Vouchers for annuities and per capita payments to Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache

microfilm r970.00497 V942 1963

Rolls of Indian tribes in Oklahoma: microfilm r970.00497 R646 1952

Sam Devenney’s Comanche, Kiowa and Apache Obituaries ~ 1932-1995 (Index)

OK 929.3766 F724i 1999


1884-1900 Census and enrollment lists (Cheyenne and Arapaho): microfilm CAA roll 5

r970.00497 U583 1976

1901-1912 Census and enrollment lists (Cheyenne and Arapaho) microfilm CAA roll 6

r970.00497 U583 1976

1913-1928 Census and enrollment list (Cheyenne and Arapaho) microfilm CAA roll 7

r970.00497 U583 1976

Rolls of Indian tribes in Oklahoma: microfilm r970.00497 R646 1952


1801-1821 Records of the Cherokee Indian Agency in Tennessee: microfilm rolls 1-14

r976.8004975 C424u 1952

1801-1835 Records of the Cherokee Agency in Tennessee 1801-1835, Transcribed by

Marybelle W. Chase: TN r976.800497 C424c 1990

1817-1819 Cherokee register of persons who wish reservation under Treaty of 1817

microfilm r970.00497 R263 1975

1817-1835 Cherokee Emigration Rolls by Jack Baker: desk r323.1197073 C424b 1977

Cherokee Emigration Rolls: microfilm r929.376 E34 1977

1817-1836 Cherokee Reservees by David Hampton: desk r333.160975 H189c 1979

1835 Cherokee Census, Trail of Tears Association: desk r970.004975 T681e 2002

1835 Index to Henderson Roll and census of Eastern Cherokees

microfilm r970.004975 C424c 1960

1835 Those Who Cried, The 16,000: A Record of the Individual Cherokees Listed by James Tyner: desk r970.004975 T97t 1974

1836 Cherokee Property Valuations in Tennessee by Shirley Hoskins

desk r333.33209768 C424 1984

1842 Cherokee Claims by Marybelle Chase

Saline District OK r976.6004975 C424sa 1988

Skin Bayou District OK r976.6004975 C424sk 1988

Tahlequah District OK r976.6004975 C424t 1989

Goingsnake District OK r976.6004975 C424g 1989

Delaware District OK r976.6004975 C424d 1990 Vol. 1-4

Flint District OK r976.6004975 C424f 1991 Vol. 1-4


1848 Mullay Roll of Eastern Cherokee: microfilm r970.004975 E3401 1975

1851 The Eastern Cherokees, A Census of the Cherokee Nation in North Carolina,

Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia by David Siler: desk r970.3 C42si 1972

1851 Drennen Roll of the Cherokee Nation: desk r970.3 C42dr

1851 Old Settler Roll: desk r970.004975 O44

1852 Chapman Roll of Eastern Cherokee: microfilm r970.004975 R245 1967 roll 12

1865-1887 Intermarried Whites in the Cherokee Nation Between the Years 1865-1887

Chronicles of Oklahoma vol. 6, pages 299-327: microfilm r976.6 C4681

1865-1887 Cherokee Nation – Intermarried Whites: Vertical File – Five Civilized Tribes

1866-1907 The Intruders: The Illegal Residents of the Cherokee Nation, by Nancy Hope

Sober: desk r976.6004975 C424s 1991

1867-1898 Indian Territory Marriages, by Alma Hutchins: OK r929.3766 H97i 1988

1880 The 1880 Cherokee Nation Census Indian Territory (Oklahoma) by Barbara L.

Benge: desk and OK r970.004975 B436e 2000

1880 Cherokee Roll of 1880; residents of Cherokee Nation: microfilm 929.3 C424

1880-84/87-89 Cherokee Citizenship Commission Docket Books: OK r970.00497 C424db 1997

1884 Hester Roll: microfilm r970.004975 R245 1967 roll 12

1884 - 1901 Cherokee Nation Births and Deaths, 18804 – 1901, by Dixie Bogle Woodward

OK r929.3089975 B634c 1980

1889 Index to the 1889 Roll of Shawnee Cherokees: desk r970.00497 S537i 1995

1889 Cherokees, Shawnee Rolls Prepared under the Act of March 2, 1889

Vertical File – Five Civilized Tribes

1890 Cherokee Census Canadian District: microfilm r970.004975 C424 1977

CHN roll 3

1890 Cherokee Census Cooweescoowee District, A-T: microfilm r970.004975 C424

1977 CHN roll 4

1890 Cherokee Census Cooweescoowee District, T-Z; Delaware District A-C, Flint and

Goingsnake Districts: microfilm r970.004975 C424 1977 CHN roll 5

1890 Cherokee Census Illinois, Saline and Sequoyah Districts, Tahlequah District A-C

microfilm r970.004975 C424 1977 CHN roll 6

1890 Cherokee Census Tahlequah District C-Y: microfilm r970.004975 C424 1977

CHN roll 7

1890 Cherokee Nation Census Index of Persons Living Under Permit in the

Cooweescoowee and Delaware Districts by Rosalle Wagner

desk r970.004975 W125c 1986

1890-1896 Wallace Roll of Cherokee Freedmen. Online at National Archives.

