Trade and Industry Department | 工業貿易署

AnnexProduct Specific Rules of Origin[Cursory Translation]Remarks:1. Waste and scrap, whether specified or not, shall be subject to the wholly obtained criterion.2.“Purification” refers to the reduction or elimination of impurities resulting in a good suitable for one or more of the following applications: (i) pharmaceutical, medicinal, cosmetic, veterinary, or food grade substances; (ii) chemical products and reagents for analytical, diagnostic or laboratory uses; (iii) elements and components for use in micro-elements; (iv) specialised optical uses; (v) biotechnical use (e.g. cell culture, genetic technology and as catalysts); (vi) carriers used in a separation process; (vii) nuclear grade uses.3. "Chemical reaction" is a process (including a biochemical process) which results in a molecule with a new structure by breaking intramolecular bonds and by forming new intramolecular bonds, or by altering the spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule. For the purposes of this definition, the following processes shall not be considered as chemical reactions: (i) dissolving in water or other solvents; (ii) the elimination of solvents including solvent water; (iii) the addition or elimination of water of crystallisation.Serial NumberHarmonised System CodesProduct DescriptionsRules of Origin101Live animalsBorn and bred in one side.202.01Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilledObtained from live animals born and bred in one side.302.02Meat of bovine animals, frozenObtained from live animals born and bred in one side.402.03Meat of swine, fresh, chilled or frozenObtained from live animals born and bred in one side.502.04Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozenObtained from live animals born and bred in one side.602.05Meat of horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozenObtained from live animals born and bred in one side.702.06Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozenObtained from live animals born and bred in one side.802.07Meat and edible offal, of the poultry of Heading No. 01.05, fresh, chilled or frozenObtained from live animals born and bred in one side.902.08Other meat and edible meat offal, fresh, chilled or frozenObtained from live animals born and bred in one side.1002.09Pig fat free of lean meat and poultry fat not rendered or otherwise extracted, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smokedObtained from live animals born and bred in one side.110210.11Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone inChange in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).120210.12Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereofObtained from live animals born and bred in one side.130210.19Other meat of pig-deer (Babyrousa), pygmy pig (por-cula), salted, in brine, dried or smoked; other meat of swine, salted, in brine, dried or smokedObtained from live animals born and bred in one side.140210.20Meat of bovine animalsChange in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).150210.91Meat and edible offal of primatesObtained from live animals born and bred in one side.160210.92Meat and edible offal of whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); meat and edible offal of manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia); meat and edible offal of seal, sea lion and walrus (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia) Obtained from live animals born and bred in one side.170210.93Meat and edible offal of reptiles (including snakes and turtles)Obtained from live animals born and bred in one side.180210.99Other meat and edible offal Change in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).1903.01Live fishBred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.2003.02Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of Heading No. 03.04Bred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.2103.03Fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of Heading No. 03.04Bred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.2203.04Fish fillets and other fish meat (whether or not minced), fresh, chilled or frozenBred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.230305.10Flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumptionChange in Tariff Heading.240305.20Livers and roes, dried, smoked, salted or in brineChange in Tariff Heading.250305.31Tilapias (oreochromis spp.), catfish (pangasius spp., silurus spp., clarias spp., ictalurus spp.), carp (cyprinus spp., carassius spp., ctenopharyngodon idellus, hypophthalmichthys spp., cirrhinus spp., mylopharyngodon piceus, catla catla, labeo spp., osteochilus hasselti, leptobarbus hoeveni, megalobrama spp.), eels (anguilla spp.), nile perch (lates niloticus) and snake-heads (channa spp.)Bred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.260305.32Fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and MuraenolepididaeBred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.270305.39Other fillets of fish, dried, salted or in brine, excluding smokedBred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.280305.41Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho)Change in Tariff Heading.290305.42Herrings (Atlantic herring, Pacific herring)Bred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.300305.43Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster)Bred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.310305.44Tilapias (oreochromis spp.), catfish (pangasius spp., silurus spp., clarias spp., ictalurus spp.), carp (cyprinus spp., carassius spp., ctenopharyngodon idellus, hypophthalmichthys spp., cirrhinus spp., mylopharyngodon piceus, catla catla, labeo spp., osteochilus hasselti, leptobarbus hoeveni, megalobrama spp.), eels (anguilla spp.), nile perch (lates niloticus) and snake-heads (channa spp.)Bred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.320305.49Other smoked fish (including fillets), excluding edible fish offalBred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.330305.51Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus)Bred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.340305.52Tilapias (oreochromis spp.), catfish (pangasius spp., silurus spp., clarias spp., ictalurus spp.), carp (cyprinus spp., carassius spp., ctenopharyngodon idellus, hypophthalmichthys spp., cirrhinus spp., mylopharyngodon piceus, catla catla, labeo spp., osteochilus hasselti, leptobarbus hoeveni, megalobrama spp.), eels (anguilla spp.), nile perch (lates niloticus) and snake-heads (channa spp.)Bred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.350305.53Fish of the families bregmacerotidae, euclichthyidae, gadidae, macrouridae, melanonidae, merlucciidae, moridae and muraenolepididae, other than cod (gadusmorhua, gadus ogac, gadus macrocephalus)Bred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.360305.54Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), anchovies (Engraulis spp.), sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardi-nops spp.), sardinella (Sardinella spp.), brisling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus), mackerels (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scom-her japonicus), Indian mackerels (Rastrelliger spp.), seerfi-shes (Scomberomorus spp.), jack and horse mackerels (Tra-churus spp.), jacks , crevalles (Caranx spp.), cobia (Rachy-centron canadum), silver pom-frets (Pampus spp.), Pacific saury (Cololabis saira), scads (Decapterus spp.), capelin (Mallotus villosus), swordfish (Xiphias gladius), Kawakawa (Euthymus affinis), bonitos (Sarda spp.), marlins, sail-fishes, spearfish (Istiophori-dae)Bred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.370305.59Other fish (other than edible for human consumption), dried (whether or not salted but not smoked)Bred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.380305.61Herrings (Atlantic herring, Pacific herring)Bred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.390305.62Cod (Atlantic cod, Greenland cod, Pacific cod)Bred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.400305.63Anchovies (Engraulis spp.)Bred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.410305.64Tilapias (Oreochromis spp.), catfish (pangasius spp., silurus spp., clarias spp., ictalurus spp.), carp (cyprinus spp., carassius spp., ctenopharyngodon idellus, hypophthalmichthys spp., cirrhinus spp., mylopharyngodon piceus, catla catla, labeo spp., osteochilus hasselti, leptobarbus hoeveni, megalobrama spp.), eels (anguilla spp.), nile perch (lates niloticus) and snake-heads (channa spp.)Bred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.420305.69Other fish (other than edible for human consumption), salted or in brine, but not dried nor smokedBred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.430305.71Shark finBred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.440305.72Fish head, tail and mawsBred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.450305.79Fish fin and other fish edible for human consumption Bred from fish fry in one side. If the species is coral reef fish (including giant grouper and various live marine grouper), the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 150 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 12 months; if it belongs to other species, the weight of the fish fry must not exceed 50 grams and the culture period in one side must not be less than 10 months.4603.06Crustaceans, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; smoked crustaceans, whether in shell or not, whether or not cooked before or during the smoking process; crustaceans, in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, whether or not chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumptionWholly obtained.4703.07Molluscs, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; smoked molluscs, whether in shell or not, whether or not cooked before or during the smoking process; flours, meals and pellets of molluscs, fit for human consumptionChange in Tariff Chapter.4803.08Aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; smoked aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, whether or not cooked before or during the smoking process; flours, meals and pellets of aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, fit for human consumptionChange in Tariff Chapter.490401.10Milk and cream, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1%Change in Tariff Chapter.500401.20Milk and cream, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1% but not exceeding 6%Processed from fresh milk. The principal processes are mixing, sterilisation and cooling.510401.40Milk and cream, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6% but not exceeding 10%Change in Tariff Chapter.520401.50Milk and cream, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 10%Change in Tariff Chapter.530402.10Milk and cream, concentrated, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, in powder, granules or other solid forms, of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1.5%Processed from fresh milk. The principal processes are mixing, freezing and sterilisation.540402.21Milk and cream, concentrated, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matterProcessed from fresh milk. The principal processes are mixing, freezing and cooling.550402.29Other milk and cream, concentrated, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, in powder, granules or other solid forms, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1.5%Processed from fresh milk. The principal processes are mixing, freezing and sterilisation.560402.91Other milk and cream, concentrated, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matterProcessed from fresh milk. The principal processes are mixing, sterilisation and cooling.570402.99Other milk and cream, concentrated, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (except those not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter)Change in Tariff Chapter.5804.03Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoaProcessed from fresh milk or milk powder. The principal processes are mixing, fermentation or souring, sterilisation and cooling.5904.04Whey, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter; products consisting of natural milk constituents, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, not elsewhere specified or includedChange in Tariff Chapter.6004.05Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk; dairy spreadsChange in Tariff Chapter.610406.10Fresh (unripened or uncured) cheese, including whey cheese and curdProcessed from fresh milk or milk powder. The principal processes are mixing, fermentation or souring, sterilisation and cooling.620406.20Grated or powdered cheese, of all kindsProcessed from fresh milk or milk powder. The principal processes are mixing, fermentation or souring, sterilisation, cooling, aging, slicing, grinding and (or) seasoning.630406.30Processed cheese, not grated or powderedChange in Tariff Chapter.640406.40Blue-veined cheese and other cheese containing veins produced by Penicillium roquefortiChange in Tariff Chapter.650406.90Other cheeseChange in Tariff Chapter.660408.99Other Birds' eggs, not in shellManufactured from eggs. The principal processes are mixing and cooking.6705.08Powder and waste of coral and shell or bone of aquatic productsCorals or shells and similar raw materials wholly obtained in one side.680603.90Cut flowers and flower buds of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, fresh, dried, dyed, bleached, impregnated or otherwise preparedManufactured from plants. The principal processes are cleaning, drying (or dyeing, bleaching, corrugating) and preserving. If coating after preserving is required, it must also be done in one side.690604.90Foliage, branches and other parts of plants, without flowers or flower-buds, and grasses, mosses and lichens, being goods of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes; fresh, dried, dyed, bleached, impregnated or otherwise preparedManufactured from plants. The principal processes are cleaning, drying (or dyeing, bleaching, corrugating) and preserving. If coating after preserving is required, it must also be done in one side.700901.11Coffee, not roasted, not decaffeinatedChange in Tariff Heading.710901.12Coffee, not roasted, decaffeinatedChange in Tariff Heading.720901.21Roasted coffee, not decaffeinated(1) Manufactured from coffee beans. The principal processes are roasting and grinding. If mixing is required, it must also be done in one side; or (2) Manufactured from coffee beans and to fulfill the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method). The principal process is roasting.730901.22Roasted coffee, decaffeinatedManufactured from coffee beans. The principal processes are decaffeinating, roasting, blending and grinding (if applicable). 740901.90Coffee husks and skins; coffee substitutes containing coffeeManufactured from coffee beans and coffee substitutes. The principal processes are mixing, roasting, blending and grinding. 