Things you can do on this website

[Pages:2]Things you can do on this website: See updated 2018 information on multiple aspects of a school's performance and growth as measured by the Washington School Improvement Framework (WSIF). See what percent of students met expectations on annual statewide tests for Math, English, and Science. See performance results by grade, school, district, and the entire state. Look up achievement at each level of the Smarter Balanced and Wa-AIM tests for Math and English. See the percent of students who graduate high school in 4 years (as well as 5, 6, and 7 years) by school, district, and state. Find school characteristics such as enrollment, attendance, drop-out rates, students in dual credit programs, and more. Find teacher demographics. Look up teacher qualifications. Find teacher to student ratios. Look up school expenditures by revenue source. Find spending per student for personnel and non-personnel costs. Find kindergarten readiness levels on the Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (WAKIDS). See growth in student performance for each elementary and middle school, as well as their districts. See goals for long term progress and what progress has been made so far in meeting those goals. Review historic data back to 2014. Download source data. Request additional data. Find performance results for special programs (such as Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners), as well as by race and ethnicity. Contact a staff person at OSPI who has expertise in school finance, student data, or teacher information. Find links to individual school and district websites, federal information such as Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) and National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), and the Education and Research Data Center (ERDC) at the state's Office of Financial Management. Give us feedback on the Report Card website: What do you like? What do you want changed or added? Take a five minute survey on your satisfaction with the Report Card. Translate the website into the language of your choice.

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