Organization-Level Information Systems

Organization-Level Information Systems

Tools for Supporting the Development Process

Joel Palmius

Akademisk avhandling som med tillst?nd av Mittuniversitetet framl?ggs till offentlig granskning av filosofie doktorsexamen tisdagen den 5 oktober 2010, klockan 13:00 i sal Q221, Mittuniversitetet ?stersund.

(C) Joel Palmius 2010 Department of Information Technology and Media Mid Sweden University SE-83125 ?stersund Sweden Mid Sweden University Doctoral Thesis 94 ISBN: 978-91-86073-93-0 ISSN: 1652-893X Printed by Kopieringen, Mid Sweden University, Sweden, 2010





All organizations have an information system. An information system is all that which contribute to the distribution within an organization, and without the information system, the organization would not survive. Despite this, work with changing or constructing information systems often end up with suboptimal results. In recent scientific articles, and within profession-specific newspapers, the figures on how many such project end up as failures range between 70 and 80 percent. One source of problems with information systems work is deficiencies of the governance of the change processes. Further, many methods applied to information systems work are in fact software systems method and may thus be suspected to miss important aspects of the information system. In this thesis I have studied approaches for supporting the information systems development process. These approaches have all included trying to find aspects of the information system and trying to measure, simulate or in other ways asses them in order to get an overview of where effort has to be added in the development process. The results of the thesis include recommendations surrounding the simulations of such aspects, as well as a model where the aspects have been formulated into criteria for information system evaluation. The CISE model (Criteria for Information Systems Evaluation) is the main product, and it is available to use as a checklist during information systems work.



Alla organisationer har ett informationssystem. Ett informationsystem ?r allt det som inom en organisation bidrar till att sprida information, och utan informationssystemet skull organisationen inte ?verleva. Trots detta resulterar arbete med att ?ndra och bygga informationssystem ofta i resultat som ?r s?mre ?n ?nskv?rda. I senare vetenskapliga artiklar, och inom den professionella pressen, n?mns ofta siffror kring 70-80 procent i samband med hur ofta dessa projekt misslyckas. En k?lla till problem med informationssystemsarbete ?r brister i styrningen av f?r?ndringsprocesserna. Vidare, m?nga metoder som anv?nds f?r informationssystemsarbete ?r egentligen metoder avsedda f?r mjukvaruutveckling, och som d?rmed kan misst?nkas missa viktiga aspekter n?r de till?mpas p? informationssystem. I den h?r avhandlingen har jag studerat angreppss?tt f?r att st?dja informationssystemsutvecklingsprocessen. Dessa angreppss?tt satsar alla p? att hitta aspekter av informationsystem, och att f?rs?ka m?ta, simulera eller i andra former uppskatta aspekterna f?r att f? en ?versikt ?ver var mer kraft beh?vs i utvecklingsprocessen. Resultaten av avhandlingen inkluderar rekommendationer kring simulering av s?dana aspekter, samt en model d?r aspekterna formulerats som kriterier f?r utv?rdering av informationssystem. CISE-modellen (Criteria for Information Systems Evaluation) ?r den fr?msta produkten av avhandlingen, och den g?r att anv?nda som en checkligsta under informationssystemsarbete.



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