750902.10Green tea (not fermented), in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 3kgChange in Tariff Heading.760902.30Black tea (fermented) and partly fermented tea, in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 3kgProcessed from tea leaves. The principal processes are fermentation, rolling, drying, mixing.770902.40Other black tea (fermented) and other partly fermented teaProcessed from tea leaves. The principal processes are fermentation, rolling, drying, mixing.780904.12Pepper, crushed or ground(1) Manufactured from plants. The principal processes are mixing, grinding and drying; or (2) To fulfill the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).790904.22Chili, crushed or groundManufactured from plants. The principal processes are mixing, grinding and drying.800906.20Cinnamon, crushed or ground Manufactured from plants. The principal processes are mixing, grinding and drying.810910.30Turmeric (curcuma)Manufactured from plants. The principal processes are mixing, grinding and drying.820910.91Other spices, mixtures referred to in Note 1(b) to this ChapterManufactured from plants. The principal processes are mixing, grinding and drying.830910.99Other spices (except mixtures referred to in Note 1(b) to this Chapter)Manufactured from plants. The principal processes are mixing, grinding and drying.8410CerealsGrown and harvested in one side.8511.01Wheat or maslin flourChange in Tariff Chapter, except from Chapter 10.8611.02Cereal flours other than of wheat or maslinChange in Tariff Chapter, except from Chapter 10.8711.03Cereal groats, meal and pelletsChange in Tariff Chapter, except from Chapter 10.8811.04Cereal grains otherwise worked (for example, hulled, rolled, flaked, pearled, sliced or kibbled), except rice of Heading No. 10.06; germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or groundChange in Tariff Chapter, except from Chapter 10.8911.05Flour, meal, powder, flakes, granules and pellets of potatoesChange in Tariff Chapter, except from Chapter 7.9011.08Starches; inulinChange in Tariff Chapter, except from Chapter 7 and Chapter 10.9112.01Soya beans, whether or not brokenGrown and harvested in one side.9212.02Ground-nuts, not roasted or otherwise cooked, whether or not shelled or brokenGrown and harvested in one side.9312.04Linseed, whether or not brokenGrown and harvested in one side.9412.05Rape or colza seeds, whether or not brokenGrown and harvested in one side.9512.06Sunflower seeds, whether or not brokenGrown and harvested in one side.9612.07Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, whether or not brokenGrown and harvested in one side.9712.08Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits, other than those of mustardChange in Tariff Heading.981211.20Ginseng rootsThe principal processes are cutting and grinding.991212.99Apricot kernels and other fruit stones, kernels and vegetable products of a kind used primarily for human consumptionManufactured from fruit stones, kernels or vegetable products. The principal processes are sieving, grinding and packaging.10015.01Pig fat (including lard) and poultry fat, other than that of Heading No. 02.09 or 15.03Change in Tariff Chapter.10115.07Soya-bean oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modifiedChange in Tariff Chapter, except from Chapter 12.10215.08Ground-nut oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modifiedChange in Tariff Chapter, except from Chapter 12.1031509.10Crude olive oil and its fractionsChange in Tariff Chapter, except from Chapter 12.1041509.90Refined olive oil and its fractionsChange in Tariff Chapter.10515.10Other oils and their fractions, obtained solely from olives, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified, including blends of these oils or fractions with oils or fractions of Heading No. 15.09Change in Tariff Chapter, except from Chapter 12.10615.11Palm oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modifiedChange in Tariff Chapter, except from Chapter 12.10715.12Sunflower-seed, safflower or cotton-seed oil and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemically modifiedChange in Tariff Chapter, except from Chapter 12.10815.13Coconut (copra), palm kernel or babassu oil and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemically modifiedChange in Tariff Chapter, except from Chapter 12.10915.14Rape, colza or mustard oil and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemically modifiedChange in Tariff Chapter, except from Chapter 12.11015.15Other fixed vegetable fats and oils (including jojoba oil) and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemically modifiedChange in Tariff Chapter, except from Chapter 12.11115.16Animal or vegetable fats and oil and fractions thereof, partly or wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, reesterified or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further preparedChange in Tariff Chapter, except from Chapter 12.1121517.90Liquid margarine; edible mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils or of fractions of different fats or oils of this Chapter, other than edible fats or oils or their fractions of Heading No. 15.16Manufactured from vegetable crude oil or animal fats. The principal processes are degumming, centrifugation, decolourisation, deodorisation, refining, stirring, sterilisation and mixing. The overall proportion (by weight) of one or more of the three oil fats of palm oil, bean oil, rapeseed oil should not exceed 50%, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).11315.20Glycerol, crude; glycerol waters and glycerol lyesManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.11416.01Sausages and similar products, with a natural casing(1) Manufactured from live animals or fresh, chilled, frozen animals. The principal processes are cutting, preserving, seasoning and cooking; or (2) Change in Tariff Heading.11516.02Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or bloodChange in Tariff Heading.11616.03Extracts and juices of meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebratesChange in Tariff Heading.11716.04Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggsChange in Tariff Heading.11816.05Crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates, prepared or preservedChange in Tariff Heading.11917.01Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid formWholly obtained.12017.02Other sugars, including chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not containing added flavouring or colouring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramelChange in Tariff Heading.1211704.10Chewing gum, whether or not sugarcoatedChange in Tariff Heading.1221704.90Other sugar confectionery not containing cocoaMixing, flavouring, boiling and forming.1231806.20Other preparations in blocks, slabs or bars weighing more than 2kg or in liquid, paste, powder, granular or other bulk form in containers or immediate packings, of a content exceeding 2kgManufactured from sugar. The principal processes are mixing, boiling and forming. If flavouring is required, it must also be done in one side.1241806.31Other food preparations containing cocoa, in blocks, slabs or bars, filledManufactured from sugar. The principal processes are mixing, boiling and forming. If flavouring is required, it must also be done in one side.1251806.32Other food preparations containing cocoa, in blocks, slabs or bars, not filledManufactured from sugar. The principal processes are mixing, boiling and forming. If flavouring is required, it must also be done in one side.1261806.90Other chocolate and food preparation containing cocoaManufactured from sugar. The principal processes are mixing, boiling and forming. If flavouring is required, it must also be done in one side.1271901.10Preparations for infant use, put up for retail saleChange in Tariff Chapter, except from Chapter 4.1281901.20Mixes and doughs for the preparation of bakers' wares of Heading No. 19.05Change in Tariff Heading.1291901.90Malt extract; food preparations of flour, groats, meal, starch or malt extract, not containing cocoa or containing less than 40% by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, not elsewhere specified or included; food preparations of goods of Headings No. 04.01 to 04.04, not containing cocoa or containing less than 5% by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, not elsewhere specified or included (except preparations for infant use, put up for retail sale and mixes and doughs for the preparation of bakers' wares of Heading No. 19.05)Change in Tariff Heading.1301902.11Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared, containing eggsChange in Tariff Heading.1311902.19Other uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise preparedChange in Tariff Heading.1321902.20Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise preparedChange in Tariff Heading.1331902.30Other pasta(1) Manufactured from cereals or flour. The principal processes are mixing, cooking and forming. If baking is required, it must also be done in one side; or (2) Manufactured from dried noodle, meat and vegetables. The principal processes are cooking, flavouring, mixing and cooling; or (3) Change in Tariff Heading. 1341904.20Prepared foods obtained from unroasted cereal flakes or from mixtures of unroasted cereal flakes and roasted cereal flakes or swelled cerealsChange in Tariff Heading.1351904.90Other cereal productsChange in Tariff Heading.1361905.31Sweet biscuitsMixing, forming and baking.1371905.32Waffles and wafersMixing, forming and baking.1381905.90Other bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and similar bakers' wares, including empty cachets for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar productsChange in Tariff Heading.1392005.20PotatoesChange in Tariff Heading or to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).1402005.51Shelled beansManufactured from beans. The principal processes are filtration and preserving. If cooking or seasoning is required, it must also be done in one side.1412006.00Vegetables, fruit, nuts, fruit-peel and other parts of plants, preserved by sugar (drained, glac or crystallised)Manufactured from fresh fruits or plants. The principal processes are preserving and seasoning.1422008.11Ground-nuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spiritManufactured from unprocessed peanuts. The principal processes are seasoning and cooking. If baking or coating is required, it must also be done in one side.1432008.19Other, including mixtures of nuts and other seedsManufactured from unprocessed nuts and seeds. The principal processes are baking or cooking. If seasoning or coating is required, it must also be done in one side.1442008.20Other pineapples, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegarChange in Tariff Heading.1452008.30Citrus fruit, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar(1) Manufactured from unprocessed or provisionally preserved fruits. The principal processes are seasoning, cooking and baking, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method); or (2) Change in Tariff Heading.1462008.70Peaches, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar(1) Manufactured from unprocessed or provisionally preserved fruits. The principal processes are seasoning, cooking and baking, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method); or (2) Change in Tariff Heading.1472008.93Cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon, Vaccinium oxycoccos, Vaccinium vitis-idaea), prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegarChange in Tariff Heading.1482008.99Lychee can; Longan can; seasoned laver; salted sea tangle; salted pinnatifida; other preparations of seaweeds and other alga; water chestnut in airtight containers and other prepared or preserved fruit and nuts not elsewhere specified or includedChange in Tariff Heading.14920.09Fruit juices (including grape must) and vegetable juices, unfermented and not containing added spirit, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matterChange in Tariff Heading.15021.01Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, tea or maté and preparations with a basis of these products or with a basis of coffee, tea or maté; roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereofChange in Tariff Heading.1512102.10Active yeastsManufactured from yeasts. The principal processes are fermentation, filtration, autolysing and drying.1522103.10Soya sauceManufactured from soya beans or flavouring ingredients. The principal processes are cooking and mixing. If grinding or fermentation is required, it must also be done in one side.1532103.20Tomato ketchup and other tomato saucesManufactured from tomato or flavouring ingredients. The principal processes are cooking and mixing. If grinding is required, it must also be done in one side.1542103.90Other sauces and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and mixes seasonings(1) Manufactured from flavouring ingredients. The principal processes are cooking and mixing. If grinding or fermentation is required, it must also be done in one side; or (2) Change in Tariff Heading.1552104.10Soups and broths and preparations thereforChange in Tariff Heading.15621.05Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not containing cocoaChange in Tariff Heading.1572106.90Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).15822.02Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured, and other non-alcoholic beverages, not including fruit or vegetable juices of Heading No. 20.09Change in Tariff Heading.1592204.21Other wine in containers holding 2L or less; grape must with fermentation prevented or arrested by the addition of alcohol Manufactured from grapes. Fermentation and production have to be done in one side. If grape juice are used to produce the wine, it can be manufactured from the grape juice originating from one side, or countries or territories which have signed and put into effect preferential trade agreements with the Mainland; and its fermentation and production have to be done in one side.1602205.10Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavoured with plants or aromatic substances, in containers holding 2L or lessChange in Tariff Heading.16122.06Other fermented beverages (for example, cider, perry, mead, sake); mixtures of fermented beverages and mixtures of fermented beverages and non-alcoholic beverages, not elsewhere specified or includedFermentation and production in one side.1622208.70Liqueurs and cordialsThe principal processes are mixing and blending, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).16322.09Vinegar and substitutes for vinegar obtained from acetic acidManufactured from flavouring ingredients. The principal processes are cooking and mixing. If fermentation is required, it must also be done in one side.1642301.10Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal, unfit for human consumption; greavesManufactured from raw meat. The principal processes are collection of raw meat fat, cutting, crushing and boiling.1652301.20Flours, meals and pellets, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, unfit for human consumptionManufactured from fish or crustaceans, molluscs, or other aquatic invertebrates. The principal processes are grinding, mixing, cooking and drying.1662302.50Bran, sharps and other residues, whether or not in the form of pellets, derived from the sifting, milling or other working of leguminous plantsChange in Tariff Heading.1672309.10Dog or cat food, put up for retail saleManufactured from meat or vegetables. The principal processes are steaming, mincing, puffing, drying, oiling, sterilisation and wrapping.1682309.90Other preparations for use in making the complete feeds or supplementary feeds; other preparations of a kind used in animal feedingManufactured from food residues, nutrients and other chemical ingredients. The principal processes are sorting, grinding, weighting and mixing.1692520.10Gypsum; anhydriteChange in Tariff Heading.17025.21Limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous stone, of a kind used for the manufacture of lime or cementChange in Tariff Heading.1712523.10Cement clinkersChange in Tariff Heading.1722523.29Other Portland cementManufactured from cement clinkers. The principal processes are averaging of clinkers, formulation, grinding and classification.1732710.19Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals (other than crude) and preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations; excluding biodiesel, other than waste oils(1) Chemical transformation of industrial oils. The principal processes are oil refinery including elimination of impurities, dehydration and blending with other ingredient additives; or (2) Change in Tariff Heading.17428.03Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon not elsewhere specified or included)Change in Tariff Heading.1752804.10HydrogenChange in Tariff Heading.1762804.21ArgonChange in Tariff Heading.1772804.29Other rare gasesChange in Tariff Heading.1782804.30NitrogenChange in Tariff Heading.1792804.40OxygenChange in Tariff Heading.1802811.21Carbon dioxideManufactured from carbon dioxide. The principal processes are purification and liquidisation.1812811.29Arsenous oxide (arsenic trioxide), arsenic pentoxide, dinitrogen tetroxide, other inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metalsManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.1822813.10Carbon disulphide(1) Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials; or (2) Purification carried out in one side, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).1832826.90Fluorosilicates; lithium hexafluoroarsenate; potassium tantalifluoride; lead fluoboriate; cadmium fluoboriate; fuoroaluminates and other complex fluorine saltsManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.1842842.10Double or complex silicates, including aluminosilicates whether or not chemically definedChange in Tariff Heading.1852843.21Silver nitrateManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.1862843.29Other silver compoundsManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.1872843.30Gold compoundsChange in Tariff