Education Standards Advisory Committee (ESAC) June 2019Diploma Practical Nurse Program Approval Self-Study Data Collection Guidelines TemplateNote:All institutional explanations for specific indicators should not exceed 250 words.An institution may choose to include the explanations within the template or provide the explanation as an attachment (properly referenced within the template)The color Green is the StandardThe color Yellow is the IndicatorThe color Blue is the sub-indicatorSelf-Study GlossaryDescribeThis term intends the organization will, in written form, illustrate a process, situation, or event. Example: Indicator 4.3.3 states “Describe the method to archive documents (course syllabi, course outlines and other program/course documents).” The intention is the organization will succinctly, in writing, illustrate how the organization archives course documents.EvaluateThis term intends the organization will present a written opinion regarding a subject. Example: Indicator 6.1.2 states “The adequacy of the program to collect student feedback on courses and clinical placements, from faculty that teach, assess and/or supervise students.” The intention is the organization will provide a written evaluation of how well it perceives the program’s ability to collect student feedback on courses and clinical placements.ExplainThis term intends the organization will present more in depth information to clarify, demonstrate the development of a process or describe relationships and roles of persons involved in the development. Example: Indicator 2.2 states, “Briefly the Lead’s ability and/or process to gain access to the institutional authorities”. The intention is the organization will provide a written example of the process the Program Lead would utilize for communicating with higher administration for the purposes of achieving the mission and mandate of the PN Education Program.ProvideThis term intends that the organization will attach copies of the information requested or list the name and role of the person responsible and accountable for a specific area. Example: Indicator 1.1 states “Provide the most recent PN Education Program mission/vision, immediate and long term goals and objectives.” The intention is that the organization will attach the goals and objectives of the PN Program in the appropriate electronic folder.Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u STANDARD 1: MISSION/GOALS, ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE, GOVERNANCE PAGEREF _Toc11933381 \h 61.1 Strategic/Organization Planning and Ongoing Quality Improvement PAGEREF _Toc11933382 \h 61.2 Clinical Placement Agreements PAGEREF _Toc11933383 \h 71.3 Partnership Agreements PAGEREF _Toc11933384 \h 81.4 Terms of References and Policy/Procedure Statements PAGEREF _Toc11933385 \h 101.5 (C) Maintenance of Program Standards Requirements PAGEREF _Toc11933386 \h 11STANDARD 2: NURSING LEADERSHIP AND ADMINISTRATION PAGEREF _Toc11933387 \h 122.1 Leader Qualifications PAGEREF _Toc11933388 \h 122.2 Access and Authority of the Practical Nurse Education Program Leadership PAGEREF _Toc11933389 \h 132.3 Sufficient Senior Administrators PAGEREF _Toc11933390 \h 142.4 Efficient Faculty Integration PAGEREF _Toc11933391 \h 15STANDARD 3: SUFFICIENT INFRASTRUCTURE AND EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES PAGEREF _Toc11933392 \h 163.1 Viability of Financial Resources PAGEREF _Toc11933393 \h 163.2 Leader Authority/Resources for Practical Nurse Education Program Management PAGEREF _Toc11933394 \h 173.3 Sufficient Facilities, IT Services and Equipment Infrastructure PAGEREF _Toc11933395 \h 183.4 Clinical Placement and Instructional Resources PAGEREF _Toc11933396 \h 193.5 Library Staff and Services PAGEREF _Toc11933397 \h 203.6 Study/Lounge Areas and Safe/Secure Environments PAGEREF _Toc11933398 \h 213.7(C) Required Notice of Planned Change to PN Education Program PAGEREF _Toc11933399 \h 22STANDARD 4: CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES AND COMPETENCY PROFILE PAGEREF _Toc11933400 \h 234.1 Intent of Education Program’s Curriculum PAGEREF _Toc11933401 \h 234.2 Curriculum Design of the Education Program PAGEREF _Toc11933402 \h 244.3 Curriculum Implementation PAGEREF _Toc11933403 \h 254.4 Program Outcomes and Entry Level Competencies PAGEREF _Toc11933404 \h 264.5 Clinical Placements PAGEREF _Toc11933405 \h 274.6 Social/Cultural Awareness PAGEREF _Toc11933406 \h 334.7 Healthcare Ethics PAGEREF _Toc11933407 \h 344.7 eHealth PAGEREF _Toc11933408 \h 35Evidence Required: PAGEREF _Toc11933409 \h 35?Technology and eHealth Resources utilized by the program PAGEREF _Toc11933410 \h 35?How students and faculty access the appropriate resources PAGEREF _Toc11933411 \h 354.9 Effective Communication and Collaborative Care PAGEREF _Toc11933412 \h 364.10 Self-Directed/Continuous Learning PAGEREF _Toc11933413 \h 37STANDARD 5: TEACHING AND LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS PAGEREF _Toc11933414 \h 385.1 Focused Instruction in Healthcare PAGEREF _Toc11933415 \h 385.2 Clinical Placement Supervision/Education PAGEREF _Toc11933416 \h 405.3 Clinical Assignments, Supervision and Client Safety PAGEREF _Toc11933417 \h 415.4 Variety of Student Achievement Measures Used PAGEREF _Toc11933418 \h 425. 5 Formative Feedback/Summative Assessment PAGEREF _Toc11933419 \h 445.6 Learning Environment / Professionalism PAGEREF _Toc11933420 \h 455.7 Student Expectations PAGEREF _Toc11933421 \h 465.8 Diversity Programs and Policies PAGEREF _Toc11933422 \h 47STANDARD 6: PROGRAM AND CURRICULUM REVIEW, EVALUATION, AND IMPROVEMENT PAGEREF _Toc11933423 \h 486.1 Education Program/Curriculum Management PAGEREF _Toc11933424 \h 486.2 Curriculum Design, Development, Implementation PAGEREF _Toc11933425 \h 516.3 Evaluations to Enhance Practical Nurse Education Program PAGEREF _Toc11933426 \h 52STANDARD 7: STUDENT SELECTION AND ADMISSION PROCESS PAGEREF _Toc11933427 \h 537.1 Authority of the Admission Committee PAGEREF _Toc11933428 \h 537.2 Pre-Education Program Requirements PAGEREF _Toc11933429 \h 547.3 Student Recruitment, Admission and Selection PAGEREF _Toc11933430 \h 55STANDARD 8: STUDENT PROGRESS RECORDS AND ACADEMIC SUPPORT PAGEREF _Toc11933431 \h 588.1 Advancing Student Progress PAGEREF _Toc11933432 \h 588.2 Students’ Assignment/Placement PAGEREF _Toc11933433 \h 608.3 Academic Advising/Counseling PAGEREF _Toc11933434 \h 618.4 Career Advising/Counseling PAGEREF _Toc11933435 \h 628.5 Confidentiality of Student Records PAGEREF _Toc11933436 \h 638.6 Student Access to Review Educational Records PAGEREF _Toc11933437 \h 648.7 Financial Aid Counseling PAGEREF _Toc11933438 \h 658.8 Student Access to Health Care Services PAGEREF _Toc11933439 \h 66STANDARD 9: FACULTY EFFECTIVENESS AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PAGEREF _Toc11933440 \h 679.1 Faculty Numbers and Qualifications PAGEREF _Toc11933441 \h 679.2 Sufficient Faculty PAGEREF _Toc11933442 \h 729.3 Faculty Appointment Policies PAGEREF _Toc11933443 \h 739.4 Faculty Feedback PAGEREF _Toc11933444 \h 749.5 Faculty Professional Development PAGEREF _Toc11933445 \h 75STANDARD 10: ONGOING STUDENT AND GRADUATE ASSESSMENT, AND CLIENT SAFETY PAGEREF _Toc11933446 \h 7610.1 Graduates of the Practical Nurse Education Program achieve the program outcomes. PAGEREF _Toc11933447 \h 76STANDARD 1: MISSION/GOALS, ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE, GOVERNANCE The administration of the educational institution has a statement of mission and goals for the Practical Nurse (PN) Education Program, demonstrates ongoing planning, and has explicit policies that describe the organizational structure and governance processes.1.1 Strategic/Organization Planning and Ongoing Quality Improvement The PN Education Program participates in strategic/organization planning and ongoing quality improvement processes to address immediate and long-term program goals/objectives that ensure there are adequate human, operating and capital resources to support the development and continued operation of the program.Evidence Required:Provide:An executive summary of the most recent academic or strategic plan for the Institution including immediate and long-term goals/objectivesThe most recent PN Education Program mission/vision statements, immediate and long term goals and objectivesMandatory Appendix A (student & faculty numbers for the current and previous 2 academic years)Describe:The process used by the PN Education Program to establish the program’s mission/vision, immediate and long term goals/objectives Explain:How the institutional strategic plan, immediate and long term goals/objectives influence the PN Education Program immediate and long term goals/objectivesHow often the institutional strategic plan is reviewed and/or revisedHow often the PN Education Program strategic plan is revisedHow the PN Education