The Inspection Report Form parallels the Streamlined Organic System Plan for all-organic crop production

|Farm/Ranch/Business Name / Certification # | |

|Names and Titles of Authorized Operation Contact(s) | |

|Names and Titles of other people present at inspection | |

|Inspector | |

|Inspection Date | |

|Arrival/Departure | |

|On-Site Time | |

|Type of Inspection (check all that apply): New Applicant Continuing Certification Continuing Certification with New Production Location or Activity; |

|Estimated harvest date:       |

|Announced Inspection Unannounced Inspection Reinstatement Inspection. |

|Was any pesticide residue sampling conducted? No Yes If so, provide details:       |

1. Introduction / Operation Description: Describe conditions at the time of inspection, and any general summary comments about the operation needed to complement the description in the client’s OSP. Note to which standards (NOP) compliance is verified, including any additional certifications (international standards, GAPs, etc)

2. Resolution of Issues and Action Items

List any previously identified issue, non-compliance, corrective action required, or request for further information provided by the Certifier, a description of how it has been addressed; whether is it resolved, or is pending further action.

3. Current Issues of Concern and Requests for Information (RFI) from the Operator

List any issues of concern or information requested of the Operator at this inspection.

4. List of Attachments

List attachments here or refer to section numbers of the OSP and IRF where documents are described, as appropriate.

Key: C=Compliant; NC=Not Complaint; MIN=More Information Needed; R=Reminder; NA= Not Applicable

An * is indicated in the “Verification” box where descriptions should be included. Comments in other boxes are optional, and may be included as needed or applicable.

OSP section | |C |NC |MIN |R |N/A |Verification and Explanations:

Inspector observation on site

Records or documents reviewed Issues of concern

Attachments: OSP updates, sample records, labels, etc. --provided and attached, or needed and requested for submission | |OSP—general |Is the OSP complete and current for this operation? List any sections that have been updated or corrected and included with this report. Note in each section below if any need further updating. | | | | | | | |Land Requirements (LR) 1, 2, 3 |Do(es) the Land Requirements Form(s) provide current and correct identification, and a map of each production site form which organic production is to be sold? | | | | | | | |LR 4a, b, and c |Does each parcel have distinct, defined boundaries and buffer zones that appear adequate to prevent contamination? Are these accurately described in the OSP? Note any discrepancies or attach OSP updates as needed. Include your observations of adjacent land use and contamination risks. Note any locations of concern; where precautionary measures, communication with neighbors, or separation of buffer crop may be needed. | | | | | | | |LR 4 |If crops are produced in a buffer zone such that it cannot be sold as organic, do producer records document buffer crop disposition as non-organic? Describe recordkeeping inspected. | | | | | |* | |LR 5 |Is appropriate documentation of land use history established, such that the land is/will have been free of application of prohibited materials for 3 years prior to harvest of an organic crop? | | | | | | | |Description of Operation (DO) 1, 2 |Does the OSP accurately describe all current crop production operation: crops, production sites and marketing? Describe any clarification needed, including any crops, sites, markets or certifications not listed. | | | | | |* | |DO 3 |Does the OSP accurately describe soil improvement, crop nutrient management, and rotation practices? Do practices meet all four goals of crop rotation? Describe any issues that need further action. | | | | | | | |DO 4 |Is monitoring of soil improvement plans practices implemented as described in the OSP? | | | | | |* | |DO 5 |Does recordkeeping document compliant soil and nutrient management, and crop rotation practices? Describe field observations and recordkeeping inspected. | | | | | | | |DO 6 |Are all soil fertility materials used or planned for use included in the operation’s Materials List, with complete source or brand name, formulation and manufacturer, as needed to verify the allowed status of each material? Submit updates as needed. | | | | | | | |DO 7 |Does the operation use neither compost nor manure, such that that OSP page is non applicable and therefore not included? | | | | | | | |Compost and Manure (CM) 1 |Does the OSP reflect current practices related to use of compost and manure? Describe your observations with respect to a) nutrient conservation and cycling, and b) contamination prevention, noting any concerns you have about possible sources of prohibited materials, heavy metals or pathogens, and whether it is related to organic integrity, accumulation in the soil, or food safety of crops. | | | | | | | |CM 2a |Is the use of raw manure accurately described in the OSP; compliant, including documentation of crops to which it is applied, and the interval between incorporation and harvest of crops for human consumption? Are manure sources included in the Materials List? Describe any recordkeeping inspected. | | | | | |* | |CM 2b |Is the use of compost that includes manure or animal products accurately described in the OSP? Does recordkeeping show compliance, either by purchase documentation of compost verified to comply with NOP regulations, or in production records showing compliance with 205.203? Are manure sources included in the Materials List? Describe recordkeeping inspected. | | | | | |* | |CM 2c |Is the use of processed manure products accurately described in the OSP; with appropriate recordkeeping to show compliance with 205.203 and NOP Guidance? Are processed manure products included in the Materials List?

