Knowledge Check Worksheet - University of Phoenix

MGT/521 Knowledge Checks


Week 2: Planning 1

Concept: Strategies for SWOT Analyses 1

Concept: Strategic and Operational Plans 2

Concept: Differentiate Between Goals and Plans 2

Concept: Examples of Contingency Factors in Planning 3

Week 3: Organizing 3

Concept: Six Key Elements in Determining Organizational Structure 3

Concept: Mechanistic and Organic Structures 4

Concept: Types of Contemporary Organizational Designs 4

Concept: Types of Internal and External Collaboration 5

Concept: Stages of Group Development 5

Concept: Five Conflict Management Techniques 6

Concept: Six Aspects of Group Structure 6

Week 4: Leading 7

Concept: Early Leadership Theories 7

Concept: Contingency Leadership Theories 8

Concept: Contemporary Leadership Theories 8

Concept: Five Sources of Leader Power 9

Concept: Goals of Organizational Behavior 9

Concept: The Big Five Model 10

Concept: Attribution Theory 10

Week 5: Controlling 11

Concept: Control Process 11

Concept: Feedforward/Concurrent/Feedback Controls 11

Concept: Financial Controls 12

Concept: Balanced Scorecard 12

Concept: Benchmarking 13

Week 6: Business Ethics 13

Concept: Differences Between a Firm’s Social Obligations, Social Responsiveness, and Social Responsibility 13

Concept: Politics: Green Approaches/Shades of Green Model 14

Concept: Factors to Determine Ethical Behavior 14

Concept: Ways Managers Can Encourage Ethical Behavior 15

Week 2: Planning

Ch. 8 of Management

Ch. 9 of Management

Concept: Strategies for SWOT Analyses

|Details |

|As a process of self-examination during her senior year of college, Casey decides to develop a SWOT analysis of her |

|prospects relative to getting a job. Casey realizes that she has a personal characteristic that suggests she is not |

|comfortable interacting with strangers. She interprets this as a(n) ________ if she is to get a job as a salesperson. |

| |

|a. threat |

|b. strength |

|c. weakness |

|d. opportunity |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: c |

| |

|A weakness describes something an organization does not do well and is sometimes considered a liability. With awareness,|

|however, it can be corrected. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 9 of Management |

|“Doing an Internal Analysis” p. 228 |

Concept: Strategic and Operational Plans

|Details |

|Strategic plans are usually ________. |

| |

|a. short term, directional, and standing |

|b. short term, specific, and standing |

|c. long term, directional, and single use |

|d. long term, specific, and standing |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: c |

| |

|Strategic plans are often broad and provide a company’s long-term direction. They are directional in that they are |

|typically flexible and outline general guidelines. They are also considered single use because they are developed to |

|meet the needs of a unique situation. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 8 of Management |

|“Types of Plans” p. 207 |

Concept: Differentiate Between Goals and Plans

|Details |

|________ involves defining the organization’s goals, establishing strategies for achieving those goals, and developing |

|plans to integrate and coordinate work activities. |

| |

|a. Execution |

|b. Logistics |

|c. Planning |

|d. Operations |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: c |

| |

|Plans outline how goals will be achieved. Many organizations have an annual planning process that helps outline how the |

|organization will achieve its annual or strategic goals. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 8 of Management |

|“What Is Planning?” p. 204 |

Concept: Examples of Contingency Factors in Planning

|Details |

|In response to a natural disaster, which contingency factor will affect the choice of plans? |

| |

|a. Commitment concept |

|b. Environmental uncertainty |

|c. Organizational level |

|d. Length of future commitments |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: b |

| |

|Environmental uncertainty deals with all kinds of hazards that are unpredictable—Hurricane Katrina, the tsunami in |

|Japan, and so forth. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 8 of Management |

|“Contingency Factors in Planning” p. 211 |

Week 3: Organizing

Ch. 10 of Management

Ch. 11 of Management

Concept: Six Key Elements in Determining Organizational Structure

|Details |

|The process of dividing work activities into separate job tasks is known as: |

| |

|a. work specialization |

|b. differentiation |

|c. chain of command |

|d. span of control |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|Work specialization is the division of work activities into separate tasks. Individual employees are assigned to |