Heading.1882843.90Other compounds of precious metal; amalgamsManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.18928.50Hydrides, nitrides, azides, silicides and borides, whether or not chemically defined, other than compounds which are also carbides of Heading No. 28.49Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.1902852.10Inorganic or organic compounds of mercury, chemically defined, excluding amalgamsManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.1912853.90Phosphides, whether or not chemically defined, excluding ferrophosphorus; other inorganic compounds (including distilled or conductivity water and water of similar purity); liquid air (whether or not rare gases have been removed); compressed air; amalgams, other than amalgams of precious metals, excluding Cyanogen chloride (chlorcyan)Change in Tariff Heading.1922901.10Acyclic hydrocarbons, saturated(1) Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials; or (2) Purification carried out in one side, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).1932903.12Dichloromethane (methylene chloride)(1) Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials; or (2) Purification carried out in one side, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).1942903.13Chloroform (trichloromethane)(1) Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials; or (2) Purification carried out in one side, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).1952903.391,1,3,3,3-Pentafluro-2-trifluromethyl-1-propene (Perfluorolisobutylene, isobutylene octafluoride), etc Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.1962904.10Derivatives containing only sulpho groups, their salts and ethyl estersManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.1972905.11Methanol (methyl alcohol)(1) Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials; or (2) Purification carried out in one side, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).1982916.15Oleic, linoleic or linolenic acids, their salts and estersChange in Tariff Heading.1992922.42Glutamic acid and its saltsChange in Tariff Heading.2002924.19Other acyclic amides (including acyclic carbamates) and their derivatives; salts thereof(1) Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials; or (2) Purification carried out in one side, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).2012926.40alpha-Phenylacetoacetonitrile(1) Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials; or (2) Purification carried out in one side, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).2022926.90p-Chlorobenzyl cyanide; m-Phthalonitrile; other Nitrile-function compounds (1) Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials; or (2) Purification carried out in one side, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).2032930.602-(N,N-Diethylamino) ethanethiol(1) Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials; or (2) Purification carried out in one side, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).2042930.70Bis (2-hydroxyethyl) sulfide (thiodiglycol (INN))(1) Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials; or (2) Purification carried out in one side, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).2052930.80Aldicarb (ISO), captafol (ISO) and methamidophos (ISO)(1) Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials; or (2) Purification carried out in one side, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).2062930.90Cystine; Dithiocarbonates (Xanth-ates); other organic sulphur compounds, etc(1) Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials; or (2) Purification carried out in one side, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).2072932.11Tetrahydrofuran(1) Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials; or (2) Purification carried out in one side, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).2083002.90Saxitoxin, Ricitoxin, Bacteria and virus and genetic material and gene-modified organism, etc(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (30% for both Build-down and Build-up method).20930.04Medicaments (excluding goods of Heading No. 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packings for retail sale(1) Manufactured from chemical/herbal ingredients. The principal processes are: (a) dissolving and mixing according to proportion, ratio or scale to form tablets, cream or ointment, oral liquid preparation (elixir, oral solution, suspension), lotion, capsules or other forms of pharmaceutical products; or (b) Cooking, mixing and grinding. If dissolving and/or drying and/or filtering is/are required after grinding, such process/processes must also be done in one side; or (2) Change in Tariff Heading, except from Tariff Heading No. 3003.2103005.90Absorbent cotton, gauze, bandages, etcChange in Tariff Heading.21130.06Pharmaceutical goods specified in Note 4 to this ChapterChange in Tariff Heading.21231.01Animal or vegetable fertilisersChange in Tariff Heading.21331.02Mineral or chemical fertilisers, nitrogenousChange in Tariff Heading.2143105.10Goods of this Chapter in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a gross weight not exceeding 10kg Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.2153105.20Mineral or chemical fertilisers containing the three fertilising elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassiumManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.2163105.51Mineral or chemical fertilisers containing nitrates and phosphatesManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.2173105.60Mineral or chemical fertilisers containing the two fertilising elements phosphorus and potassium Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.2183105.90Organic-inorganic compound fertilisers; other fertilisersManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.21932.02Synthetic organic tanning substances; inorganic tanning substances; tanning preparations, whether or not containing natural tanning substances; enzymatic preparations for pre-tanningManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.2203204.12Acid dyes, whether or not premetallised, and preparations based thereon; mordant dyes and preparations based thereonManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.2213204.16Reactive dyes and preparations based thereonManufactured from chemicals or other colouring matters. The principal process is mixing of chemicals or other colouring matters.2223204.17Pigments and preparations based thereonManufactured from chemicals or other colouring matters. The principal process is mixing of chemicals or other colouring matters.2233204.20Synthetic organic products of a kind used as fluorescent brightening agentsManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.2243206.19Other pigments and preparations based on titanium dioxide(1) Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials; or (2) Change in Tariff Heading.2253206.49Pigments and preparations based on pucherite, other pigments and preparations based on bismuth compounds, other inorganic colouring matter and preparationsManufactured from chemicals or other colouring matters. The principal process is mixing of chemicals or other colouring matters.2263208.10Paints and varnishes, based on polyestersManufactured from ingredients other than paints, enamels or similar products. The principal processes are: (a) mixing of ingredients; and (b) emulsification (if applicable); and (c) synthesis.2273208.90Paints and varnishes, based on polyurethane polymers, etcManufactured from ingredients other than paints, enamels or similar products. The principal processes are: (a) mixing of ingredients; and (b) emulsification (if applicable); and (c) synthesis.2283209.90Other paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers), based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified natural polymers, dispersed or dissolved in an aqueous mediumManufactured from ingredients other than paints, enamels or similar products. The principal processes are: (a) mixing of ingredients; and (b) emulsification (if applicable); and (c) synthesis.22932.10Other paints and varnishes (including enamels, lacquers and distempers); prepared water pigments of a kind used for finishing leatherManufactured from ingredients other than paints, enamels or similar products. The principal processes are: (a) mixing of ingredients; and (b) emulsification (if applicable); and (c) synthesis.2303214.90Other (painters' fillings; non-refractory surfacing preparations for facades, indoor walls, floors, ceilings, etc)Change in Tariff Heading, except change from Subheading No. 3824.50.23132.15Printing ink, writing or drawing ink and other inks, whether or not concentrated or solidManufactured from pigment and chemical solvents. The principal processes are dissolving and mixing.2323302.90Other mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures with a basis of one or more of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in industryManufactured from natural or chemical ingredients. The principal process is mixing to cause chemical transformation of the ingredients.23333.03Perfumes and toilet watersManufactured from natural or chemical ingredients. The principal processes are mixing, blending or emulsification according to specific formulae or instructions to cause chemical transformation of ingredients.23433.04Beauty or make up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), including sunscreen or suntan preparations; manicure or pedicure preparationsManufactured from natural or chemical ingredients. The principal processes are mixing, blending or emulsification according to specific formulae or instructions to cause chemical transformation of ingredients.23533.05Preparations for use on the hairChange in Tariff Heading.2363306.10Dentifrices(1) Manufactured from chemical ingredients. The principal processes are mixing and dissolving; or (2) Change in Tariff Heading.2373306.90Mouthwash (including denture paste and powder), other preparations for oral or dental hygiene (including denture paste and powder) Manufactured from chemical ingredients. The principal processes are mixing and dissolving.2383307.30Perfumed bath salts and other bath preparationsChange in Tariff Heading.2393307.41Agarbatti and other odoriferous preparations which operate by burningManufactured from odour powder. The principal processes are melting and moulding.2403307.49Other prepared room deodorizers (whether or not perfumed or having disinfectant properties)Manufactured from chemical ingredients. The principal processes are mixing and dissolving.2413401.11Soap and organic surface-active products, for toilet use (including medicated products)(1) Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials; or (2) Change in Tariff Heading.2423401.20Soap in other formsManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.24334.02Organic surface-active agents (other than soap); surface-active preparations, washing preparations (including auxiliary washing preparations) and cleaning preparations, whether or not containing soap, other than those of Heading No. 34.01Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.2443403.11Preparations for the treatment of textile materials, leather, furskins or other materials (containing < 70% by weight of petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous mineral)Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.2453403.19Other preparations containing petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals (containing < 70% by weight of petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous mineral)Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.2463403.91Preparations for the treatment of textile materials, leather, furskins or other materials (not containing < 70% by weight of petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals)Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.2473404.90Other Artificial waxes and prepared waxesChange in Tariff Heading.2483405.10Polishes, creams and similar preparations for footwear or leatherChange in Tariff Heading.2493405.20Polishes, creams and similar preparations for the maintenance of wooden furniture, floors or other woodworkManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.2503405.90Other polishes and creams for glass or metal (not including scouring pastes, powders and similar preparations)Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.2513502.90Other albumins and albuminates (including albumin derivatives)Change in Tariff Heading.2523505.10Dextrins and other modified starchesManufactured from starch. The principal processes are mixing, cooling, drying (if applicable).2533506.10Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, put up for retail sale as glues or adhesives, not exceeding a net weight of 1 kgManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.2543506.91Adhesives based on polymers of Headings Nos. 39.01 to 39.13 or on rubberManufactured from chemical ingredients. The principal processes are blending or mixing of chemical materials to cause physical or chemical transformation of materials.2553506.99Prepared glues and adhesives, not elsewhere specified or includedManufactured from chemical ingredients. The principal processes are blending or mixing of chemical materials to cause physical or chemical transformation of materials.2563606.10Liquid or liquefied-gas fuels in containers of a kind used for filling or refilling cigarette or similar lighters and of a capacity not exceeding 300 cm3Manufactured from chemical ingredients. The principal processes are blending or mixing of chemical materials to cause physical or chemical transformation of materials.25737.01Photographic plates and film in the flat, sensitised, unexposed, of any material other than paper, paperboard or textiles; instant print film in the flat, sensitised, unexposed, whether or not in packsChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Subheading No. 3707.10.2583702.10Film for X-ray Change in Tariff Heading, except change from Subheading No. 3707.10.2593702.31Film for colour photography Change in Tariff Heading, except change from Subheading No. 3707.10.2603702.32Other film with silver halide emulsionChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Subheading No. 3707.10.2613702.39Other film, sensitisedChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Subheading No. 3707.10.2623702.41Film, of a width exceeding 610 mm and of a length exceeding 200 m, for colour photographyChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Subheading No. 3707.10.2633702.42Film, of a width exceeding 610 mm and of a length exceeding 200 m, other than for colour photographyChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Subheading No. 3707.10.2643702.43Film, of a width exceeding 610 mm and of a length not exceeding 200 mChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Subheading No. 3707.10.2653702.44Film, of a width exceeding 105 mm but not exceeding 610 mmChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Subheading No. 3707.10.2663702.52Other film, for colour photography, of a width not exceeding 16 mmChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Subheading No. 3707.10.2673702.53Other film, of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding 35 mm and of a length not exceeding 30 m, for slidesManufacture of sensitising emulsion from chemical ingredients. The principal processes are manufacture of sensitising emulsion, coating, drying, finishing and cutting.2683702.54Other film, of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding 35 mm and of a length not exceeding 30 m, other than for slidesManufacture of sensitising emulsion from chemical ingredients. The principal processes are manufacture of sensitising emulsion, coating, drying, finishing and cutting.2693702.55Other film, of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding 35 mm and of a length exceeding 30 mChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Subheading No. 3707.10.2703702.56Other film, of a width exceeding 35 mm, for colour photographyChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Subheading No. 3707.10.2713702.96Other film, of a width not exceeding 35 mm and of a length not exceeding 30 mChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Subheading No. 3707.10.2723702.97Other film, of a width not exceeding 35 mm and of a length exceeding 30 mChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Subheading No. 3707.10.2733702.98Other film, of a width exceeding 35 mm, other than for colour photographyChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Subheading