Program goals/objectives are achieved with reference to meeting the infrastructure and financial needs of the programComments:MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A1.2 Clinical Placement AgreementsFormal clinical placement agreements are in place identifying the responsibilities of the educational institution and the clinical placement sites. Written agreements define the relationships between the PN Education Program and clinical placement sites, specifying that the students are to remain under the responsibility and direction of the program’s appointed faculty members. At a minimal, clinical placement/partnership agreements are to include:1.2.1 Mutual responsibility of the clinical placement site and education faculty members for creating and maintaining an appropriate environment conducive to learning and resolution of any conflicts.1.2.2 Provisions for student and faculty access to resources to meet education requirements.1.2.3 Recognition of the authority of the faculty members to oversee the academic expectations for the clinical placement program of studies.Evidence Required:Provide:A list of all clinical placement sites used by the program in the current and previous 2 years (use Program Template or Optional Template B)Copies of all current placement agreements for all sites listedFaculty evaluations of clinical placement sites with feedback regarding access to appropriate resources and supportive learning environmentsDescribe:How, at a minimum, clinical placement/partnership agreements meet 1.2.1 to 1.2.3 standard indicatorsThe role played by faculty in the placement and supervision of students in the clinical area Comments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A1.3 Partnership AgreementsFormal partnership agreements are in place identifying the responsibilities of both educational institutions when they form brokering partnerships or other types of partnerships.1.3.1 Program contracts and authority matrixes are in place and current for all brokering arrangements and partnerships. Evidence Required:Provide: All contracts and authority matrixes for all brokering and partnership arrangements available at site visitExamples of ongoing institutional plan for standard review of brokered or partnership sites , process and effectiveness of review , evaluation and actions taken and resultsContract includes language specific to conflict resolutionProcess should partnership dissolve including financial responsibility for short term and long term student protection Comments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A1.3.2 There is a documented process for conflict resolution between parties to any brokering or partnership agreement.Evidence Required:Provide: Documented conflict resolution processes for parties to any brokering or partnership agreementDocumentation of the protection of students should the partnership dissolveComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A1.4 Terms of References and Policy/Procedure StatementsThe PN Education Program disseminates terms of reference or policy/procedure statement documents that define the roles and responsibilities of the administration, faculty, students, and institutional committees in the governance process.Evidence Required:Provide:Terms of reference or policy/procedure statement documents that define the roles and responsibilities of administration, faculty, students and program committees in the institutional governance processEvidence demonstrating faculty participation (may use a chart of all faculty participation along with committee meeting minutes) Describe: How faculty are identified (e.g., nominated, selected) to become committee members to ensure faculty participation in the governance process How different perspectives are included or acknowledged in the decision-making process and provide examplesFaculty evaluation of process and contribution to the governance process (reviewers will discuss this at site visit)CommentsMetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A1.5 (C) Maintenance of Program Standards Requirements The education institution ensures that the PN Education Program meets and maintains the standards requirements of the ESAC for Diploma PN Education Programs.Evidence Required:Provide: Copies of the annual reports and/or summary (use ESAC Annual Report Template 2019 version)Any additional progress in meeting the recommendations from the previous site approval visit and/or annual report feedback Comments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/ASTANDARD 2: NURSING LEADERSHIP AND ADMINISTRATIONThe educational institution has an appropriate number of nursing faculty members in leadership/senior management positions with the knowledge, skills, and administrative support needed to achieve the goals and maintain the integrity of the PN Education Program.2.1 Leader QualificationsThe person with the direct responsibility (the Lead) for the PN Education Program meets the education qualifications (Master’s Degree), licensure, and years of related experience to provide effective leadership and to meet the academic and administrative demands of the education program. Evidence Required:Provide:An abridged, curriculum vitae for the LeadDocumentation of current licensure with an Alberta professional nursing regulatory body for the Program LeadA copy of the lead’s Master’s Degree parchment (or higher)Describe:The process used to evaluate the Lead’s performanceThe Lead’s experience and qualifications to provide leadership for the education programCommentsMetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A2.2 Access and Authority of the Practical Nurse Education Program LeadershipThe organization and committee structure of the educational institution defines the lines of authority and communication between the program and the educational institution. The leadership of the PN Education Program has sufficient access to the institutional authority to achieve the mission and mandate of the education program.Evidence Required:Provide:Organization chart(s) showing organization of the PN Education Program, the reporting structure and portfolio of the direct report Explain:Briefly the Lead’s ability and/or process to gain access to the institutional authoritiesHow communication lines are utilized and their effectiveness Comments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A2.3 Sufficient Senior AdministratorsThe PN Education Program consists of sufficient numbers of qualified senior administrators at the different organization unit levels and protected time required to meet the mission/goals of the education program.Evidence Required:Describe: How the senior administrative faculty/staff is meeting the planning and program development expectationsA brief summary of the senior administrators’ experience and qualifications to provide leadership for the education program, and the process used to evaluate their performances**Note any vacancies or gaps that are influencing the program’s ability to plan and implement actions**Comments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A2.4 Efficient Faculty IntegrationThe faculty members appointed to the PN Education Program are included in the operations and maintenance of the program quality and efficiency through administrative responsibilities such as committees, shared governance and decision-making processes at the program level.Evidence Required:Provide: Examples of how appointed faculty members serve on programs’ executive, admissions, curriculum or other related committees Describe: How program and institutional policies support the participation of faculty members into the operations and maintenance of the program quality and efficiency Explain: If there is a branch campus, explain how those faculty members also serve on program level governance committees and are able to contribute to decision-making processesCommentsMetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/ASTANDARD 3: SUFFICIENT INFRASTRUCTURE AND EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESThe educational institution has sufficient fiscal, human, infrastructure, and educational resources available and accessible to meet the PN Education Program needs.3.1 Viability of Financial ResourcesThe immediate and long-term financial resources result from secure and ongoing sources of funding that are sufficient to maintain consistent institutional and PN Education Program’s goals/objectives.Evidence Required:Provide:Current and 1 year projected capital and operating budgets including staffing plansEvaluate:The adequacy and sustainability of the current academic year sources of revenue and the ongoing sources of funding for the education program. Consider evidence that funding is secure and will be able to meet the mission/vision statements, strategic goals and objectives of