Topical Files - Druid Material (TF-DRU)

Topical Files - Druid Material (TF-DRU)


American Druidic Church

05/10/94 Tibbles and Field to Hansen, History.

The Oak and the Acorn

Vol 4 Iss 7, Lughnasadh 94

Keltrian Druids, Heroism & Campbell, Being a Superior person, Lughnasadh, Fall-Equinox regrets, mythology’s purpose, magick pt 6, Druid’s Prayer poem

Vol 5 Iss 2, Midd-Winter 94

Christmas, Faith Hope & Charity, Campbell Science & Myth, Yle, Imbolc, Wheel of the Year, PT9 of Magick, Benefits of Meditations, Gifts that don’t cost a cent, Ecotips, Winds of Fate poem, Laughter is the Best medicine.

Vol 5 Iss 3, Early Spring 95

Pagan Traditions of Spring, Seed Sources, Journey Through Life, Joseph Campbell, Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Wheel of the Year, Solar/Lunar Calender, The Promise Poem, Trephannage medical skills.

Vol 5 Iss 4, Mid Spring 95

Essay on Spring, Pagan Spring customs, Killer Bees, Essay on Education, Need for the Book of Shadows, Spring Equinox, Beltaine, Wheel of the Year, Wormwood Herblore, Making crafts out of hangers, Isaw the God Wash the World poem, Walking under a Ladder folklore.

Port Clinton Ohio News Herald, Ancient British Druidism finds a Place in the '90s, 01/11/97

American Druidism (by Daniel Hansen)

11/16/95, Postcard Advertising American Druidism

Cover Letter giving copy of mss.

mss of American Druidism, 2 copies, 1 marked up.

Ar nDraíocht Féin (ADF)

Voting Materials

Special Election 2002

Regular Election 2003

The ADF Members' Guide, Second and Third Editions

Intro, What is ADF & it's goals, relations to Neo-paganism, Membership costs & financial matters, Vision of ADF, ADF publications, Structure & Membership, Biographies of Chief members of ADF, Chartering Groves, Mailing addresses in US, Druid Calender and 8 festivals, Ritual Outline, What do Neo-Pagan Druids Believe?, 1st Circle self-initiation ritual, Druid Identity symbols, Inter-group communication, How to file grievances, How to work with each other (pg23), short devotional rite, Pagan festivals, Neo-pagan etiquette, Recommended Reading list.

The ADF Study Manual, First Edition

Outline of ADF ministerial training program. It lists highly recommended books in 13 disciplines and offers a plan of advancement that requires balance in the 12 other areas before moving to the next circle of study in one discipline. Other articles talk about reasons for clergical training and ethos for neo-pagan clergy. A wonderful 9 page bibliography at the end. Long reading and evaluation here.

The ADF Grove Organizers' Handbook, Third Edition

Chartering Groves, Required Activities, Quarterly Reports and inter-grove communications, Finances, Senior Druids, Organizing a Grove, Naming a Grove, Chartering your Grove, Officers, Leadership, Getting Members, Public Relations (Good stuff), Q&A, Liturgical Outline, Nemeton/ritual site schematic, Explaining ritual to new-comers, Waiver forms, Survey forms, Sample Ads.

By-Laws of ADF, 07/15/90

What is ADF? 80's

Questions and Answers about ADF, 1993

Neopagan Druidism Today: Attitudes and Organization, 1993

ADF's Recommended Reading List

The Vision of ADF 1993

What Do Neopagan Druids Believe, 1993

The 1994 Celestial Circus Solar System Calendar

Advertisemet: The Archdruid Comes to Chicago, 12/3-5/93

Membership and Networking Form

Membership, Networking, and Subscription Form

The Druids' Flame: A Journal of Druidic Liturgy, Iss 1, Samhain '94

This publication is to be in seven parts and is not final in it’s presentation, but rather an ongoing interaction with the ADF community to work through and talk about issues of liturgy.

Samhain 94 Issue #1: ADF order of Ritual, Intentions of Druidic Ritual, Hallows & Tools, Sacred Grove, Priest/ess in Druid Rites, Standard ADF liturgy, Working the Liturgy, Aiming & Hallowing, Simple Rite of Offering, Grove Attunement, Original MotherGrove Gaelic Rite based on RDNA, ADF sacred year.

Druidheachd: Smbols and Rites of Druidry, by Ian Corrigan, 1993

A delightfull little book (40pgs)that offers a Celtic-version of the ADF liturgy and has lots of little poems and stuff applicable elsewhere, essentially it is the fullest fleshing of the ADF liturgy, until the ADF Liturgical guide is published.

Intro, Fire/Well/Tree symbolism, Three Worlds, Three Kindreds, Ritual definition, Times & Seasons, Tools, Fire, Vestment, Sites.

Simple offering Rite followed by indepth explanation

Group Offering Rite

Rite for Hallowing

Miscellaneous: Gaelic (Irish) for rites, Druid's Breastplate poem, honoring fire/well/tree poem, Meditation on Blessing waters, Questioning Skulls divination, Brigit's Fire & Water, Dancing with Sidhe poem, Calling Maiden of Flowers poem,

3.The Poet's Voice: A working for Inspiration 6pgs

4.Druidic Ritual:ADF outline, briefing for newbies 2pg

5.The Hidden Land:A celtic magical working. 5pgs

Mostly for invoking the power for another magick working.

