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Case Study: "Tyler Faces a Challenge"Please read and analyze the case “Tyler Faces a Challenge” located at the end of chapter 10 in your DuBrin Textbook (9th Edition). This case illustrates how feedback and coaching are sometimes required for activities that relate more to personal behavior than to job performance.Provide a summary of the case in your own words (do not use direct quotes, rather, paraphrase in your own words). Cite the textbook for this course at least once in the summary to show this is the origination of the case information. Then, answer the questions below using support from sources from the FSW library databases.Are the reported incidents in relation to Gus even worth the attention of a COO?How should Tyler coach Gus about the incidents in this case?What opening line to you recommend for Tyler if he holds a coaching session with Gus about the incidents reported in the case?Discuss and support at least two ways that this case illustrates how feedback and coaching are often required for activities that relate more to personal behavior than to job performance.Apply concepts from the textbook for this course and include at least two additional scholarly citations from the FSW library databases in the question responses and analysis to show the origination of information. Be sure to also include the textbook as a reference on the reference page. Do not use other textbooks as sources for this assignment.Please review the Rubric for additional information regarding grading criteria. Grading will be based on content, format, and demonstration of weekly reading assignments, learning objectives, and outside research. Direct quotes are not permitted. Use APA to properly cite all sources.A minimum of 5 full pages not including the title page and reference page.A minimum of 2 peer-reviewed sources (not including the textbook)from the FSW library databases must be cited in the text of the paper. See the link to the Florida SouthWestern State College Library Research Tutorial. Be sure to review how to find peer-reviewed (scholarly) articles. Do not use any textbook as a source.Direct quotes are not permitted. Be sure to paraphrase. Do not copy and paste. The FSW Writing Centers offer assistance with writing through virtual meetings. is also helpful.Include a properly formatted APA cover sheet.Include a properly formatted APA reference page.Use 12 point Times New Roman font.Double-space the entire paper.Accurate In-text citations must be included.Thorough analysis of the topic in relation to organizational behavior, leadership, and course learning outcomes.APA documentation and formatting style used appropriately (including in-text citations, reference entries, and format).Spelling, grammar, and writing styleWrite in third person - such as, “This researcher…”, “This student…”, Do not use “I”, “we”, “our”, “you”, or any other forms of indefinite you.Avoid bullet points.Submit your own original work. Do not submit work previously submitted to any course - including your own work, that of other students, or any work that is purchased or traded from the online cheating sites, such as coursehero. ................

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