the education programDescribe: Any anticipated challenges and plans to address changes in funding for the education program during the next 2 academic years following the self-study approval processComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A3.2 Leader Authority/Resources for Practical Nurse Education Program ManagementThe Lead of the PN Education Program has appropriate finances and budgetary authority/resources to manage and evaluate the educational aspects of the program (e.g., curriculum, teaching and assessment).Evidence Required:Evaluate: Whether the Lead of the education program has and will continue to have appropriate finances and budgetary authority to manage and evaluate the educational aspects of the program (e.g., curriculum, teaching and assessment)Provide:Examples of leadership’s reallocation of funds and authority requiredCommentsMetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A3.3 Sufficient Facilities, IT Services and Equipment InfrastructureThe PN Education Program has the use and access to sufficient administrative and education facilities, Information Technology services, and equipment infrastructure to achieve the program’s educational goals/objectives.Evidence Required:Provide:Mandatory Template C: Classroom Facilities & Services – Completed by multiple sitesA list of Simulation equipment (replacement and maintenance) and resources, including classroom, labs and web basedA list of eHealth resources (include both program and external resources)Describe:How the program has planned for changes in infrastructure needs regarding upgrades or growth in student enrollmentThe availability and accessibility of online simulation resources, web-based learning tools, simulation equipment and other simulation resourcesCommentsMetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A3.4 Clinical Placement and Instructional ResourcesThe PN Education Program has the use and access to appropriate instructional resources and type of clients during the students’ clinical placement in designated ambulatory and inpatient settings.Evidence Required:Provide:May use Program Template or Optional Template B: Clinical CoursesA chart of all clinical placement sites used by the College in the current and previous 2 years including: identification for which course used, and summary of unit (type of unit (inpatient, ambulatory care or community care) number of beds description of unit (medical, surgical etc.) Clinical site evaluationsDescribe:The process utilized by the PN Program to determine if the staffing on a unit supports learner safety and positive learning environments Evaluate: Whether there will be adequate support and resources for the clinical instruction/ supervision of practical nursing students, including sufficient numbers and diversity of client encountersCommentsMetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A3.5 Library Staff and ServicesThe PN Education Program has appropriate access to library materials and electronic resources that are comprehensive and current to meet the program’s educational requirements. Library staff and services meet the data systems expectations of the students and faculty members.Evidence Required:Evaluate:The adequacy of planning for the use of library materials and electronic/IT resources, staff support that are comprehensive and current to meet the program’s educational requirements If these resources are shared with other institution programs, determine whether the students and faculty have adequate and sufficient access to these resources and servicesComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A3.6 Study/Lounge Areas and Safe/Secure EnvironmentsThe PN Education Program ensures that students have adequate study and lounge areas and safe/secure environments both on campus and during clinical placements.Evidence Required:Describe:The adequacy of security systems on campus and at distributed campuses and on program/institutional policies and procedures to ensure student safety The fire, safety, lock down procedures and student involvement in drills; how students are notified of a safety concernAny lock downs or serious/near miss incidents that have resulted in changes in guidelines Evaluate:The adequacy and quality of planned student study space, lounge areas, and safe/secure environments both on campus and during students’ clinical placements Include discussion on virtual classrooms, parking and off-site areas such as college activities and clinicalComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A3.7(C) Required Notice of Planned Change to PN Education ProgramThe PN Education Program notifies ESAC of significant changes to fiscal, human, infrastructure, and educational resources that alter the program. The program will submit to ESAC a completed notice of change form prior to implementation.Evidence Required:Describe:Any new information since the last notice of change (not included in the last annual report)Examples of significant changes include, but are not limited to, the following:Change in governance or organizational structureExpansion of existing sites or inclusion of a branch campusModification or introduction of new educational initiatives at the program levelMajor modification to program curriculum (not at individual course level)In the planned number of enrolled PN students (decreases or increases of 10% in any one academic year or in a 3 year average)Major planned reduction in available resources for the program (infrastructure, finances, faculty support)Intention to implement simulation in place of clinical experiences Anticipated changes in the affiliation status of the program’s clinical facilities Comments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/ASTANDARD 4: CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES AND COMPETENCY PROFILEThe PN Education Program designs curriculum objectives and content that outlines the knowledge, skills, behaviors, attitudes and judgments required by students to achieve upon graduation, and meets the expectations to practice in accordance with the Licensed Practical Nurse Regulation, the Standards of Practice and the Competency Profile as defined by the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta (CLPNA).4.1 Intent of Education Program’s CurriculumThe PN Education Program includes a comprehensive curriculum that:4.1.1. Reflects the vision, mission statement and philosophy of the educational institution. 4.1.2 Has a stated purpose and goals and objectives or learning outcomes.4.1.3 Has a clearly stated framework to organize and guide the curriculum. Evidence Required:Provide: An electronic and / or hard copy of the program’s curriculum overview (e.g., framework used to organize and guide the curriculum)Describe: Who has primary responsibility for the curriculum development, and has the appropriate authority for directing and approving the design, management, and evaluation of the curriculum so that it is comprehensive, coordinated and meets 4.1.1 to 4.1.3 indicatorsExplain:Through examples how the curriculum is reflective of the PN Education Program mission/value statementsComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A4.2 Curriculum Design of the Education Program4.2.1 Is structured in such a way as to allow for progression and consolidation of knowledge, skills, behavior, attitudes and judgments.4.2. 2 Demonstrates that key concepts and processes are threaded throughout the program. These include but are not limited to the following: nursing process; professionalism; problem solving; critical thinking; critical inquiry; communication; diversity; inter-professional collaboration; eHealth; safety and leadership.4.2.3 Has a program length that is pedagogically and androgogically congruent with the achievement of identified program outcomes and consistent with the policies of the educational institution, provincial standards, and evidence informed practice.4.2.4 Nursing courses comprise at least 60% of the curriculum4.2.5 Course hours are identified as theory, laboratory, simulated practice and clinical practice.4.2.6 Theory courses include a minimum of two 3 credit liberal education courses from the arts, sciences and/or humanities that transfer to an accredited UniversityEvidence Required:Provide:Include a copy of the Program Template or Optional Template D – Program ConfigurationA course sequencing map showing by semester A list of all courses with hours identified as theory, lab, simulated practice, and clinical practiceCourse numbersCourse namesCredits Program courses listed as nursing and non-nursingACAT proof of transferability for the current academic year Calculate:Percentage of nursing courses based on course credit weightComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A4.3 Curriculum Implementation4.3.1 Course learning outcomes are clearly stated