OneCert - Organic certifcation

To be completed and signed by the Distributor (Private Label Company)

➢ The purpose of this form is to obtain contact information for the distributor identified on the label and product and/or label details to assure that the distributor has authorized the manufacturing or packing of their organic products by the operation certified by OneCert.

The certified operation making or packing organic product is responsible for assuring compliance of all products and labels affixed to those products as approved by OneCert. When that certified operation makes or packs products for a distributor who will be identified on the label instead of the manufacturer or producer, information requested on this form must be submitted by the distributor in accordance with NOP 205.201(a)(6) and 205.401(d).

1. Manufacturer or Packer (Certified by OneCert):

|Business Name: |

|      |

|Contact Person: |

|      |

|Address: |

|      |

|Phone: |Cell: |Fax: |

|      |      |      |

|Email: |Website: |

|      |      |

2. Distributor (Private Label Company) As Identified on the Label:

|Business Name: |

|      |

|Legal Business Entity (if different than listed above) |

|      |

|Contact Person: |

|      |

|Address: |

|      |

|Phone: |Cell: |Fax: |

|      |      |      |

|Email: |Website: |

|      |      |

*If the name and address on the label does not match the legal entity, provide an explanation.      

3. List of Products: Check here if more space is needed and list of products is attached.

*Unless otherwise specified, specific brand name products will not appear on the main certificate, but rather a private label certificate addendum.

|# |Product Name |Certificate Category |Sizes |

| |(full name of product as it appears on the principal display panel of|(100% Organic, Organic, Made |(List all package sizes) |

| |the label—include brand name) |with) | |

|1 |      |      |      |

|2 |      |      |      |

|3 |      |      |      |

|4 |      |      |      |

|5 |      |      |      |

|6 |      |      |      |

|7 |      |      |      |

|8 |      |      |      |

|9 |      |      |      |

4. Please select the option that applies to your company:

Option A: OneCert is identified on the label as the certifier (this option is available at no additional cost to the distributor).

You must submit a copy of each label (including each size) for each product to OneCert for review and approval (electronic copies preferred). When approved, each label will be stamped with the date of approval and returned to both the distributor and the certified manufacturer. Any subsequent changes must be submitted to OneCert for approval.

Option B: The distributor is certified by another agency and that certifier will be identified on the label.

|Certification agency: |Contact person: |

|      |      |

|Phone: |Email: |

|      |      |

You must submit a copy of your organic certificate and copies of labels documented as approved by your agency. Include a label for each size (electronic copies preferred). Name and address on the certificate and the label must match. Since OneCert certifies the manufacturer or packer, OneCert is responsible for the compliance and final approval of each product and label.

5. Ingredient Control

1. Who develops the formulation? Distributor Manufacturer/Packer

2. Who sources the ingredients? Distributor Manufacturer/Packer

*Reminder: Regardless of the answers to the above, the manufacturer is also responsible for maintaining records and verifying compliance. (7 CFR 205.103)

6. Label Control

1. Who is responsible for designing the labels? Distributor Manufacturer/Packer

2. Who is responsible for printing the labels? Distributor Manufacturer/Packer

3. Who is responsible for the inventory of labels? Distributor Manufacturer/Packer

7. Affirmation by authorized representative of Distributor identified in Section 2:

I affirm that I am an authorized representative of the distributor identified in Section 2. The information on this form, including the legal entity information, and associated attachments is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Labels approved by OneCert under Option A will be used exclusively on product made or packaged at this certified facility. Any changes to labels approved by another certifier under Option B will be submitted to OneCert whenever such changes are made.

I understand that NOP regulations require OneCert (certifier of the manufacturer/packer) to give final approval for all labels, even when another certifier may be listed on the label.

|Print Name |Title |

|      |      |

|(Authorized Representative of Distributor as listed in Section 2) | |


Signature Date

(An electronic signature is acceptable when sent from signatory email.)

|US Office: |International Office: |

|OneCert, Inc |OneCert International Private Limited |

|Mail: 1021 D Street, Lincoln, NE 68502 |Mail:-H-08, Mansarovar Industrial Area, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302020, |

|Email: info@ |Rajasthan, India |

|Fax: 888-475-6044 |Email: info@ |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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