Course Information Sheet

Department: Science

Secondary School: Bishop Allen Academy

Department Head: Andrew Matisons

Teacher: Paulette McGuckin

|Curriculum Policy Document |The Ontario Curriculum Grade 11 and 12: Science |

|Course Title |Chemistry, Grade 12, |Course Code |SCH 4U |

| |University Preparation | | |

| | |Grade & Type |12,University Preparation |

|Pre-requisite |Chemistry, Grade 11, | | |

| |University Preparation | | |

|Full Year / Semester | |Credit Value |1 |

|Course Description (As specified in Ministry of Education Policy Document) |

|This course enables students to deepen their understanding of chemistry through the study of organic chemistry, energy changes and rates of |

|reaction, chemical systems and equilibrium, electrochemistry, and atomic and molecular structure. Students will further develop problem |

|solving and laboratory skills as they investigate chemical processes, at the same time refining their ability to communicate scientific |

|information. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of chemistry in daily life, and on evaluating the impact of chemical technology on |

|the environment. |

|Listed in order of instructional delivery |

|Strand / Unit Titles |HOURS |Overall Expectations / Unit Description |

|Organic Chemistry | |• demonstrate an understanding of the structure of various organic compounds, and of chemical|

| | |reactions involving these compounds; |

| | |• investigate various organic compounds through research and experimentation, predict the |

| | |products of organic reactions, and name and represent the structures of organic compounds |

| | |using the IUPAC system and molecular models; |

| | |• evaluate the impact of organic compounds on our standard of living and the environment. |

|Energy Changes and Rates of | |• demonstrate an understanding of the energy transformations and kinetics of chemical |

|Reaction | |changes; |

| | |• determine energy changes for physical and chemical processes and rates of reaction, using |

| | |experimental data and calculations; |

| | |• demonstrate an understanding of the dependence of chemical technologies and processes on |

| | |the energetics of chemical reactions. |

|Chemical Systems and Equilibrium | |• demonstrate an understanding of the concept of chemical equilibrium, Le Chatelier’s |

| | |principle, and solution equilibria; |

| | |• investigate the behaviour of different equilibrium systems, and solve problems involving |

| | |the law of chemical equilibrium; |

| | |• explain the importance of chemical equilibrium in various systems, including ecological, |

| | |biological, and technological systems. |

|Electrochemistry | |• demonstrate an understanding of fundamental concepts related to oxidation-reduction and |

| | |the inter-conversion of chemical and electrical energy; |

| | |• build and explain the functioning of simple galvanic and electrolytic cells; use equations |

| | |to describe these cells; and solve quantitative problems related to electrolysis; |

| | |• describe some uses of batteries and fuel cells; explain the importance of electrochemical |

| | |technology to the production and protection of metals; and assess environmental and safety |

| | |issues associated with these technologies. |

|Structure and Properties | |• demonstrate an understanding of quantum mechanical theory, and explain how types of |

| | |chemical bonding account for the properties of ionic, molecular, covalent network, and |

| | |metallic substances; |

| | |• investigate and compare the properties of solids and liquids, and use bonding theory to |

| | |predict the shape of simple molecules; |

| | |• describe products and technologies whose development has depended on understanding |

| | |molecular structure, and technologies that have advanced the knowledge of atomic and |

| | |molecular theory. |

|Student Evaluation Criteria |

|Term – 70% |Final – 30% |Final Report Card Grade Calculation – |

| | |100% |

|10 ≤ Relative Emphasis / Weighting ≤ 40 |Relative Emphasis / Weighting |Term Total + Final Total = Report Card |