and measurable 4.3.2 Course content reflects current trends in health care delivery, nursing practice and nursing education and prepares practitioners to adapt to future demands of the health care system.4.3.3 The PN Education Program has a process to archive course outlines/syllabi for each academic yearEvidence Required:Provide:Copies of all course outlines/syllabi Describe:Examples of current or future trends influencing current practice and PN educationProcess used to archive documents (course outlines, course syllabi and other program/course documents) **At site visit the team will request to see five (5) course outlines/syllabi from previously offered courses**Comments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A4.4 Program Outcomes and Entry Level Competencies 4.4.1(C) The curriculum is structured to provide the required learning opportunities for students to meet the designated program outcomes and CLPNA entry level competencies.Evidence Required:Provide:Mapping of program and course outcomes to the CLPNA entry level competencies and CLPNA Standards of PracticeDescribe:Areas identified during mapping process that contributed to course changes and program improvementHow the program integrates new legislation affecting practice into the curriculum in a timely manner(e.g., New Government Legislation, changes to the Health Professions Act (2000), changes to the CLPNA Regulations)Explain:The process to communicate changes to the CLPNA competency profile, standards of practice, and any CLPNA guiding documents to faculty and studentsThe process to determine the students’ understanding of restricted activities and which ones are included in the current scope of practiceComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A4.5 Clinical Placements4.5. 1 The curriculum plan includes instructor-led and preceptored clinical experiences.4.5.2 Clinical placements provide a broad range of learning activities in a variety of health care settings, working with clients who span the life cycle, have a variety of health problems and varying levels of illness. 4.5.3 The maximum instructor student ratio in the clinical area is 1:8 for instructor led and 1:16 faculty advisor/liaison in a preceptored practicum.Evidence Required:Provide:Use Program Template or Optional Template B: Clinical Courses & SitesCommentsMetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A4.5.4 (C) There is a method of tracking and scheduling clinical hours and placements for each student to ensure that all students have clinical practice with clients across the lifespan, in a variety of clinical settings, and meet the Entry Level Competencies.Evidence Required:Describe:The methodology or tool used to track and schedule clinical hours and placements for each studentMay use Program Template or Optional Template E Completed templates are not to be submitted to the ESAC committee (confidential student information not to be shared)Provide:At the site visit the tracking and monitoring tool for 5% minimum or 4 records of students enrolled in each cohort by semesterComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A4.5.5 A concentrated clinical practice experience of not less than 225 hours occurs at the end of the program to allow for consolidation of theory and transition to the graduate PN role.Evidence Required:Provide:A List of all sites and units where the concentrated clinical practicum was provided for the current and previous 2 yearsProgram Template or Optional Template B can be usedComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A 4.5.6 There is evidence that clinical sites are evaluated on a regular basis to ensure they enable students to meet program outcomes.Evidence Required:May use Program Template or Optional Template B to track the date of last clinical site evaluationProvide:At the site visit the program is to provide 5% of completed clinical practice evaluations and the date completedDescribe:The evaluation process for clinical practice experienceHow the evaluation includes faculty , student and clinical area perspectiveAny follow up or response to data from evaluationsCommentsMetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A 4.5.7 The educational institution has documented criteria for preceptor selection.Evidence Required:Provide:A copy of the programs criteria for preceptor selectionDescribe:The method for informing clinical agencies of the programs criteria for preceptor selectionComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A4.5.8 Orientation, material and resources are available for the preceptors that include, but are not limited to, specific descriptions of the roles and responsibilities of the student, preceptor and faculty advisor/liaison.Evidence Required:Provide:A copy of all orientation material for preceptorsA copy of the preceptor feedback/evaluation formDescribe:Where the following information is found in the documentation provided: roles and responsibilities of the student during the preceptorshiproles and responsibilities of the preceptorroles and responsibilities of the faculty advisor/liaisonThe process for preceptor feedback about student performance in the consolidated practicum (aside from written student evaluation) The process for program intervention if the experience is not furthering the institutional and curriculum objectives Comments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A4.6 Social/Cultural AwarenessThe PN Education Program curriculum provides opportunities for students to learn about common social and diverse cultural health related issues, and recognize and address intercultural competency in themselves, others, and in the delivery of health care.Evidence Required:Provide:Evidence that demonstrates how the curriculum provides opportunities for students to learn about common social and diverse cultural health related issues, and to recognize and address intercultural competency in themselves, others, and in the delivery of health careComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A4.7 Healthcare EthicsThe PN Education Program curriculum provides opportunities for instruction in healthcare ethics and societal values before and while engaging in the care of patients and communicating with patients’ families and other healthcare team members.Evidence Required:Provide:Evidence that the curriculum provides for instruction in healthcare ethics and societal values before and while engaging in the care of patients and communicating with patients’ families and other healthcare team membersEvidence that programs provide training on boundaries, the power imbalance between LPNs and patients, legal responsibilities and other considerations related to Bill 21.Describe:Learning activities and/or assessments that allow students to demonstrate their understanding of professional ethics and ways to resolve ethical dilemmas The process to integrate jurisprudence principles across the program (CLPNA Jurisprudence Exam Study Guide, 2018) Comments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A4.7 eHealthThe PN Program provides instruction and access to eHealth resources and technology appropriate to current practice in health care delivery. Evidence Required:Provide:Evidence that demonstrates the integration of eHealth concepts and practice throughout curriculumDescribe:Technology and eHealth Resources utilized by the programHow students and faculty access the appropriate resourcesEvaluate:Administrative and fiscal support to provide ongoing equipment and resources as appropriate as the use of eHealth continues to expand in health care deliveryComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A4.9 Effective Communication and Collaborative CareThe PN Education Program curriculum provides opportunities for instruction in developing effective communication and collaboration skills as they relate to interactions with patients, their families, colleagues, and other healthcare providers.Evidence Required:Provide:Evidence that demonstrates how the curriculum provides for instruction in developing effective communication and collaboration skills as they relate to interactions with patients, their families, colleagues, and other healthcare professionalsPolicies and procedures around patient confidentialityDescribe:Learning activities and assessments that relate to person-centered care How students are expected to demonstrate their understanding and adoption of a person-centered care philosophyComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A4.10 Self-Directed/Continuous LearningThe PN Education Program curriculum provides opportunities for instruction that promotes self-directed/continuous learning experiences and scheduled time for independent study to promote the development of ongoing/continuous learning.Evidence Required:Evaluate:The adequacy of time allocated