Search term: Wallace Roll

Cherokee Freedmen. Use Tab, “Digital Copies” Or Search Term: Cherokee Freedmen for other options. This roll is organized by roll number and is not indexed by name.

1893 Intruder Roll: microfilm r970.004975 E3402 1975

1895 Cherokee Old Settler Census and Index: microfilm r970.004975 O44 1966, 2


1896 Cherokee Census and index: microfilm r970.004975 C424 1980

1897 Kern-Clifton Roll of Cherokee Freedmen. Online at:

Search Term: Cherokee Freedmen. Use Tab, “Digital Copies” Organized by roll number.

1897-1913 Index to Letters Received by the Commission to The Five Civilized Tribes

microfilm r970.004973 I38 1983

1898-1906 Index Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes

desk r970.00497 U582f 1990 Or Online searchable index:

1898-1906 Census Enrollment Cards Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five

Civilized Tribes: microfilm r970.00497 U582E 1898-1914

1898-1906 Dawes Applications: microfilm rolls 174-399

1898-1906 Index to Cherokee Rejected and Doubtful Dawes Enrollment Cards

microfilm r970.004975 C424ird 1993

1898-1906 Cherokee Plat Maps: workroom

1893-1914 The Dawes Commission and the Allotment of the Five Civilized Tribes,

1893-1914, by Kent Carter: OK r333.323 C245d 1999

1901-1909 Records Relating to Intruders: microfilm r970.00497 R2451 roll 2 and 3

Cherokee Intruder Cases: microfilm r970.00497 R2452 1990

1906-1909 Cherokee Blood Indian Genealogy Based on Records of the United States Court of Claims, Volumes 1-3, by Shirley Hoskins: desk r929.375 H793c 1982 vols. 1-3

1906-1909 Vital Information from the Guion Miller Roll (Eastern Cherokee Court of Claims)

edited by Billy Dubois Edgington and Carol Anne Buswell, MA

desk r970.004975 E23v 1998

1906 Roll of Eastern Cherokees (Guion Miller): desk r970.00497 C424ro

1906 Guion Miller Roll and Index: microfilm r970.004975 R245 1967 rolls 1-12

1906 Miller Applications: microfilm, 348 rolls

1906 Cherokee By Blood, Records of Eastern; Cherokee Ancestry in the US Court of

Claims, by Jerry Wright Jordan: desk r970.00497 C424j 1987 vols. 1-9

1910 Indian Population, Craig County, Transcribed and Indexed, by Ruth Lawson

OK r929.308997076698 K446 1983

1914 Dawes Roll Supplement: microfiche r970.00497 F586

1915-1940 Eastern Cherokee Census; Cherokee North Carolina, Agent James Henderson

Transcribed by Jeff Bowen: NC 929.3756 B6578e 2004, Vol 1-4; 1915-1922

1924 Baker Roll: Final roll of the Easter Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina

under act of June 4, 1924: microfilm r970.004975 U58b 1982


Black Indian Genealogy Research, African American Ancestors Among the Five

Civilized Tribes by Angela Y. Walton-Raji: REF r929.1072 W178b 1993

Carslowey, James Manford Journal and Notes about Cherokee nation and People,

Cherokee Notes: OK 929.3766 C238c 1980


Indian Territory Notes: OK 929.3766 C238i 1980

My Journal: OK r929.3766 C238m 1980

Cherokee Allotment Maps: microfilm r970.00497 C498 1895-1988

Cherokee Allotment Maps, IT Map Company of Muskogee 1906, Oversize Plat

Map, workroom

The Cherokee Indian Nation, A Troubled History ed. By Duane H. King

REF r970.00497 C424 1979

Cherokee Mixed-Bloods: Additions and Corrections to Family Genealogies of Dr. Emmet Starr, Vol 1 by David Keith Hampton: desk r929.2 S79 oLi 2005