|specific job tasks within a work activity rather than completing an entire work activity on their own. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 10 of Management |

|“Work Specialization” p. 265 |

Concept: Mechanistic and Organic Structures

|Details |

|Which of the following is a characteristic of a mechanistic organization? |

| |

|a. Cross-functional teams |

|b. Free flow of information |

|c. Wide spans of control |

|d. Clear chain of command |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: d |

| |

|A clear chain of command in an organization ensures a formal hierarchy of authority. A narrow span of control is less |

|efficient than a wide span of control as each person is directly controlled by only one supervisor. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 10 of Management |

|“Mechanistic and Organic Structures” p.274 |

Concept: Types of Contemporary Organizational Designs

|Details |

|Which organizational design increases the complexity of assigning people to projects? |

| |

|a. Matrix structure |

|b. Team structure |

|c. Boundaryless structure |

|d. Learning structure |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Organizational Behavior (15th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|A disadvantage of a matrix structure is that it is complex and difficult to determine what projects to assign to |

|personnel. Further, because personnel are typically assigned from different functional areas in a company, there can be|

|personality conflicts that limit the functionality of the processes. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 11 of Management |

|“Contemporary Organizational Design” p. 289 |

Concept: Types of Internal and External Collaboration

|Details |

|A company brings team members together to collaborate on resolving mutual problems that affect each of their areas. This|

|is an example of the use of ________. |

| |

|a. cross-functional teams |

|b. task forces |

|c. communities of practice |

|d. cross-cultural teams |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|Companies that bring together individuals from various functional areas to collaborate on problem resolution is an |

|example of cross-functional teams. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 11 of Management |

|“Cross-Functional Teams” p. 294 |

Concept: Stages of Group Development

|Details |

|The ________ stage in the group development process is complete when members begin to think of themselves as part of a |

|group. |

| |

|a. forming |

|b. storming |

|c. norming |

|d. performing |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|The forming stage is when members associate themselves with the group and define the purpose and leadership of the |

|group. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 13 of Management |

|“Stages of Group Development” pp. 346 & 347 |

Concept: Five Conflict Management Techniques

|Details |

|In which of the following conflict-management techniques are conflicts resolved by seeking an advantageous solution for |

|all the parties involved? |

| |

|a. Collaborating |

|b. Compromising |

|c. Forcing |

|d. Accommodating |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|When group conflict levels are high, managers can select from five conflict-management options. The collaborating |

|conflict management technique is one option that requires all parties involved to look for a mutually acceptable |

|solution. This method can become time-consuming because all parties must come to a mutual agreement. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 13 of Management |

|“Conflict-Management Techniques Exhibit 13-8” p. 356 |

Concept: Six Aspects of Group Structure

|Details |

|Behavior patterns expected of someone occupying a given position in a social unit is called a ________. |

| |

|a. role |

|b. status |

|c. profile |

|d. persona |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: c |

| |

|Roles are the expected behaviors, character, and performance of an individual serving in a particular capacity in a team|

|or the organization as a whole. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 13 of Management |

|“Roles” p. 349 |

Week 4: Leading

Ch. 14 of Management

Ch. 17 of Management

Concept: Early Leadership Theories

|Details |

|Which of the following describes the leadership style in which a leader tends to centralize authority, dictate work |

|methods, make unilateral decisions, and limit employee participation? |

| |

|a. Cultural style |

|b. Autocratic style |

|c. Democratic style |

|d. Laissez-faire style |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: b |

| |

|An autocratic leader makes decisions on his or her own regarding processes and practices in an organization or team. |

|This type of leader prefers to retain sole authority of the project or situation. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 17 of Management |

|“University of Iowa Studies” p. 462 |

Concept: Contingency Leadership Theories

|Details |

|The ________ model proposed that the results of the least-preferred coworker questionnaire could determine whether |

|someone was relationship or task oriented, and these results would determine effectiveness of group performance. |

| |

|a. Fiedler contingency |

|b. situational leadership |

|c. leader participation |

|d. path-goal |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Organizational Behavior (15th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|The Fiedler model was the first comprehensive contingency model of leadership. After assessing an individual’s |