for students to engage in self-directed learning experiences in the curriculum and independent study to promote the development of ongoing/continuous learningComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/ASTANDARD 5: TEACHING AND LEARNING ENVIRONMENTSThe educational institution ensures that its PN Education Program provides a respectful, professional, and engaging academic and learning environment that promotes students’ attainment of competencies through recognized and effective instructional methods and teaching strategies.5.1 Focused Instruction in HealthcareThe faculty members of the PN Education Program ensure that instruction provided includes hands-on or simulated exercises whereby students address questions about patient care options. Instructional strategies support learning environments in the basic scientific and ethical principles of clinical, best-practice and patient safety in healthcare practice.Evidence Required:Evaluate:Whether there is sufficient representation of arts, sciences, humanities, and healthcare ethics content in the curriculum/course documents and instruction providedComments: MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A5.1.1 Students demonstrate their ability to provide safe nursing care through simulated learning experiences prior to clinical practice.Evidence Required:Provide:Examples of simulated learning activities and evaluation tools Describe: How simulation is used as a formative and summative assessment for application of knowledge, skills, critical thinking and build confidence prior to clinicalHow simulation activities reinforce the student’s use of self-reflection and problem solving abilitiesHow simulation and other intentional learning activities are integrated across your programHow simulation is used to prepare students to provide safe care to clients in advance of clinical practiceRemediation process for students who are deemed unsuccessful in simulation integration prior to clinicalEvaluate:The adequacy of learning activities that allow students to develop decision making skills, and engage in evidence informed clinical practice Comments:MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A5.2 Clinical Placement Supervision/EducationThe PN Education Program ensures that supervision, instruction, and learning experiences of students during the clinical placements are the responsibility of the designated instructor(s) and includes consideration of formative and summative feedback provided by preceptors or other identified healthcare members from the placement site.Evidence Required:Provide:Policies, procedures, and role descriptions in place to ensure that all student learning experiences and supervision at clinical placement sites are the responsibility of faculty members Explain:What happens when there is a discrepancy or conflict regarding feedbackHow feedback from the placement site is considered in the quality of learning experienceComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A5.3 Clinical Assignments, Supervision and Client SafetyThe PN Education Program faculty members ensure that students in clinical placement learning situations that involve patient care are appropriately supervised at all times to ensure patient and student safety, and that the level of responsibility given to the students reflects their level of education, skills and scope of practice.Evidence Required:Evaluate:The adequacy of planned supervised clinical experiences to reflect curriculum goals that ensure patient and student safety and that ensure the level of responsibility given to the student reflects their level of education, skills and scope of practice and ability to function within an interprofessional teamDescribe:Supervision of students performing restricted activities Remediation for students who are not adequately prepared in knowledge, skills and attitudes or have performance deficits in clinical practiceProcess for addressing unsafe nursing practice with clients in a clinical settingProcess for monitoring of incidents, including near misses, in labs, simulation and clinical to inform practice (documentation, assessment and communication)Comments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A5.4 Variety of Student Achievement Measures UsedThe PN Education Program ensures that there is a variety of measures used consistently for the assessment of students’ achievement (beyond written examinations) that include students’ acquisition of the knowledge, clinical skills, behaviors, and attitudes as specified in the PN Education Program curriculum. Evidence Required:Provide:Course maps for each course which include at a minimum: Course Name, Prerequisites,Co-requisites, Credits, course description, General learning outcomes, specific learning outcomes, course concepts and major content, suggested teaching and learning strategies, suggested evaluation strategies,CLPNA Competencies addressed, CLPNA Standards of Practice. Copies of all assessments in each course together with marking rubricsExamples of exam questions for each exam in each courseThe exam blueprint for the programCopies of clinical evaluation toolsEvaluate:The adequacy of the methods used to assess student attainment of the knowledge, clinical skills, attitudes, behaviors and judgments stipulated in the educational program outcomesDescribe:The processes used to plan for the observation and assessment of students’ skills and behaviors during clinical placements or interactions with clientsHow the students’ understanding of Entry Level and continuing competency is evaluatedTypes of assessments used to evaluate the students’ understanding of restricted activitiesComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A5.4.1 Teaching, learning and assessment strategies contribute to active learner participation in the learning process, development of critical thinking, critical inquiry, problem solving skills and enhancement of student self-assessment.Evidence Required:Describe: Teaching and learning and assessment strategies that contribute to:Active learner participation in the learning processDevelopment of critical thinking/critical inquiryIncorporation of research and evidence to inform practiceProblem solving skills Student self-reflection and integration of lifelong learningThe students’ understanding and application of the LPN Practice Decision-Making Tool (CLPNA, 2019) The students’ understanding of the registration process and the legal requirement to be registered prior to working as a graduate PNPreparation for continuing competencyComments:MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A5. 5 Formative Feedback/Summative AssessmentThe PN Education Program has in place a system of fair and timely formative and summative assessment of student achievement in each course and clinical placement. The PN Education Program ensures that all students are assessed and provided with formative and summative evaluations during their program to allow for sufficient time for remediation.Evidence Required:Evaluate:The adequacy of the program to provide relevant and timely formative feedback to students about their progressThe adequacy of the program to provide fair and timely summative assessmentDescribe: Processes in place that consider fitness to practice and public protection in student progression, failure and readmission decisionsMetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A5.6 Learning Environment / ProfessionalismThe PN Education Program ensures that the learning environment is conducive to the ongoing development of appropriate and respectful professionalism for all students, faculty, and staff on campus and at clinical placement sites. The faculty members of the PN Education Program are responsible for identifying and reporting violations of professional behaviors or unsafe learning environments to the PN program chair or lead.Evidence Required:Provide:Evidence of a collaborative process between the program and the clinical administrators which promotes a healthy learning environment and encourages respectful professionalism Evidence of a collaborative process between program faculty and college department staff which promotes a healthy learning environment and encourages respectful professionalismDescribe:How expectations for professional behaviors are presented to faculty, staff and students on campus and at clinical placement sitesWhere and how expectations are communicated to clinical staff and leadershipThe methods used to evaluate the learning environment to ensure that it is supportive and conducive to the ongoing development of appropriate and respectful professionalismThe process for conflict resolution CommentsMetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A5.7 Student Expectations The institution will outline student expectations and provide each student with access