University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Course SyllabusBUS328 Organizational LeadershipFall 2018Faculty:Dr. Jun Michelle YangOffice:350 Bryan BuildingTelephone:336-334-3465E-Mail:j_yang25@uncg.eduCourse Web Site: Hours:Tue / Thu 2:00pm – 3:00pmOther days/times by appointment via emailClass:Section 01 Tue / Thu 12:30pm – 1:45pm (128 Bryan Building) Required TextbookPeter G. Northouse, Leadership: Theory and Practice, 8th edition. Sage Publications, 2018.ISBN: 9781506362311Textbook Companion Website: edge.northouse8eCourse WebsiteAll students officially registered for the course can access the course Canvas website (). Please check Canvas often. Announcements, PowerPoint presentations, case studies, articles, grades, and other information pertaining to this course will be posted.Course DescriptionThis course examines the theories and models of leadership and followership. Environmental factors, organizational objectives, company culture, and individual and group ethical standards will be examined to incorporate situational determinants of leadership effectiveness.This course will provide a new framework on what “leadership” entails, along with developing an understanding for the skills and knowledge to how best address leadership opportunities now and in the future. Students’ ability to understand and apply diverse approaches to the leadership in organizations is emphasized by readings, lecture, class discussion, and case analyses of pertinent management materials. The emphasis is on building a sound grasp of good practice, and on developing the ability to apply such knowledge to actual business problems.Learning ObjectivesDefine leadership, describe the role of genetics and development on individual leadership capability and be able to identify popular distinctions in the differences between leaders versus managers.Assess the state of current leadership capacity within organizations and suggest how a leadership needs analysis can support and enhance organizational effectiveness.Demonstrate leadership skills through participation in experiential exercises.Assess personal values, beliefs and ethical standards to enhance self-awareness in regard to personal leadership behaviors and reactions to leadership behaviors of others.Identify how leading a team is different from leading a group of individuals.Identify special challenges involved in leading geographically dispersed (virtual) teams.Describe the role of culture in determining effective leadership perceptions and outcomes.Understand leadership at the Personal, Interpersonal, Team and Organizational levels (PITO) and the array of leader-follower-situation (LFS) variables that influence the leadership process.Course PedagogyLecture/discussions lead by the instructorCase discussions Individual and team experiential exercises and assignmentsExaminationsImportant Course PoliciesAcademic Integrity: By the singular act of registering for this course, you are agreeing to abide by the UNCG Academic Integrity Policy. All written work submitted must be original and produced by the student/team for this class only. If you are for any reason unfamiliar with the contents of the code, please review it on the school’s website link: . Violations will be pursued. Academic Integrity applies to all aspects of BUS328. Please be aware that the following also constitute Integrity Violations in BUS328:You may not be in possession of any unauthorized exam or related materials, including old exams.No electronic devices are allowed to be on or visible during an exam.Signing an attendance sheet for another student and/or failing to attend the entire class is a falsification of your attendance and an academic integrity violation.Once an exam begins, you are not allowed to leave for any reason until you have submitted the exam.Falsification of any material used in the preparation or development of assignments is a code violation.The Bryan School of Business and Economics has recently developed and accepted Faculty and Student Guidelines focusing on the expected performance of each. Since these guidelines are new, please take the time to review them. They can be found at the following link: : Your presence in class is essential to your ability to understand and apply the material covered in this course. Treat this class as you would any other professional obligation. By accepting a job you are making an implicit commitment to attend work regularly. By registering for this class, you make a similar commitment. Note that you will not be able to do well on the examinations without attending class regularly, since much additional material is presented during the lectures and does not appear in the textbook(s). Accordingly, I do require attendance, and I take roll at the very beginning of the class period. If you arrive late, it will be noted. If you arrive late regularly, every two late arrivals will be equivalent to one absence. If you miss class, it is your responsibility to contact classmates (not me) to obtain any materials/information from the missed class session(s). General Behavior: Students are expected to conduct themselves with respect and professionalism toward faculty, students, and others present in class, and will follow the rules prescribed by the instructor for classroom behavior. Students who do not comport themselves appropriately may be asked to leave the classroom (possibly with a