Grammary: Charms and Incantations, by Ian Corrigan.

Produced by Ian Corrigan 40 pages. About 50 or so short charms, chants, invocations, short rites by ADF’s liturgist.

Druidic Ritual: The ADF Outline of Worship

The Hidden Land A Celtic Magical Working

The Poet's Voice: A Working for Inspiration

The Dedicant Program

Using and Documenting the Dedicant Program, Ian Corrigan

10/13/92, Office of Preceptor to Members, Information about Divine Circle of Sacred Grove

2/22/94 A Forest Full of Groves

3/1/94 A Forest Full of Groves

Central Address for Druidic Organizations, and listing of ADF Groves, 03/01/95

1/2/96 Bonewits resignation email

1/4/96 Corrigan, assuming acting AD

1/15/96 Treebeard to Scharding, by-laws?

1/24/96 ArtWtg

1/29/96 O'Brien, announcement

1/31/96 Gold, Children's Religious Education

2/2/96 ChrisADF, nominations

2/2/96 Meith, for AD

2/3/96 ChrisADF, ways to be on ballot

3/4/96 CrowGrove, AD endorsement

3/12/96 Bonewits, AD endorsement

5/16/96 DruBear, Ritual in Chicago

5/18/96 CrowGrove, cattle raiding at Wellspring

4/3/99 Bonewits, update on website

New York Newsday Funny, You Don't Look Druid, 10/25/93

Magic Witches and Witchcraft in the US, Ar nDraicht Fein and Isaac Bonewits

ADF –Massive Internet Snapshot, Jan 2005 – PUBLIC SECTION ONLY

About Us

What is ADF? 2

Neopagan Druidism Today 4

What Neopagan Druids Believe 5

Vision of ADF 4

Vision for ADF, 2

Question & Answers, 4

ADF’s Organization Structure, 11

ADF Bylaws, 22

Druidism & Wicca, 4

ADF compared to OBOD, 7

Wikipedia Article on ADF, 3

Biographies of our Leaders, 1

ADF Miscellaneous Article Collections

Training Programs

More on our Training Programs

FAQ on Dedicant Program

FAQ on Study Program

Training Resources

On Pagan & Druid Piety

Preview of the Dedicant Program

Inside the Dedicant Program

Training Resources

Recommended Reading List

Recommended Out-of-Print Books

List of Primary Source Material

Learning Ancient I-E Languages

Books by ADF Members

Ancestors of the Celts

Articles on Our Cosmology

Core Cult in Druidic Rites

Is Indo-European Religion Possible

Norse Wheel of the Year

Ancient Celtic Otherworld


Sacred Sapce, Exploration of the Triple Center

Worlds & Kindreds

World Tree

Sacrifice, the Indo-Europeans & ADF

Prot-Indo-European Hearth

Cosmos, Chaos, & ADF Priest

Discussing Pagan Theology

Articles on our Identity

A Beginning from AN End

Beginning of Ar Ndraiocht Fein

Core Ideas in Druid Theology

Defining One’s Self

On the Symbolsl of Druid Identity

Oak Leaves2: What I Expect from My Church

On the Value of Polytheism

Greetings in the Old Gods

Indo-European Paleopaganism and its Clergy


Origins of ADF

Necessity of Doing Public Ritual

What ADF will and Won’t Be

Articles on Our Organization

The Aquarian Manifesto

Omens for the New AD of ADF

Law, Policy, Tradition & Custom in ADF

Starting a Grove: SLG’s Story

Weeding the Garden

Personal Inventory for Leaders

Full Group Listing






Mother Grove

Regional Reps

Other Leaders

Liturgy & Rituals

Ethnic Examples

Celtic Services


Background of Samhain

More Samhain Lore

Stone Creed Grove Samhain Rite

Shinging Lake Grove Samhain

Hearth of Fire Grove Samhain

Grove of the Sacred Crows Samhain 1998

Grove of the Sacred Crows, Samhain 1999

Sonoran Sunrise Grove Samhain

Claiming & Saining

Cailleach Invocation


Winter Solstice

Solitary Yule


Stone Creed Grove Imbolc

Sonoran Surise Grove Imbolc

Brighidnassadh Rite

Solitary Imbolc


Beltaine Rite



Sonoran Sunrise Grove Midsummer Ritual

Raven’s Cry Grove Summer Solstice


A Celtic Lugnasadh

Stone Greed Grove Lughnassadh

Wild Onion Grove Lughnassadh


Solitary Celtic Ritual Techniques

General Welsh Liturgy

Rite of Ancestral Healing

Welcoming Ritual for Associate Member

Mother Grove Gaelic Rite

Full Moon Rite

Summerlands Funeral Rite

Imbas Liturgy

Norse Services



World Tree Grove Samhain 1997

Winter Night Songs


Yule Tide blessing

Yule Tide

Hearthfire Yuletide Blessing