to the code of professional conduct for students, faculty-student relationships, and approved policies that address violations of the code of conduct (e.g., discrimination, incidents of harassment/abuse). The PN Education Program clearly articulates the student code of conduct expected in professional nursing practice. Evidence Required:Provide:An electronic and/or hard copy of the institutional and program specific policies Describe:The process to ensure that the policies specific to the nursing program are supported and enforceable by the institutionHow professional standards are threaded throughout the program (ethics, professional code of conduct, confidentiality, etc.)Comments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A5.8 Diversity Programs and PoliciesThe PN Education Program has in place policies, practices, and ongoing recruitment and retention activities that support diversity for students, faculty members, senior administrators, administrative staff, and other members engaged in the PN Education Program.Evidence Required:Describe:How the program uses policies and practices to ensure ongoing recruitment and retention activities to achieve appropriate diversity requirements for students, faculty members, senior administrators, administrative staff, and other members engaged in the education programPlan and progress toward development of diversity policies and/or processes to achieve diversity requirements(Example: Response to the Truth & Reconciliation Commission (TRC) call to action requirements (post-secondary institution and program) Comments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/ASTANDARD 6: PROGRAM AND CURRICULUM REVIEW, EVALUATION, AND IMPROVEMENTThe PN Education Program participates in regularly scheduled curriculum reviews and course/program evaluation activities to verify currency and quality of the program. This provides opportunity for students to successfully achieve curriculum objectives and competency profile requirements for practice.6.1 Education Program/Curriculum ManagementThe PN Education Program adopts a methodology to review and evaluate the PN Education Program in order to achieve improvement of the organization and quality of the curriculum, and program delivery.Evidence Required:Describe:Methodology the program utilizes for curriculum review and evaluationAll formative and summative evaluation methods used to evaluate the program May use Program Template or Optional Template G: Program Review PlanComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A6.1.1 Formative and summative evaluation methods are used to evaluate the program and evidence is presented to show that the outcomes of evaluations are used in program maintenance and updating. Evidence Required:Describe:The evaluative team, process and analysis of the results May use Program Template or Optional Template H: Performance Data and ActionsProvide: Evidence that data from program evaluation is used in program maintenance and updatingEvaluate:The adequacy of the planned system of program evaluation for making a judgment of whether educational program objectives are being met and desired program outcomes are being achievedComments:MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A6.1.2 (C) Students are partners in the teaching and learning process and provide formal feedback on the quality of the teaching and learning experience.Evidence Required:Provide:A summary of student course evaluations for each course over the current and previous 2 years.Describe:Actions resulting from course evaluations (may refer to Program Template or Optional Template H: Performance Data and Actions)Evaluate:The adequacy of the program to collect student feedback on courses and clinical placements, from faculty that teach, assess and/or supervise studentsComments:MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A6.2 Curriculum Design, Development, ImplementationThe faculty members are responsible for the design, development, and implementation of all curriculum components of the PN Education Program including the learning objectives for each course/clinical placement requirement, use of appropriate instructional and assessment methods to demonstrate achievement of curricular objectives, and ongoing review and evaluation of curriculum delivery. Evidence Required:Provide:One example from a course and clinical placement that illustrates how instructional and clinical activities are connected to program objectivesDescribe: How the education program objectives are used to guide the following activities:Implementation of all curriculum components of the education program including the learning objectives for each course/clinical placement requirement Use of appropriate instructional and assessment methods to demonstrate achievement of curricular objectivesThe processes in place to ensure comparability of instructional strategies and that assessment methods are used consistently across courses and clinical placementsFaculty’s role in ongoing review and evaluation of curriculum deliveryComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A6.3 Evaluations to Enhance Practical Nurse Education ProgramThe PN Education Program uses a regularly scheduled and formal evaluation method to collect data on the quality of the PN Education Program and a process to use this information to enhance the program and balance student workload.Evidence Required:May use Program Template or Optional Template H: Performance Data and ActionsProvide:One example from a course and clinical placement that shows how students’ feedback is used to inform the quality of the education programDescribe: How regularly scheduled and formal evaluations are used to collect information and data from students about the quality of the education program and explain how this data is used to monitor the balance between students’ workload and the curriculum expectationsCommentsMetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/ASTANDARD 7: STUDENT SELECTION AND ADMISSION PROCESSThe educational institution implements and publishes the admission requirements for applicants to the PN Education Program, and incorporates effective policies and procedures for the selection and admission process.7.1 Authority of the Admission CommitteeThe lead of the PN Education Program sets the admission requirements as part of the curriculum planning process. The procedures for admission to the PN Education Program are governed by specified terms of references or other program or institutional policies.Evidence Required:Provide:Academic Council Minutes or governance documentation accepting the program admission requirements as presented by the program lead and DeanDescribe:The process for setting and approving the admission requirements of the ProgramComments:MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A7.2 Pre-Education Program RequirementsThe PN Education Program outlines its requirements for admission, and has methods in place to assess prior learning of applicants both academic and experiential. These processes are clearly articulated and communicated to students in the application process.7.2.1 Student policies and procedures are clearly stated and published in the educational institution published documents, website and/or the Student Handbook.Evidence Required:Provide:Policies and Procedures regarding Prior Learning and Assessment Recognition (PLAR)The location of PLAR policies and procedures in the institution website and/or student handbookStatistics for students who requested PLAR by course and yearDescribe:The process to communicate the policies and procedures to applicantsAssessment strategies utilized by the Program for PLAR credit for each courseMethod to retrieve appropriate archived documents (course outlines and/or syllabi) for PLAR assessmentComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A7.3 Student Recruitment, Admission and Selection7.3.1 The PN Education Program information, website, and other content materials used in advertising and recruiting represent an accurate representation of the mission and objectives of the PN Education Program, and describe all required courses offered by the program.7.3.2 Admission requirements (e.g., GPA, English language proficiency) and selection process are clearly stated and communicated to applicants.7.3.3 The PN Education Program has established policies and procedures for student selection. The PN Education Program makes this information available to stakeholders including the criteria used to set these standards, policies, and procedures. Evidence Required:Provide:Copies of program promotional material used for advertising and recruitmentA copy of admission requirements to programA copy of selection processExplain: The process used to communicate this information to applicantsDescribe:How the policies, procedures, and