Describe recordkeeping inspected. | | | | | |* | |Natural Resources and biodiversity conservation (NR) 1a-e |Has the client appropriately described the natural resources of the operation? Describe your observations about the current status of natural resources, practices currently used, and opportunities for maintaining or improving them. | | | | | |* | |NR 2a-e |Does the OSP accurately reflect the operation’s practices for farm and land stewardship that foster cycling of nutrients, maintain or improve natural resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity? | | | | | | | |NR 3 |Do monitoring and recordkeeping track and support implementation of the effectiveness of the operation’s natural resource and biodiversity conservation plan? Describe recordkeeping inspected. | | | | | |* | |Seed and Planting stock (SP) 1 |Does the OSP accurately reflect current use of annual seedlings, and different types of seed and planting stock, both purchased or produced on farm? | | | | | | | |SP 1 |Does recordkeeping show all annual seedlings to be certified organic, whether purchased or produced on farm? | | | | | | | |SP 1 |Does recordkeeping show all seeds and planting stock to be either organic, or untreated and non-GMO, including any treatments or coatings listed as allowed? Describe records reviewed. | | | | | |* | |SP 1 |Does recordkeeping clearly show that organic varieties are commercially unavailable from three sources that carry organic seed? Describe recordkeeping for this search, noting any exceptions or potential weaknesses in the search methods (e.g., searching companies that do not carry organic seed). | | | | | |* | |SP 2 |Does the producer appear to be making an effort to maximize or increase the proportion of use of organic seed and planting stock? Describe results of efforts, progress or learning. | | | | | |* | |Pest Management (PM) 1 |Has the producer identified common pests—insect, mite, vertebrate, etc; diseases and weeds, including invasive species, which may impact the operation? | | | | | |* | |PM 2, 3, 4 |Has the producer identified, and is the producer practicing preventative strategies against each type of identified pests (based on understanding of pest life cycles, hosts and environmental conditions that favor pest outbreaks)? Note any areas for improvement or additional needs for learning or technical assistance. | | | | | | | |PM 5 |Does the producer practice monitoring of pests according to the OSP description? Are pest management materials used only if other methods are insufficient? Describe verification or recordkeeping inspected. | | | | | | | |PM 6 |Are all pest management materials, including spreaders, stickers, and acidifiers, included in the Materials List? | | | | | | | |Materials List (ML) 1 |Does the materials list include all materials used? Are all materials identified with sufficient detail to verify their allowed status? Note any exceptions, including materials used but not listed; materials whose identity/status needs to be clarified; or new materials planned for use that need to be added to this list. Describe OSP updates attached or needed. | | | | | |* | |ML 2 |Does recordkeeping include both:

a) documentation of purchase or sourcing of all materials; and b) input application records (including material, application method and location, crop, date, and rate)? Describe recordkeeping inspected and note whether any information is missing or unclear. | | | | | | | |Audit Trail, Traceback, and Production Verification (AT) 1 |Does recordkeeping show a clear and continuous audit trail that can track each organic crop from the field or origin to the point of sale or release of custody? | | | | | | | |AT 2 |Conduct and describe the results of at least one traceback verification, noting strong and/or weak links in the audit trail. Do current practices on site match those described in and attached to the OSP? Attach an updated example, if applicable. | | | | | | | |AT 3 |Production Verification/Mass Balance: Does the quantity of product sold compare reasonably with the operation’s estimated production capacity? Choose one or more crops, and describe the production verification audit you conducted on each one. Include: timeframe of production/harvest and sales/remaining inventory, crop/variety, land area on which this crop was produced, and general condition of fields any crops observed. Indicate the source(s) of information you used to determine reasonable yield ranges for this crop in this region. | | | | | | | |Labeling and Representation of Organic Product (LR) 1 |Does the OSP include a current and accurate list of names, labels and brands under which this operation markets product? | | | | | | | |LR 2 |Is a representative sample of each label used included in the OSP, including a list of product names that may be variations on each label (for example, different vegetables or fruits named on the same label template)? Describe any private labeling. Note any concerns. | | | | | | | |LR 3 |Does the OSP include, as far as can be verified at inspection, all methods and materials used to represent product as organic? Note any concerns about appropriate use and organic product representation. | | | | | | | |LR 4 |If non-retail packaging is used, are lot numbers displayed as described in the OSP? | | | | | | | |Contamination Prevention (CP) 1 |Does the OSP accurately describe risks of contamination by prohibited materials, plans and measures to reduce those risks, and monitoring and recordkeeping to verify and documentation?

List each area you inspected:

Water sources or storage;

Shared water systems;

Storage sites for organic inputs;

Farm equipment for fertilizer or pesticide materials application, seeding, or harvest.

Equipment shared, custom, or not dedicated to organic.

Packaging: containers re-used or treated with synthetic fungicide;

Post-harvest handling equipment, facilities or materials (chlorine in final rinse ................

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