No. 3707.10.2743703.10Photographic paper, paperboard and textiles in rolls, of a width exceeding 610 mm, sensitised, unexposedChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Subheading No. 3707.10.2753703.20Other photographic paper, paperboard and textiles, sensitised, unexposed, for colour photography Manufacture of sensitising emulsion from chemical ingredients. The principal processes are manufacture of sensitising emulsion, coating, drying, finishing and cutting.2763703.90Other photographic paper and paperboard, etc, sensitised, unexposedChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Subheading No. 3707.10.27737.06Cinematographic film, exposed and developed, whether or not incorporating sound track or consisting only of sound trackManufactured from film. The principal processes are developing and printing. Importing authorities' approval to import is also required.2783707.90Chemical preparations for use in developing photographic film and photographs (including unmixed products for photographic uses, put up in measured portions or put up for retail sale in a form ready for use), chemical preparations for use in photo-copying apparatus (other than varnishes, glues, adhesives and similar preparations), other chemical preparations for photographic uses (including unmixed products for photographic uses)Manufactured from chemical ingredients. The principal process is blending or mixing of chemical materials to cause chemical transformation of materials.2793801.10Artificial graphiteManufactured from chemical materials. The principal process is mixing of chemical materials to cause chemical transformation of materials.28038.08Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products, plant growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks, candles and fly-papers)Change in Tariff Heading.2813809.91Finishing agents, dye carriers to accelerate the dyeing or fixing of dye-stuffs and other products and preparations, of a kind used in the textile or like industriesChange in Tariff Heading.2823809.92Finishing agents, dye carriers to accelerate the dyeing or fixing of dye-stuffs and other products and preparations, of a kind used in the paper or like industriesManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.2833809.93Finishing agents, dye carriers to accelerate the dyeing or fixing of dye-stuffs and other products and preparations, of a kind used in the leather or like industriesManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.2843810.10Pickling preparations for metal surfaces; soldering, brazing or welding powders and pastes consisting of metal and other materials Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.2853811.90Other prepared additives for mineral oils (oxidation inhibitors, gum inhibitors, viscosity improvers, anti-corrosive preparations and other prepared additives)Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.2863812.31Mixtures of oligomers of 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline (TMQ)Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.2873812.39Other rubber antioxidants, other anti-oxidising preparations and other compound stabilizers for rubber and plasticsManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.28838.14Organic composite solvents and thinners, not elsewhere specified or included; prepared paint or varnish removersManufactured from ingredients other than paints, enamels or similar products. The principal processes are (a)mixing of ingredients; and (b)emulsification (if applicable); and (c)synthesis.2893815.12Reaction initiators, reaction accelerators and catalytic preparations, with precious metal or precious metal compounds as the active substanceManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.29038.21Prepared culture media for the development or maintenance of micro-organisms (including virus and the like) or of plant, human or animal cellsChange in Tariff Heading.29138.22Diagnostic or laboratory reagents on a backing and prepared diagnostic or laboratory reagents whether or not on a backing, other than those of Heading No. 30.02 or 30.06; certified reference materials(1) Manufactured from biological or chemical ingredients. The principal process is producing the product by synthetic process of chemical transformation; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).2923823.12Oleic acidManufactured from crude oil. The principal process is refining.2933823.19Acid oils of plant (acid oils from refining), other industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids, acid oils (acid oils from refining)Manufactured from crude oil. The principal process is refining.2943824.40Prepared additives for cements, mortars or concretes(1) Manufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials; or (2) Change in Tariff Heading.2953824.50Non-refractory mortars and concretesManufactured from chemical reaction of natural or chemical materials.2963824.99Fusel oil, ink removers, stencil correctors and the like, carburetant, etcChange in Tariff Heading or to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).29738.26Biodiesel and mixture thereof , not containing or containing less than 70% by weight of petroleum oils or oils obtains from bituminous mineralsManufactured from chemical ingredients and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).2983901.10Polyethylene having a specific gravity of less than 0.94 in primary forms(1) Manufactured from polymers, cross linker and other chemical ingredients. The principal processes are blending or mixing, melting or fusion, extruding and pelletising; or (2) Manufactured from plastic wastes. The principal processes are pelletising, extruding and cutting.2993901.20Polyethylene having a specific gravity of 0.94 or more in primary forms(1) Manufactured from polymers, cross linker and other chemical ingredients. The principal processes are blending or mixing, melting or fusion, extruding and pelletising; or (2) Manufactured from plastic wastes. The principal processes are pelletising, extruding and cutting.3003901.30Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers in primary formsChange in Tariff Heading.3013901.40Other Ethylene-alpha-olefin copolymers, having a specific gravity of less than 0.94(1) Change in Tariff Heading. If manufactured from plastics wastes, the plastics wastes should be produced from manufacturing operations or consumption in the Mainland or Hong Kong; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).3023901.90Other polymers of ethylene in primary forms(1) Change in Tariff Heading. If manufactured from plastics wastes, the plastics wastes should be produced from manufacturing operations or consumption in the Mainland or Hong Kong; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).3033902.10Polypropylene in primary formsChange in Tariff Heading.3043902.30Propylene copolymers in primary formsChange in Tariff Heading or to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).3053903.19Non-expanded polystyrene in primary forms, modified; other polystyrene in primary forms(1) Manufactured from polymers, cross linker and other chemical ingredients. The principal processes are blending or mixing, melting or fusion, extruding and pelletising; or (2) Manufactured from plastic wastes. The principal processes are granulating, extruding and cutting.3063903.30Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymers in primary formsChange in Tariff Heading.3073903.90Other polymers of styrene, in primary forms(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).3083904.21Non-plasticised other poly(vinyl chloride) in primary formsChange in Tariff Heading.3093904.22Plasticised other polyvinyl chloride in primary forms(1) Manufactured from polymers, cross linker and other chemical ingredients. The principal processes are blending or mixing, melting or fusion, extruding and pelletising; or (2) Manufactured from plastic wastes. The principal processes are granulating, extruding and cutting.3103905.99Other vinyl esters or vinyl polymers (in primary form, not including copolymers) Change in Tariff Heading or to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).3113906.10Poly(methyl methacrylate) in primary forms(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) Manufactured from polymers, cross linker and other chemical ingredients by chemical modification.3123906.90Other acrylic polymers in primary formsChange in Tariff Heading.3133907.10Polyacetals in primary forms(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) Manufactured from polymers, cross linker and other chemical ingredients by chemical modification; or (3) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).3143907.30Epoxide resins in primary formsChange in Tariff Heading.3153907.40Polycarbonates in primary forms(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) Manufactured from polymers, cross linker and other chemical ingredients by chemical modification.3163907.69Other Poly (ethylene terephthalate) in the form of slices or chips(1) Change in Tariff Heading. If manufactured from plastics wastes, the plastics wastes should be produced from manufacturing operations or consumption in the Mainland or Hong Kong; or (2) Manufactured from polymers, cross linker and other chemical ingredients by chemical modification.3173907.70Poly(lactic acid) in primary forms(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) Manufactured from polymers, cross linker and other chemical ingredients by chemical modification.3183907.99Poly butylene terephthalate, Poly(terephthalic acid hexylene glycol-butanediolester), etc, in primary forms(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) Manufactured from polymers, cross linker and other chemical ingredients by chemical modification.3193908.10Polyamide-6, -11, -12, -6.6, -6.9, -6.10 or -6.12 in primary formsChange in Tariff Heading.3203908.90Aromatic polyamide and copolymer, semi aromatic polyamide and copolymer, other polyamides in primary forms(1) Change in Tariff Heading. If manufactured from plastics wastes, the plastics wastes should be produced from manufacturing operations or consumption in the Mainland or Hong Kong; or (2) Manufactured from polymers, cross linker and other chemical ingredients by chemical modification.3213909.50Polyurethanes in primary forms(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) Manufactured from polymers, cross linker and other chemical ingredients by chemical modification.32239.10Silicones in primary formsChange in Tariff Heading.3233912.90Cellulose and its chemical derivatives, not elsewhere specified or included, in primary formsChange in Tariff Heading.32439.16Monofilament of which any cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm, rods, sticks and profile shapes, whether or not surface worked but not otherwise worked, of plasticsChange in Tariff Heading.32539.17Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor (for example, joints, elbows, flanges), of plasticsChange in Tariff Heading.32639.18Floor coverings of plastics, whether or not self-adhesive, in rolls or in the form of tiles; wall or ceiling coverings of plastics, as defined in Note 9 to this ChapterChange in Tariff Heading.32739.19Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes, of plastics, whether or not in rollsChange in Tariff Heading.32839.20Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics, non-cellular and not reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materialsChange in Tariff Heading.32939.21Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plasticsChange in Tariff Heading.33039.22Baths, shower-baths, sinks, wash-basins, bides, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plasticsChange in Tariff Heading.33139.23Articles for the conveyance or packing of goods, of plastics; stoppers, lids, caps and other closures, of plasticsChange in Tariff Heading.33239.24Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and hygienic or toilet articles, of plasticsChange in Tariff Heading.33339.25Builders' ware of plastics, not elsewhere specified or includedChange in Tariff Heading.33439.26Other articles of plastics and articles of other materials of Headings Nos. 39.01 to 39.14Change in Tariff Heading.33540.01Natural rubber, balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle and similar natural gums, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or stripChange in Tariff Chapter.3364002.11LatexChange in Tariff Heading.3374002.19In primary forms: Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), not worked (except solution polymerised) (except latex); SBR, oil -filled (except solution polymerised) (except latex); SBR, thermo-plasticated (except latex); SBR, oil-filled and thermo-plasticated (except latex); SBR, solution polymerised, not worked (except latex); SBR, solution polymerised, oil-filled (except latex), etcChange in Tariff Heading.3384002.99Other synthetic rubber in primary forms; other synthetic rubber in plates, sheets or strip (except latex); factice derived from oilsChange in Tariff Heading.33940.05Compounded rubber, unvulcanised, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or stripChange in Tariff Heading. If the product contains natural rubber, content of natural rubber should not exceed 40%.3404007.00Vulcanised rubber thread and cordChange in Tariff Heading.3414010.11Conveyor belts or belting, of vulcanised rubber, reinforced only with metalManufactured from steel cord leather belts. The principal processes are cutting and punching, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).3424016.91Floor coverings and matsChange in Tariff Heading.3434016.93Gaskets, washers and other sealsChange in Tariff Heading.34441.01Raw hides and skins of bovine (including buffalo) or equine animals (fresh, or salted, dried, limed, pickled or otherwise preserved, but not tanned, parchment-dressed or further prepared), whether or not dehaired or splitChange in Tariff Chapter.34541.02Raw skins of sheep or lambs (fresh, or salted, dried, limed, pickled or otherwise preserved, but not tanned, parchment-dressed or further prepared), whether or not with wool on or split, other than those excluded by Note 1 (c) to this ChapterChange in Tariff Chapter.34641.03Other raw hides and skins (fresh, or salted, dried, limed, pickled or otherwise preserved, but not tanned, parchment-dressed or further prepared), whether or not dehaired or split, other than those excluded by Note 1 (b) or 1 (c) to this ChapterChange in Tariff Chapter.34741.04Tanned or crust hides and skins of bovine (including buffalo) or equine animals, without hair on, whether or not split, but not further preparedChange in Tariff Heading.34841.07Leather further prepared after tanning or crusting, including parchment-dressed leather, of bovine (including buffalo) or equine animals, without hair on, whether or not split, other than leather of Heading No. 41.14Change in Tariff Heading.34941.12Leather further prepared after tanning or crusting, including parchment-dressed leather, of sheep or lamb, without wool on, whether or not split, other than leather of Heading No. 41.14Change in Tariff Heading.35041.13Leather further prepared after tanning or crusting, including parchment-dressed leather, of other animals, without wool or hair on, whether or not split, other than leather of Heading No. 41.14Change in Tariff Heading.3514202.21Containers with outer surface of leather or of composition leatherChange in Tariff Heading.3524202.92Other containers with outer surface of plastic sheeting or textile materialsChange in Tariff Heading.35342.03Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, of leather or of composition leatherChange in Tariff Heading.35442.05Other articles of leather or of composition leatherManufactured from leather or composition leather. The principal processes are cutting of leather and sewing. If buckling is required, it must also be done in one side.35543.01Raw furskins (including heads, tails, paws and other pieces or cuttings, suitable for furriers' use), other than raw hides and skins of Heading No. 41.01, 41.02 or 41.03Change in Tariff Heading.35643.02Tanned or dressed furskins (including heads, tails, paws and other pieces or cuttings), unassembled, or assembled (without the addition of other materials), other than those of Heading No. 43.03Change in Tariff Heading.35743.03Articles of apparel, clothing accessories and other articles of furskinChange in Tariff Heading.35843.04Artificial furManufactured from prepared animal skin. The principal processes are cutting and sewing.35948.02Uncoated paper and paperboard, of a kind