Cherokee Nation Papers Index and Inventory, Folders 1-10338: microfilm CNP

Cherokee Nation Papers: Index and Inventory: OK r970.00497 C4243 1996

Cherokee Nation, Population/Demographics: Vertical File–Five Civilized Tribes

Cherokee Nation Records, CHN 1-129: microfilm 970.004975 C4241 1977

Cherokee Proud by Tony Mack McClure PhD.: REF r929.1 m132c 1997

Cherokee Roots by Bob Blankenship : desk r929.3089975 C424b 1978 vol. 1-2

The Cherokees and Their Chiefs In the Wake of Empire by Stanley W. Hoig

REF r973 H688c1998

The Confederate Cherokees, John Drew’s Regiment of Mounted Rifles

OK 973.7467

Dawes Commission Article Reprint, Deciding Who Can Be Cherokee, 1991

Vertical File - Five Civilized Tribes

Descendants of Nancy Ward, Beloved Woman of the Cherokeew, by David K.

Hampton: desk r929.3766 D45 1975

Descendants of Nancy Ward, A Workbook for Further Research by David K.

Hampton: desk r929.3089975 H189d 1997

Encyclopedia of American Indian Removal vols. 1-2 by Daniel R. Littlefield, Jr.,

and James W. Parins: REF r970.00497 E563 2011

Exploring your Cherokee Roots by Thomas Mooney: desk r929.1072 M779e 1987

Forgotten Oklahoma Records Cherokee Allotment Book vol. 1 (Ottawa County

only) by Fredea M. H. Cook: desk, OK r929.3766 C771f 1981

The Intruders, The Illegal Residents of the Cherokee Nation 1866-1907 by Nancy

Hope Sober: desk r976.6004975 C424s 1991

The Life and Times of Reverend Stephen Foreman, by Cooleela Faulkner

OK r970.00497 F761f 2006

Names, Locations and Roll Numbers of First Land Owners from Township and

Range Maps; Craig County Genealogical Society

Present Day Nowata County: OK r929.3766 C4242 2004

Present Day Craig County: OK r929.3766 C4242 2003

Present Day Washington and Partial Tulsa Counties: OK r929.3766 C4242

Old Cherokee Families, vols. 1-3, by Emmet Starr: desk r929.2 S79oL 1987

Old Cherokee Families, 2nd ed. by Emmet Starr: desk r929.2 S79 1968

Old Cherokee Families by Emmet Starr: microfilm r970.004975 S976o 1985


Old and New Cherokee Indian Families, by George Morrison Bell, Sr.

desk r929.2 C424b

Starr's History of the Cherokee Indians by Emmet Starr: desk r970.00497 C424s

Story of the Cherokee Indians, Personal Interviews of Famous People compiled by

Stella E. Carslowey Crouch: OK r970.00497 C424cr 1967

Tracing Ancestors Among the Five Civilized Tribes, Southeastern Indians Prior to

Removal by Rachal Mills Lennon, CGRS: REF r929.1072 L548t 2002

The Union Indian Brigade in the Civil War by Wiley Britton: OK 973.7 B77 1922


1884-1900 Census and Enrollment Lists: microfilm CAA roll 5 r970.00497 U583 1976

1901-1912 Census and Enrollment Lists: microfilm CAA roll 6 r970.00497 U583 1976

1913-1928 Census and Enrollment Lists: microfilm CAA roll 7 r970.00497 U583 1976

Rolls of Indian Tribes in Oklahoma: microfilm r970.00497 R646 1952


1847 Chickasaw Census Roll Mississippi: desk r929.37665 L827e 1995

Chickasaw Census Roll Indian Territory: desk r929.37665 L827e 1995

1849-1894 Chickasaw County Court Records, Panola and Pickens Counties: OK r929.3766

D759c 1997 Book 1

1849-1881 Chickasaw County Court Records, Pickens and Wichita Counties: OK r929.3766

D759c 1997 Book 2

1855-1860 Chickasaw Rolls, Annuity Rolls of 1857-1860 and the “1855” Chickasaw District

Roll of 1856 by K. M. Armstrong and Bob Curry: OK r970.004975 A736c 2007

1866-1901 Chickasaw County Court Records, Tishomingo County: OK r929.3766 D759ch

2004 Vol. 1

1878 Chickasaw Annuity Roll by Barbara Crumptin: desk r929.37665 C888e 1987 or

microfilm r970.00493 U582C 2001

1889-1906 Index Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes

desk r970.00497 U582f 1990 Or Online searchable index:

1889-1907 Census Enrollment Cards Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five

Civilized Tribes: microfilm r970.00497 U582E 1898-1914

Index and Supplement to Choctaw-Chickasaw Deeds and Allotments by E.

