Relief Organizations – Teacher's Guide

Relief Organizations – Teacher's Guide


Charitable organizations around the world always require funding to support their cause. In this activity the students will investigate the origin, mission, accomplishments, and present needs of relief organizations around the world. They will be asked to present their findings to the class. A committee made up of students from the class will judge the presentations and determine which organizations should receive additional funding.

Students can access all the Internet sites for the Interactive Activities by clicking on Students' Area in the ECB On-line homepage, then click on:

• Interactive Activity links - The links to the Internet sites are listed under the names of the activities.

- or -

• Elementary, Junior High, High School. Choose their coursebook.


Proficiency Level 1-3 (Grades 10-12)


Two to three 45-minute lessons

Group Size

Pairs or small groups

Students' Prior Knowledge

The students can ...

... follow links on the Internet.

... understand the purpose of relief organizations.

... present a speech in front of the class.

... prepare a PowerPoint presentation (optional).


The students will be able to ...

... converse fluently on a familiar topic.

... ask and answer questions on a wide range of topics.

... understand the structure and conventions of and choose from more sophisticated types of texts.

... follow the argument in a range of expository texts.

... express opinions with supporting facts and arguments.


Ask the students if they are familiar with any relief organizations.

Discuss the following:

• What is the purpose of these organizations?

• Who do they help?

• How do they help society?

• How do these organizations receive funding?

• How can people volunteer to work for these organizations?

• Do they believe that the funding actually gets to those in need? Why or why not?

• Why do some people get involved with volunteer organizations and some do not?

• What would cause them to volunteer?

Give the students the Relief Organization Activity Sheet.


1. Present information about the organization you researched above.

2. Present your suggestion for the proposal for a future project.

Variations on a theme:

In small groups:

A special benefactor wants to donate 2 million dollars to worthy organizations. Each organization will receive part of the funding, based on an oral presentation prepared by each group.

The presentations must include"

• the origin of the organization

• its mission

• examples of its accomplishments

• a proposal for a future project.

The presentations should be no longer than five minutes. One representative from each group will be chosen to form the final committee. This committee will decide how to divide the funds among the organization

Each group will present a five-minute speech in order to persuade the committee their organization deserves a larger portion of the funds available.

The presentation should use visual aids i.e. pictures, graphs, displays. The students may use PowerPoint or another presentation program. Some students may want to prepare an Internet site.

The groups will be judged by the committee according to the rubric prepared by the class.

The committee will prepare a statement on the merits of each presentation according to the checklist and/or rubric and distribute the funds accordingly.

Optional: With the class, prepare a checklist and/or rubric of what is required for a successful oral presentation and persuasive presentation. Each group should receive a copy of this checklist and/or rubric. (See Teachers' Resources for more information about preparing rubrics.) This checklist and/or rubric will be used by the final committee to aid them in making their decision.

You can read more about preparing a persuasive speech at:

Persuasive Speech Tips and Topics

How To Give a Persuasive Speech

Relief Organization – Student Activity

To find the Internet site you need to complete this activity

• Go to: ECB Online:

• Click on Student's Area

• Click on Interactive Activity Links or look for your course book.

• Find the activity: Relief Organization

• Use these Internet sites to help you.

Go to: Internet site Yahoo! Society and Culture:

The following general categories are listed: children, disasters, economic development, homelessness, hunger, medical, poverty, or regional conflicts.

Skim through the organizations listed on the Internet site and decide which they would like to represent.

Choose a relief organization.

• Name of the organization

• Internet address of the organization

• What is the aim of the organization?

• What is the purpose of these organizations?

• Who do they help?

• How do they help society?

• How do these organizations receive funding?

• How can people volunteer to work for these organizations?

• Do they believe that the funding actually gets to those in need? Why or why not?

• Why do some people get involved with volunteer organizations and some do not?

• What would cause them to volunteer?

Prepare the proposal for a future project based on the information found. This written proposal should include:

• the aim of the organization

• accomplishments of the organization

• reasons additional funding is needed

• example of at least one new project that additional funding will help develop


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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