used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes, and non perforated punch cards and punch tape paper, in rolls or rectangular (including square) sheets, of any size, other than paper of Heading No. 48.01 or 48.03, hand-made paper and paperboardChange in Tariff Heading.36048.05Other uncoated paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, not further worked or processed than as specified in Note 3 to this Chapter(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).36148.10Paper and paperboard, coated on one or both sides with kaolin (China clay) or other inorganic substances, with or without a binder, and with no other coating, whether or not surface-coloured, surface-decorated or printed, in rolls or rectangular (including square) sheets, of any size(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).36248.11Paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, coated, impregnated, covered, surface-coloured, surface-decorated or printed, in rolls or rectangular (including square) sheets, of any size, other than goods of the kind described in Heading No. 48.03, 48.09 or 48.10(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).3634819.10Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated paper or paperboardChange in Tariff Heading.3644819.20Folding cartons, boxes and cases, of non-corrugated paper or paperboardChange in Tariff Heading.3654821.10Printed paper or paperboard labels of all kindsChange in Tariff Heading.3664823.90Other floor coverings on a base of paper or of paperboard whether or not cut to size, joss paper and the like, paper fans, other paper and articles (including paper and articles of cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres)Change in Tariff Heading.3674908.90Other transfers (decalcomanias)Manufactured from transfers and printing inks. The principal processes are design and printing.36849.11Other printed matter, including printed pictures and photographsChange in Tariff Heading.3695007.20Other fabrics, containing 85% or more by weight of silk or of spun silk other than noil silk(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Decoration of imported or locally made fabrics, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method); or (3) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) bleaching or mercerising; and (c) printing or dyeing (including optical whitening); and (d) any one of the following processes: resin finish, pre-shrinking, shearing, brushing, glazing, schreinering, moiring, permanent embossing.37051.06Yarn of carded wool, not put up for retail saleManufactured from fibre or chemical compounds. The principal process is spinning.3715107.10Yarn of combed wool, not for retail sale, containing 85% or more by weight of wool Manufactured from fibre or chemical compounds. The principal process is spinning.3725112.11Woven fabrics of combed wool or fine animal hair, not exceeding 200g/m2 by weight(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) bleaching or mercerising; and (c) printing or dyeing (including optical whitening); and (d) any one of the following processes: resin finish, pre-shrinking, shearing, brushing, glazing, schreinering, moiring, permanent embossing.3735112.19Woven fabrics of combed wool or fine animal hair, > 200 g/m2 by weight (Containing ≥85% of woven fabrics of combed wool or of combed fine animal hair)(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) dyeing or printing (except for yarn-dyed fabric); and (c) milling; and (d) drying; and (e) tentering; and (f) shearing or raising or brushing; and (g) decatising.37452.01Cotton, not carded or combedChange in Tariff Chapter.37552.02Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock)Wholly obtained.37652.03Cotton, carded or combedChange in Tariff Chapter.37752.05Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, not put up for retail saleManufactured from fibre or chemical compounds. The principal process is spinning.37852.06Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing less than 85% by weight of cotton, not put up for retail saleManufactured from fibre or chemical compounds. The principal process is spinning.37952.08Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/m2(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) bleaching or mercerising; and (c) printing or dyeing (including optical whitening); and (d) any one of the following processes: resin finish, pre-shrinking, shearing, brushing, glazing, schreinering, moiring, permanent embossing.38052.09Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m2(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) bleaching or mercerising; and (c) printing or dyeing (including optical whitening); and (d) any one of the following processes: resin finish, pre-shrinking, shearing, brushing, glazing, schreinering, moiring, permanent embossing.38152.10Woven fabrics of cotton, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton, mixed mainly or solely with man-made fibres, weighing not more than 200 g/m2(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) bleaching or mercerising; and (c) printing or dyeing (including optical whitening); and (d) any one of the following processes: resin finish, pre-shrinking, shearing, brushing, glazing, schreinering, moiring, permanent embossing.38252.11Woven fabrics of cotton, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton, mixed mainly or solely with man-made fibres, weighing more than 200 g/m2(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) bleaching or mercerising; and (c) printing or dyeing (including optical whitening); and (d) any one of the following processes: resin finish, pre-shrinking, shearing, brushing, glazing, schreinering, moiring, permanent embossing.38352.12Other woven fabrics of cotton(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) bleaching or mercerising; and (c) printing or dyeing (including optical whitening); and (d) any one of the following processes: resin finish, pre-shrinking, shearing, brushing, glazing, schreinering, moiring, permanent embossing.38453.06Flax yarnManufactured from fibre or chemical compounds. The principal process is spinning.38553.09Woven fabrics of flax(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) bleaching or mercerising; and (c) printing or dyeing (including optical whitening); and (d) any one of the following processes: resin finish, pre-shrinking, shearing, brushing, glazing, schreinering, moiring, permanent embossing.3865401.10Sewing thread of synthetic filamentsManufactured from filament yarn. The principal processes are doubling, twisting, heat-setting, oiling and winding.3875402.31Yarn of nylon or other polyamides, measuring per single yarn not more than 50 texTexturising of imported or locally made polyamide yarn. The principal process is texturising.3885402.32Yarn of nylon or other polyamides, measuring per single yarn more than 50 texTexturising of imported or locally made polyamide yarn. The principal process is texturising.3895402.44Elastomeric yarnManufactured from fibre yarns or sheets. The principal processes are twisting, cutting, air-quenching, oiling and winding.39054.04Synthetic monofilament of 67 decitex or more and of which no cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm; strip and the like (for example, artificial straw) of synthetic textile materials of an apparent width not exceeding 5 mmManufactured from fibre yarns or sheets. The principal processes are twisting, cutting, air-quenching, oiling and winding.39154.07Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn, including woven fabrics obtained from materials of Heading No. 54.04(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) bleaching or mercerising; and (c) printing or dyeing (including optical whitening); and (d) any one of the following processes: resin finish, pre-shrinking, shearing, brushing, glazing, schreinering, moiring, permanent embossing.39254.08Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn, including woven fabrics obtained from materials of Heading No. 54.05(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) bleaching or mercerising; and (c) printing or dyeing (including optical whitening); and (d) any one of the following processes: resin finish, pre-shrinking, shearing, brushing, glazing, schreinering, moiring, permanent embossing.3935508.10Sewing thread of synthetic staple fibresThe principal processes are (a) twining and winding; or (b) (i) Dyeing or mercerising or bleaching and (ii) waxing or oiling; and (iii) winding.39455.09Yarn (other than sewing thread) of synthetic staple fibres, not put up for retail saleManufactured from fibre or chemical compounds. The principal process is spinning.39555.10Yarn (other than sewing thread) of artificial staple fibres, not put up for retail saleManufactured from fibre or chemical compounds. The principal process is spinning.39655.12Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of synthetic staple fibres(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) bleaching or mercerising; and (c) printing or dyeing (including optical whitening); and (d) any one of the following processes: resin finish, pre-shrinking, shearing, brushing, glazing, schreinering, moiring, permanent embossing.39755.13Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, of a weight not exceeding 170 g/m2(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) bleaching or mercerising; and (c) printing or dyeing (including optical whitening); and (d) any one of the following processes: resin finish, pre-shrinking, shearing, brushing, glazing, schreinering, moiring, permanent embossing.39855.14Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, of a weight exceeding 170 g/m2(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) bleaching or mercerising; and (c) printing or dyeing (including optical whitening); and (d) any one of the following processes: resin finish, pre-shrinking, shearing, brushing, glazing, schreinering, moiring, permanent embossing.39955.16Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) bleaching or mercerising; and (c) printing or dyeing (including optical whitening); and (d) any one of the following processes: resin finish, pre-shrinking, shearing, brushing, glazing, schreinering, moiring, permanent embossing.4005601.21Wadding of cotton textile materials and articles thereofChange in Tariff Heading.40156.03Nonwovens, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminatedChange in Tariff Heading.4025608.90Fishing nets, other made up nets and knotted netting, of other textile materials (other than toils or basket-like nets)Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting.4035702.41Floor coverings, of pile construction, made up of wool or fine animal hairChange in Tariff Heading.4045702.42Floor coverings, of pile construction, of man-made textile materialsChange in Tariff Heading.4055801.22Cut corduroy fabrics(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) bleaching or mercerising; and (c) printing or dyeing (including optical whitening); and (d) any one of the following processes: resin finish, pre-shrinking, shearing, brushing, glazing, schreinering, moiring, permanent embossing.4065801.27Warp pile fabrics(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) bleaching or mercerising; and (c) printing or dyeing (including optical whitening); and (d) any one of the following processes: resin finish, pre-shrinking, shearing, brushing, glazing, schreinering, moiring, permanent embossing.4075804.21Fabrics, of man-made fibresManufacturing from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting.4085806.20Other woven fabrics, containing by weight 5% or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber threadManufacturing from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting.4095807.10Woven labels, badges and similar articles of textile materials(1) Manufacturing from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Manufactured from fabrics, textile tapes or ribbons. The principal processes are cutting (if manufactured from fabrics) and printing or embroidering.41059.03Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics, other than those of Heading No. 59.02Change in Tariff Heading.41159.07Painted canvas, otherwise impregnated, coated Change in Tariff Heading.4126001.92Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of man-made fibres(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) bleaching or mercerising; and (c) printing or dyeing (including optical whitening); and (d) any one of the following processes: resin finish, pre-shrinking, shearing, brushing, glazing, schreinering, moiring, permanent embossing.41360.04Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width exceeding 30 cm, containing by weight 5% or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread, other than those of Heading No. 60.01(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) bleaching or mercerising; and (c) printing or dyeing (including optical whitening); and (d) any one of the following processes: resin finish, pre-shrinking, shearing, brushing, glazing, schreinering, moiring, permanent embossing.41460.05Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon knitting machines), other than those of Headings Nos. 60.01 to 60.04(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) bleaching or mercerising; and (c) printing or dyeing (including optical whitening); and (d) any one of the following processes: resin finish, pre-shrinking, shearing, brushing, glazing, schreinering, moiring, permanent embossing.41560.06Other knitted or crocheted fabrics(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting; or (2) Finishing of imported or locally made grey fabrics. The principal processes are (a) scouring; and (b) bleaching or mercerising; and (c) printing or dyeing (including optical whitening); and (d) any one of the following processes: resin finish, pre-shrinking, shearing, brushing, glazing, schreinering, moiring, permanent embossing.41661.01Men's or boys' overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles, knitted or crocheted, other than those of Heading No. 61.03Cut-and-sewn: Assembly of parts into garment. The principal process is sewing of parts into garment. If linking and/or stitching is/are required, such process/processes must also be done in one side. Piece-knitted: (1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is knitting of yarn into knit-to-shape panel; or (2) Manufactured from knit-to-shape panels. The principal process is linking of knit-to-shape panels into garment. If stitching is required, it must also be done in one side.41761.02Women's or girls' overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles, knitted or crocheted, other than those of Heading No. 61.04Cut-and-sewn: Assembly of parts into garment. The principal process is sewing of parts into garment. If linking and/or stitching is/are required, such process/processes must also be done in one side. Piece-knitted: (1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is knitting of yarn into knit-to-shape panel; or (2) Manufactured from knit-to-shape panels. The principal process is linking of knit-to-shape panels into garment. If stitching is required, it must also be done in one side.41861.03Men's or boys' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear), knitted or crochetedCut-and-sewn: Assembly of parts into garment. The principal process is sewing of parts into garment. If linking and/or stitching is/are required, such process/processes must also be done in one side. Piece-knitted: (1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is knitting of yarn into knit-to-shape panel; or (2) Manufactured from knit-to-shape panels. The principal process is linking of knit-to-shape panels into garment. If stitching is required, it must also be done in one side.41961.04Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, dresses, skirts, divided skirts, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear), knitted or crochetedCut-and-sewn: Assembly of parts into garment. The principal process is sewing of parts into garment. If linking and/or stitching is/are required, such process/processes must also be done in one side. Piece-knitted: (1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is knitting of yarn into knit-to-shape panel; or (2) Manufactured from knit-to-shape panels. The principal process is linking of knit-to-shape panels into garment. If stitching is required, it must also be done in one side.42061.05Men's or boys' shirts, knitted or crochetedCut-and-sewn: Assembly of parts into garment. The principal