criteria used for student selection were developed and approved, and how the education program makes this information available to all stakeholdersCommentsMetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A7.3.4 Policies and procedures are in place to ensure students entering clinical experience meet all agency requirements for immunizations, Police Information Check (and vulnerable sector checks), safety (infectious and environmental hazards) policies, and other clinical pre-requisites (Fitness to Practice).Evidence Required:Provide:Policies and procedures to ensure students entering clinical experience meet all agency requirementsCopy of clinical partner requirements for entry to clinical experienceCopy of documentation used to communicate the requisite skills and abilities for LPN practice to applicants, students and other stakeholders (CCPNR, 2013) Copy of policies and procedures related to Fitness to Practice**At site visit the team will review 5% (minimum 4 check lists) from cohort entering or having completed first practicum to ensure all requirements are met**Describe:What constitutes concerns for Fitness to PracticeProcesses for assessment of Fitness to Practice to ensure the provision of safe nursing careCommentsMetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A7.3.5 Applicants have access to resources including but not limited to career counseling, learning resources and financial aid.Evidence Required:Describe:The student access to counseling, learning resources and financial aid on each site where students are applyingInclude an explanation of how the program provides services and resources to off-site studentsComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/ASTANDARD 8: STUDENT PROGRESS RECORDS AND ACADEMIC SUPPORTThe educational institution provides appropriate and ongoing records of student progress throughout their education program, and provides all students with access to academic support services to assist in achieving the PN Education Program objectives and advice about career options.8.1 Advancing Student ProgressPolicies and procedures pertaining to student evaluation, academic progression and graduation are in place and communicated to staff and students. These mechanisms provide evidence of student progress toward meeting program outcomes. The PN Education Program ensures a formal, timely and fair process for an appeal with procedures to allow the student an opportunity to defend an adverse decision related to dismissal or graduation.Evidence Required:Provide at minimum:Policies and Procedures regarding:Student evaluationGrading systemStudent appealAcademic honesty (Plagiarism)Promotion from one semester to anotherResidency requirementsGraduation requirementsDescribe:How the education program makes this information availableHow policies ensure that a formal and timely process for an appeal, with procedures for the disclosure of the evidence, to allow the student an opportunity to defend an adverse decision related to graduation or dismissalComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A8.1.1 (C) Records regarding student enrollment, attrition, returning students and program completion are recorded and accessible.Evidence Required:Provide: Mandatory Template I: Student DataStudent data showing by admitted cohort, by semester for periods covering current and previous 2 years:students admitted attrition numbers or % by semester and cohortnumber of returning studentsProgram completion by cohortDescribe:Analysis of attrition rates by semesterAny implications for workload, classroom, labs, clinical placementsAny actions if applicableComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A8.2 Students’ Assignment/Placement The PN Education Program facilitates the placement of students to course sections and clinical placements. Efforts are made to have student input into clinical placement selection.Evidence Required:Provide:a copy of the policy/procedure that allows student to formally request an alternate course section assignment or clinical placement site Describe:The processes for assignment of students to courses or clinical placement sitesThe process for student appeal regarding decisions relating to their assignment or clinical placementsComments:MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A8.3 Academic Advising/CounselingThe educational institution has an appropriate process and resources in place for providing academic advising/counseling for students.Evidence Required:Describe:The support services (e.g., academic tutors/advisors, time management workshops) provided to students in all sites to assist them in remediating academic concernsThe processes and resources in place to support students in all sites who may have challenges with certain courses or who have failed coursesCommentsMetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A8.4 Career Advising/CounselingThe educational institution has appropriate processes and resources in place for advising/counseling students in choosing career options, and options available for post-graduation PN positions.Evidence Required:Describe:The current approaches used to assist student with career advising/counseling on employment options and application/interviewing preparationComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A8.5 Confidentiality of Student RecordsThe educational institution ensures that all students’ personal and educational records are collected, used and disclosed in accordance with applicable privacy legislation and that appropriate safeguards are in place to ensure the confidentiality of students’ records. Evidence Required:Provide:Record management policies and procedures for the protection of confidentiality of students’ recordsDescribe:Evidence what comprises a total record, where are components of the records stored and how they are protected (including electronic records)Which records are kept permanentlyHow and when records are archived and/or destroyedComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A8.6 Student Access to Review Educational RecordsThe educational institution has policies and procedures in place that allow students’ to review and potentially challenge or appeal a test result or grade, if they deem the information or evaluation to be inaccurate or incorrect.Evidence Required:Provide:A copy of the program’s policies and procedures and timelines for students’ to review and challenge their educational recordsDescribe: What records are available to students including anecdotal notesComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A8.7 Financial Aid CounselingThe educational institution provides students with financial aid counseling.Evidence Required:Describe:The financial aid counseling services available to students by program delivery siteComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A8.8 Student Access to Health Care ServicesThe educational institution has in place an effective system of personal counseling for the students that includes promotion of their well-being; facilitate adjustment to the demands of the education program, timely access to medical and health services.Evidence Required:Describe:The access of students to medical and health services and personal counseling by program delivery siteComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/ASTANDARD 9: FACULTY EFFECTIVENESS AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTThe faculty members of the educational institution are qualified through their educational credentials, clinical training, and practice experience, and ongoing professional development to provide the leadership and program support necessary to attain the institution's administrative, teaching, and service expectations.9.1 Faculty Numbers and Qualifications9.1.1 All faculty members teaching courses designated as nursing courses are committed to the role and scope of practice of the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) and have a full knowledge of the Licensed Practical Nurses Profession Regulation (2003), the Standards of Practice for Licensed Practical Nurses in Canada (2013) and the Competency Profile for Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta (2019).Evidence Required:Provide:A declaration from the program indicating adherence to Indicator 9.1.1.