|leadership style through the least-preferred coworker questionnaire, the situation was evaluated. After style and |

|situation were assessed, the effectiveness of group performance could be determined. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 17 of Management |

|“The Fiedler Model” p. 464 |

Concept: Contemporary Leadership Theories

|Details |

|When Alan Jackman got promoted as the head of the sales team at Mac Software Inc., he chose three of his closest friends|

|in the team to form the core sales group with him. Which of the following predictions would be consistent with the |

|leader-member exchange theory? |

| |

|a. Such an arrangement eventually becomes unstable. |

|b. Job satisfaction is more likely to be higher for the team members who are not a part of the core group. |

|c. Team members who are not a part of Alan’s core group are actually far more competent than his friends who form the |

|core team. |

|d. Alan’s core group will engage in more helping or citizenship behaviors at work. |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: d |

| |

|Leaders tend to invest more time and resources with those employees in the in-group, and these employees, in turn, |

|report greater job satisfaction. The in-group, or core, employees will enjoy their jobs more and will want to give back |

|to the organization in a greater way than those in the out-group. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 17 of Management |

|“Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory” p. 469 |

Concept: Five Sources of Leader Power

|Details |

|Which of the following is the type of power a person has because of his or her level of authority in the business? |

| |

|a. Legitimate power |

|b. Coercive power |

|c. Reward power |

|d. Expert power |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|Legitimate power and authority are the same, and this type of power represents the power a leader has because of his or |

|her position in the organization. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 17 of Management |

|“Managing Power” p. 472 |

Concept: Goals of Organizational Behavior

|Details |

|What performance measure considers the efficiency and effectiveness of employees? |

| |

|a. Employee productivity |

|b. Organizational citizenship behavior |

|c. Job satisfaction |

|d. Turnover |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|Employee productivity is a measure of the efficiency (doing things right) and effectiveness (doing the right things) of |

|staff members. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 14 of Management |

|“Goals of Organizational Behavior” p. 373 |

Concept: The Big Five Model

|Details |

|In the Big Five Model of personality, an employee who is good-natured and highly cooperative would be referred to as |

|scoring high in the trait of ________. |

| |

|a. extraversion |

|b. agreeableness |

|c. conscientiousness |

|d. emotional stability |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: b |

| |

|Employees who score low on the trait of agreeableness might not be good-natured, cooperative, and may have issues |

|trusting leaders and coworkers. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 14 of Management |

|“The Big Five Model” p. 382 |

Concept: Attribution Theory

|Details |

|________ theory gauges whether a person’s behavior shows distinctiveness, consensus, and consistency. |

| |

|a. Perception |

|b. Behavior |

|c. Attribution |

|d. Social contrast |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: c |

| |

|Attribution theory explains how individuals judge people differently depending on what meaning they ascribe to a given |

|behavior. How individuals gauge a person’s behavior on the items of distinctiveness, consensus, and consistency helps |

|them to judge whether the behavior was caused by internal or external factors. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 14 of Management |

|“Attribution Theory” p. 388 |

Week 5: Controlling

Week 5 Textbook Readings

Ch. 18 of Management

Concept: Control Process

|Details |

|The control process assumes that ________. |

| |

|a. employees require clear directions from management |

|b. employees are underqualified and require training |

|c. specific goals for performance were already created during the planning process |

|d. employee monitoring costs are part and parcel of doing business |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed). |

|Correct Answer Feedback: c |

| |

|Because the control process measures actual performance against standards, these standards should already be in place |

|when the control process begins. If standards are not created during the planning process, the control process will not |

|have a goal against which to measure actual performance. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 18 of Management |

|“The Control Process” p. 488 |

Concept: Feedforward/Concurrent/Feedback Controls

|Details |

|Which of the following types of control prevents problems because it takes place prior to the actual activity? |

| |

|a. Feedforward control |

|b. Concurrent control |

|c. Feedback control |

|d. Management control |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed). |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|The key to feedforward controls is taking action before a problem occurs; therefore, problems can be prevented, and |