process is sewing of parts into garment. If linking and/or stitching is/are required, such process/processes must also be done in one side. Piece-knitted: (1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is knitting of yarn into knit-to-shape panel; or (2) Manufactured from knit-to-shape panels. The principal process is linking of knit-to-shape panels into garment. If stitching is required, it must also be done in one side.42161.06Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses, knitted or crochetedCut-and-sewn: Assembly of parts into garment. The principal process is sewing of parts into garment. If linking and/or stitching is/are required, such process/processes must also be done in one side. Piece-knitted: (1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is knitting of yarn into knit-to-shape panel; or (2) Manufactured from knit-to-shape panels. The principal process is linking of knit-to-shape panels into garment. If stitching is required, it must also be done in one side.42261.07Men's or boys' underpants, briefs, night shirts, pyjamas, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles, knitted or crochetedCut-and-sewn: Assembly of parts into garment. The principal process is sewing of parts into garment. If linking and/or stitching is/are required, such process/processes must also be done in one side. Piece-knitted: (1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is knitting of yarn into knit-to-shape panel; or (2) Manufactured from knit-to-shape panels. The principal process is linking of knit-to-shape panels into garment. If stitching is required, it must also be done in one side.42361.08Women's or girls' slips, petticoats, briefs, panties, nightdresses, pyjamas, nègligès, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles, knitted or crochetedCut-and-sewn: Assembly of parts into garment. The principal process is sewing of parts into garment. If linking and/or stitching is/are required, such process/processes must also be done in one side. Piece-knitted: (1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is knitting of yarn into knit-to-shape panel; or (2) Manufactured from knit-to-shape panels. The principal process is linking of knit-to-shape panels into garment. If stitching is required, it must also be done in one side.42461.09T-shirts, singlets and other vests, knitted or crochetedCut-and-sewn: Assembly of parts into garment. The principal process is sewing of parts into garment. If linking and/or stitching is/are required, such process/processes must also be done in one side. Piece-knitted: (1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is knitting of yarn into knit-to-shape panel; or (2) Manufactured from knit-to-shape panels. The principal process is linking of knit-to-shape panels into garment. If stitching is required, it must also be done in one side.42561.10Jerseys, pullovers, cardigans, waistcoats and similar articles, knitted or crochetedCut-and-sewn: Assembly of parts into garment. The principal process is sewing of parts into garment. If linking and/or stitching is/are required, such process/processes must also be done in one side. Piece-knitted: (1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is knitting of yarn into knit-to-shape panel; or (2) Manufactured from knit-to-shape panels. The principal process is linking of knit-to-shape panels into garment. If stitching is required, it must also be done in one side.42661.11Babies' garments and clothing accessories, knitted or crochetedCut-and-sewn: Assembly of parts into garment. The principal process is sewing of parts into garment. If linking and/or stitching is/are required, such process/processes must also be done in one side. Piece-knitted: (1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is knitting of yarn into knit-to-shape panel; or (2) Manufactured from knit-to-shape panels. The principal process is linking of knit-to-shape panels into garment. If stitching is required, it must also be done in one side. Babies' clothing accessories:(1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is knitting; (2) Manufactured from fabric. The principal processes are cutting of fabric and sewing of cut pieces into product; or (3) Assembly of parts into garment parts. The principal process is sewing of cut pieces into garment parts.42761.12Track suits, ski suits and swimwear, knitted or crochetedCut-and-sewn: Assembly of parts into garment. The principal process is sewing of parts into garment. If linking and/or stitching is/are required, such process/processes must also be done in one side. Piece-knitted (1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is knitting of yarn into knit-to-shape panel; or (2) Manufactured from knit-to-shape panels. The principal process is linking of knit-to-shape panels into garment. If stitching is required, it must also be done in one side.42861.13Garments, made up of knitted or crocheted fabrics of Heading No. 59.03, 59.06 or 59.07Cut-and-sewn: Assembly of parts into garment. The principal process is sewing of parts into garment. If linking and/or stitching is/are required, such process/processes must also be done in one side. Piece-knitted: (1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is knitting of yarn into knit-to-shape panel; or (2) Manufactured from knit-to-shape panels. The principal process is linking of knit-to-shape panels into garment. If stitching is required, it must also be done in one side.42961.14Other garments, knitted or crochetedCut-and-sewn: Assembly of parts into garment. The principal process is sewing of parts into garment. If linking and/or stitching is/are required, such process/processes must also be done in one side. Piece-knitted: (1) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is knitting of yarn into knit-to-shape panel; or (2) Manufactured from knit-to-shape panels. The principal process is linking of knit-to-shape panels into garment. If stitching is required, it must also be done in one side.4306115.10Graduated compression hosiery (for example, stockings for varicose veins)Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting.4316115.21Hosiery, of synthetic fibres, measuring per single yarn less than 67 decitexManufactured from yarn. The principal processes are knitting, weaving and sewing.4326115.94Hosiery, of wool or fine animal hairManufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting.4336115.95Hosiery, of cottonManufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting.4346115.96Hosiery, of synthetic fibresManufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting.4356115.99Hosiery, of other textile materialsManufactured from yarn. The principal process is weaving or knitting.43661.16Gloves, mittens and mitts, knitted or crochetedAssembly of parts into product. The principal process is sewing of cut pieces and parts into gloves/mittens/mitts.43761.17Other made up clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted; knitted or crocheted parts of garments or of clothing accessories(1) Assembly of parts into garment parts. The principal process is sewing of cut pieces into garment parts; or (2) Manufactured from yarn. The principal process is knitting.43862Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).43963Other made up textile articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).4406406.90Other parts of footwear, removable in-soles, etc. (including heel cushions and similar articles, gaiters, leggings and similar articles and parts thereof), of wood; removable in-soles, heel cushions and similar articles, gaiters, leggings and similar articles and parts thereof, of other materials; other parts of footwear, of other materialsChange in Tariff Heading.4416506.99Headgear of other materials Manufactured from furskin. The principal processes are cutting of fabrics or furskin and sewing of cut pieces to hats or caps. 4426804.21Grinding wheels (of agglomerated synthetic or natural diamond); other millstones, grindstones and the like (of agglomerated synthetic or natural diamond)Change in Tariff Heading.4436804.22Other grinding wheels (of other agglomerated abrasives or of ceramics); other millstones, grindstones and the like (of other agglomerated abrasives or of ceramics)Change in Tariff Heading.44468.10Articles of cement, of concrete or of artificial stone, whether or not reinforcedChange in Tariff Heading.4457007.11Safety glass, consisting of toughened (tempered) or laminated glass, of size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vesselsManufactured from glass sheets and frame-making materials. The principal processes are toughening, cutting and assembly of parts into products.4467019.51Plain weave, of a width not exceeding 30 cm Change in Tariff Heading.4477019.52Plain weave, of a width exceeding 30 cm, weighing less than 250 g/m2, of filaments measuring per single yarn not more than 136 texChange in Tariff Heading.4487019.59Other woven fabricsChange in Tariff Heading.44970.20Other articles of glass (1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).4507102.31Diamond, unworked or simply sawn, cleaved or bruted(1) Unworked industrial diamonds: Mined in one side; or (2) Simply worked non-industrial diamonds: Manufactured from unworked and unsorted diamonds and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).4517104.90Sapphires for technical useChange in Tariff Heading.4527110.19Other platinumManufactured from metal. The principal process is chemical transformation by way of mixing chemical ingredients.4537110.29Other palladiumManufactured from metal. The principal process is chemical transformation by way of mixing chemical ingredients.45471.13Articles of jewellery and parts thereof, of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal(1) The principal process is moulding. If assembling is required, it must also be done in one side; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (30% for both Build-down and Build-up method).45571.14Articles of goldsmiths' or silversmiths' wares and parts thereof, of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal(1) The principal process is moulding. If assembling is required, it must also be done in one side; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (30% for both Build-down and Build-up method).45671.15Other articles of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal(1) The principal process is moulding. If assembling is required, it must also be done in one side; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (30% for bother Build-down and Build-up method).45771.16Articles of natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed)(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (30% for both Build-down and Build-up method).45871.17Imitation jewelleryChange in Tariff Heading.4597205.21Granules and powders of alloy steelChange in Tariff Heading.4607210.70Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloyed steel, of a width of 600mm or more, painted, varnished or coated with plasticsManufactured from metal. The principal processes are forming, painting or coating with plastic. If punching or/and blanking is/are required, it/they must also be done in one side.4617212.40Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloyed steel, of a width less than 600mm, painted, varnished or coated with plasticsManufactured from metal. The principal processes are forming, painting or coating with plastic. If punching or/and blanking is/are required, it/they must also be done in one side.4627214.20Bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel, containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced during the rolling process or twisted after rollingManufactured from metal. The principal processes are heating, forming and cutting.4637217.90Other wire of iron or non-alloy steelChange in Tariff Heading.4647219.21Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a thickness exceeding 10mmChange in Tariff Heading.4657219.22Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a thickness of 4.75mm or more but not exceeding 10mmChange in Tariff Heading.4667219.33Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a thickness exceeding 1mm but less than 3mmManufactured from metal. The principal processes are forming, welding and cutting.4677219.34Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a thickness of 0.5mm or more but not exceeding 1mmManufactured from metal. The principal processes are forming, welding and cutting.4687219.35Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a thickness less than 0.5mmManufactured from metal. The principal processes are forming, welding and cutting.4697220.11Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a width of less than 600mm, of a thickness of 4.75mm or moreChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 7219.4707223.00Wire of stainless steelManufactured from metal. The principal processes are steel wire making and forming. If extruding is required, it must also be done in one side.4717304.39Tubes and pipes, of a kind suitable for use in boilers, other than cold-drawn or cold-rolled, seamless, of iron; Geological drill and casing pipes, other than cold-rolled, seamless, of iron (other than cold-drawn or cold-rolled, iron or non-alloy steel), etcManufactured from metal. The principal process is forming. If punching or/and blanking is/are required, it/they must also be done in one side.4727307.22Threaded elbows, bends and sleevesManufactured from metal. The principal process is forming. If punching or/and blanking is/are required, it/they must also be done in one side.4737307.29Other tube or pipe fittings of stainless steelManufactured from metal. The principal process is forming. If punching or/and blanking is/are required, it/they must also be done in one side.4747308.30Doors, windows and their frames and thresholds for doorsManufactured from metal. The principal process is forming. If punching or/and blanking is/are required, it/they must also be done in one side.4757308.90Other structures and parts of structures, of other iron or steel (including plates, shapes, tubes and the like)Manufactured from metal. The principal process is forming. If punching or/and blanking is/are required, it/they must also be done in one side.47673.10Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers, for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity not exceeding 300L whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipmentManufactured from metal. The principal processes are forming, soldering and cutting. If assembly is required, it must be done in one side.4777311.00Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steelManufactured from metal. The principal process is forming. If punching and/or blanking is/are required, it/they must also be done in one side.4787314.20Grill, netting and fencing, welded at the intersection, of wire with a maximum cross-sectional dimension of 3mm or more and having a mesh size of 100cm2 or moreChange in Tariff Heading.4797314.31Grill, netting and fencing, plated or coated with zincChange in Tariff Heading.4807314.39Other grill, netting and fencing of iron or steel wire, welded at the intersection (of wire with a maximum cross-sectional dimension of 3mm or less and having a mesh size of 100cm2 or less)Change in Tariff Heading.4817314.50Expanded metal, of iron or steelManufactured from metal. The principal process is forming.4827315.11Roller chainManufactured from metal. The principal processes are cutting, stamping and electroplating.4837318.15Other screws and bolts (whether or not with their nuts or washers)Change in Tariff Heading.4847318.21Spring washers and other lock washersChange in Tariff Heading.4857318.23RivetsChange in Tariff Heading.4867323.93Household articles and parts, of stainless steelChange in Tariff Heading.4877324.10Sinks and wash basins, of stainless steelChange in Tariff Heading.4887326.90Other steel fibre and its products for technical use; other articles of iron or steel for technical use; other articles of iron or steel for non-technical useManufactured from metal and parts (such as tapes, strings, chains or panels). The principal process is cutting. If assembling is required, it must also be done in one side. 48974.05Master alloys of copperChange in Tariff Heading.4907408.19Other copper wire of refined copper(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).4917409.21Copper plates, sheets and strips, in coilsChange in Tariff Heading.4927409.29Plates, sheets and strip, of other copper-zinc base alloys (brass) (of a thickness exceeding 0.15mm)Change in Tariff Heading.4937409.90Plates, sheets and strips, of