Hastain: microfilm r970.00497 C498 1989-1988

1890-1897 Chickasaw Censuses of 1890, 1896, & 1897 microfilm r970.00493 U582C 2001

1893 Chickasaw 1893 Payment microfilm r970.00493 U582C 2001

1897-1913 Index to Letters Received by the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes

microfilm r970.004973 I38 1983

1898-1906 Dawes applications, microfilm Choctaw-Chickasaw memos, rolls 172-173, Chickasaw, rolls 435-468

1893-1914 The Dawes Commission and the Allotment of the Five Civilized Tribes, 1893-

1914, by Kent Carter: OK r333.323 C245d 1999

1901-1906 Records Relating to Intruders: microfilm r970.00497 R2451 roll 5 and 6


Cherokee Intruder Cases: microfilm r970.00497 R2452 1990

1902-1904 Choctaw and Chickasaw Applications & Dockets of the Citizenship Court

OK r929.3766 D759cd 2004


Black Indian Genealogy Research, African American Ancestors Among the Five

Civilized Tribes by Angela Y. Walton-Raji: REF r929.1072 W178b 1993

Chickasaw Nation Records, CKN 1-30: microfilm r970.004973 C432

Encyclopedia of American Indian Removal vols. 1-2 by Daniel R. Littlefield, Jr.,

and James W. Parins: REF r970.00497 E563 2011

Expenditures from the Chickasaw Fund: REF r970.00497 C43e 1982

Keys to Indian Territory Records with Emphasis on the Chickasaw Nation

OK r929.107207665 K523

Lists of citizens and intruders in the Chickasaw Nation (no date)

microfilm r970.00493 U582C 2001

Tracing Ancestors Among the Five Civilized Tribes, Southeastern Indians Prior to

Removal by Rachal Mills Lennon, CGRS: REF r929.1072 L548t 2002


1862-1867 Census of Sac and Fox, Chippewa, Munsee and Ottawa: microfilm r929.3766

S1191s 1976


1803-1824 Records of the Choctaw Trading House: microfilm r970.004973 C451u 1960

1825-1841 The Choctaw Academy Official Correspondence, compiled by Joe R. Goss

KY r371.82997 G694 1992

1824-1881 Letters Received by the office of Indian Affairs Choctaw Agency

microfilm r970.004973 C451L 1959

1831-1832 Register of Choctaw Emigrants to the West 1831 and 1832, compiled by Betty C.

Wiltshire: OK r970.004973 C451w 1993

1831-1856 Choctaw Emigration Records, compiled by Monty Olsen: OK 929.3 O5201c 1990

1838-1896 Choctaw Agency Census Records and Lists: microfilm CTN roll 2 r970.004973

C451 1977-79

1830-1899 Mississippi Choctaw Census: microfilm CTN roll 1 r970.004973 C451 1977-79

1831-1857 Emigration List: microfilm r970.004973 C451e 1980

1832 Muster Rolls Greenwood, LaFlore, Mushulatubbee, and Wituchachee Districts

microfilm r970.004973 C451e 1980

1833 Muster Roll of Choctaws Who Emigrated West of the Mississippi

microfilm r970.00497 C451 1982

1834-1854 Abstracts of Claims, Revision of Claims, and Register of Claims

microfilm r970.004973 R263 1982

1838-1855 Removal Records, Emigrants: microfilm r970.004973 C451 1982


1855 Choctaws paid by Chickasaws Article 8 Treaty of 22 June 1855

microfilm r970.004973 C415pc 1970

1855 1855 Census of Choctaw Nation Indian Territory by Alma Mason

Book - Ask at desk. r929.37665 M381e 1993

1856 Eastern Choctaw Census: microfilm r970.00497 C451 1982

1857-1891 Choctaw Nation Court Records, Blue County: OK r929.3766 E47c 1979 Book 1

or microfilm CTN 24

1857-1891 Choctaw Nation Court Records, Blue County: OK r929.3766 E47c 1979 Book 2

or microfilm CTN 24

1860 Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory Slave Inhabitants: Vertical File-Five Civilized


1861-1929 Census of Citizens by Blood and Marriage: microfilm CTN roll 4 r970.004973

C451 1977-79

1861-1865 Civil War in the Western Choctaw Nation by Raymond L. Holcomb:

OK r976.600497 H699c 1997

1868-1902 Census of Choctaw by Blood and Marriage: microfilm CTN roll 3 r970.004973

C451 1977-79

1885 Choctaw Nation Census: desk r970.004975 O52e 2000

1885 Choctaw Nation, Skulleyville County Census: OK r929.37665 E341 1990

1885 Choctaw Nation 1885 Census, Apukshunnubbee District, Eagle County

OK r929.3766 O52ae 2000

1885 Choctaw Nation 1885 Census, Apukshunnubbee District, Nashoba County

OK r929.3766 O52an 2000

1885 Choctaw Nation 1885 Census, Apukshunnubbee District, Red River County

OK r929.3766 O52ar 2000

1885 Choctaw Nation 1885 Census, Moshulatubbe District, San Bois County

OK r929.3766 O52ms 2000

1885-1897 Census and Citizenship Choctaw Freedmen: microfilm CTN roll 7 r970.004973

