Computer Science Department, Illinois Institute of Technology


1. M. Evens, "Verb-Phrase Complements in Child Language," Workshop on Psycholinguistics,

Northwestern University, February, 1976.

2. M. Evens, B. Litowitz, J. Markowitz, R. Smith, and O. Werner, "Lexical-Semantic Relations:

a Critical Comparison," Conference on Approaches to the Lexicon, Louisville, Kentucky,

March 11, 1977.

3. M. Evens and R. Smith, "A Lexicon for a Computer Question-Answering System," Fifteenth

Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, March 16, 1977.

4. A revised version of the same paper was presented at the Information Engineering

Colloquium, University of Illinois at Chicago, May 19, 1977.

5. M. Evens, E. Huske, M. Samanta, and W. Huen, "Error Recovery on a Network Computer,"

1978 ACM Computer Science Conference, Detroit, February 21, 1978.

6. M. Evens, E. Huske, J. Pomes, O. El-Dessouki, C. Gerlach, M. Samanta, W. Huen,

"Synchronization Issues in Network Compilers," 2nd Rocky Mountain Symposium on

Microcomputers: Systems, Software, Architecture, Pingree Park, CO, August 23, 1978.

7. M. Evens, "Building Computer Networks," Session Chair for New Technology Seminar #3,

National Electronics Conference, Chicago, IL, October 16, 1978.

8. M. Evens and O. El-Dessouki, "Partitioning Pascal in a Pipeline," 1979 ACM Computer

Science Conference, Kansas City, February 21, 1979.

9. F. El-Wailly, P. Greene, J. Putnam, and M. Evens, "A Demon Language Compiler on a

Network for Parallel Control," International Conference on Parallel Processing, Bellaire,

MI, August 23, 1979.

10. M. Evens, "Compilers for Distributed Systems," COMPSAC, Chicago, November, 1979.

11. M. Evens, "Lexical-Semantic Relations for a Natural Language Data Base," 1980 ACM

Computer Science Conference, February 13, 1980.

12. M. Evens, "Communicating with Computers in Natural Language," NCC, Chicago, May,


13. M. Evens, "Artificial Intelligence Models of Language," Northwestern University Linguistics

Colloquium, May, 1981.

14. M. Evens, "Computing Definitions," ACM Computer Science Conference, Indianapolis,

February, 1982.

15. M. Evens, "Computerized Dictionaries, Processing Machine-Readable Text," NCC, Houston,

June, 1982.

16. M. Evens, J. Vandendorpe, Y-C. Wang, "Lexical-Semantic Relations in Information

Retrieval," Delaware Symposium on Language Studies, October, 1982.

17. Revised version of #16 presented to the Detroit Chapter of the Special Interest Group on

Artificial Intelligence, April, 1983.

18. M. Evens, T. Ahlswede, D. Beckley, J. Kenevan, and D. Kruchten, "The Design of an Image-

Text Interface," Artificial Intelligence Conference, Oakland U., Rochester, MI, April, 1983.

19. M. Evens, "Finding Lexical-Semantic Relations in a Machine-Readable Dictionary,"

Workshop on Machine-Readable Dictionaries, SRI International, Menlo Park, April, 1983.

20. M. Evens, "Communicating with Computers in English," NCC '83, Los Angeles, May, 1983.

21. M. Evens, "The Michael Reese Expert System for Stroke," Interview with Bob Petty,

Channel 7 News, Wednesday, August 24. Actual screening, Monday, August 29, 1983.

22. M. Evens, "Representing Chemical Knowledge in a Logic-Based Expert System," ACM

Computer Science Conference, Philadelphia, February, 1984.

23. M. Evens, "An Expert System for Organic Synthesis with Theorem Prover as an Inference

Engine," Colloquium, Chemistry Department, IIT, March 21, 1984.

24. M. Evens, "Relational Models in Action," Workshop Sponsored by ACL, Stanford

University, June 29, 1984.

25. M. Evens, "ACL Presidential Address," Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational

Linguistics, COLING, Stanford University, July 4, 1984.