other copper alloys (of a thickness > 0.15mm)Change in Tariff Heading.4947410.11Copper foil, of refined copperChange in Tariff Heading.4957410.21Copper foil, of other refined copperManufactured from copper, resin and chemical solvent. The principal processes are mixing, coating and sheeting.4967411.21Tubes and pipes, of copper-zinc base alloys (brass)Change in Tariff Heading.4977415.21Washers (including spring washers), of copper or of iron or steelManufactured from metal. The principal processes are cutting, stamping and electroplating.4987415.29Other articles, not threaded, of copperManufactured from metal. The principal processes are cutting, stamping and electroplating.4997415.33Screws; bolts and nutsChange in Tariff Heading.5007415.39Other threaded articles, of copperChange in Tariff Heading.5017419.10Chain and parts thereof, of copperManufactured from metal. The principal processes are cutting, stamping and electroplating.5027506.20Plates, sheets, strip and foil of nickel alloysChange in Tariff Heading.5037601.10Aluminium, not alloyedChange in Tariff Heading.5047605.19Other aluminium wire, not alloyedChange in Tariff Heading.50576.06Aluminium plates, sheets and strip, of a thickness exceeding 0.2mm(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) Manufactured from metal. The principal process is forming of metal material (including melting, extruding and cutting). If punching and/or blanking is/are required, such process/processes must also be done in one side.5067607.20Aluminium foil, backedManufactured from metal. The principal processes are rolling (calendering), coating and laminating.5077616.10Aluminium nails, tacks, staples (other than those of Heading No. 83.05), screws, bolts, nuts, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers and similar articlesManufactured from metal. The principal processes are cutting, stamping and electroplating.5087901.20Zinc alloysManufactured from metal. The principal processes are smelting, physical or chemical separating, blending and casting.50980.01Unwrought tinChange in Tariff Heading.51080.03Tin bars, rods, profiles and wireChange in Tariff Heading.51180.07Other articles of tin(1) Manufactured from tin ore or tin waste and scrap. The principal processes are selecting, melting, chemical treatment, smelting, cutting and forming; or (2) Change in Tariff Heading.5128108.20Titanium powdersManufactured from titanium straps, plates, blanks and recycled materials (except sponge titanium), and powder size less than 200 microns.5138202.39Other saws, including partsManufactured from metal. The principal processes are cutting and assembling.51482.07Interchangeable tools for hand tools, whether or not power-operated, or for machine-tools (for example, for pressing, stamping, punching, tapping, threading, drilling, boring, broaching, milling, turning or screw driving), including dies for drawing or extruding metal, and rock drilling or earth boring toolsChange in Tariff Heading.5158208.10Knives and cutting blades, for machines, for metal working Change in Tariff Heading.5168215.99Other kitchen or tableware, other than sets of assorted articles (not sets of assorted articles, unplated with precious metal)Change in Tariff Heading.5178301.50Clasps and frames with clasps, incorporating locksManufactured from metal. The principal processes are die-casting, threading and assembling. 5188302.10HingesManufactured from metal. The principal processes are die-casting, threading and assembling. 5198304.00Filing cabinets, card-index cabinets, paper trays, paper rests, pen trays, office-stamp stands and similar office or desk equipment, of base metal, other than office furniture of Heading No. 94.03Change in Tariff Heading.5208305.90Other office articles, including parts, of base metalManufactured from metal. The principal processes are surface treating, cutting, assembling, electroplating/spraying/coating.5218307.90Flexible tubing of other base metalManufactured from metal. The principal processes are forming and cutting.5228308.10Hooks, eyes and eyelets, of base metalManufactured from metal. The principal processes are cutting, stamping and electroplating.5238308.20Tubular or bifurcated rivets of base metalManufactured from metal. The principal processes are cutting, stamping and electroplating.5248308.90Other articles, including parts, of base metalManufactured from metal. The principal processes are die-casting, forming and assembling. If blanking is required after die-casting, it must also be done in one side.5258309.10Crown corks, of base metalChange in Tariff Heading.5268309.90Caps and lids, capsules for bottles, threaded bungs, seals, etc, and packing accessories, of base metalManufactured from metal. The principal process is forming. If drilling and/or blanking are required, it/they must also be done in one side.5278311.10Coated electrodes of base metal, for electric arc-weldingManufactured from metal. The principal processes are coating and forming. If rolling is required, it must also be done in one side.5288311.20Cored wire of base metal, for electric arc-weldingManufactured from metal. The principal processes are core filling and forming. If rolling is required, it must also be done in one side.5298311.30Coated rods and cored wire, of base metal, for soldering, brazing or welding by flameManufactured from metal. The principal processes are coating or core filling, and forming. If rolling is required, it must also be done in one side.5308311.90Wire and rods, of agglomerated base metal, used for metal sprayingManufactured from metal. The principal processes are cutting, forming, grinding, pressing. If punching , blanking or rolling is required, such process must also be done in one side.5318407.33Engines, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 250cc but not exceeding 1000ccChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8409.5328407.34Engines, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1000ccChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8409.5338408.20Engines of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of Chapter 87Change in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8409.5348412.21Engines and motors, linear acting (cylinders)(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) Assembled in one side and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).5358412.29Hydraulic motors(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).5368413.91Parts for liquid pumpsChange in Tariff Heading.5378414.90Parts for air pumpsChange in Tariff Heading.5388415.90Parts for air conditioning machinesChange in Tariff Heading.5398418.50Other furniture (chests, cabinets, display counters, show cases and the like) for storage and display, incorporating refrigerating or freezing equipmentChange in Tariff Heading.5408419.90Parts for machinery, plant or laboratory equipment for the treatment of materials by a process involving temperature change Change in Tariff Heading.5418421.21Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying waterChange in Tariff Heading.5428421.29Press filters, etcChange in Tariff Heading.5438421.39Filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for gases of the household type; industrial electrostatic precipitators; industrial bag type dust collector; industrial cyclone dust collector; industrial electric bag composite dust collector, etcChange in Tariff Heading.5448421.99Parts of household type filtering or purifying machines, etcChange in Tariff Heading.5458422.40Other packing or wrapping machinery (including heat-shrink wrapping machinery)Change in Tariff Heading.5468422.90Parts for other packing or wrapping machinery (including heat-shrink wrapping machinery)Change in Tariff Heading.5478425.39Pit-head winding gear and winches specially designed for use underground, not powered by electric motor; other winches and capstans not powered by electric motorChange in Tariff Heading.5488430.41Self-propelled drilling machineryChange in Tariff Heading.5498431.39Parts of other machinery of Heading No. 84.28 (other than parts of lifts, skip hoists or escalators)Change in Tariff Heading.5508431.43Parts of boring or sinking machinery of Subheading No. 8430.41 or 8430.49Change in Tariff Heading.5518431.49Drive-axle with differential and parts thereof, whether or not provided transmission components; parts for electrical shovels for mining, etcChange in Tariff Heading.5528451.80Other machineryMetal working (the metal process may be carried out on imported component parts) and assembling in one side. The principal processes are metal working, assembling and testing.55384.57Machining centres, unit construction machines (single station) and multi-station transfer machines, for working metalChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8537 and No. 9032, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5548458.11Horizontal lathes, numerically controlledMetal working (the metal process may be carried out on imported component parts) and assembling in one side, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).5558458.91Other lathes, numerically controlledChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8537 and No. 9032, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5568458.99Other lathes (other than numerically controlled)Change in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5578459.10Way-type unit head machineChange in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5588459.21Other drilling machines, numerically controlledChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8537 and No. 9032, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5598459.29Other drilling machines (other than numerically controlled)Change in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5608459.31Other boring-milling machines, numerically controlledChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8537 and No. 9032, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5618459.39Other boring-milling machines (other than numerically controlled)Change in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5628459.41Other boring machines, numerically controlledChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8537 and No. 9032, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5638459.49Other boring machines by removing metal, other than lathes of Heading No. 84.58Change in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5648459.51Milling machines, knee-type, numerically controlledChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8537 and No. 9032, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5658459.59Other milling machines, knee-type (other than numerically controlled)Change in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5668459.61Other milling machines, numerically controlledChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8537 and No. 9032, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5678459.69Other milling machines (other than numerically controlled)Change in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5688459.70Other threading or tapping machinesChange in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5698460.12Flat-surface grinding machines, numerically controlledChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8537 and No. 9032, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5708460.19Other flat-surface grinding machinesChange in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5718460.22Centreless grinding machines, numerically controlledChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8537 and No. 9032, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5728460.23Other cylindrical grinding machines, numerically controlledChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8537 and No. 9032, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5738460.24Other grinding machines, numerically controlledChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8537 and No. 9032, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5748460.29Other grinding machines (other than numerically controlled)Change in Tariff Heading and the assembling of workhead and grinding wheel head should be done in one side.5758460.31Sharpening (tool or cutter grinding) machines, numerically controlledChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8537 and No. 9032, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5768460.39Other sharpening (tool or cutter grinding) machines (other than numerically controlled)Metal working (the metal process may be carried out on imported component parts) and assembling in one side and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method). The principal processes are lathe-working, milling, welding, polishing, assembling and testing.5778460.40Honing or lapping machinesChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8537 and No. 9032, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5788460.90Other machine-tools for deburring, sharpening, grinding, honing, lapping, polishing or otherwise finishing metal or cermets by means of grinding stones, abrasives or polishing products, other than gear cutting, gear grinding or gear finishing machines of Heading No. 84.61Change in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8537 and No. 9032, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).57984.61Machine-tools for planning, shaping, slotting, broaching, gear cutting, gear grinding or gear finishing, sawing, cutting-off and other machine-tools working by removing metal or cermets, not else where specified or includedChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8537 and No. 9032, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5808462.10Forging or die-stamping machines (including presses) and hammersChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8537 and No. 9032, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5818462.21Bending, folding, straightening or flattening machines (including presses), numerically controlledChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8537 and No. 9032, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5828462.29Other bending, folding, straightening or flattening machines (including presses) (other than numerically controlled)Change in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5838462.31Shearing machines (including presses), other than combined punching and shearing machines, numerically controlledChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8537 and No. 9032, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5848462.39Other shearing machines (including presses), other than combined punching and shearing machines (other than numerically controlled)Change in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5858462.41Punching or notching machines (including presses), including combined punching and shearing machines, numerically controlledChange in Tariff Heading, except change from Tariff Heading No. 8537 and No. 9032, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5868462.49Other punching or notching machines (including presses), including combined punching and shearing machinesChange in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5878462.91Hydraulic pressesChange in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5888462.99Other machine-tools (including presses) for working metal by forging, hammering or die-stamping; machine-tools (including presses) for working metal by bending, folding, straightening, flattening, shearing, punching or notching; presses for working metal or metal carbides, not specified aboveChange in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).58984.63Other machine-tools for working metal or cermets, without removing materialChange in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).5908466.92Parts and accessories for machines of Heading No. 84.65Change in Tariff Heading.5918467.91Parts of chain saws, working in the handChange in Tariff Heading.5928467.99Other parts of tools for working in the hand, with self-contained electric motor or non-electric motorChange in Tariff Heading.5938480.41Moulds for metal or metal carbides, injection or compression typesChange in Tariff Heading.5948480.79Other moulds for rubber or plasticsChange in Tariff Heading.5958483.90Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately; partsChange in Tariff Heading.5968487.90Machinery parts, not containing electrical connectors insulators, coils, contacts or other electrical features, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapterChange in Tariff Heading.59785.03Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of