Your Basic Info: - Brooklyn Animal Action

Cat Foster Application Brooklyn Animal Action is a 501c3 all volunteer organization committed to improving the lives of animals in distress. Working with our communities, we facilitate Trap-Neuter-Return programs, find homes for adoptable animals, perform community outreach and education, and engage in advocacy. We believe in working together to create a better life for New York’s animals.Please note that applying does not ensure approval. Brooklyn Animal Action reserves the right to refuse foster cats to anyone. No animal will be fostered to prospective guardians who mislead or fail to provide accurate information on the foster application. Thank you for considering being a foster. We really can use the help!Your Basic Info:Date:First and Last Name:Street Address:City, State, Zip:Home Phone/Work Phone/Cell Phone:Email:Age:Occupation and Employer:What type of fostering are you interested in?Tell us what you’re looking for in a foster cat so we can find a cat whose personality matches. A younger, playful cat? A more mature and relaxed cat? A bonded pair of cats or kittens?Why are you interested in fostering?What is your preferred time frame for fostering? Can you commit to a few weeks? A few months? Until the cat is adopted? (We understand situations may change, but a general idea helps us with planning.)Are you committed to feeding, grooming, scooping the litter box and giving attention to your foster cat while he or she is in your home?How much time each day will you have to interact with the cat?Have you fostered cats before?? Yes? No If so, please tell us about the situation:Do you have any experience caring for cat(s) with special medical needs? If so, please explain:Would you be interested in helping to socialize young feral kittens taken off the street? Feral kittens require about 4 to 5 handling sessions each day for about 15-20 minutes each time (approx. two hours of handling per day). Kitten socializers typically work from home or have flexible schedules—it’s demanding, but also very rewarding for people who can make the time commitment.What will you do if your foster cat gets sick? How would you handle an emergency? Are you able to transport the cat to and from the vet, if/as needed for checkups, vaccinations, and/or spay/neuter surgery? (This is not required, but definitely a plus!)Would you be available to contact a potential adopter to schedule a meeting with the foster cat(s) if given 24 hours advance notice? We understand adoptee meetings are scheduled around work/ school/ family commitments, but like to respond to all adoption inquiries promptly.)We need to be able to show the cats in a timely manner and need to be able to reach the fosterer during normal waking hours. Will that be a problem for you?What is the best way to reach you? ? Call Cell ? Text Cell ? EmailWhat are the best times to reach you?What will you do with the cat if a workman comes to do work in your home?Where will the litter box be located and how many cats will use it?Where will the cat be during the day and at night?Would the cat be living, indoors/outdoors, indoors, or outdoors?What will you do with your cat when you are on vacation? For 2 - 3 days? For more than a week?What would you do if you encounter behavioral/ disciplinary problems with the foster cat that you did not know how to address?Do you know how to train a cat to not jump on counters, scratch things, exhibit inappropriately aggressive play behavior with your hands? If not, just say so … we can provide training.? Yes? No How will you introduce your foster cat to your current pets (if applicable)?Tell us about your household:We’re not trying to be nosy—but when we place a cat in a household, we like to know it’s safe and that everyone there will treat them well. If you have any questions on cat proofing, please let us know. We are more than willing to help.Own or Rent?Dwelling Type:Do you have screens on ALL windows? Falls out of windows are a major cause of injury to cats.? Yes? No If renting, does your lease allow pets?? Yes? No Landlord’s Name: Landlord’s Phone.:Number of Adults in household:Teens / Children and their ages:Has the fostering of a cat been discussed with all residents?Is anyone in your home allergic to pets? ? Yes? No Who will be responsible for the pet’s care?Do you have a steady schedule?? Yes? No Do you travel a lot?? Yes? No When no one is home, where will the cat be kept?If you had to move, what would you do with the cat?Tell us about your pet history:Do you have cats?How many?Declawed?Do you have Dogs?How Many?Are your pets spayed or neutered?Are your pets up-to-date on vaccinations?If they are cats, have they been tested for FIV/FeLV?? Yes? No If so, test date and results:Vet Name: Vet Phone:If you are currently NOT living with pets, have you had pets in the past?? Yes? No If so, please describe them and explain why they are no longer living with you.Have you ever taken an animal to a shelter?? Yes? No If yes, please tell us about the situation.ReferencesPlease give us two references (phone number) to call for a very short conversation. Reference #1Name:Address:Phone:Reference #2Name:Address:Phone:Would you be comfortable with a home visit?? Yes? No DISCLAIMER: Brooklyn Animal Action reserves the right to inspect the cat(s) in its/their living environment when deemed necessary. Each foster cat BAA places with a foster remains the sole property of Brooklyn Animal Action until adopted. Fosters interested in adopting cats are required to fill out an adoption application and pay the standard adoption fee (based on age and breed). We will also ask you to sign an adoption contract. If you have any questions, please contact Brooklyn Animal Action.Applicant’s ConfirmationThe answers to the above questions are true to the best of my knowledge. I will not give the animal, or otherwise transfer the animal to another party without express written permission of Brooklyn Animal Action. If the cat is ever lost, I will contact the Brooklyn Animal Action immediately to assist me in locating it. I realize that failure to comply with the foster contract and the above stipulations will result in confiscation of the fostered animal. Signature (Digital signature will be considered a legal signature)Print NameDateJOIN THE BAA COMMUNITY!Visit to connect with our Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr accounts! You can also sign up for our monthly newsletter! We regularly feature our success stories, so be sure to send us your photos and updates about animals you’ve adopted with us to BrooklynAnimalAction@. We’d love to hear from you! ................

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