26. M. Evens, "Natural Language Interfaces to Software Systems," NCC, Las Vegas, July 12,


27. M. Evens, P. Johnson, and T. Wang, "An Expert System for Organic Synthesis That Can Do

Deep Reasoning," PAC-CHEM, American Chemical Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, Dec., 1984.

28. M. Evens, "Microcomputer Databases that Understand English," National Computer

Conference, Chicago, July 15, 1985.

29. M. Evens, "Using Automated Reasoning in the Design of Organic Syntheses," Colloquium,

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Illinois at

Chicago, November 19, 1985.

30. M. Evens, "Natural Language in the Office of the Future," OAC, Houston, March, 1986.

31. M. Evens, "What Expert Systems Can Do," radio interview for "Science Alive," nationally

syndicated radio science show, Museum of Science and Industry, May, 1986.

32. M. Evens, "An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Document Preparation," NCC, Las Vegas,

June, 1986.

33. M. Evens, "Natural Language Processing," Symbolics Users Group, Schaumburg, IL,

September 19, 1986.

34. M. Evens and T. Ahlswede, "Building a Lexicon with Relational Primitives," NSF Research

Session, ASIS Annual Meeting, Chicago, September 30, 1986.

35. M. Evens, "Building a Relational Lexicon for Natural Language Processing Applications,"

Keynote Address, Conference on Computers in Language Research and Language Learning,

Urbana, October, 1986.

36. M. Evens, "Digging in the Dictionary," Computer Science Department Colloquium, De Paul

University, March, 1987.

37. M. Evens, "A Relational Knowledge Base for Text Generation," Colloquium, Lake Forest

College, May, 1987.

38. M. Evens, "Applying Probability Measures to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Stroke,"

ESD/SMI Conference on Expert Systems in Manufacturing, Dearborn, MI, June 9, 1987.

39. M. Evens, "Making Your Database Understand English," NCC, Chicago, June, 1987.

40. M. Evens, "Office Machines that Understand English: Natural Language Processing in the

Office of the Future," WORDS, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 16, 1987.

41. M. Evens, "Building a Relational Thesaurus for an Information Retrieval System from a

Machine-Readable Dictionary," Computer Science Colloquium, Virginia Polytechnic

Institute, Blacksburg,Virginia, September 21, 1987.

42. M. Evens, "Automatic Construction of a Thesaurus from a Machine-Readable Dictionary,"

College of Computer Science Colloquium, Northeastern University, Boston, March 21, 1988.

43. T. Ahlswede, J. Anderson, M. Evens, S.M. Li, J. Neises, S. Pin-Ngern, and J. Markowitz,

"Automatic Construction of a Phrasal Thesaurus for an Information Retrieval System,"

RIAO88, MIT, Cambridge, MA, March 22, 1988.

44. M. Evens, G. Mayer, "Automatic Construction of a Knowledge Base for an Intelligent

Tutoring System," Central States Anthropological Society, South Bend, March 11, 1989.

45. M. Evens, "The Role of Natural Language in Intelligent Tutoring Systems," invited talk,

International Conference on Computer-Assisted Learning, Dallas, Texas, May 9, 1989.

46. M. Evens, "Attaining Functioning Intelligent CAI," panel session, International Conference

on Computer Assisted Learning, Dallas, Texas, May 10, 1989.

47. D.C. Georgakis, M. Evens, D. Trace, F. Naeymi-Rad, "Performance Evaluation of Medical

Expert Systems," Great Lakes Computer Science Conference, Western Michigan University,

Kalamazoo, October 19, 1989.

48. M. Evens, "Building a Relational Thesaurus for an Information Retrieval System Using a

Lexical Database," De Paul University, October 27, 1989.

49. M. Evens, "Towards Natural Language Interaction for CAI," Meeting of ONR Cognitive

Science Program, Princeton University, March 23, 1990.

50. M. Evens, "Structuring the Lexicon and the Thesaurus with Lexical-Semantic Relations,"

Cognitive Science Lecture Series, Southern Illinois University, March 30, 1990.