Little Acorn Grove Yuletide

Stone Creed Grove Yule Blessing

Grove of the Midnight Sun Yuletide

Ullr & Skadhi Invocation

Wassail Recipes



Walburgis Songs


Midsummer Ritual


Harvest Rite

Thingstide Rite

Gleichen Tag



Harvest Songs

Proto-Indo-European Rituals

Ostara Rite

Proto-Indo-European Solitary Ritual

Greek Services




General ADF Rituals

ADF Organizational Ritual

Ancestral Ritual

All Night Vigil

Rite of Claiming and Hallowing

Text for the Grove Attunement

Welcoming to the Grove

Hidden Land

Home Blessing

1999 SCG Grove Attunement

New Member Welcoming

Shinging Lakes Grove Ritual Outline

A Short Devotional Rite

A Morning Devotional

Rite of Offering

Ritual Opener

Simple Meal Rite

Weekly Family Ritual


Female Rite of Passage

Pre-Ritual Briefing

Silver Fox Grove Founding Rite

Ritual Explanations

Intentions of Druid Ritual


ADF Outline of Worship

Full ADF Liturgy

Brief ADF Liturgy Outline

Preritual Briefing for Newcomers

Druid Ceremony Step-by-step

Preparing for a Druid Ritual

Druidic Ritual Primer

Three Worlds & Kindreds

Sacred Space, Triple Center

Marking Sacred Spaces

Magical Skills in Ritual

Changes in the Druid Liturgy

Basic Liturgical Design

Goals of Group Ritual

Notes on Initiation

Consecration of a New Grove

ADF--CedarLight Grove

Cedar Trees, Fireflies and Owl Feathers

April 93

Environmental Quatrains poems, Druidism 101 advert, Kiva Concert, Beltane flyer

Sept 93

Chaos Theory & its Application to Grove Organization, Lady Liberty Statue, Book Review of "Shakkai: A woman of the secret Garden", Urban Light poem, Fall/Winter calender, Fall Equinox Flyer.

Oct 93

Halloween memories, "A Halloween Story", Inner Circle poem, Musing from a Dragon Mage: Martial Artist, Fall/Winter Calender, Samhain Flyer.

Dec 93

Christmas for Pagans, Winter/Spring Calender, Yule Flyer, Free Spirit Alliance, Underground Movement (Fairies), Solstice Notes, Another Yule Flyer.

Jan 94

New Year's Resolution, Yule Traditions, Classes on Druidism, Events

Internet Snapshot, Jan 2005

Home Page, 2

Events, 2

History, 2

Holidays, 4

Services, 2

Information, 2

Bylaws, 7

Ritual Format, 5

Links, 1

Location, 1

ADF--Druids' Progress, National Journal of ADF 1-4 (1984-87)

No 1, 84

Beginnin gof ADF & OTHER DRUID GROUPS, What ADF won't be, Notes on Indo-European Paleopaganism & Its Clergy, What Neo-Pagans believe, Political Implications of Reviving Druidism, Our Liturgical Languages & Why We're Learning Irish, Invocation of the Gate Keeper, Responses by other Druids to ADF, Research Suggestions, Recommended Reading, Miscellaneous Notes on this & that.

No 2, 84

Circle System of ADF & Neo-Pagan Clergy, Explanation of the Circles, the 13 Study Track Program & Elaboration, Seminary Testing Systes, Notes on Initiation, Initiation in Neo-Paganism & Wicca, ADF implications, Role of the Clergy, A Meditation, Self-Initiation into the 1st Circle, An Outline for Druid Worship rituals, A Druid Worship Ceremony in Irish, Druid Feasts & Pagan Festivals, Table of Movable Feasts, Feedback Rules, Finding a Sacred Grove for Druid Initiation by Cornett, Discordian Discussion

No 3, 85

Authenticity of Fam-Trads in the Craft, How I Spent My Summer Vacation, Hymn to the Morrigan , How to Star your ADF Grove, Druid Symbols, Letters on Welsh Druids, Letter on Animals, Irish Names for Study Circles, Over-Seas Druids , Feedback rules, Druidic Baptism, Stonehenge, Druid Costume, Silver-Oak (viceAD) report, Throvald Saga (Epic Poem), Chant from Druid Initiation, Quantum Mechanical Theory of How Magic Works (complicated), letter from MAcCrossan about Druidism, Respons in "Green Paw" to DPs, Celtic Crossword, Long Notes on Systematic Preparation of Essential Oils for Ritual Use, Krsch letter, Problems with Authenticity, Morgan on Training Issues & Qualifications, Description of Frigga the All Mother with Invocation to Friga poem (illustrated), Guide to learning Indo-European languages, The "doctrine" of AD "infallibility".

