Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute Associates, Inc

Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute Associates, Inc.

Minutes of Meeting of the General Membership, Orlando, Florida April 28, 2009.

Officers present: President, Major J.D. Withrow; First Vice-President, Lieutenant Karin Bergholm; Third Vice-President, Captain Mark Chamberlain; Secretary/Treasurer, Captain Elwood Stephens; Immediate Past President, Deputy Chief Martin Sharkey. (Second Vice-President Rob Perrault stepped down during the year due to his resignation from law enforcement)

President Withrow called the meeting to order at 12:40 p.m.

President Withrow conducted a roll call of the officers. All were present. President Withrow explained the vacant position of the Second Vice-President.

President Withrow also explained that at the 2008 Conference, Dick Stephens advised the board of his intensions to step down as Secretary/Treasurer. Dick recommended Elwood Stephens as a replacement. On September 9, 2008 Elwood Stephens was appointed Secretary/Treasurer by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors

Actions Taken:

Approved: Minutes of the General Membership meeting, April 29, 2008.

Approved: Treasurers report of financial status.

Approved: Board of Directors for 2009/2010.

Acknowledgment of the Largest Class Represented:

President Withrow acknowledged that SLP Class 12 had the most members in attendance for this conference with five members.


Minutes of the April 29, 2008 meeting of the general membership of the Florida Criminal Justice Executive Associates, Inc. were approved as presented. Motion to accept was offered by David Wyllie, seconded by Nancy DeFerrari. The report was accepted by voice vote of the membership.

Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer reported a bank balance as of November 30, 2008 of $15,248.60. After the 2009 conference which includes membership, registration fees and sponsorships and gifts, the bank balance will be approximately $11,225.67

At the March 11, 2009 meeting of the Board of Directors a unanimous vote determined that the amount of $842.94 that had been set aside for the Technology Forum would be folded back into the assets of the Organization since it had not been used in many years. Motion to accept was offered by Peg Gant, seconded by Kimberly Kinsey. The report was accepted by voice vote of the membership.

New Members/Past Presidents:

New members and first-time attendees were introduced by President Withrow.

Illnesses and Deaths:

President Withrow acknowledged several officer deaths throughout the year to include the three officer deaths in Okaloosa County and also in Alabama.

Bylaws Amendments:

President Withrow discussed the changes in the bylaws as printed out for review. He explained the need for each of the changes. Chief Bruce Thomason indicated that a few words needed to be changed due to tense errors. With the few word changes in mind, a motion to accept the bylaws changes was made by Mel Williams and seconded by Greg Barnett. The changes to the bylaws were accepted by voice vote of the general membership.

Old Business:

No Old Business to discuss.

New Business:

President Withrow, acting on behalf of the nominating committee, offered the recommendation of, Lieutenant Karin Bergholm for President, Captain Mark Chamberlain First Vice-President and Captain Elwood Stephens as Secretary/Treasurer. Motion to accept was offered by Bruce Thomason, seconded by Greg Kirk. The recommendation was accepted by a voice vote of the membership.

President Withrow, acting on behalf of the nominating committee, offered the recommendation of Lieutenant Sean Jowell from Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office as Second Vice-President. Sean took a few minutes to introduce himself to the membership. President Withrow opened the floor to other nominations. None were given. A motion to accept the nomination was offered by Brian Hager, seconded by Beth Jones. The recommendation was accepted by a voice vote of the membership.

President Withrow, acting on behalf of the nominating committee, offered the recommendation of Lieutenant Dave Hubbard with the Eustis Police Department as Third Vice-President. Dave took a few minutes to introduce himself to the membership. President Withrow opened the floor to other nominations. None were given. A motion to accept the nomination was offered by Nancy DeFerrari, seconded by Gary Loos. The recommendation was accepted by a voice vote of the membership.

The Board of Directors for 2009/2010 was sworn in by Martin Sharkey.

• Lieutenant Karin Bergholm, FDEP, Park Police, President

• Captain Mark Chamberlain, Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, 1st Vice-President

• Lieutenant Sean Jowell, Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office, 2nd Vice-President

• Lieutenant Dave Hubbard, Eustis Police Department, 3rd Vice-President

• Captain Elwood Stephen, Jackson County Sheriff’s Office Secretary/Treasurer (appointed)

• Major John D. Withrow, USF Police Department, Immediate Past President

The floor was turned over for comments by incoming President Karin Bergholm. President Bergholm presented an award to Major J.D. Withrow in appreciation of his service to the FCJEI Associates, Inc.

President Bergholm gave a few comments on her thoughts for the coming year. The board is looking to take the conference back to Tallahassee for cost saving measures. She asked the membership to please continue the support of the organization even in these tough budget restriction times.

President Bergholm asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Greg Kirk gave a motion to adjourn and Glenn Evers seconded the motion.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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