Heading No. 85.01 or 85.02Change in Tariff Heading.5988504.90Parts of electrical transformersChange in Tariff Heading.5998505.11Articles of permanent magnets of metalChange in Tariff Heading.6008505.19Other articles of non-metal permanent magnets Change in Tariff Heading.6018507.60Lithium ion electric accumulatorsAssembled in one side. The principal processes are assembling, sealing and testing.6028507.80Other electric accumulatorsAssembled in one side. The principal processes are assembling, sealing and testing.6038507.90Parts of electric accumulatorsChange in Tariff Heading.6048508.70Parts of vacuum cleanersChange in Tariff Heading.6058509.90Parts of electro-mechanical domestic appliancesChange in Tariff Heading.6068510.20Hair clipper(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).6078513.90Parts of portable electric lamps designed to function by their own source of energy (for example, dry batteries, accumulators, magnetos)Change in Tariff Heading.6088515.90Parts of electric machines and apparatusManufactured from metal. The principal processes are cutting and forming.6098516.29Other electric space heating apparatus and electric soil heating apparatusMetal working (the metal process may be carried out on imported component parts) and assembling in one side. The principal processes are cutting, welding, lathe-working, milling, assembling and testing.6108516.79Other electric appliancesChange in Tariff Heading.6118516.90Parts of electric heating apparatus and electric heating resistorsChange in Tariff Heading.6128517.70Parts of telephone setsChange in Tariff Heading.6138518.90Parts of microphonesChange in Tariff Heading.6148521.90Video Compact Disc player, Digital Video Disc player, etcAssembled in one side and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method). The design of the system software should be carried out in one side.61585.22Parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of Headings No. 85.19 or 85.21Change in Tariff Heading.6168523.21Cads incorporating a magnetic stripeManufactured from plastics. The principal processes are platemaking, slot card manufacturing and assembling.6178523.29Magnetic discs, magnetic tapes and other magnetic mediaManufactured from unrecorded magnetic media. The principal processes are loading and processing of sound or image data.6188523.49Other optical mediaManufactured from unrecorded laser disc or discs for laser reading systems. The principal processes are loading and processing of sound data.6198528.52LCD monitors, of a kind solely or principally used in an automatic data processing system of Heading No. 84.71Change in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).6208528.59Other monitors solely or principally used in an automatic data processing system of Heading No. 84.71Change in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).6218528.62Projectors capable of directly connecting to and designed for use with an automatic data processing machine of Heading No. 84.71Assembled in one side and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method). The design of the system software should be carried out in one side.6228528.69Other projectors, colour and monochromeAssembled in one side and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method). The design of the system software should be carried out in one side.6238529.10Aerials and aerial reflectors of all kinds; parts suitable for use therewithChange in Tariff Heading.6248529.90Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of Headings No. 85.25 to 85.28 (other than aerials and aerial reflectors of all kinds; parts suitable for use therewith)Change in Tariff Heading.6258531.10Burglar or fire alarms and similar apparatusManufactured from electronic components. The principal processes are welding, adjustment and testing.6268531.80Other apparatus(1) Manufactured from electronic components. The principal processes are welding, adjustment and testing; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).62785.36Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits (for example, switches, relays, fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets, lamp-holders, and other connectors, junction boxes), for a voltage not exceeding 1000 volts; Connectors for optical fibres, optical fibre bundles or cablesChange in Tariff Heading.6288538.90Other parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of Heading No. 85.35, 85.36 or 85.37Change in Tariff Heading.6298539.29Other filament lamps(1) Manufactured from local glass bulbs. The principal processes are inserting tungsten wire, evacuating air and sealing bulb to base; or (2) Manufactured from glass tubes. The principal processes are coating and assembling.6308539.50Light-emitting diode (LED) lampsManufactured from bare bulbs and stand accessories. The principal process is assembling; and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).63185.42Electronic integrated circuits (1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).6328544.11Copper winding wireManufactured from metal wire. The principal process is sheathing.6338544.49Other electric cables, for a voltage not exceeding 80 V; other electric conductors, for a voltage not exceeding 80 V; other electric cables, for a voltage exceeding 80 V but not exceeding 1,000 V; other electric conductors, for a voltage exceeding 80 V but not exceeding 1,000 V (1) Manufactured from metal wire. The principal process is sheathing; or (2) Assembled in one side and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).6348544.60Other electric conductors, with a rated voltage exceeding 1,000VManufactured from metal wire. The principal process is sheathing.6358547.10Insulating fitting of ceramics(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).6368547.20Insulating fitting of plastics(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).6378702.10Motor vehicles with only compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semidiesel)To fulfil the regional value content requirement (50% for Build-down method or 40% for Build-up method).63887.03Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of Heading No. 87.02), including station wagons and racing carsChange in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (60% for Build-down method or 50% for Build-up method).63987.06Chassis fitted with engines(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).64087.08Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles of Headings No. 87.01 to 87.05Change in Tariff Heading and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).6418901.10Cruise ships, excursion boats and similar vessels principally designed for the transport of persons; ferry-boats of all kindsChange in Tariff Chapter and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).6428903.92Motorboats, other than outboard motorboatsChange in Tariff Chapter and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).6439001.10Optical fibres, optical fibre bundles and cablesChange in Tariff Heading.6449001.20Sheets and plates of polarising materialChange in Tariff Heading.6459001.30Contact lensesManufactured from polymer. The principal processes are lathe-cutting and polishing.6469001.40Spectacle lenses of glassesManufactured from lenses of glass. The principal process is coating of an ultraviolet protection layer. If laminating and/or cutting of lenses to the required shape is/are required, such process/processes must also be done in one side.6479001.50Spectacle lenses of other materialsManufactured from lens blank. The principal processes are grinding or polishing of refractive curvature.6489001.90Colour filter; optical element optical components (including light wavelength of 800-1700nm thin film filter, self focusing lens, faraday rotation piece); micro lenses (VCD and laser transceiver device), etcManufactured from lens blank. The principal processes are grinding or polishing of refractive curvature.6499002.19Other objective lensesChange in Tariff Heading.6509002.90Eyepiece with dioptre adjustment device for camera (excluding objective lenses and filters); other optical elements for cameras (other than objective lenses, filters); radiation resistance lenses (capable of resisting radiance>5 x 104 Gy (Si) and not lowering operation quality); other eyepiece with dioptre adjustment device; photomask; other unlisted optical elements for optical instruments (other than objective lenses and filters)Manufactured from blank photomask. The principal processes are etching, developing, inspection and cleaning. If coating is required, it must be done in one side.6519003.11Frames and mountings of plastics(1) The principal processes are cutting, welding and coiling; or (2) Assembled in one side and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).6529003.19Frames and mountings of other materials(1) The principal processes are cutting, welding and coiling; or (2) Assembled in one side and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).6539003.90Parts of frames and mountingsChange in Tariff Heading.65490.04Spectacles, goggles and the like, corrective, protective or other(1) The principal processes are cutting, welding and coiling; or (2) Assembled in one side and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).6559006.91Parts and accessories for camerasChange in Tariff Heading.6569007.20ProjectorsAssembled in one side and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method). The design of the system software should be carried out in one side.6579010.10Apparatus and equipment for automatically developing photographic (including cinematographic) film or paper in rolls or for automatically exposing developed film to rolls of photographic paperManufactured from metal. The principal processes are welding of electronic components, assembling and testing.65890.13Liquid crystal devices not constituting articles provided for more specifically in other headings; lasers, other than laser diodes; other optical appliances and instruments, not specified or included else where in this Chapter(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).6599018.13Magnetic resonance imaging apparatus(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).6609018.90Other instruments and appliancesChange in Tariff Heading.66190.20Other breathing appliances and gas masks, excluding protective masks having neither mechanical parts nor replaceable filtersChange in Tariff Heading.6629021.21Artificial teethChange in Tariff Heading.6639021.31Artificial jointsChange in Tariff Heading.6649021.40Hearing aids, excluding parts and accessoriesChange in Tariff Heading.6659027.10Gas or smoke analysis apparatusManufactured from metal sheetings, plastic granules, electronic appliances or electronic components. The principal processes are welding of mainboard, assembling, function test for the whole machine, adjustment and testing.6669030.33Other instruments and apparatus, for measuring or checking voltage, current, resistance or power, without a recording deviceChange in Tariff Heading.6679030.90Parts and accessories for oscilloscopes, spectrum analysers and other instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking electrical quantitiesChange in Tariff Heading.6689031.80Other instruments, appliances and machines(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).66990.32Automatic regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).67091.02Wrist-watches, pocket-watches and other watches, including stop-watches, other than those of Heading No. 91.01(1) Assembly of component parts and accessories into watch. The principal processes are assembling watch movement into the watch body, assembling of component parts and accessories (watch buckle, watch band and dial, etc.) into watch, testing, time adjustment and quality control, and to fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method); or (2) Assembly of component parts and accessories into watch. The principal processes are assembling watch movement into the watch body, assembling of component parts and accessories [watch buckle, watch band, dial and battery (if applicable), etc.] into watch, testing, time adjustment and quality control and the exterior design of the watch should be carried out in one side. The watch should belong to a self-owned brand jointly determined by both sides' authorities. There should be clear origin marking of one side on the shell of the self-owned brand watch.6719111.20Watch cases of base metal, whether or not gold-plated or silver-plated(1) Manufactured from rough blanks. The principal processes are lathing, drilling and assembling; or (2) Manufactured from metal sheets or plates. The principal processes are cutting, forming and assembling.6729113.20Watch straps and parts thereof; of base metal, whether or not gold-plated or silver-platedManufactured of metal parts (minor accessories such as spring may be imported) and assembling. The principal process is making of parts and assembling (including chaining).6739113.90Other watch straps and parts thereof(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).6749114.90Other clock or watch parts (other than springs, hair-springs, dials, plates and bridges)Manufactured from metal or from rubber or plastics. The principal process is cutting (including blanking). If lathing and/or moulding and/or assembling is/are required after cutting, such process/processes must also be done in one side.6759401.90Parts of seatsManufactured from wood, metal, plastics. The principal processes are cutting and polishing.67694.04Mattress supports; articles of bedding and similar furnishing (for example, mattresses, quilts, eiderdowns, cushions, pouffes and pillows), fitted with springs or stuffed or internally fitted with any material or of cellular rubber or plastics, whether or not coveredChange in Tariff Heading.6779405.60Illuminated signs, illuminated name plates and the like(1) Manufactured from illuminated material/apparatus and parts. The principal processes are cutting of parts and assembling into products; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).67895.06Articles and equipment for general physical exercise, gymnastics, athletics, other sports (including table-tennis) or outdoor games, nesoi; swimming pools and paddling poolsChange in Tariff Heading.6799603.21Tooth brushes, including dental-plate brushesChange in Tariff Heading.6809606.22Buttons of base metal, not covered with textile materialManufactured from metal. The principal processes are die-casting, forming and assembling. If blanking after die-casting is required, it must also be done in one side.6819606.29Other buttons containing materials of endangered animals, other buttonsManufactured from shell or other button-making materials. The principal processes are forming and polishing.6829606.30Button moulds and other parts of buttons; button blanksManufactured from button-making materials. The principal process is cutting.6839607.11Slide fasteners, fitted with chain scoops of base metalManufactured from metal or fabric. The principal processes are teeth-fixing and assembling.6849607.19Other slide fastenersManufactured from metal or plastic parts and fabric. The principal processes are teeth-fixing and assembling.6859608.60Refills for ball point pens, comprising the ball point and ink-reservoir(1) Manufactured from refills. The principal processes are ink filling and incorporating the nib; or (2) Change in Tariff Heading.6869608.91Pen nibs and nib points(1) Manufactured from pen-ball. The principal processes are incorporating the pen-ball into pen-ball carrier, and linking it with the pen tube; or (2) Change in Tariff Heading.6879608.99Pens used on machines or instruments; duplicating stylos; pen-holders, pencil-holders and similar holders, etc(1) Manufactured from pen-ball. The principal processes are incorporating the pen-ball into pen-ball carrier, and linking it with the pen tube; or (2) Change in Tariff Heading.68896.17Vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels, complete with cases; parts thereof other than glass inners(1) Change in Tariff Heading; or (2) To fulfil the regional value content requirement (40% for Build-down method or 30% for Build-up method).68996.19Sanitary towels (pads) and tampons, napkins and napkin liners for babies and similar articles, of any materialChange in Tariff Heading.69097.04Used or unused postage or revenue stamps, stamp-postmarks, first-day covers, postal stationery (stamped paper), and the like, other than those of Heading No. 49.07Design and cutting in one side (if applicable). ................

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