Orthopaedic Trauma Association - LWW




Orthopaedic Trauma Association

AOTrauma North America Belgian Orthopaedic Trauma Association

Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society Foundation for Orthopedic Trauma

International Society for Fracture Repair The Japanese Society for Fracture Repair

February 2021 PAGES S1?S46


Orthopaedic Trauma Association

AOTrauma North America Belgian Orthopaedic Trauma Association Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society

Foundation for Orthopedic Trauma International Society for Fracture Repair The Japanese Society for Fracture Repair

Learning in the AO: Looking Back and Moving Forward

Guest Editors: Greg Berry, MD, Wael S. Taha, MD, and Chitra Subramaniam, PhD

Publication support provided by AOTrauma North America.

The views and opinions expressed in this issue are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors of Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma.

February 2021



Supplemental digital content is available for the article.

Si Introduction Greg Berry, Wael S. Taha, and Chitra Subramaniam

S1 The Journey to Competency-Based Education

Urs R?etschi, Michael R. Baumgaertner, Amy S. Kapatkin, Kodi E. Kojima, and Teija Lund

S5 Designing and Implementing a Harmonized Evaluation and Assessment System for Educational Events Worldwide Monica Ghidinelli, Michael Cunningham, Miriam Uhlmann, Alain Rickli, and Urs R?etschi

S11 Chairperson Education Program and Its Application Wael S. Taha, Kodi E. Kojima, Mark Reilly, and Vajara Phiphobmongkol

S17 Faculty Coaching in Surgical Education Within the AO Carla S. Smith, Piet G. de Boer, Narayan Ramachandran, and Gregory Berry

S22 The AO Trauma Competency-Based Training and Assessment Program: An Approach to Address Performance and Assessment Gaps in Surgical Training Roger Wilber, Chitra Subramaniam, Markku Nousiainen, and Kathrin L?ssi

S28 Multicenter Video Recordings of Minimal Invasive Cephalomedullary Nailing of Pertrochanteric Femur Fractures for Metrics Validation Studies: Lessons Learned

Kodi E. Kojima, Wael S. Taha, Matt L. Graves, Anthony G. Gallagher, Tracy Y. Zhu, V?ctor D?az, Michael Cunningham, Monica Ghidinelli, and Alexander Joeris

S34 Effect of Cognitive Task Simulation in Transfer of Performance Skills in an AO Practical Skills Laboratory

Chitra Subramaniam, Brett D. Crist, Hobie Summers, Jaimo Ahn, Greg Berry, Chad Coles, and James Morgante

S42 A Biologically Friendly Wire Tensioning Technique and How a Worldwide Surgeon Education Network Can Affect Patient Care

Kyle M. Schweser, Michael S. Sirkin, Mark C. Reilly, Karl Stoffel, Christoph Sommer, Dankward Hoentzsch, and Brett D. Crist

(continued next page)

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Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma ? February 2021

Contents (continued)

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