Mysticism Chapter 10 Summary of Volume 1 The Origin of ...

Christian Churches of God

No. B7_10

Mysticism Chapter 10

Summary of Volume 1

The Origin of World Religions

(Edition 1.0 19900930-20050319)

This Chapter deals with the origins of Mysticism in Babylon and its spread with and through the national systems leaving a core religious structure of the Mystery Cults in opposition to the will of God.

Christian Churches of God


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(Copyright 1990, 2000, 2005 Wade Cox)

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In Chapter 1 we established the nature of Mysticism and made a distinction between theistic and monistic Mysticism and examined mystical experience. This was the experience of the numinous and the ultimate aim of the devotee in the experience.

We looked at the Greek influence on the origins of Christian Mysticism. Chief in this was an examination of Philo, a Hellenised Jew writing from Alexandria, and Plotinus. There are many elements of asceticism on Greek systems and not the least of these was Pythagoras. These aspects are also examined in detail in Cox, Vegetarianism and the Bible (No. 183). We will pursue these aspects further in Volume 2.

Mysticism was seen to have spread over the entire globe. It was aligned to Animistic Shamanism in the nomadic systems and with the Triune God and its systems in the sedentary. We examined the concept of the mystical ascent over the seven, nine and other levels and what they represented.

We also saw that there was a development in this process in medieval times, which was to also profoundly affect Christianity.

The Eastern Indo-Aryan Shamanism became a predominant form. It affected the concepts of the Indo-Aryan Religion and Eastern Mystical Ascent to union with the god.

We saw this system go into the Pacific and the Australian Aborigines. We will further examine the origins of these people and their religions when we look at the Origin of Nations in Volume 2.

We then looked at tracing the path of this system and its common themes over the continents.

In Chapter 2 we saw the basis of the Egyptian system of gods and how they came into conflict with the Semitic system from Shem, through the sons of Israel and the resultant Exodus under Moses.

In that text we also looked at the symbolism of the life of Moses and the periods involved for the world system. We saw the plagues of Egypt and how they symbolised a judgment of the Egyptian Pantheon.

The Pillar of Fire and Cloud, as the Presence of the Angel of Yahovah, as the Face of God, was to establish a legal system in Israel. It was also to create a fundamental divergence from the mystical system of the world that had been established from Babylon, and which had entered Egypt and subsequently the world systems.

In Chapter 3 we examined the Golden Calf that represented the system of the Triune God, in and from Egypt, and also its expression as the system of Astarte or Istar, or Easter, and also Moloch and the other names by which this deity was known. This set the scene then against which we were to explain the Bible exposition of Judeo-Christianity, the Nature of God and the process by which the Bible said God was dealing with humanity. This was quite different from, and specifically at odds with the Babylonian system of the Mysteries so clearly condemned by the Bible, and from which Abraham had been called some centuries earlier.

In Chapter 4 we were able to identify the original system of Judeo-Christianity. We identified how God is One, and how Eloah was to extend Himself to become Elohim. We looked at the plurality of the elohim, how they were a council as the Sons of God and not a Triune structure as came to be asserted in Christianity from the Mystery cults.

We examined the Spirit of man, the Angelic order, the original schema or cosmology for the plan of salvation and the reconciliation of man to God.

We looked at creation and the place of the Logos doctrine in that plan.

We then saw the effect of the Mystery cults and schema on the doctrines of Christianity from the second to the sixth centuries, and the subsequent wars in Christianity. This matter will be taken up further in Volume 2.

We looked at the concepts of God in the fourth, fifth and sixth centuries, and how those altered doctrines gave rise to Islam in the seventh century.

In Chapter 5 we summarised the religious history and Arab beliefs to the birth of Islam. We examined the traditional dispositions and power of the tribes and nations.

The Arabs in Islam came to be overshadowed by the expansion of Islam and the syncretic amalgam of nation groups, who had themselves been affected by these mystery systems. We saw how Islam came to be seriously affected by Mysticism.

We saw its expansion to China and the further syncretic amalgam of the system.

The rise of the Abbasids, and the Golden and Silver Ages of Islam was also to see the emergence of Mystical syncretism in Islam.

From this process we see the rise of Sufism and the Sufi orders.

This process went east into India and continued the process until the present day.

Islam was to become terminally affected by Mysticism. We will deal with this aspect further in Volume 2.

From Chapter 6 we returned to the early times of the settlement of the Indus basin. We followed the Indian systems through the Early Aryan Religion and the establishment of the Hindu Pantheon through ancestor worship after the invasions. We looked at the development of the Indian systems in the first millennium to the rise of Hinduism, Jainism and ultimately Buddhism. All of these systems had been affected by the Mystery systems.

This process of liberation theology, which also gave rise to Philosophy among the Greeks, resulted in Buddhism in India.

In Chapter 7 we examined Buddhism. The Liberation Theology as expressed in Buddhism was to establish a system of diet laws, which, in a crude form, followed the basics of the biblical model.

