Chemistry Foldable For Online Only - UserLand Software

Chemistry Foldable For Online Only

Chemistry Foldable #1

1. Get an 11x17 of white paper. Fold as instructed to make a portfolio.

2. In the center of your portfolio, draw in pencil and then color, an atom. WHALE p147 or Dragonfly 35 Label the following parts: protons, neutrons, nucleus, electrons

3. Fold a sheet of colored paper hot dog and then create 6 flaps.

4. Glue the foldable into the right inside of the portfolio.

5. Hole-punch the right hand side.

6. On the flaps, write the following and then inside the flaps do what is explained below:

1. write a capital letter “C”.

2. write a capital letter “H”

3. write a capital letter “N”

4. write a capital letter “O”

5. write a capital letter “P”

6. write a capital letter “S”

7. Inside each of the flaps do the following (for each letter)

• Identify the element whose chemical symbol is written on the flap.

• How many protons does the element have?

• How many electrons does the element have?

• How many neutrons does the element have?

• Draw the atomic configuration for each element, follow these rules for doing so:

i. For the nucleus, draw a small circle and write the number of protons and neutrons in the circle like this 6P+, 6N+

ii. Draw the electrons as dot in orbiting shells following these rules:

iii. An elements first shell can hold 2 electrons only

iv. An elements second shell can hold up to 8 electrons

v. Any leftover electrons will go in a third electron shell

Chemistry Foldable #2

1. For the inside of your portfolio, fold a sheet of paper hot dog and then create an 8-flap foldable.

2. Glue it to the inside, right flap of your portfolio.

3. Do the following on and inside the flaps: Write the following words on the flaps and then inside the flaps explain the meanings of those terms:

1. pH

2. Salinity

3. Element

4. Atom

5. Compound

6. Molecule

7. Ion

8. Isotope

4. On the back top middle of the portfolio, draw and example of the pH scale. (WHALE 154-155, Dragonfly 43) Point out the locations of several items on the scale.

Chemistry Foldable #3

Obtain a colored sheet of paper and fold it hot dog. Create 6 flaps with this sheet. Hole-punch this now. This will end up on the front left side of your portfolio when closed. Do the following:

5. On flap 1 write “Bonds”. Inside the flap answer the following (WHALE 149, Dragon 38)

• What is a bond? (meaning how do they form?)

• Copy the molecules drawn on the board (H2O, CO2, O2).

6. On flap 2 write “Inorganic”. Inside the flap answer the following:

• Define Inorganic as any compoud that does not contain Carbon (C) and Hydrogen (H)

• Give the examples of O2 oxygen, CO2 carbon dioxide, H2O water, and NH3 ammonia

7. On flap 3 write “Importance of Water”. Inside the flap answer the following: (WHALE 156-157, Dragonfly 40-43)

• Explain 3 reasons that water is imprtant. Make sure to give an example of each.

8. On flap 4 write “Solute vs. Solvent”. Inside the flap answer the following: WHALE 152-153, Dragon 42)

• Explain the differences between sovents and solutes.

9. On flap 5 write “Chemical Reactions”. Inside the flap answer the following: (WHALE 151, 166, Dragonfly 49-50)

• What is a chemical reaction?

• What are reactants or substrates?

• What are products?

10. On flap 6 write “Enzymes”. Inside the flap answer the following: (WHALE 166 and UPCO 95 Dragonfly 49-53 ) (LEAVE ROOM SOMEWHERE ON THIS FLAP TO DRAW A GRAPH WITH THE CLASS LATER)

• To start chemical reactions, there is extra energy needed to be able to break bonds that reactants have and then to form new ones in products. What is that extra energy called? (Activation Energy)

• What does this extra energy cause reactants to do?

• What could you do to activation energy to speed up the rate of a chemical reaction?

• What is a catalyst (make sure you tell what it does)?

• What is the name of catalysts used by cells to speed up chemical reactions?

11. On the back middle of the portfolio, draw and label a “Pac-man” type enzyme reaction. Underneath it explain how the terms lock and key and induced fit might apply to enzymes. Make sure to label the substrate, enzyme-substrate complex, and the products. (Dragonfly 52-53)

Chemistry Foldable #4

This foldable is probably the toughest of all the chemistry foldables to find answers for and to understand. Do the best you can, help each other out and don’t worry if you cannot get all the answers in all the flaps.

You might need to look at several books using the pages below to get answers:

- Dragonfly (your book ): pp.44-48

- WHALE (4 per lab and 8 at front): pp.161-167

- UPCO (2 per lab and 4 up front): pp. 90-96

1. Fold a piece of paper hot dog and then create 6 flaps (the last flap will be blank or you can make 5 flaps if you can figure it out with no blanks). Close the portfolio and glue this to the right side flap.

2. On flap 1 write: “Organic Chemistry”

• Inside the flap, answer the following:

i. What is organic chemistry?

ii. What are monomers?

iii. What are polymers?

iv. What is condensation reaction?

v. What is hydrolysis?

3. On flap 2 write: “Carbohydrates”

• Inside the flap, answer the following:

i. What is the function of carbohydrates?

ii. What kinds of foods have carbohydrates?

iii. What is the monomer for carbohydrates?

iv. What is a polymer of carbohydrates?

4. On flap 3 write: “Lipids”

• Inside this flap do the same questions you did for carbohydrates just substitute the word lipids in the questions.

5. On flap 4 write: “Proteins”

• Inside this flap do the same questions you did for carbohydrates just substitute the word proteins in the questions.

6. On flap 5 write: “Nucleic Acids”

• Inside the flaps do the same questions you did for carbohydrates just substitute the word nucleic acids in the questions.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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