline Intrusion

-Bioremediation:Pumping Oxygen & nutrients

Chapter 20: An Envelope of Gas: Earth’s Atmosphere and Climate

-1st Earth atmosphere, dominated by: hydrogen and helium

-pair gases most abundant in Earth’s modern atmosphere:nitrogen & oxygen

-Oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere built up a result of: photosynthesis

-gases important producing greenhouse effect:carbon dioxide & methane

-gases most emitted in volcanic outgassing:carbon dioxide & methane

- Atmospheric convection of heat radiated from Earth’s surface & weather occur in layer of the atmosphere: troposphere

-Most ozone occurs in which layer of Earth’s atmosphere:stratosphere

- layer of atmosphere temp decrease with altitude because most of its heat is derived from the atmospheric layer immediately below it:troposphere

-Which layer of the atmosphere has the lowest density: troposphere

-As an air mass rises, it generally experiences:a decrease in pressure

-air mass rises, it experiences:decrease in temp due to adiabatic cooling

-Lines connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure on a map are: isobars

-Lines connecting points of equal temperature on a map:contour lines

-boundary between 2 bodies of air with differing:front

-Laterally, at surface, winds blow from regions:low temp to high temperature

-At zones of divergence & convergence, surface winds are: southerly in the Southern Hemisphere and northerly in the Northern

- high-altitude jet stream in Northern Hemisphere travels from east to west due to the Coriolis effect on northbound air masses.

- high altitude in troposphere, pattern of air flow:equator to the horse latitudes

-Starting from the equator and moving toward either pole, how many rows of global convection cells are present within the troposphere: one

-The development of cyclones & anticyclones about high- and low-pressure regions is a

-Clouds generally form when air:sinks

-Contributing to the precarious geological situation in New Orleans is the fact that while sea level is rising, the surface of the land is sinking due to sediment compaction (wetlands drainage lowering water tables in sediment aquifers) and sediment starvation (flood control structures disallowing floodplain sediment deposition:False

-Lightning can strike surface of Earth but also travelscloud to cloud: True

-The strongest winds in a hurricane are found within the central eye: False

Chapter  21: Geology of Deserts

-Qulify as a desert:Arid


-Heavy rainstorm:Greater in deserts

-Most Hot deserts:Cool off greatly

-Deserts sparsely populated:True

-30 North Lat:Cool Moist air sink

-Desert climate rain shadow:Leeward

-Deserts Costal Region:Warm

-Sahara Africa:subtropic atacoma

-Atacama Chile:cold ocean

-Gobi of Mongolia:Center of continent

-Desert life Correct:Herbivorous

-Humid climate, rate of chemical:Much Slower

-Native Americans:Rocks coated varnish

-Calcrete desert:Calcite

Chapter  22: Glaciers & Ice Ages

-Ice substance high albedo:Reflect mostlight

-Cirques and horns:Mountain

-Glacial ice exhibits:Brittle-ductile

-Glaciers cover:10%

-Interglacial interval:10,000


-Cape Cod:Moraines

-Bowl Shape depression:Cirque

-Angular Peak 3 or more:Horn

-Valleys carved by glaciers:U,V

-Sea Level Rise fill valley:Fjord

-Sediments glaciers:Absence

-Modern Continental Configuration Hempisphere:North;South

-Long Term Factor Glacial Ice:Carbon Dioxide

-Increase albedo Earth:Favor;positive

Chapter 23: Global Change Earth

-The presence of liquid water on Earth’s surface is: unique within the solar system; liquid water would not have developed had Earth been much closer or farther from the Sun

-Uplifted areas subjected to weathering and erosion at the surface; this provides an example of: negative feedback

-Which of the following natural processes releases carbon dioxide to the atmosphere:volcanism

-Which of the following processes removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere: photosynthesis

-Which of the following processes may be responsible for short-term cooling, yet in the long term favors warm, greenhouse climate:atmospheric carbon dioxide

-An increase through time in the proportion of heavy oxygen (O-18) in a sequence of carbonate sediments implies:Earth was becoming warmer over time

-With the increased amount of information that has been discovered in recent years, scientists have become increasingly certain that:Earth’s climate is warming due to variation in solar output; human inputs of atmospheric greenhouse gasses have not had a significant influence

-Currently, global warming appears to be most strongly affecting the climate and wildlife of:polar regions

-factors that affect Earth’s long-term climate are different from those that affect climate on shorter time scales (i.e. weather): True

-According to geological evidence and computer models based upon that evidence, which statement about global warming is correct:That atmospheric carbon dioxide warms the Earth through the greenhouse effect is well established. Almost certainly, human contributions of carbon dioxide are chiefly responsible for the warming seen in the past two hundred years, and global warming will almost certainly continue into the future.

-A crater discovered in the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico appears to be the right age to be a result of an impact which brought about the extinction of numerous species at the end of the Cretaceous period.

-The hole in the ozone layer has been brought about by anthropogenic emissions of :chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)


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