No 4, 87

Basic Principles of Liturgical Design (VERY LONG) inlcuiding:

Primary Factors in Liturgical Design (famil, psychic, target, nature of occas, timing, location), Secondary Factors in Liturgical Design (famili, Veral/Move, tension, costume, theme), Modular Approach to Liturgical Design, Conclusion to Liturgical Design. Avalon is Rising song, Preparing for a Druid Ritual and All it's Aspects (10p), Step by Step guide through "A Druid Worship Ceremony (Very Long 20pg), There were Three Sisters song, Feedback rules, 5 Ways to Practice Psychic Skills by Silverleaf, Smahin Processional poem, Multiple Guess Exam on Druidism 101, Atkinson's Druidi Initiation, POETRY An All Mother's Day poem, Dagda Mor poem, I Can- I Am poem, The Magic Circle poem, Love poem, Lughnasadh poem, A Summer Spell poem, How to Open Magic Portals, Grey Cat on Herbs, Hopmman on Herbs, IONA poem, Shaddow Path poem, Song of the Mother poem, Dawn to Dusk poem, Flamingo Tradition (WEIRD), The Mad Bard, Walk with Wisdom poem by Sable, Natual Passage poem, Russian Punchneedle Embroidery, Bearing up the Cross activism, Tree Meditation poem.

ADF--Druids' Progress, 5-8 (1988-91)

No 5, 88, photo copy

ADF money & power, Do-It-Yourself research bibilography on: Vedic, Iranian, Greco-Roman, Celtic, Norse-Germanic, Baltic, Slavic, Fino-Ugric, Misc/anthro, Harmonic Convergence of Planets, ADF articles of Association, By-Laws of ADF re:offices, meetings, ArchDruid, Trustees, Exec. Committe, Officers, Vacancee, Board of Advisors, Mother Grove, Local Grove, Excommunication, Fiscal Year, Amendments, Comments on By-Laws, French Druidism, Warriors-Soldiors-Cops (11p), Picture of Warrior Bard, Funny Final Exams, Blood Sacrifice/Spells (but not in ADF!, 4pgs), Commentary on Neo-Pagan Taboos pt 2 (5p), Group Planning of magical Ritual (4p), Greeting in the Old Gods (long letter 10pgs):Runes, Pagan Pantheons, A word on Wicca, Druid Symbols, Druid Baptism, Druid Costume, Lamond poem, Deity poem, Autheticity of Paleo Pagan, Combat in Celtic, Scholasticism in Study Program, Notes on Theory & Practice, Evert Hopman (see keltria) on taboos & problems at PSG (6p), Kimberly on specialization-languages-stewardship, Common errors in written English & How to Avoid Them (4p), What does Pagan Clergy have to offer, Pagan Recovery Networking, Magickal Way of the Tarot, Taylor on Initiation & Stone Consecration ceremony, Travelling in Ireland for not-rich Druids & Fellow travellers (7p), What is ADF?

No 6, Spring 90

Grove Organization, Friendly Fundys pt1, ADF, Peacekeeping Pagans, Military Pagans, English Charms, Reforming Rituals, Pagan Manners, Initiation to a Grove, Druidism and Wicca, Variety of Paganism, Religion & Money, Old age, The Hearth.

No 7, Fall 90

Satanism? To Selena Fox, The Aquarian Manifesto, Friendly Fundy pt2, Waning Year Tree Meditation, Conflict between Pagans, Fascists, Ogham Divining, Druids & Media, Counseling 101, Intolerance, Consecrate New Gove, Group Struggle, Peace.

No 8, Fall 91

Paganism's size, Indo-european castes, Liturgical changes, Pagans in recovery, Professional Pagans?, Oak Planting Ritual, Wax, Handicapped Pagans, Divination, Vedic Religion.

ADF--Druids' Progress, 9-12 (1992-94)

No 9, Spring 92

Druid Groups in the world, my "satanic" investigation, Pagan pacifists, Myths & Matriarchy, Circle Controversy, Public Rituals, Alcoholism, Religious Freedom in the Prisons.

No 10, Winter 92

Issue largely devoted to survival of IE pagan traits in Lithuania/Baltic region, Celtic & IE studies, sacred space.

No 11, Samhain/Winter 93

Turning of the She-Bear poem, Lord of Misrule peom, Up Hellyan poem, A Beginning from the End, The Raven in Folklore, Deathsong poem, Ancester Invocation poem, Hymn to Dagda poem, Saga song & music, Samhain Song with music, Death reflection, Samhain:the Beginning of the End?, The Norse Wheel of the Year, Goddes of Freedom:Statue of Liberty Consecration ceremony, Simple Meal Rite Blessing, Wassail! Wassail! poem, Parliament of World Religions, Nashville Panathenian Statue, Greek Holidays, Editorial on Pagan Clergy, ADF Issues & Answers:Crime & Study Program, Poly-Amorous Connections.

No 12, Oimelc, Spring 94

Homeric Hymn to Earthmother, Wheel of the Year Holidays, Crystal Forst poem, Brigid:Flame of two Eternities, Lore of Tyr, Brigid Lights her Own poem, Magic Skills in Druidic Ritual, Beatniks & Bards, The Labryinth:Beast of the Belly, Fiction as Reality, Origin of Finnish Brewing, The Badger Girl of Greenman, Review of Druid Way & Witta, Healer’s Guild, Druid Corps of Engineer.

ADF--Druids' Progress, 13-16 (1994-96)

No 13, Beltane, Summer 94

Wheel of the Year (Romania), The Hidden Land:A celtic magical working, Pyromancy, Pan visits NJ, The Muse is a Helluva group Facillitator, One Winter Evening poem, On Beltaine poem, Spring Cleaning poem, Herb Blurb, Dissecting Fairy Lore, Dirt on Jack in the Green, The Man who Killed his Dog: An Indo-European Tale, Words to the Wise, Evolution of the Soul, Polyamourous Connections, Shit.

