SABIS® International Charter School of Springfield

The SABIS International Charter School160 Joan StreetSpringfield, MA 01129Board of TrusteesMinutes of SABIS Board of Trustees Meeting – May 15, 2019In Attendance: Ellen McDonald, Wilfredo Lopez, Daryl Lovell, Anne-Marie Nicolai, Luis Aponte, Olivia Kynard, Joyce Gondek, Sonja Shaw (via Skype), Pat White, Paula Meara, Atu WhiteGuests:Lynn Spampinato, Steve Bissonnette, Khaled Shehimi, Justin Baker, Rosara Pellicier, Kim Hollenbeck, Edouard Deverennes, Shirley Vasquez, Cyndi Miller Not Present:Derryl GibbsI. Meeting called to order at 6:05 pm. Public Forum – N/A (no one requested to speak).II.Approval of MinutesOlivia Kynard moved to approve the minutes listed below. Seconded by Anne-Marie Nicolai and approved by voice vote, all in favor: Ellen McDonald, Wilfredo Lopez, Daryl Lovell, Anne-Marie Nicolai, Luis Aponte, Olivia Kynard, Joyce Gondek, Sonja Shaw, Pat White, Paula Meara.Regular meeting of 3/20/19Education committee meetings of 4/3 and 4/30/19Finance committee of 5/8/19Community input meeting of 5/7/19 Safety committee meeting of 5/6/19Retreat of 3/23/19III.Student LifeKim Hollenbeck reported that Sean Parent has given his resignation and the position has been posted to find a replacement.IV.Director’s ReportKim Hollenbeck distributed the school calendar and list of college acceptances, reporting for Karen Reuter who is out sick today. The 2019-2020 school year calendar is based on Springfield Public Schools; this year changing format of upper school open house to include parent-teacher conference appointments and student performances for art and music for Middle and HS. Considering adding additional timeframe for lower school. There are three professional development days this year. Otherwise, not different from past years.Staffing/accepted Sean Parent’s resignation and the position is posted; hoping to fill in the coming weeks. Orlando Sanchez accepted IT manager position. SABIS endorsed this. Three teachers have indicated they are not returning next year. Have hired one replacement and are in discussions with additional.Student Life training conference: four students were selected to travel to Cairo. Will identify a school-based staff member to accompany them if Student Life Coordinator cannot attend.Neighborhood meeting held on campus on April 23 with city councilors, neighbors, and representative of police department. Sunbrier Road expressed concerns about trucks, buses and foundations; speed in neighborhood. Not happy with how PD set up speed traps. Continuing to communicate with neighbors. Neighbors were happy that the school is opening a forum for them. Next (tentative) meeting date is May 30; the sergeant will share his latest information on who is speeding and whether it has reduced; noted that many neighbors use campus as a cut-through. Neighbors are aware. MCAS held this week with four days of math and also AP testing. Grade 10 is next week on May 21/22. Science for grades 5-8, also. Brief summary of college admissions and scholarships known to date. End of year events/ already hosted international festival planned by Shirley Vazquez which was well-attended. Hosted mothers & muffins event with SABIS support for a wonderful parent engagement event. Class of 2019 hosted a color run on May 11. Athletic hall of fame and western MA champ dinners were held this week.Last day of school is June 17 with a half-day for students. Junior-Senior Prom will be held at Log Cabin on May 28. Senior Banquet also being held at Log Cabin on June 5. Senior walk to be held on June 7. The scholarship and awards event will be held on June 6, 9:00 in the gymnasium. Graduation to be held on Friday, June 14, 5pm. BOT members should arrive to Symphony Hall by 3:30 p.m./RSVP to Denise.V. GovernanceOlivia Kynard reported. Asked for committee descriptions from each committee. Derryl Gibbs previously voted in; she will follow up with him. There are three candidates seeking nomination: James Hollins, John Delaney and Dena Facchini. The committee interviewed James Hollins on Monday, May 13 and reviewed his resume/background. Paula Meara recommends all three nominations. Sonja Shaw noted the community relations role to think about for future/not priority at this time. There was a fourth applicant Barbara Smith, who has since rescinded her application. Joyce Gondek moved to approve the nomination of James Hollins as a board member, with DESE approval. Seconded by Luis Aponte and approved by voice vote, YES: Ellen McDonald, Wilfredo Lopez, Daryl Lovell, Anne-Marie Nicolai, Luis Aponte, Olivia Kynard, Joyce Gondek, Sonja Shaw, Pat White, Paula Meara.Joyce Gondek moved to approve the nomination of Dena Facchini as a board member, with DESE approval. Seconded by Olivia Kynard and approved by voice vote, YES: Ellen McDonald, Wilfredo Lopez, Daryl Lovell, Anne-Marie Nicolai, Luis Aponte, Olivia Kynard, Joyce Gondek, Sonja Shaw, Pat White, Paula MearaPaula Meara moved to approve the nomination of John Delaney as a board member, with DESE approval. Seconded by Luis Aponte and approved by voice vote, YES: Luis Aponte, Paula Meara, Joyce Gondek, Pat