WSU-Fall 2002 340 Organic Chemistry Survey Laboratory




Melting Point Determinations;

Determination of a Solid Unknown


|Compound |Mp Range ((C) |Midpoint of Range ((C) |Literature Mp ((C) |

|Urea | | | |

|Cinnamic Acid | | | |

|Urea/Cinnamic Acid Mixture | | |n/a |

|Mass Ratio Used ______________ | | | |

|Unknown # ________ | | |n/a |

|(approximate) | | | |

|Unknown # ________ | | |n/a |

|(careful) | | | |

|Unknown mixed with _________________ | | | |

|Unknown mixed with _________________ | | | |

|Unknown mixed with _________________ | | | |

Conclusions (write up on a separate sheet of paper)

1. Based on your results, what can you say about the melting point range of a pure substance?

2. Based on your results, what can you say about the melting point range of a mixture?

3. What is the identity of the unknown you tested? Explain your reasoning and provide all pertinent information (unknown #, mp and mixture mp results, and lit mp) in your answer.

Questions (write up on a separate sheet of paper)

1. Why is it important in determining a melting point to (a) pack the sample tightly in the capillary tube, (b) heat the sample slowly as the melting point is approached, (c) use a small sample in the capillary tube, and (d) use a finely ground sample.

2. A vial contains an unknown white crystalline solid. Describe an easy way to determine whether the solid is a pure compound.


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