The School District Of Osceola County, Florida

The School District Of Osceola County, Florida

Keeping The End In Mind....

? Adults without a high school diploma are twice as likely to be unemployed.

? Dropouts make up nearly 70% of US inmates. ? A dropout's life expectancy is 9.2 years lower

than that of high school graduates. ? The average 45-year-old dropout is in worse

health than the average 65-year-old high school graduate. Source: Henry Levin, Columbia University



What Can We Do Together To Change These Statistics?


Administrators And Teachers Working Together To...

look at the data to make instructional

decisions maximize their



Professional Learning Communities.....

?Have the support of their administrators

?Have clear and common goals

?Have a regular agreed-upon meeting time

?Use data to drive instruction

?Work collaboratively to plan and revise




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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