C451 1977-79

1886-1906 Choctaw Nation Court Records, Blue County, I.T.: OK r929.3766 B77c 1998

Book 1 or microfilm CTN 26

1892-1894 Choctaw Nation Court Records, Blue County, I.T.: OK r929.3766 B77c 1998

Book 2 or microfilm CTN 26

1892-1906 Choctaw Nation Court Records, Blue County, I.T.: OK r929.3766 B77c 1998

Book 3 or microfilm CTN 26

1891 Choctaw Nation Court Records, Blue County, I. T.: OK r929.3766 E47co 1979

Book 1 or microfilm CTN 25

1891 Choctaw Nation Court Records, Blue County, I. T.: OK r929.3766 E47co 1979

Book 2 or microfilm CTN 25

1895-1905 Choctaw Nation Court Records, Blue County, I. T.: OK r929.3766 E47co 1979

Book 3 or microfilm CTN 25

1896 Census Tobucksy Co. IT by Alma Burke Mason: desk r929.376675 m381e 1980


1896 Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory, Tobucksy County: OK r970.004975 M281ei 1980

1897-1913 Index to Letters Received by the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes

microfilm r970.004973 I38 1983

1898-1906 Index Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes

desk r970.00497 U582f 1990 or online searchable index:

1898-1906 Census Enrollment Cards Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five

Civilized Tribes: microfilm r970.00497 U582E 1898-1914

1898-1906 Index to Mississippi Choctaws: microfilm r970.00497 C45i

Index to Choctaw "R" Cards: microfilm r970.004973 C451ir 1993

1898-1906 Index and Supplement to Choctaw-Chickasaw Deeds and Allotments by E.

Hastain: microfilm r970.00497 C498 1985-1988

1898-1906 Dawes applications: microfilm Choctaw rolls 1-81, Mississippi Choctaw rolls

82-171, Choctaw-Chickasaw memos rolls 172-173

The Dawes Commission and the Allotment of the Five Civilized Tribes, 1893-

1914, by Kent Carter: OK r333.323 C245d 1999

1901-1909 Records Relating to Intruders: microfilm r970.00497 R2451 roll 4

Cherokee Intruder Cases: microfilm r970.00497 R2452 1990

1902-1904 Choctaw and Chickasaw Applications & Dockets of the Citizenship Court

OK r929.3766 D759cd 2004

1914 Dawes Roll Supplement: microfiche r970.00497 F586 1993


Black Indian Genealogy Research, African American Ancestors Among the Five

Civilized Tribes by Angela Y. Walton-Raji: REF r929.1072 W178b 1993

Choctaw Indian Allotments, Index Haskell County: Vertical File–Five Civilized


Choctaw Indian Trading House, St. Stephens, AL T500 6 Rolls: Vertical File-AL

Choctaw Nation, IT Marriage and Selected Court Records Tobucksy, Towson,

Jackson, and Wade Counties 1876-1906: OK r929.3766 C451 1997

Choctaw Nation Records, CTN 1-90: microfilm r970.004973 C451 1977

Compilation of Records From the Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory

microfilm r929.37665 O41 1976 rolls 1 and 2

A Complete Roll of All Choctaw Claimants and Their Heirs compiled and edited

by Joe R. Goss: REF r970.004973 C451cL 1992

Encyclopedia of American Indian Removal vols. 1-2 by Daniel R. Littlefield, Jr.,

and James W. Parins: REF r970.00497 E563 2011

Tracing Ancestors Among the Five Civilized Tribes, Southeastern Indians Prior to

Removal by Rachal Mills Lennon, CGRS: REF r929.1072 L548t 2002


1895 Comanche Tribe census & index: OK r970.004973 C332 1992

1905 Census of Comanche Tribe: OK r970.004973 C3321 1990

1917 Census of Comanche Tribe: OK 970.004973 C3322 1990

Vouchers for Annuities and Per Capita Payments to Kiowa, Comanche, Apache

microfilm r970.00497 V942 1963

Rolls of Indian Tribes in Oklahoma: microfilm r970.00497 R646 1952

Sam Devenney’s Comanche, Kiowa and Apache Obituaries 1932-1995, index

OK r929.3766 F724i 1999


1832 1832 Census of Creek Indians taken by Parsons and Abbott

desk r970.004975 P251e 1978 or microfilm r970.004973 P251e 1963

Creek Agency Census of Non-Citizens Creek Reservations Under Treaty of 24

March 1832: microfilm CRN roll 1 r970.004973 C861 1977-82

1857 Creek Old Settlers Roll: microfilm r970.004973 C861

1858-1859 Creek Agency Per Capita Payments: microfilm CRN roll 6 r970.004973 C861