grade penalty), or may be dropped from the course by the municating: For purposes of this course, I will request that you check your personal e-mail (E-Spartan) daily as well as Canvas for messages and/or assignments.Cell Phones and Laptops: Before you enter the classroom, please turn off and put away your cell phone (and anything else that may ring/beep). Laptops, smartphones, PDAs, and other electronic devices (such as recording equipment) may not be used during class without specific approval from the instructor.Extra Credit: There is no extra credit assignments scheduled for this course. If a situation presents itself during the semester, all students will be given equal opportunity to participate.Religious Observance: The University allows for 2 excused absences each academic year for religious observances required by the faith of the student. Students requesting a religious absence must notify the instructor of each absence 14 days in advance of the date of the religious observance. The request must state in writing the nature of the religious observance and the date(s). Student's participation must be confirmed in writing by an official of the religious organization. The instructor will require the student to complete any test or assignment in advance of the originally scheduled date of the test or assignment that is impacted by the absence due to the religious observance. The requirement for students to make such requests for excused absences applies only to days when the University is holding class.UNCG Athletics & Performing Artists: It is up to each athlete or artist to identify future missed classes at the start of the semester and notify me in writing (e-mail) by no later than the second week of the semester. If your UNCG event interferes with an exam/assignment you are required to submit the assignment/take the exam prior to the regularly scheduled date.Students with Disabilities: UNCG seeks to comply fully with The Americans with Disabilities Act and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Students requesting accommodations based on a disability must be registered with the Office of Disability Services in 215 Elliott University center, 334-5440, CriteriaThe grades for this class will be determined based upon:ASSIGNEMNT AND TESTSSCALE Individual ComponentsExaminations45%A: 93.0-100 A-: 90-92.9 Attendance and Class Participation15%B+:87.0-89.9 B:83.0-86.9B- 70.0-72.9Peer Evaluation10%C+: 77.0-79.9 C: 73.0-76.9 C-: 70.0-72.9 Group Components“Apprentice” Project15%D+: 67.0-69.9 D: 63.0-66.9 D-: 60.0-62.9 Group Research Project15%F: 59.9 or below *decimals will be rounded up/downASSIGNEMNT AND TESTSExaminations: There will be three exams during the semester. The exams may include multiple choice, short-answer, and/or essay questions. Questions will cover material from the textbook and class discussions. Therefore, in order to perform well on the exams you must attend class. Make-up examinations must be scheduled prior to the exam. In order to arrange a make-up exam, the student must provide legitimate, written documentation (i.e., physician’s medical excuse or official excuse) of the reason for absence, as specified by UNCG policy. Excused absences include medical emergencies and funerals for immediate family members with appropriate documentation to be given to the instructor. If the instructor is notified prior to the day of the exam, and acceptable written documentation is provided, the student will have one week (7 days) from the original test date to take the make-up exam. Make-up exams will contain different and/or more questions than the original exam. If a legitimate, university accepted excuse cannot be provided, the student will receive a zero (0) on the missed exam.Class Attendance and ParticipationAttendance 5%In order to perform well on the exams, you must attend class regularly because exams questions are based on material discussed in class that may not be in the Powerpoint presentations. I take attendance every class. You can have up to three no-reason absences before your attendance points is affected. After attendance is taken, you must remain in your seat during the entire duration of the class in order to be considered present. Even if you arrive on time, if you leave the classroom before class has ended, or if you leave for more than 5 minutes and return, you will be considered absent. Any behavior deemed inappropriate by the instructor (see above) will result in an attendance grade of 0 for that day. I reserve the right to contact healthcare providers in order to verify any health-related absences. Final Attendance Points (on 100-point scale) = (the number of class you attend +3) / total number of class sessions * 100.University-excused absences include medical emergencies, funerals for immediate family members, religious holidays, and participation in university related activities which are approved by the Dean of Students with appropriate documentation to be given to the instructor. Appropriate documentation for medical emergencies is a note from a medical care provider indicating that the student was too ill or injured to attend class listing the dates for which the student was unable to attend. Appropriate documentation for deaths of immediate family members, religious holidays, and participation in university-related activities is a note from the Dean.Participation 10%The participation evaluations will include two kinds: in class participation and canvas participation. In this class, “participation” is defined in terms of quality contributions to class discussions and exercises both on-line and face to face. There are also weekly opportunities to participate on Canvas discussion board aside from in class participation. The deadline for each week’s on-line discussion board is the midnight of the topic day. Each week, I will evaluate your participation both in class and on discussion board and provide feedback to you on the canvas grading book (you can participate either way to get a full score for that week). 