White. NO: Ellen McDonald, Anne-Marie Nicolai, Sonja Shaw. ABSTAINED: Freddy Lopez, Olivia Kynard, Daryl Lovell.Olivia Kynard will get letters out to all new members and reach out to offer mentors to each; and send copies of resumes to Kim Hollenbeck for DESE.VI.Safety & Risk Management CommitteePaula Meara provided a review of Go Buckets, which have arrived. Deciding whether to distribute now or when new school year starts. Did not have stop-bleed package but each teacher has one in their supply/backpack. There are 100 buckets and at least 80 backpacks (all teachers have). No duplication of items in backpacks and buckets. Credit to administration for leading a safety drill/police and fire will speak to students again.VII.Education CommitteeOlivia Kynard moved to approve the salary increase of 2.7% retro to September, 2018. Seconded by Anne-Marie Nicolai and approved by voice vote, YES: Ellen McDonald, Daryl Lovell, Anne-Marie Nicolai, Luis Aponte, Olivia Kynard, Joyce Gondek, Sonja Shaw, Pat White, Paula Meara. ABSTAINED: Freddy Lopez.Joyce Gondek moved to approve the expense for the police officer at the May 7 community meeting. Seconded by Freddy Lopez and approved by voice vote, YES Ellen McDonald, Wilfredo Lopez, Daryl Lovell, Anne-Marie Nicolai, Luis Aponte, Olivia Kynard, Joyce Gondek, Sonja Shaw, Pat White, Paula Meara.Noted that the charter renewal application is due August 1 to DESE. SEM will provide a draft to the board by June 24, with final Board approval at the July 17 meeting. Olivia Kynard moved that the Board authorize the Education Committee to review and approve the final version and bring to the Board on July 17. Seconded by Luis Aponte and approved by voice vote, YES: Ellen McDonald, Wilfredo Lopez, Daryl Lovell, Anne-Marie Nicolai, Luis Aponte, Olivia Kynard, Joyce Gondek, Sonja Shaw, Pat White, Paula Meara.The committee met on April 3, completed the SEM evaluation for 2017-2018; chair has submitted to SEM and DESE. Also reviewed end-of-term AMS results (attached to April 3 minutes). 80% on AMS demonstrates MCAS mastery. BOT encouraged to review. The committee will continue to monitor data. The committee also met on April 30 and May 14. On April 30, SEM presented info on e-books/tablets with a plan to go paperless. Committee does not recommend participation in the pilot for 2019-2020 school year; concerns with timeline, research not definitive; would need policy; recommends not to shelve the program but to monitor program as it pilots in other locations (Holyoke, Lowell, and Flint). Continue to consider for future/ prep for college and many schools are doing.Next areas of focus are charter renewal, staff survey results and AMS testing numbers; end-of-year internal and external results as relates to 85% benchmark.VIII.Finance CommitteeFreddy Lopez reported. Committee met on May 8. Reviewed what committee talked about at meeting for 2019 end-of-year budget. And for 2020 proposed budget and surplus, per-pupil funding, staff costs, insurance; some positions added for next year, dedicated behavioral position, etc. considering school resource officer. Adding bus monitors.(Atu White arrived at meeting).Reviewed projected costs of proposed eBooks; would not anticipate savings. Ellen McDonald reported additional information about costs and logistics. Could cost $195 per tablet per year to replace. Removed allocation for e-books from budget. There was also $40K for field remediation engineer review. Looking at three different companies to review the drainage problem. $25K of that $40K was earmarked for study. $15K remaining would be for short-term remediation. Ellen McDonald moved to accept proposed budget for FY 2020 with the exclusion of e-books, and to have the budget report re-run. Seconded by Olivia Kynard and approved by voice vote, YES: Ellen McDonald, Wilfredo Lopez, Daryl Lovell, Anne-Marie Nicolai, Luis Aponte, Olivia Kynard, Joyce Gondek, Sonja Shaw, Pat White, Paula Meara, Atu White. ABSTAINED: Sonja Shaw IX.FacilitiesFreddy Lopez reported that the committee met today and reviewed solar RFP with solar company—they will present updated RFP soon, once they are accepted to grid. School would use all energy produced. Anticipated savings is $35-42K per year. The facilities committee will monitor sports field remediation as well.X.Chair ReportSonja Shaw reported. Graduation to be held on June 14.Pay attention to charter school/DESE emails – upcoming webinarTrustees’ personal information should be kept confidential. Consider using SICS email address.Daryl Lovell moved to adjourn regular session and move into executive session for purpose of contract negotiation and to not return to regular session. Seconded by Luis Aponte and approved by voice vote, YES: Ellen McDonald, Wilfredo Lopez, Daryl Lovell, Anne-Marie Nicolai, Luis Aponte, Olivia Kynard, Joyce Gondek, Sonja Shaw, Pat White, Paula Meara, Atu White.Regular meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.Respectfully submitted,Olivia Kynard, SecretarySICS Board of TrusteesAttachmentsMeeting minutesSchool calendar 2019-2020 ................

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