Professional Resume - BGU

Barash 3

Tel Aviv 69469 |Phone: 03-6437081

Mobile: 054-5713332

noamyuran@ | |Noam Yuran

Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D summa cum laude at the Philosophy Department in Ben Gurion University. Title of dissertation: Rethinking Money through Desire: A Philosophical-Historical Inquiry into the Nature of Money. Advisors: Professor Haim Marantz and Professor Slavoj Žižek, 2010

MA summa cum laude at the Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas, Tel Aviv University. Title of thesis: Hanoch Levin as a Israeli Culture Product. Advisors: Professor Adi Ophir and Professor Hannan Hever, 2000

The Interdisciplinary Program for Outstanding Students, Tel Aviv University, 1992-1995

Areas of Expertise

Political Economy, Political Thought, Critical Theory, Social Thought, Philosophy of Economics, Philosophy and Media, Psychoanalysis

Post Doctorate

Postdoctoral Fellowship, Minerva Humanities Center, Tel Aviv University, 2011-2012

Fellowships and Awards

Stanford University Press, the Authors Fund, 2013

Israel Science Foundation, scholarship for a book publishing, 2012

Evergreen Fellowship Program, Everegreen VC Fund, Tel Aviv, 2009

Academic Positions

Maftea'kh, Lexical Review of Political Thought


Ben Gurion University, Department of Politics and Government

Adjunct lecturer (2009-)

The College of Management, Media School

Lecturer (2011-)

Tel Aviv University, Department of Film and Television

Adjunct lecturer (2009-)

Academic Forums and Research Groups

Organizing committee, 6th Annual German-Israeli Frontiers of Humanities Symposium (GISFOH), sponsored by the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (IASH) and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) (2013-2014)

Minerva Humanities Center, Tel Aviv University

Managing the research group in political economy (From 2010)

Israeli Democracy Institute

Researcher of media and democracy (2007-2008)

Van Leer Institute

Economic Thought Research Forum. A cross disciplinary research group of economists and sociologists (2007-2008)

Van Leer Institute

Work group on The Concept of Nihilism and the Limits of Political Critique in Israel (2009)

Conference Organization

Co-founder and organizer of the annual television studies conference in the Film Department at Tel Aviv University. Four conferences have taken place: Perspectives on Israeli TV Fiction (2011), Good Television? (2012), Spaces of Television (2013), The End of Television (2014).

Invited Talks

"Neomaterialism: on the Subjectivity and Vitality of Things", The Vera List Center for Art and Politics, The New School for Social Research, October 2012

"Is Money the Root of the Financial Crisis?" (public lecture with Keith Hart), "History and Genealogy for the Ethnography of Finance" (workshop with Keith Hart), Institute of Public Knowledge, NYU, February 2011

"Money, History and Repression: Views from Psychoanalysis and Heterodox Economics", Sigmund Freud Museum, Vienna (in the interdisciplinary conference "Money and Soul"), 2010

"What is Money?", Johannesburg Workshop of Theory and Criticism, Witwatersrand University, 2010

"The Inheritance of Abstinence: the Erotic Finance of Hanoch Levin", workshop at the Jewish and Israel Graduate Studies Association, Columbia University, 2012

Seminar Lectures (selection)

"Money and the Financial Crisis: Why Economics Cannot Understand Greed," Department of Political Science, Tel Aviv University, 2012

"Why does Television Persist? An Economic Explanation", Department of Communication, Ben Gurion University, 2012

"New Money: Marx's Historical Ontology", Department of Philosophy, Ben Gurion University, 2012

"Celebrities, Advertising and Brand Names: the Political Economy of Television Space", Department of Sociology, Political Science and Media, the Open University, 2011

"What do Commercials do?", Department of Communication, Tel Aviv University, 2010

"The Ontology of Coca Cola: What is a Brand Name, and why do Commercials Tell the Truth", Media Department, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2010

"On the Possibility of Historical Economics: What Orthodox Economists can Learn from Thorstein Veblen", Department of Politics and Government, Ben Gurion University, 2010

"Conceptualizing Money as an Object of Desire: Beyond the Economic Point of View", Department of Sociology and Anthropology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2011

Participation at Conferences (selection)

"The Difference Between a Social Object and an Institutional Fact", New Israeli Philosophy Association, 15th conference, Haifa University, 2012

"Who Works and Who Enjoys? New Forms of TV Celebrity", in "Fiktzya 2: Good Television?", the 2nd Israeli Television Studies Conference, Tel Aviv University, 2012

"Television", The 7th Lexical Conference for Critical Political Thought, Tel Aviv University, 2011

"Advertising", The 6th Lexical Conference for Critical Political Thought, Tel Aviv University, 2011

"Money in Time: New Money and Old Money as Economic Categories", The Currency of Cultural Studies, The Hebrew University, 2011

"What is a Social Object?", New Israeli Philosophy Association, 13th conference, 2010

"Money", Beyond the Liberal Horizon: The 5th Lexical Conference on Political Thought, Tel Aviv University, 2010

"The Materiality of Symbols", The Origin of Paper Money in Theory and Practice, City University of London, 2010

"Live Broadcast", Beyond the Liberal Horizon: The 3rd Lexical Conference on Political Thought, Tel Aviv University, 2009

"Do We Really Watch Television?", The 3rd Workshop of Research in Visual Culture, Bar Ilan University, 2009

"The Difference Between Evolution and History: Lessons from Economic Thought", New Israeli Philosophy Association, 12th conference, 2009

"Money, Femininity and Coca Cola: Three Examples of Historical Ontology", New Israeli Philosophy Association, 11th conference, 2008

"Money and History as Deceit: Marx vs. the Economists", New Israeli Philosophy Association, 10th conference, 2007

Courses and Seminars

"Political Economy", Ben-Gurion University

"Marx and other Marxists", Ben Gurion University

"Israeli Culture and the State", Ben Gurion University

"Television and Ideology in Israel", Tel Aviv University

"Television and Philosophy”, Tel Aviv University

"Advertising, Desire and the Market", College of Management

"Reality TV: the Substance of Television", Tel Aviv University

"Screen Politics", Ben Gurion University

"Sitcom: Form, History, Politics", Tel Aviv University

"Culture, Media and Journalism Practice in Israel", Tel Aviv University

"Critical Readings in Television", Sapir College

"Thinking with Television: Ideology and the Screen", Sapir College

"Media, Culture and Society in the 20th century", Camera Obscura Art School





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