| | |Mark |

|Knowledge/Understanding |30 | | | |

|Inquiry/Thinking |15 | | | |

|Communication |15 | | | |

|Application |10 | | | |

|Term Total |70 |Final Total |30 | |

|Assessment Format Used (Examples Provided) |

| Written |Performance |Other |

|Multiple Choice | |Group Visuals | |Manipulative Skills | |

|Short Answer | |Teacher Observation | |Laboratory Performance | |

|Open/Free Response | |Interviews | |Extended Investigations | |

|Essay/Journal | |Portfolios | |Projects | |

|Papers/Reports | |Skills Checklist | |Concept Mapping | |

| | | | |Vee Heuristic | |

| | | | |Venn Diagrams | |

| | | | |Presentations | |

|Resources (Examples provided) |

| | |

|Textbook |Nelson, Chemistry 12 |

|Student Materials |Three ring binder, ruled paper, scientific calculator |

|Excursions | |

|Computer Use |Lab activities, on line resources |

|Course Related Websites |mcguckinscience@ |

| | |

|Policies & Procedures (Examples provided) |

|Plagiarism | Will not be tolerated. APA style referencing is mandatory |

|Late Assignments |Will be subject to the school policy penalties |

|Missed work |Must be completed |

|Absences |Students must complete missed lesson |

|Homework |At least 45 min daily |

|Teacher Contacts |paulette.mcguckin@ |

|Extra Help |Available as needed |

|Reporting Dates |Midterm and Final |

| | |

|Learning Skills Criteria |

|In each reporting period, report on the quality of the learning skills demonstrated by the student in each of the categories identified on the|

|report card using the following letter symbols. |

|E–Excellent G–Good S–Satisfactory N–Needs Improvement |

|SKILL: Works Independently |

|Indicators: |

|• accomplishes tasks independently | |

|• accepts responsibility for completing tasks |• demonstrates persistence in bringing tasks to completion |

|• follows instructions |• uses time effectively |

|• regularly completes assignments on time and with care |• uses prior knowledge and experience to solve problems and make |

|• demonstrates self-direction in learning |decisions |

|• independently selects, evaluates, and uses appropriate learning |• reflects on learning experiences |

|materials, resources, and activities | |

|SKILL: Organization |

|Indicators: |

|• organizes work when faced with a number of tasks |• manages and uses time effectively and creatively |

|• devises and follows a coherent plan to complete a task |• demonstrates ability to organize and manage information |

|• follows specific steps to reach goals or to make improvements |• follows an effective process for inquiry and research |

|• revises steps and strategies when necessary to achieve a goal |• uses appropriate information technologies to organize information |

| |and tasks |

|SKILL: Initiative |

|Indicators: |

|• seeks out new opportunities for learning |• approaches new learning situations with confidence and a positive |

|• responds to challenges and takes risks |attitude |

|• demonstrates interest and curiosity about concepts, objects, events,|• develops original ideas and devises innovative procedures |

|and resources |• attempts a variety of learning activities |

|• seeks necessary and additional information in print, electronic, and|• seeks assistance when needed |

|media resources |• uses information technologies in creative ways to improve learning |

|• identifies problems to solve, conducts investigations, and generates|for self or others |

|questions for further inquiry | |

|• requires little prompting to complete a task, displaying | |

|self-motivation and self-direction | |

|SKILL: Teamwork |

|Indicators: |

|• works willingly and cooperatively with others |• questions the ideas of the group to seek clarification, test |

|• shares resources, materials, and equipment with others |thinking, or reach agreement |

|• responds and is sensitive to the needs and welfare of others |• shows respect for the ideas and opinions of others in the group or |

|• solves problems collaboratively |class |

|• accepts various roles, including leadership roles |• listens attentively, without interrupting |

|• takes responsibility for his or her own share of the work to be done|• in discussions, paraphrases points of view and asks questions to |

|• works to help achieve the goals of the group or the class |clarify meaning and promote understanding |

|• helps to motivate others, encouraging them to participate |• recognizes the contribution of group members by means of |

|• contributes information and ideas to solve problems and make |encouragement, support, or praise |

|decisions |• seeks consensus and negotiates agreement before making decisions |

|SKILL: Work Habits/Homework |

|Indicators: |

|• completes homework on time and with care |• begins work promptly and uses time effectively |

|• puts forth consistent effort |• perseveres with complex projects that require sustained effort |

|• follows directions |• applies effective study practices |

|• shows attention to detail | |

|• uses materials and equipment effectively | |

NOTE: The above chart is a reformatting of the skills identified in the Ministry of Education’s Guide to the Provincial Report Card, Grades 9 – 12 : Appendix C: pages 27 to 29 .


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