“Jewish feminism has gone back to the biblical, rabbinic ...

RELIG 210: Introduction to Judaism

Essay #4


Your answer should be three pages (double-spaced). All papers are due at the start of class on March 4, 2009.

Your paper should begin with a thesis statement that clearly articulates your central argument and briefly outlines the evidence you will bring to support your claim. A strong paper will draw evidence from assigned readings, from class lectures, and from explicit references to the sources listed below. However, papers should not contain a mere laundry list of quotations. The goal is to demonstrate your understanding of the class material by analyzing sources and reaching your own conclusions. Please note that writing mechanics and style (e.g. spelling, grammar, logical organization) will also contribute to your grade.


Feminism has brought about tremendous changes in Judaism over the last forty years. Although feminism has impacted the entire Jewish community, Jewish feminists have taken divergent approaches to integrating changing attitudes about women’s roles in the Jewish tradition. In your paper, compare and contrast different approaches to reconciling feminism and Judaism.

Questions you might consider in your analysis could include:

• What are some different strategies that feminists have used in order to add (or reclaim) women’s voices in Jewish tradition?

• To what extent do different writers/activists believe Judaism has to change in order to accommodate feminist challenges? Why?

• What is at stake in this question? (Or, why has feminism and the role of women in Judaism become a flashpoint that divides Jewish groups from one another?)

You should cite specific examples from at least three (but ideally more!) of the sources listed below:

The Reader/Lecture Notes

• Plaskow, “The Right Question is Theological.” (OLR)

• Ozick, “Notes Toward Finding the Right Question.” (OLR)

• Greenberg, Blu “Orthodox Feminism and the Next Century (web site)

• Marcia Falk’s revision of the Shabbat liturgy available on 2/18 class slides

• Jewish Women’s Scholarly Writings on the Bible (JSB 2000-2005)

The On-Line Jewish Women’s Archive Exhibition (feminism)

• Tamara Cohen, Miriam’s Cup

• Amy Eilberg, Photograph from ordination of first Conservative woman rabbi

• Sally Priesand, Rejection letter to first female rabbinical school applicant

• Marcia Falk, “A Blessing for this Day” talk

• Debbie Friedman, video clip from “A Journey of Spirit”

• Merle Feld, “We All Stood Together at Sinai” poem


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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