We looked at the Law of the Dharma and the subsequent changes to Buddhism commencing with the rise of monasticism.

The philosophical and theological basis for Buddhism was examined from the denial of independent existence to bakhti, as a system of faith and the doctrine of infallibility.

From this stage, we came to examine the system of Arhants and the process of mystical ascent common to all of the mysteries.

This system was also a product of the Buddhist revolution in Asia.

The development of mystical thought that came from this was examined in the Diamond and Matrix systems, and the subsequent medieval systems.

At this point we then turned to look at the intrusion of the Mother Goddess system to Buddhism and the East as Tara and Avalokitesvara. This occurred in a similar way to the intrusion of the mother goddess as “Mary” in Christianity where the goddess was claimed to be Mariam, mother of Jesus Christ, using the name of Christ’s aunt, Maria. This aspect is covered in more detail in the paper The Virgin Mariam and the Family of Jesus Christ (No. 232).

In the process of examining the goddess we also examined the process of Tantric Mysticism in South East Asia.

Before we examined those aspects we regressed to the origins of the Chinese systems in Chapter 8.

In this chapter we looked at the move from the west. We will examine the origins of the Chinese in more detail in the Volume 2. Here we confined ourselves to the historical basis of the empire and the early systems. This covered the concepts of Creation, from Primordial Chaos and the First God. We then looked at the early concepts of Tao and the steps from Dualism to Singularist Tao.

The process of Taoist pseudo-Monotheism was examined, as were the inevitable Mother Goddess figures that began to intrude into the Chinese (and later the Japanese) system.

This aspect saw a Taoist High Priest system develop also. This system has similarities to the western models. Taoism progressed from a philosophy to a religion and was affected by the mystery systems.

There then arose a Taoist - Confucian conflict that also affected Chinese thinking.

We examined the syncretic Myths over those processes and also the Dragons and the Indo-Aryan time myths.

From this process we took our first look at the Chinese archaeological record, in tracing the Bronze Age. We then examined the Chinese dynasties for their importance to the record.

In this process we attempted to isolate the nexus and the importance of early Chinese occultists to the story of the Mystery systems in the East.

We then returned to South East Asia for Chapter 9.

We examined the original religious systems with various local twists and saw their relationship to the animistic Shamanism, which we saw emanating from Babylon.

We examined the process of Buddhism and Indianization in South East Asia, then looked at the history of the region from the 12th century.

We then examined the development of Islam in South East Asia and saw the syncretic development of all systems under the influence of Mysticism.

The influence of the Chinese, the origin and method of the arrival of Islam in Sumatra and its spread under the Mongols, was also of importance to the process.

The meeting of East and West Asian Mysticism was to occur in Aceh.

This theology was to progress and develop through nineteenth century Islamic Theology in South East Asia. It is seen today in modern day religion in Java and the rest of South East Asia.

Where to now?

In Volume 1 we saw the spread of a system over the entire world. We saw its common elements and we saw its conflict with the Bible model, which stands apart from the entire process, no matter how it manifests in all other systems. We have seen the attempts to alter the Judeo-Christian system so it fits into the Mystery system of the Sun Cults and the Triune god.

In Volume 2 we will proceed to examine in more detail the Origin of Nations.

We will look at the Chinese human fossil record and make some very interesting conclusions about the origins of the Asian people. We will look at the Australian record and examine some expert testimony concerning dating and other aspects.

We will see some surprising aspects of the Aboriginal record, which show modern Aborigines are nowhere near as old as they are thought to be.

We will look at the settlement of the Pacific and we will go back to Egypt and examine the origins of the Pereset, and also look at some ancient myths such as the sinking of Atlantis, and the Ancient Sea Kings.

We will look at the early Aryans and the Scythian tribes including the Celts and the Picts. We will trace the migrations of the Celts, including the Milesians, into Ireland and from China into Scotland. We will identify the ancient Britons and Welsh, and the Romans and the European nations. We will find the origins of their traditions in the Babylonian system.

We will trace the origins of the Scandinavians and the Huns.

We will also see the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel taken into captivity, and then move across Europe to take up residence and themselves be corrupted by the Mystery cults. That movement will be followed by the move of Judaism. We will see its corruption and absorption of other Gomeritic tribes.

We will follow the Middle Eastern migrations into Europe and see the effects of the Mystery cults on their systems.

Many systems that seem to be of incidental importance, such as the Greco-Trojan War and its aftermath will be placed in historical perspective. We will follow the expansion of Israel under David and Solomon, into the Steppes and across the Atlantic and see then the effects of the conflict between the two systems.

We will see the Mystery cults develop and invade Christianity and take it over for the purpose of world domination in the last days.

We will look at the origins of the Roman religious system and its effect on Christianity through the Mystery and Sun Cults.

We will come to understand why the earth is being destroyed in these last days through the implementation of a system contrary to God’s Laws (see also Cox, et al The Law of God (No. L1)).

We will see the prophesied end of Mystery: Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots and of the Abominations of the Earth.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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