51. M. Evens, "Intelligent Tutoring Systems in Medical Education," Medical Education Grand

Rounds, Southern Illinois Medical School, Springfield, January 8, 1991.

52. M. Evens, "Natural Language Interaction for Intelligent Tutoring Systems," Navy Center for

Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence, March 11, 1991.

53. M. Evens, "For the Lexicon That Has Everything," SIGLEX Workshop, Berkeley, CA, June

17, 1991.

54. M. Evens, "Natural Language Interaction in an Intelligent Tutoring System," ONR Grantees

Meeting, Atlanta, September 24, 1991.

55. S. Chen, M. Evens, D.A. Trace, and F. Naeymi-Rad, "Severity Measurements Using Neural

Networks," Fifth CBMS, Durham, NC, June 17, 1992.

56. W. Lee and M. Evens, "Generating Cohesive Text Using Lexical Functions," Meaning-Text

Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, July 31, 1992.

57. M. Evens, "Computer Generation of Complex Tutorial Dialogues," ONR Grantees Meeting,

Princeton, NJ, March 25, 1993.

58. M. Evens, "Synthesizing Tutorial Dialogues," COGSCI '93, Boulder, CO, June 20, 1993.

59. M. Evens, "Lexical and Semantic Relations for an Information Retrieval Thesaurus," ASIS

'93, Columbus, OH, October 25, 1993.

60. Ramzan A. Khuwaja, Martha W. Evens, Allen A. Rovick, Joel A. Michael. 1994. Architecture

of CIRCSIM-TUTOR (v.3): A Smart Cardiovascular Physiology Tutor. CBMS94, Winston-

Salem, NC, June 10.

61. A. Hasnah. 1994. Knowledge Acquisition for Computer-based Medical Expert Systems.

CBMS94, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, June 10. 158-163.

62. M. Evens. Computer Generation of Tutorial Dialogues to Support Multiple, Sophisticated

Tutoring Tactics. ONR Grantees Meeting, Northwestern U., Evanston, IL, Sept., 1994.

63. M. Evens. Welcome from the Program Chair. Midwest Artificial Intelligence and

Cognitive Science Conference. Carbondale, IL. April, 1995.

64. M. Evens. Implementing Problem Solving Dialogues in a Tutoring System for

Cardiovascular Physiology. Computer Science Colloquium, Loyola University, May 30, 1996.

65. M. Evens and R. Freedman. Language Comprehension and Generation in a Cardiac

Tutor. ONR Grantees Meeting. September 21-22, 1996. Woods Hole, MA.

66. M. Evens. Some Puzzles in User-Centered Design. Keynote address at the Symposium

on Human Interaction with Complex Systems. March 23, 1998. Dayton, Ohio.

67. M. Evens. Interactive Intelligent Tutoring Systems: A Lecture Series. National Cheng-

Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. June 9-12, 1998.

68. M. Evens. Natural Language in Tutoring Systems. October 12, 1999. University of Illinois at


69. M. Evens. New Developments in Language-Based Tutoring. March 30, 2000. Carnegie-

Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.

70. M. Evens. A Tool for Visualizing Cardiovascular Knowledge. Workshop on Collaboration in

Learning. ITS 2000. Montreal, June, 2000.

71. Martha Evens and Michael Glass. CIRCSIM-Tutor. A Lecture Demonstration. MAICS,

Oxford, OH, April, 2001.

72. Martha Evens. New Questions for Circsim-Tutor. CIRCLE Colloquium, LRDC, University of

Pittsburgh, March 11, 2002.

73. Martha Evens.Understanding and Recognizing Analogies in Tutoring Sessions. CLOC

Meeting. University of Illinois, Chicago, April 20, 2002.

74. Martha Evens. Planning in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. ONR Grantees Meeting.

Stanford, CA. May, 2002.

75. Martha Evens. Natural Language Processing Problems in Intelligent Tutoring Systems.

Plenary Session, MAICS 2003, Cincinnati, OH.


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