No 14, ?

Twentyfour hours in a Teepee story, World Tree Symbol, Nature Worship as a lifestyle, 10 easy thingsto stop someone else from hurting the earth, O Earth Mother We Praise Thee (RNDA praise poem), Imagine Joan poem, Grendel, Norma’s Operation poem, Law Policy Tradition & Custom within ADF, Is Indo-European Religion possible, Defining one’s self, Evolution of Druiactio from Cornwall without MacCrossan, Defending the Pagan Family, Reluctant Tears, Polyamorous Relations, Walking the Polyamorous path, Bunch of Reviews: Druid Herbal, Druid Animal Oracle, Kair of Koridwen, This Winters Night, Double Helix

No 15, 95


ADF—“Green Man Grove”, Later “Grove of the Other Gods”

Pamphlet on Green Man Grove,

Letter Advertising Green Man Grove

Beltane '93, Songs

This Old Man

Land Sea and Sky

Brighid Chant

Mothers and Fathers of Old

The Pigeon Song

Hail All the Gods

Winter Solstice 90 Poster

Imbolc, 02/03 91? Poster

Samhain Poster

Samhain Poster

Mini MetroDruid Nuz Dispatch, 7/97

Spring Equinox, 03/19/2000 Poster

Winter Solstice, 12/21/97 Poster

Rush ADF

Home News Tribune, Out of the Broom Closet, 06/24/99

Spring Equinox 91? Poster

Beltane 91? poster

Summer Solstice 91? Poster

Wellspring Gather 91? Poster

Upcoming Event July 91? Poster

Winter Solstice Dec 91? Poster

Upcomign Event Jan 92

Spring Equinox Poster, 98

September Through October Calendar

Home News Tribue, Warning: There Be Druids here -- Wiccans, too, 12/20/01

Internet Snapshot, Jan 2005

About Our Grove, 2

Our Druid Rituals, 2

Grove of Other Gods, Officers, 3

Newspaper Articles, 8

ADF--Green Man Grove--MetroDruid Nüz Dispatch and News from the Other Grove

MetroDruid Nüz Dispatch

Dec 90? Flyer for Solstic

Feb 91? Imbolc flyer

3/91? Calender

4/91? Calender

5/91? Calender

6/91? Calender

July 91? Calender & Lughnasadh Flyer

Aug 91? #1 & #2 Calender, Whale, Report of SNE

Sept 91? #1 Calender & Equinox Flyer

Sept 91? #2 Calender

November 91?

Calender, Starwood festival, Samhain Flyer, Wheel of the Year

Vol 2 No 1, Feb 92?

Report on Greenman Gorve, Who’s in charge, Schedule, Gossip

Vol 2 No 2, May 92?

Painting Dragons story, gossip, Poems: Praise for the layd" & Brigid?", Equinox flyer, schedule Beltaine flyers

Vol 2 No 3, Aug 92

Gossip, Schedule

Vol 2 No 4, Nov 92

Samhain customs, gossip, Poem "Dark Matter", Reviews : Mythic Ireland, Review: Pagan Religions of Ancient British Isles. Samhain flyer, Metrodruid Funnies.

Vol 3 No 1, Feb 93

Gossip, Imbolg flyer, Review: Foucoults "pendulum & the illuminati", Schedules, poem "Morrigana"

Vol 3 No 2, May 93

Gossip, In Defense of Pyramidiocy, Review "Sexual Personae", Poem"Sheela’s maypole song", "Magic is easy", schedule, Bhavagad Gita, Destruction of Da Derga’s Hostel pt1, SONGS: This Old Man, Land Sea & Sky chant, Bbrighid Chant, Mothers & Fathers of Old, Pigeon Song, Hail all the Gods, Catechism of the Waters of life.

Vol 3 No 3, Aug 93

Gossip, "Pigeon Song" poem, Review "Origin of the Sacred", Application to the National Endowment for the Humanities, "Magic Spear" poem, Abdominal issue, Destruction of Da Derga’s Hostel pt 2

Vol 3 No 4, Nov 93

Gossip, Psedo-Exotica from Woostock to Starwood, poem" Hardknock: a Samhain tale", Destruction of Da Derga pt 3, Poem"So Strange & Bitter Sweet"

Vol 4 No 1, Feb 94

Gossip, Laryinth Poem, Morris Dancing European Disunity in the 7th Century, Destruction of Da Derga’s Hostel pt 4, Evolution of the Soul

Vol 4 No 2, May 94

Miscellaneous announcements & Gossip, Just George & the Dragon story, Coming of Vishnu the Preserver, Cenote poem, The Collarbone of a Hare poem, Destruction of Da Derga's Hostel Chapter 5 (wonderfully illustrated), events, Back to Nature in the Home (drugs & fertilizers), Minutes of executive council of GMG .