6 weeks of full score leads to 100% of participation evaluation in the final grades. Detail requirement of discussion board participation is posted on-line. “Apprentice” ProjectEach week, we will invite two groups to present a leadership analysis based on apprentice clips of their choice. The task is to conduct a content analysis of these clips (2-3 clips). In addition, you are to summarize the major lessons for effective leadership in the show and document your analysis/findings with clips. As a general principle, it is better to pick two to three episodes that provide clear illustrations of your points, rather than by exhaustively analyzing too many episodes. You should construct an oral presentation to the class (10-minutes) The total clip time will not exceed 50% of the total presentation time in order to have enough time for analysis. Not two groups can choose any of the same clips (i.e., all clips must be different)! As soon as you have a specific clip you think works, e-mail the teaching assistant and me to secure your choice. It is first come first served regarding clip selections. You will need to submit the PPT slides and video clips by midnight on the class day over Canvas. More specific instructions are posted on Canvas. Group Research Project Think of your team as organizational consultants. Your goal is to improve organizational performance through dealing with the leadership issues. Students will examine an actual organizational leader of their choice, diagnose the problem(s), and recommend a solution(s). The main objective of the project is to provide students with an opportunity to: (1) Develop an in-depth understanding of an organizational leader through case research. (2) Develop consultancy skills in data gathering, analysis, and communication. Sources: The boundaries are those of imagination. The possibilities include personal work experience, interviews with leaders and members of an organization, questionnaires, observations of workplace behavior, analysis of organizational documents, trade journals, academic journals, local newspapers, and the business press (e.g., Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, Wall Street Journal). Do not, however, use a “pre-packaged” case (e.g., from a textbook or casebook). Also, sources must be cited carefully, since plagiarism could result in a failing grade for the course (for all team members), in addition to possible disciplinary action by the School/University. There are two deliverables in this project: 1) a 15-minute presentation on the findings you have. 2) a research paper that include your questions, findings, and more detail analysis (up to 10 pages). See detail requirement in AppendixPeer Evaluation You will rate your group peers’ contribution to your group project (i.e., group paper, presentation, and other activities). The rating is a percentage a rater thinks a group peer deserves out of the group’s scores on all group projects. It can be anywhere between 0% and 100% for a group peer. For example, if you believe that all peers in your group have contributed significantly and equally to the group projects, you could give every peer a rating of 100%. If you think that peers A and B contributed most, but C and D did much less than A and B, and E helped little, you might want to give A and B 100%, C and D 60%, and E 20%. Policy for Late AssignmentsIf you are late on an assignment, your grade on that assignment will be reduced by 25% for each day (24 hours) it is late. You are always welcome to hand in an assignment before its due date if you anticipate that you will be busy as the due date approaches.WeekDateTopicsReadings and AssignmentsPresentations 114-AugWhat is Leadership?Chapter 116-AugTrait ApproachChapter 2221-AugTrait ApproachChapter 223-AugSkills ApproachChapter 3Form GroupsSelf-sign up on Canvas328-AugSkills ApproachDiscussion Board Question 130-AugGroup Work Day 1Setup the contact Guest Speakermeet in the classroom44-SepBehavioral ApproachChapter 46-SepBehavioral ApproachDiscussion Board Question 2Apprentice Presentation 1511-SepExam 113-SepSituational ApproachChapter 5618-SepSituational ApproachDiscussion Board Question 3Apprentice Presentation 220-SepLeader-Member ExchangeChapter 7725-SepLeader-Member ExchangeDiscussion Board Question 4Apprentice Presentation 327-SepTransformational LeadershipChapter 882-OctTransformational LeadershipDiscussion Board Question 5Apprentice Presentation 44-OctGroup Work Day 2Draft QuestionsNo meet in the classroom99-OctFall Break No Class11-OctServant LeadershipChapter 101016-OctServant LeadershipDiscussion Board Question 6Apprentice Presentation 518-NovExam 21123-OctEthics in LeadershipChapter 1425-OctEthics in LeadershipDiscussion Board Question 7Apprentice Presentation 61230-OctGuest Speaker1-NovTeam