Lesson Plan: Student Guide

SESSION 3 (0.5 hours)

Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls in the Health Care Industry

Lesson Plan: Student Guide


Slips, trips, and falls are the second leading injury type in the healthcare industry in terms of frequency. Despite this, the injuries are largely preventable with an effective program.

Lesson Objectives

Upon completion of this topic students should be able to:

1. Define the impact of slip, trip and fall (STF) injuries in the healthcare industry

2. Identify STF injury causes and controls

3. Develop an effective management program to mitigate STF injuries and incidents

Training Resources

1. PowerPoint Presentation with instructor notes (Color)

Activities and Classroom Procedures

1. Review course objectives

2. PowerPoint slides

3. Class discussion

Lesson Roadmap

1. Defining the Problem

a. Slides to be used : 1-2

b. Objectives Covered : 1

c. Exercise/Demos : None

d. Training Aids : None

2. Recognizing Hazards and Implementing Controls

a. Slides to be used : 3-7

b. Objectives Covered : 2

c. Exercise/Demos : None

d. Training Aids : None

3. Developing a Program

a. Slides to be used : 8-9

b. Objectives Covered : 3

c. Exercise/Demos : None

d. Training Aids : None

Evaluation and Assessment

a. Interactive conversations

Resources/Web Sites

• NIOSH Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention for Healthcare Workers

• OSHA Healthcare Slips, Trips, and Falls eTool

• Bell et. Al - Evaluation of a comprehensive slip, trip and fall prevention programme for hospital employees.

• ASTM G115 – 10 Standard Guide for Measuring and Reporting Friction Coefficients

• ASTM F1637 – 13 Standard Practice for Safe Walking Surfaces

• ASTM F1694 – 09 Standard Guide for Composing Walkway Surface Investigation, Evaluation and Incident Report Forms for Slips, Stumbles, Trips, and Falls

• STP1103 Slips, Stumbles, and Falls: Pedestrian Footwear and Surfaces

• OSHA Hospital eTool – Slips, Trips, and Falls


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