Vol 4 No 3, Aug 94

Gossip, "It’s not your average publication", Death of a Beer King", Herbs Blurb, Greenman recessional poem, Greenman art, Destruction of Da Derga pt 6, Green Man survey, Life in the Big City, State of the Grove.

Vol 5 No 1, Feb 95

Badger Girl Report, Barnacle Geese, Herb Blurb, Fondue Magic Review, Formanty Recipe, Marriage of Cadmus & Harmony review, Destruction of Derga’s Hostel pt 7

Vol 5 No 2, Nov 95

Vol 6 No 2, Jan 98?

Vol 7 No 2, May 99

Vol 8 No 2, Feb 00

Vol 8 No 3, Nov 00

Grove Samhain 00 Quarterly Report Scribe, Editorial - The Importance of Being Social Erica Friedman, Evil Edwin Chapman , Good Norma Hoffman , The Tale of the Wedding Guest Erica Friedman, Samhain Announcement Scribe, Ms. Morrighan's Madness Edwin Chapman, Villanelle on Norma's Operation Edwin Chapman, Pagan Anime Review - Clamp Erica Friedman, Anime - Another Take - Rayearth Kigiri

Vol 9 No 1, March 01

Grove Equinox 01 Quarterly Report Scribe, Nature Spirits in Rhyming Couplets Xuk Shupe, Pattie's Horse Pattie Lawler, The Tale of the Wedding Guest Erica Friedman, Friedman Chromatic Psychological Status Indicator Erica Friedman, Queen of the May (Poem) Edwin Chapman, Invocation to Demeter/Persephone (Poem) Conny Jasper, Where Virginia Kisses Tennessee (song) Wandering Al Kapusinski, The Faerie Queen (Book Review) Ann Athema, Pagan Anime Review- Demons and Sex Erica Friedman, Anime - Another Take - Gundam Kigiri, Ritual Reports:, Samhain 00 Ritual Report Scribe Yule 00 Ritual Report Scribe

Vol 9 No 2, May 01

Dreaming... Hillary Gross, I got Pregnant on a 22 Foot Willie! Pattie Lawler, The Orchard Sue Wolfson, Beltane Rant Xuk Shupe, Poem: Silver Beach NJ Ed Chapman, Ritual Reports:, Imbolc 01 Ritual Report Scribe, Spring Equinox 01 Ritual Report Scribe

Vol 9 No 3, August 01

Dog Days , Scribe's Report Summer Solstice 01 Scribe, Blood Sacrifice Statement, Way Far Out of the Broom Closet Norma Hoffman, Looking for a Web to Weave Erica Friedman, Scribblings of a Night Owl Hillary Gross, Digging up Your Ancestors, Pt. 2 B. Foof, Stonehenge Hillary Gross, The Ancient Ballad of the Year King Ed Chapman, Ritual Reports:Beltane 01 Ritual Report Scribe, Summer Solstice 01 Ritual Report Scribe

News from the Other Grove (successor to Metro Druid Nuz)

Vol 10 No 1, Mar 02

Scribe Report - Aug 1st to Jan 31st - Edwin Chapman, Why Grove of the Other Gods? - Senior Druid Norma Hoffman, From Masks to Mimes - Erica Friedman, New Brunswick Mummers Play - Marcia Blaustein, What we COULD HAVE named our Grove!, Beware of Owner - J.M. Ream, Brigid Invocation - Jennifer Micale, POEMS:

A Week in October; 2 Haiku - Hillary Gross, Straw Hat - Nora Temkin, The Towers (Elegy for a friggin' building) - Edwin Chapman, Ritual Reports: , Lughnasadh, Autumn Equinox, Samhain & Yule 2001, (with interspersed poems....)

Vol 10 No 2, July 02

ARTICLE Gogmagog By Pattie Lawler, STORY Persistence of Memory Story By Sue Wolfson , SUMMER READING , (Or, in some cases, what NOT to read this summer....) Phoenix From the Flame, By Vivianne Crowley London: Thorsons (1994),Reviewed by Erica Friedman , Saints, Scholars and Schizophrenics

By Nancy Scheper-HughesReviewed by Hillary Gross, Glamoury By Steve Blamires St. Paul MN, Llewellyn Publications (2000) Reviewed by Jennifer Martin

The Horse in Magic and Myth , By M. Oldfield Howey Dover Publishing (2002)

Reviewed by Pattie Lawler , Earthly Bodies, Magical Selves: Contemporary Pagans and the Search for Community , People Are Talking About The Latest Releases From Lou & Ellen's Publishers.... Reviewed by Nej, Justin, Ed & Norma POETRY, The Dance of August By Hillary Gross, Stories By Erica Friedman, New Brunswick,, My Second Home By Hillary Gross, OTHER STUFF

Top 10 Signs You Have Just Drawn Down By Nej, A Postcard From Al

RITUAL REPORTAGE , By Edwin Chapman, Scribe, Imbolc 02 , Spring Equinox Day Ritual, & Spring Equinox Grove Ritual, Beltane MayFaire & , Beltane Vigil & Dawn on Beltane Morn, (Hobby Horse & Morris Dancers), Summer Solstice Ritual