LeadershipClass Activity136-NovTeam LeadershipDiscussion Board Question 8Apprentice Presentation 78-NovGroup Work Day 3Summarize the InterviewNo meet in the classroom1413-NovGender and LeadershipChapter Discussion Board Question 915-NovFinal PresentationPeer Evaluations DueParticipation is required1520-NovFinal PresentationPeer Evaluations DueParticipation is required22-NovState Holiday No Class1627-NovFinal Exam Review Day18Final Exam (Exam 3)The professor will notify students by email of any changes to the proposed topic outline.AppendixLeadership “Apprentice” Presentation GuidelinesAssignment:Choose two to three apprentice clips that involves leadership topics.Everyone in the team takes time to watch the clips.Explain why you chose these clips.Analyze the clips using a minimum of two leadership concepts we have covered in class. Be sure to use specific theories. For example, if you use the transformational leadership, then I would expect to see a definition of transformational leadership, as well as a brief review of transformational leadership. Don’t choose too many theories that you cannot provide an in-depth analysis of how the concept applies to the situation. Insightful analyses are what I am looking for.The analysis section should not be a restatement of the theory, but rather use the theory to evaluate the situation. The final response presentation summarizes the theories, the movie story, and how can we use the theories to explain what happened in the movie. You can also discuss the dilemma, the failure, the alternative solution and etc. Grading Criteria:You provide the reason you chose your example (10%).You use appropriate leadership concepts and include definitions/descriptions of the concepts (20%).Your analysis is logical and stays focused on your topic and example (50%).Your presentation is well-organized, easy to follow, interesting, clear, logical, and involves multi-media components (20%).Group Research Paper/ Presentation InstructionsPaper/Presentation structure: The paper should not exceed 10 double-spaced pages (although appendices and references may be added), and should consist of the following sections presented under sub-headings: findings in relation to the leadership issue? 1 Introduction (10%) Briefly describe the leader. Why was this particular leader selected? What was the goal in doing so? What were the anticipated findings in relation to the leadership issue?2 Methodology (20%) How did you obtain the information necessary for this project? Why was this method chosen? Did you use interviews (with whom)? Surveys (with whom)? Where did you get the survey or interview questions from (a scholarly journal article maybe)? Attach interview/surveys as appendix if used. If you made observations, what did you look for? What days/times? Ethical considerations? (e.g. Voluntary participation? Confidentiality? Anonymity?) Note: there should be NO findings or results presented here in this section! 3 Analysis of Leadership Issues and Recommendations (60%) This is where you present the findings/results, analyze them, and give recommendations. Use course material – apply at least two models/theories/frameworks/approaches - to describe any leadership issues/problems identified. Alternative action steps that relate specifically to the problems/issues identified in the project should be discussed and weighted. Relative advantages / disadvantages for each course of action should also be discussed. Finally, specific recommendations and/or implementation plan(s) must be described (use course concepts and theories to justify choices). 4 Conclusion (5%) Students should summarize what they learned about leadership issues from the project (insights), and draw relevant conclusions. Also, did you learn anything about working together in a team (as either a leader or a follower) for this project? 5 Cite Sources (including the text book, plus journal articles, etc) (5%) Please use APA style. Refer to: Examples of APA Style: In the text of the written project: According to Jones (1998), APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners…….. In the reference list at the end of the written project: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher. 6 Appendix Please include copies of surveys, interview questions, interview transcripts, tables of survey results (e.g. mean scores), etc…Peer Evaluation Form (Peer Evaluation will be on-line)Your Group Number: ____ Your Name: _________________ Try to assign scores that reflect how you really feel about the extent to which other members of your team contributed to your learning and/or to the team’s performance over the course of the semester.Be clear. This form is designed to help you evaluate how much your other team members contributed to the team, not how much you may like or dislike them. Contributions to the team can be more than just quantity or quality of project work. It can include positive things like helping the team work better together, or negative things like causing persistent and unhealthy tension and conflict within the team. In addition, please consider that individuals do not just make team-based contributions to write-ups. Team members also help others on their teams prepare for class discussions. TEAM MEMBERS' NAMES (Except yourself)Percentage ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ................

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