|managers can be proactive in handling issues. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 18 of Management |

|“Feedforward Control” p. 494 |

Concept: Financial Controls

|Details |

|The current ratio and acid test are two examples of what type of ratio? |

| |

|a. Activity |

|b. Liquidity |

|c. Leverage |

|d. Profitability |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: b |

| |

|Liquidity ratios express an organization’s level of ability to repay creditors who may have a claim on the company. The |

|higher the liquidity ratio, the more an organization can meet its current debts. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 18 of Management |

|“Financial Controls” pp. 495–496 |

Concept: Balanced Scorecard

|Details |

|Which of the following is a performance measurement tool that looks at four areas that can help a company succeed? |

| |

|a. Market value method |

|b. Economic value method |

|c. Balanced scorecard approach |

|d. Information control approach |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: c |

| |

|A balanced scorecard evaluates organizational performance using four different areas that contribute to a company’s |

|performance: financial, customer, internal processes, and people/innovation/growth assets. This tool measures the |

|difference between predetermined standards and actual performance, and it allows managers to complete gap analysis to |

|refine the organization’s performance. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 18 of Management |

|“Balanced Scorecard” pp. 496–497 |

Concept: Benchmarking

|Details |

|________ is a method through which organizations compare themselves to other firms to improve their processes and |

|products. |

| |

|a. Factor analysis |

|b. Total quality management |

|c. Market positioning |

|d. Benchmarking |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: d |

| |

|Benchmarking is the search for the best practices among competitors or noncompetitors that lead to superior performance.|

|Organizations use benchmarking to see how they compare with the best firms in the world, and to see how one firm can |

|improve after learning from others. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 18 of Management |

|“Benchmarking of Best Practices” p. 498 |

Week 6: Business Ethics

Week 6 Textbook Readings

Ch. 5 of Management:

Concept: Differences Between a Firm’s Social Obligations, Social Responsiveness, and Social Responsibility

| |

|As a university student, your institution’s social principles and practices reflect on you, as a stakeholder, in the |

|organization. Therefore, it is your right to question how these practices should be evaluated in relation to the social |

|issues that your school is addressing. If your university was paying minimum wage when necessary and applying the |

|minimum legal standards to its employees’ work environment, it would be said to have fulfilled its ________. |

| |

|a. social obligation |

|b. social responsibility |

|c. social responsiveness |

|d. social expectation |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|An organization performs certain activities because it is obligated to do so to avoid economic or legal ramifications. |

|By paying the minimum wage and applying standards, it is meeting its obligations. |

|Readings: |

|Ch. 5 of Management |

|“From Obligation to Responsiveness to Responsibility” p. 124 |

Concept: Politics: Green Approaches/Shades of Green Model

| |

|The process of applying social and environmental criteria to an investment decision is known as ________. |

| |

|a. green management |

|b. values-based management |

|c. community investing |

|d. social screening |

|Correct Answer Feedback: d |

| |

|In the social screening process, organizations would not invest in companies that were not deemed socially responsible. |

|Some companies that would not be considered socially responsible are those that involve weapons, alcohol, fraud, and so |

|forth. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 5 of Management |

|“Should Organizations be Socially Involved” p. 127 |

Concept: Factors to Determine Ethical Behavior

| |

|At the ________ level of moral development, a person’s choice between right and wrong is based on personal consequences |

|from outside sources. |

| |

|a. preconventional |

|b. conventional |

|c. principled |

|d. elevated |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|At the preconventional level, an individual looks to those things on the outside, instead of having an internalized |

|value system in making decisions. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 5 of Management |

|“Stages of Moral Development” p. 130 |

Concept: Ways Managers Can Encourage Ethical Behavior

| |

|A ________ is a formal statement of an organization’s primary values and the ethical rules it expects its employees to |

|follow. |

| |

|a. mission statement |

|b. code of purpose |

|c. code of ethics |

|d. vision statement |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Management (11th ed.) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: c |

| |

|A code of ethics is important in organizations so that employees understand what is expected of them. Typically, these |

|include honesty, respect, and responsibility. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 5 of Management |

|“Codes of Ethics and Decision Rules” p. 136 |


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