Vol 11. No 1, Spring 2003

SONG, Brigid of the Healers By Jennifer Micale, LETTER

Wandering Al Visits Emperor Norton's Grave, Story By Al

PLAY REVIEW, METAMORPHOSES, Adapted/Directed By Mary Zimmerman

Circle in the Square Theater, NYC Reviewed by Nej, STORY

A New Jersey Yankee in King Ashur’s Court , By J.M. Ream

POEMS AND OTHER STUFF, Listen By Jen Martin, (Untitled) By entropie

Blow the Horns And Bang the Drums!, By Leilita Moon Shadow (Isildae)

WARNING !! By Erica Friedman, Trick or Treat By Edwin Chapman

Open Letter to Him By Deb Castellano, The Collective Unconscious

RITUAL REPORTAGE , Ongoing and upcoming, Harvest VooDru Ritual By Deb Castellano , Full Fae Autumn Ritual Report By Nej, Samhain Ritual 2002 By Edwin Chapman, Scribe , Yule Ritual 2002 By Edwin Chapman, Scribe , Beach Ritual: to Manannan Mac Lir, Beach Ritual: to Yemaya By Edwin Chapman, Scribe

Vol 11. No 2 Summer 2003

INVOCATION, Ostara Invocation , By Jenne Micale, ARTICLE, Flying in the Face of Convention: Beltane Myths Demystified, By Pattie Lawler, STORY

The Cloak , By Sue Wolfsong, POETRY, William Blake a Go Go!, , The Tyger by definitely not Nej, The Lamb by Jenniforensic, Samhain in April (St. Jack)

By Edwin Chapman, Cross (& photo by Xuk), By Deb Castellano, RITUAL EPORTAGE , Imbolc 03 By Jenne Micale, Equinox 03: Trance Journey to the Land of Manannan Mac Lir By Jen Martin, Beltane 03 By Deb Castellano, RECENT GROVE EVENTS Recent Events

Vol 12 No. 3 Samhain 2003

ANNOUNCEMENTS. Announcements 11/03. REVIEWCLEAR STAR by KWANNON.… CLICK HERE for a review of OUR BARD Jenne's new CD!

RITUAL REPORTAGE Summer Solstice 2003 By Edwin Chapman. Lugh's Lugh-au Ritual 03 Write-up Report (& Photos)By entropie. The Union of Persephone and Hades Ritual Fall 03 (& photos) By Deb Castellano . Samhain 2003 By Edwin Chapman. Feast of Manannan 2003 & Triple Death By Edwin Chapman. RECENT GROVE EVENTS & TRIVIA From ADF Reports 8/03 - 11/03 By Grove Scribe. POETRY The Crowley Frozen Dessert Haiku By entropie & Jenniforensic . Suburban Legend (The White Stag of River Road - By Nora Temkin, 2003-10-31 - 8:44 pm (Samhain Road Encounter) - By Nora Temkin "Still Life" - By Nora Temkin, Seeds by Deborah Castellano, Untitled by Deborah Castellano, Venice Beach by Deborah Castellano

ADF--Mugwort Grove

Our Indomitable gNewsletter

Vol 2 No 4, Beltaine 94

Calender of Meetings and Events (long), Directions to Mugwort Grove Meetings and Events (long), Magical Correspondences for Herbs (3pgs), Flyer for Ecumenicon VII in Virginia.

Vol 2 No 5, Summer Solstice 94

Vol 2 No 6, Lughnasadh 94

Interactivity with Cedar Light, more healing herbs, cinnamon swirl bread recipe

Vol 2 No 7, Autum Equinox 94

Plants, Why ask Why?

Vol 3 No 1, Samhain 94

Lightbulb jokes

Vol 3 No 2, Winter Solstice

Thirteen Track ADF study program

Vol 3 No 3, Oimelc 94

ADF & its Study Program, Cedar Light Grove merger with mugwort, Mugwort Grove History

Vol 3 No 4, Spring Equinox 94

Grammatical Notes

Vol 3 No 5, Beltane 95

Seeds of Peace Film, Public Druidism, Free Spirit Festival

Vol 4 No 6, Lughnasadh 96

ADF--News From the Mother Grove

07/10/86 PSG, Isaac went Berkeley, DP, Shirts, membership record problems, etc.

(11/86) Membership fees, Changes to Study Program, Groves, B. of Adv, Computer nets.

02/87 Festival appearances by AD, Results of ADF survey, DP#4 in works, 2nd Circle, Study Program Changes, B. of Adv, Relevant Outreach, Druid Regalia, Groves.

04/87 DP#4 is in mail, Spring Equinox gathering, Beltane Gathering, Druid Handfasting, Minneapolis Grove (see KELTRIA), AD speaking arrangements, Groves

06/87 ADF a non-Profit (Non-Prophet? :-) ) Organization, Herbalist Guild, Role-Playing, Sample Logos, Textile Guild, Pagan Pornography (i.e. asking for money).

08/87 ADF reps at Festivals, Vigiling for 2nd Circle, Study Program, B. of Adv, Clergy Credit committee, Grove organizers, T-Shirts, Officer's terms of office, ADF wishlist, groves.

10/87 Grove Organizer Packet in works, List of Board Members, DP#5 problems, Dealing with Fundamentalists, Member's form, Stat. Sheets, ADF logos.