Creek Per Capita Payroll: microfilm r970.004973 C861

1867 & 1869 Dunn Roll of Citizens and Freedmen of the Creek Nation by J. W. Dunn

microfilm r970.004973 D922 1980

1869-1904 Creek Agency Per Capita Payments: microfilm CRN roll 5 r970.004973 C861

1872-1873 Creek Agency Pension List Muscogee Nation: microfilm CRN roll 2

r970.004973 C861 1977-82

1883-1889 Annuity Payroll of Creeks Who Were Orphans on 24 March 1832 To Their Legal

Heirs: microfilm CRN roll 6 r970.004973 C861 1977-82

1890 Authenticated Tribal Roll of the Creek Nation: microfilm r970.004973 A939 1892 Census Roll, Arkansas District, Creek Nation, vol. 39: microfilm CRN roll 2

r970.004973 C861 1977-82

1894 Census of the Town of Wagoner, Indian Territory: microfilm CRN roll 2

r970.004973 C861 1977-82

1897-1913 Index to Letters Received by the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes

microfilm r970.004973 I38 1983

1898-1906 Index Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes

desk r970.00497 U582f 1990

Census Enrollment Cards Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five

Civilized Tribes: microfilm r970.00497 U582E 1898-1914

Creek Nation Plat Maps: workroom

Index to town site applications available at the OK Historical Society: desk

Index to Dawes applications available at the OK Historical Society: desk

Dawes applications: microfilm, rolls 403-434

The Dawes Commission and the Allotment of the Five Civilized Tribes, 1893-

1914, by Kent Carter: OK r333.323 C245d 1999

1901-1909 Records Relating to Intruders: microfilm r970.00497 R2451 roll 7 and 8


Cherokee Intruder Cases: microfilm r970.00497 R2452 1990

1910 Hastain’s Township Plats of the Creek Nation by E. Hastain: desk r912.7668

H279h 1910 or microfilm r970.00497 C498

1914 Dawes Roll Supplement: microfiche r970.00497 F586 1993

1915 Campbell's Abstract of Creek Freedman Census Cards and Index by John Bert

Campbell: desk r929.3766 C152c 1988

1915 Campbell’s Abstract of Creek Indians by John Bert Campbell

microfilm r970.00497 C498 1985-1988


Black Indian Genealogy Research, African American Ancestors Among the Five

Civilized Tribes by Angela Y. Walton-Raji: REF r929.1072 W178b 1993

Creek Indian History, A Historical Narrative of the Genealogy, Traditions and

Downfall of the Ispocoga or Creek Indian Tribe of Indians by George Stiggins

REF r976.1004973 C861s 1989

Creek Nation Records, CRN 1-51: microfilm r970.004973 C861 1977

Encyclopedia of American Indian Removal vols. 1-2 by Daniel R. Littlefield, Jr.

and James W. Parins: REF r970.00497 E563 2011

Tracing Ancestors Among the Five Civilized Tribes, Southeastern Indians Prior to

Removal by Rachal Mills Lennon, CGRS: REF r929.1072 L548t 2002


1842-1907 Delaware Trails, Some Tribal Rolls: desk r929.3 A679d 1996

1898 Complete Delaware Roll 1898 by Dorothy (Tincup) Martin and Jeff Bowen

desk r929.3 M443c 2001

Enrollment of Delaware Indians Who Were Incorporated With the Cherokees

(partial roll): desk file folder

1914 Dawes Roll Supplement: microfiche r970.00497 F586 1993


See SAC and FOX listing.


1887-1888 Osage, Kansa, Kaw and Quapaw Indians

1890-1896 microfilm r970.00497 I39 1965 roll 317

1897-1905 microfilm r970.00497 I39 1965 roll 318


See KANSA listing.


