Organizational Behavior - kau

King Abdulaziz University

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Department of Business Administration

|Course: |BUS 320, Section |

|Course Title: |Organizational Behavior |

|Class Meetings: |1st Semester 2014-2015 |

| |Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday |

| |Section EAR from 1 to 1:50, Building 420, room A104 |

|Course Instructor: |Dr. Naylah Ayoub |

| |

|Textbook: |Organizational Behavior |

| |Robins, S. P. and Judge, T. A. 15th Edition (global edition), Prentice Hall |

|Course Description: |This course presents the importance of the human behavior within business organizations at the individual,|

| |group, and organizational levels. It helps students understand some key principles about how people behave|

| |in organizations in order to prepare them to become effective co-workers, team members, and organization |

| |citizens. |

|Course Objective: |Emphasize the role of human factors in organizational success. |

| |Provide a general overview of the field of Organizational Behavior. |

| |Discuss basic theories and concepts that explain Organizational Behavior at the individual, group, and |

| |organization level. |

| |Explain the processes and methods that can improve the behavior and attitudes of organizational members |

| |and, thus, their performance. |

| |Give real examples of human behavior in organizational settings. |

|Course Outcomes: |By the end of this course, students should be able to: |

| |Comprehend basic behavioral theories and their applications in business organizations. |

| |Understand factors that affect individual and group behavior within business organizations. |

| |Develop reasonable solutions to organizational behavior problems. |

| |Enhance their skills and behavior as organizational members and managers. |

| |Effectively manage their relationships with co-workers, managers, subordinates, and customers. |

|Policies for scholastic conduct |Scholastic honesty is an educational objective of KAU, and foundation upon which academic integrity rests.|

| |Students’ scholastic honesty demands the pursuit of scholarly activity free from fraud, deception and |

| |unauthorized collaboration with others. Scholastic dishonesty includes: cheating, collaborating on |

| |assignments, submitting work or written materials which have been prepared by another person and |

| |plagiarism. Due to above mentioned reasons the instructor will give a lower grade or fail a student |

| |depending upon the severity of the case. |

|Performance Evaluation: |Student performance is evaluated as follows: |

| |Exam ( I ) ------------------------ 20 |

| |Exam ( II ) ----------------------- 20 |

| |Class Activities----------------- 20 |

| |Final Exam ---------------------- 40 |

|Attendance: |Students are expected to attend every class. Any student who is absent for more than 7 classes may be |

| |denied from completing the course (i.e., DN). |

|Participation and Class |Student participation in class discussion will be appreciated. This participation is expected to enhance |

|Activities: |the understanding of the subject and overall performance. |

| |Class activities (e.g., assignments, home works, discussions, group work, project) will be further |

| |clarified. These activities are worth 30 points of your total grade. |

Course Contents and Schedule:

|Week |Date | |Topic |

| |(Week starting) |CHAPTERS | |

|1 | | -- |Introduction to the course |

|2 |7 Sep |Chapter 1 |Introduction Chapter |

|3 |14 Sep |Chapter 3 |Attitudes and Job Satisfaction |

|4 |21 Sep |Chapter 4 |Emotions and Moods |

|Midterm BREAK from 19 to 29 March |

|5 |12 Oct |Chapter 5 |Personality |

|6 |19 Oct |Chapter 6 |Perception & Individual Decision making |

|Exam (I) |

|7 |26 Oct |Chapter 6 |Perception & Individual Decision making |

|8 |2 Nov |Chapter 7 |Motivation Concepts |

|9 |9 Nov |Chapter 9 |Foundations of Group Behavior |

|10 |16 Nov |Chapter 12 |Leadership |

|11 |23 Nov |Chapter 13 |Power and Politics |

|Exam (II) |

|12 |30 Nov |Chapter 16 |Organizational Culture |

|13 |7 Dec |Chapter 16 |Organizational Culture |

|14 |14 Dec |REVIEW and REVISE |

|15 |21 Dec | |

|16 |FINAL EXAMS from 3rd of January to 15th of January |

Best wishes to you all


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