**At site visit the team will discuss this with the faculty** Describe:Process for leadership to evaluate if faculty are committed to the role and scope of the practice of LPNsComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A9.1.2 To serve as PN role models and provide guidance in understanding scope of practice, a minimum of 15% of the nursing faculty must be licensed practical nurses (LPNs).Evidence Required:Provide:Mandatory Template F: PN Program Personnel A list all Nursing faculty of the PN program with their credential A calculation of the Number of LPN/total PN Program facultyComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A9.1.3 Clinical instructors and all faculty members teaching courses designated as nursing courses have theoretical nursing knowledge and clinical skills consistent with their teaching responsibilities. They have at least one year of current, relevant nursing experience and hold current registration in an Alberta professional nursing regulatory body.Evidence Required:Provide:Use Mandatory Template F: PN Program PersonnelList of all faculty with the following information:TitleStatus(FT/PT)Relevant Nursing ExperienceProfessional DesignationAcademic PreparationTeaching responsibilities by course name and numberComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A9.1.4 Institutional policies and procedures related to selection, orientation, evaluation, and professional development of faculty members are in place.Evidence Required:Provide:Job descriptions for all positions within the PN Education ProgramPolicies and procedures related to selection, orientation, evaluation and professional development of facultyPD as listed on Mandatory Template F: PN Program PersonnelDescribe:Employer assisted professional development accessed by faculty in the current and previous 2 years How the professional development has enhanced teaching and learning in the PN Education ProgramComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A9.1.5 Policies and processes are in place for initial and ongoing verification of registration status of nursing faculty members with their appropriate licensing College.Evidence Required:Describe:The process for initial and yearly verification of registration status of nursing facultyProvide: Declaration from program lead that registrations have been vetted May use Program Template or ESAC Template for declaration To be tracked on the Annual Report Template Comments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A9.2 Sufficient FacultyThe PN Education Program has in place a sufficient number of qualified faculty members and time required to provide instruction that meets the curriculum objectives.Evidence Required:Provide:Mandatory Template F: PN Program Personnel Describe:How the program meets the need for sufficient number of qualified faculty members to provide the instruction required to meet the curriculum and other instructional commitments of the education program during the academic year How the program has planned to address changes in faculty numbers due to attrition (departures/retirements) and growth (recruitment) Comments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A9.3 Faculty Appointment PoliciesThe PN Education Program has clear policies and procedures in place for faculty appointment, renewal of appointment, promotion, remediation, and dismissal. The institution provides written information about term of appointment, responsibilities, lines of communication, privileges and benefits, performance evaluation and remediation.Evidence Required:Provide:Approved policies for initial faculty member appointments, renewal of appointments and progress from probationary status to permanent status, remediation, progressive discipline and dismissalPolicies and procedures used for hiring when appointments are not standard practice in the institution(Programs may provide copies of the collective agreement as evidence to support processes described below)Comments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A9.4 Faculty FeedbackThe PN Education Program provides faculty members with regular and timely feedback from the lead (or designate) of the program on their academic performance (including student evaluation feedback) and progress toward promotion.Evidence Required:Provide:Approved policies that require faculty members to receive regular and timely feedback on their performance and their progress from probationary status to permanent statusComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A9.5 Faculty Professional DevelopmentThe PN Education Program provides opportunities for faculty professional development in the areas of curricular content and instructional methods, student assessment and evaluation methods, simulation, and mentoring and leadership abilities.Evidence Required:Provide:Mandatory Template F: PN Program PersonnelA list of the most recent faculty development programs (e.g., lectures, seminars, workshops) with a summary of the topic areas covered, locations used, and attendance numbersList of faculty education sessions related to teaching and learning, simulation, eHealth, and other trends in Healthcare and Health EducationA list of all professional development accessed (including employer sponsored) with date, in the previous 2 yearsDescribe:How faculty are orientated to the use of simulation (e.g., equipment, levels of fidelity, scenario, debriefing, etc.) and receive continued support for this learning strategyHow faculty are orientated to clinical teaching and types of supports provided to faculty throughout the clinical course Comments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/ASTANDARD 10: ONGOING STUDENT AND GRADUATE ASSESSMENT, AND CLIENT SAFETYThe educational institution ensures that comprehensive, and consistent formative and summative measurement processes exist throughout the program and that no evaluation process will be used if it compromises clients’ safety.10.1 Graduates of the Practical Nurse Education Program achieve the program outcomes.10.1.1 (C) Processes are in place to map student progress and to verify that the student has completed the curriculum and achieved the Entry Level Competencies and all other outcomes for graduation.Evidence Required:Provide:At site visit the team will review 5% (minimum 4) of records of the last graduating cohort to determine evidence of students having achieved the outcomes for graduationDescribe:The process for auditing student records to ensure they have met all Entry Level Competencies and other program outcomes Evaluate the effectiveness of the audit and what steps are taken by the program when deficiencies are identifiedComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A10.1.2 (C) Program success rates for first time writers’ of the Canadian Practical Nurse Registration Examination (CPNRE) are monitored in comparison to the Provincial and National averages.Evidence Required:Provide:Mandatory Template J: CPRNE Results completed for the previous 3 years (each year is documented in the annual report)Evidence of analysis of the exam results and action plan(s) in relation to student performance on the CPNRE Explain:How actions taken result in program quality improvementDescribe:Materials/processes used for orientation of students to the registration and national exam processEvaluate:At site visit the ESAC team will discuss CPNRE statistics, program analysis, actions, and outcomesComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A10.1.3 (C) Annual feedback from new graduates indicates they are prepared to meet requirements for practice as outlined in the Licensed Practical Nurses Profession Regulation (2003), the Standards of Practice for Licensed Practical Nurses in Canada (2013) and the Competency Profile for Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta (2019).Evidence Required:Provide:A description of how graduate feedback is gathered, including any graduate involvement on the Program Advisory Committee (PAC)Examples of Feedback might include the following:A summary of graduate feedback by graduation cohort (minimum yearly) since last visit (For each cohort indicate the number of surveys sent and the number returned)Minutes from the PAC meeting with graduate feedback if applicableFocus group summary Describe:Analysis of feedback and actions taken if applicableComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A10.1.4 (C) Annual feedback from employers indicates new graduates meet service sector needs and possess the knowledge, skills, behaviors, attitudes and judgments addressed in the Licensed Practical Nurses Profession Regulation (2003), the Standards of Practice for Licensed Practical Nurses in Canada (2013) and the Competency Profile for Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta (2019).Evidence Required:Provide:A description of how employer feedback is gathered Examples of Feedback might include the following:A summary of Employer feedback by graduation cohorts (minimum yearly) since last visit (For each cohort indicate the number of surveys sent and the number returned)Minutes from the PAC with discussion of employer satisfactionFocus group summaryDescribe:Analysis of feedback and actions taken if applicableComments MetMet with a Need for further follow upUnmetN/A ................

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