Rolls of Indian Tribes in Oklahoma: microfilm r970.00497 R464 1952

Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma Proposed Membership Roll: desk r929.3766 K53


Kiowa Agency Mission Schools of Oklahoma by Helen Deister Bolt

OK r372.9766 B639k 1988

Rolls of Indian Tribes in Oklahoma: microfilm r970.00497 R646 1952

Vouchers for Annuities and Per Capita Payments to Kiowa, Comanche, and

Apache: microfilm r970.00497 V942 1963 roll MM-33


1818 Articles of Treaty Made Oct. 6, 1818: desk file folder

1881 Census List of the Miami Indians in Indiana and Elsewhere by Thad Butler

desk file folder

1889 Annuity Payroll Eel River: desk file folder

1895 Annuity Payroll Western Miami: desk file folder

1895 Annuity Payroll Miami Tribe of Indiana: desk file folder

Annuity Payroll Miami Indians of Indiana now living in Kansas, Quapaw Agency

Indian Territory and Oklahoma: desk file folder

Census Cards for the Miami Tribe, Peoria Tribe and Wyandot Tribe compiled by

Alvina Fouts: desk r976.00497 C332 1987

Various Annuity Rolls: desk file folder


1959 Vouchers for Annuity and Per Capita Payments: microfilm r970.00497 V9421

1961 roll MM-32

Records of the General Land Office Selected Documents Pertaining to the Otoe

and Missouri Indians: microfilm r970.004975 R245 1949

The Otoes and Missourias by Berlin Basil Chapman: REF r970.00497 C366o


Census Cards for the Seneca Tribe, Eastern Shawnee Tribe, Ottawa Tribe and

Modoc Tribe: desk r976.600497 C332i 1989


1862-1867 Census of Sac and Fox, Chippewa, Munsee and Ottawa: microfilm r929.3766

S1191s 1976 roll 3


1820-1886 Osage Mission Baptisms, Marriages and Interments by Louis Burns

desk r929.308997 B937o 1986

1878-1879 Osage Indians Montgomery County, Kansas by Sophia L. Dahlberg

desk r929.3089975078193 O81d 1986

1887-1888 Osage, Kansa, Kaw, and Quapaw Indians: microfilm r970.00497 I39 1965 roll 317


1897-1905 Osage, Kansa, Kaw Indians: microfilm r970.00497 I39 1965 roll 318

1906 Authentic Osage Indian Roll Book Published by Sam McClain

desk r970.00497 T494au 1959

Certified Roll of Members of the Osage Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma From the

Golden Book of the Osages by R.G. Fister and G.V. Labadie:

desk r970.00497 O81fseL 1960

Footprints on the Osage Reservation Vols. 2-3 by Doris Whitetail Parker

OK r929.376625 P224f

1906-1907 Osage Indians: microfilm r970.00497 I39 1965 roll 319

1909-1913 Osage Indians: microfilm r970.00497 I39 1965 roll 319

1914-1918 Census of the Osage Indians, Osage Indian Agency, Pawhuska, OK on June 30,

1914 by James A. Carroll: microfilm r970.00497 I39 1965 roll 320

1919-1922 Osage Census: microfilm r970.00497 I39 1965 roll 321

1921 Index and Certified Roll of Members of the Osage Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma

of One Half Indian Blood or More: desk r970.00497 I38 2004

1921 Index and Certified Roll of Members of the Osage Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma of Less Than One Half Indian Blood: desk r970.00497 I3801 2004

1923-1926 Osage Census: microfilm r970.00497 I39 1965 roll 322

1927-1929 Osage Census: microfilm r970.00497 I39 1965 roll 323

1930-1931 Osage Census: microfilm r970.00497 I39 1965 roll 324

1932 Osage Census: microfilm r970.00497 I39 1965 roll 325

1932-1936 Osage Census: microfilm r970.00497 I39 1965 roll 327

1933 Osage Census: microfilm r970.00497 I39 1965 roll 326

1937-1939 Osage Census: microfilm r970.00497 I39 1965 roll 328


Bibliography of Reference to Osage in the Louis F. Burns & Ruth B. Burns Osage

Research Library at the OHS White Hair Memorial: OK r016.9730497 B937b

Indians – Osage: Vertical File – OK

The Osage: An Imperious Ancestry, Vol. II by Annette Moncravie Gore

desk r970.00497 M744m 1984 v. 2

Osage Indian Bands and Clans: desk r973.0497 O81b2 1984


1959 Vouchers for Annuities and Per Capita Payments: microfilm r970.00497 V9421

1961 roll MM-32

1961 Records of the General Land Office Selected Documents Pertaining to the Otoe

and Missouri Indians: microfilm r970.004975 R245 1949

The Otoes and Missourias by Berlin Basil Chapman: REF r970.00497 C366o


1862-1867 Census of the Sac and Fox, Chippewa, Munsee and Ottawa: microfilm r929.3766

S1191s 1976

1878-1883 Census Cards for the Seneca Tribe, EasternShawnee Tribe, Ottawa Tribe and

Modoc Tribe: desk r976.600497 C332i 1989

Final Rolls, Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma: microfilm r970.00497 F49 1902


Census Cards for the Miami Tribe, Peoria Tribe and Wyandot Tribe compiled by

Alvina Fouts: desk r976.600497 C332 1987


Potawatomi of the West: Origins of the Citizen Band by Rev. Joseph Murphy

desk r970.00497 P847m 1988

Payment Roll, Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma

microfilm r970.00497 P847pr 1962 roll MM-31

Rolls of Indian Tribes in Oklahoma: microfilm r970.00497 R646 1952


Preliminary Inventory of the Pueblo Records Created by Field Offices of the

Bureau of Indian Affairs: REF r016.3231197073 U58p 1980


1887-1888 Osage, Kansa, Kaw and Quapaw Indians: microfilm r970.00497 I39 1965 roll 317



1850-1923 Sac and Fox Agency of Kansas: microfilm r929.3766 S1191s 1976

Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma: desk r929.3766 S119 1975

Rolls of Indian Tribes in Oklahoma: microfilm r970.00497 R646 1952


1897 Census of Seminole Indians: microfilm r970.004973 S4712

1897-1913 Index to Letters Received by the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes

microfilm r970.004973 I38 1983

1898-1906 Index Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes

desk r970.00497 U582f 1990

1898-1906 Census Enrollment Cards Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five

Civilized Tribes: microfilm r970.00497 U582E 1898-1914

1898-1906 Dawes applications: microfilm rolls 400-402

The Dawes Commission and the Allotment of the Five Civilized Tribes, 1893-

1914, by Kent Carter: OK r333.323 C245d 1999

1898-1915 Campbell's Abstract of Seminole Indians Census Cards and Index

desk r970.00497 S47c 1925

1914 Dawes Roll Supplement: microfiche r970.00497 F586 1993

1915 Moore's Seminole Roll and Land Guide: microfilm r970.00497 C498 1985-1988


Black Indian Genealogy Research, African American Ancestors Among the Five

Civilized Tribes by Angela Y. Walton-Raji: REF r929.1072 W178b 1993

Encyclopedia of American Indian Removal vols. 1-2 by Daniel R. Littlefield, Jr.,

and James W. Parins: REF r970.00497 E563 2011

Seminole Nation Records, SMN 1-6: microfilm r970.004973 S471

Tracing Ancestors Among the Five Civilized Tribes, Southeastern Indians Prior to

Removal by Rachal Mills Lennon, CGRS: REF r929.1072 L548t 2002


Census Cards for the Seneca Tribe, Eastern Shawnee Tribe, Ottawa Tribe and

Modoc Tribe: desk r976.600497 C3321 1989


1850-1923 Sac and Fox and Absentee Shawnee Census: microfilm r929.3766 S1191s 1976

1889 Census Cards for the Seneca Tribe, Eastern Shawnee Tribe, Ottawa Tribe and

Modoc Tribe: desk r976.600497 C3321 1989

Shawnee Cherokee Roll Prepared under the Act of March 2, 1889 (25 Stat 904)

Vertical File – Five Civilized Tribes

Rolls of Indian Tribes in Oklahoma: microfilm r970.00497 R646 1952


1872-1884 Expanded Index to various Wyandotte Tribal Rolls transcribed by Anna M.

Gregath and Carrie Ann Cook: desk r970.00497 W97g 1995

Census Cards for the Miami Tribe, Peoria Tribe and Wyandot Tribe compiled by

Alvina Fouts: desk r976.600497 C332 1987


1805-1810 Arkansas Indians (Louisiana Territory) Letterbook of Arkansas Trading House

microfilm r976.703 U58L 1948

1860 Census of Indian Lands West of Arkansas: OK r929.3766 J137o 1984

1860 Indian Lands West of Arkansas (Oklahoma), Population Schedule of the United

States Census of 1860 by Frances Woods: REF r317.66 W86 1964

1884-1908 Chilocco Indian School, Miscellaneous Records of…microfilm r970.00497

1884-1952 C439m 1979, two rolls

Cartographic Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs: REF r016.91273 U58c

Directory of Native American Tribes of the United States: REF r970.00497 D628

“Guide to Catholic Indian Mission and School Records in Midwest Repositories”

(OK only state in file) Vertical File – Five Civilized Tribes

Guide to Records in the National Archives of the United States Relating to

American Indians, comp. By Edward E. Hill: REF r016.3231197073 H551g

Indians – “How to Trace Indian Ancestors”: Vertical File – Five Civilized Tribes

North Carolina Indians – Indian Records: Vertical File - NC

Our Native Americans and Their Records of Genealogical Value by E. Kay

Kirkham: desk r929.3700497 K635o 1980 vol. 1-2

United States. Indian Affairs: REF microficher970.5 U85in 1990


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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