12/87 Member's fees, new Addresses, Table of Moveable Feasts

02/88 AD appearances, Spring equinox, DP#5 in works, Guide to Study tracks, Member's Advocate talks a bit.

04/88 Festival Appearance, Annual ADF meeting, Starwood Contest, Prov. RI pagans respond to police.

06/88 DP #5 in the works, Full-Time Clergy & the Work we Do, First ADF national meeting at Starwood, local Groves, Druid Experiences

08/88 Ethical Declaration of ADF, Druid Regalia, Misc.

Vol 2 No 1, Dec 88

Fina Ugric Book, Religion & Responsibility, Styrofoam, Problems with Life Magazine, ADF & crime views, {picture of Tree-Beard}.

Vol 2 No 2, Jan 89

New Delaware Grove, Membership fees, New book on Liturgy, Brandywine news, Table of Movable Feasts, Council of Lore, Triad Mediation, Activism in NW about Trees, {picture of a Woman with grain}.

Vol 2 No 3, Cutios 89

ADF 87&88 Financial report, Interview with Isaac's history, scribe's report, 1/3/89 Trustees minutes, ADF events, Ecology:Conservationists Win Round 1 for Spotty Owls, How to Pester Legislators, {Fairy Drawing}, Complaints about Publishing Schedule, Isaac's Financial Earnings, Openness of ADF groves & Masons, {Picture of root-woman}.

Vol 2 No 4, Simivisonnos 89

Interview with Vice-ArchDruid (Silver Leaf), Festival Activities, Officer Reports, Computer Bulletin Boards, Ecology & Earthfirst, Prosecution about Witches, ADF Balance Sheets,

Vol 2 No 5, Elembivios 89

International Druid Festival, Druid Lectures at Starwood, officer reports.

Vol 2 No 6 Samonios 89

New Massachussetts Grove & report, Passing of the Waters in Liturgy, Officer Reports, {Drawing of a fiery woman}.

Vol 3 No 1, May 90

Mem. Advoc vote, Outline of Solo/Shrine Druid Workshop, Ritual Centers, Inovcation of Ogma poem (long), Stone Creed Grove Founding, Trustees retreat/stories, Trustees minutes 11/7/89

Vol 3 No 2, July 90

ADF Starwood meeting, Briefing for Druid Rituals, Short Devotional Rite, Board of Trustees Meeting 3/4/90 & 4/29/90.

Vol 4 No 1, Jan/Feb 91

Editorial on Persian Gulf War, B. of Directors 11/90 & 1/91 meeting,

Vol 4 No 2, Oct/Nov 91

Why you should write more often..., 9/91 Directors meeting, Grove news

Vol 4 No 3, Jan 92

Foreign Relationship, OBOD, Acknowledging Rites of Passage, White-Beret issue, Local Grove news.

Vol 5 No 5, Aug/Oct 93

Vol 6 No 1, Jan/Mar 94

Special Interest Groups:Healing / Engineering / Archaeology / Alt-Sexuality, Grove News, International Druid Archives, Arson on Modern Witches, Druid's Voice of CoBDO, Forest Full of Trees, Antagonists in the Church:How to Identify & Deal with Destructive Conflict, more on Members Advocate.

Vol 6 No 2, May/July 94

ADF--Oak Leaves- A Quarterly Journal of ADF (Successor of ADF’s Druid’s Progress journal and incorporating the News of the Mother Grove publication)

Oak Leaves #1, Jan 1997

About Oak leaves & Change-over from Druid's Progress Magazine, New ADF Study Program, Fox Tracks, Making Sacred Space, Calling the Hunter, Passages, Omens for the New Archdruid, Great Burdock, Winter Birding, Falling Acorns (News of the Groves), Ancient and magical Ireland, Why Willows Weep story, Kid?fs Pages, Just Do It (funding), What Type of Neo-Pagan Are You?, ADF-Religion, Warrior Virtues, Suggested Reading, Mother Grove Minutes, Grove Listings, Valuing the Life of Our Druidry, ADF membership form, About Contributors

Oak Leaves #3, July 1997

Chronicler's Corner, Fox Tracks, ADF's Druid Dedicant Program (Pt. 2), Loving Our Mother, Liturgists' Guild Forming, Healer's Guild Forming, Falling Acorns (Grove News), Acting Pursewarden's Report, ADF-Religion, Seers' Guild, Passages, The Kid's Pages, The Magicians' Guild's Activities, Honoring the Environment through Religion, Archeo-Anthropology SIG's Charter, ADF National Membership Meeting, On-Line Mother Grove Meeting Minutes, Grove Listings, ADF Membership Form, About Contributors.

Oak Leaves #4, October 1997

Chronicler's Corner, Fox Tracks, A Short Guide to Raptors, Takin' It All Home, Bragi The Golden Tongued God, Freedom of Religion:Not just a Pretty Catchphrase, The Samhain Offering, ADF's Financial Report, Poetic Liscence, Preceptor's Report: Guild Study Program Proposals, Summer on the ADF lists, ADF On-Line, Falling Acorns (Grove News), Passages, Kid's Pages, Meet the Registrar, Druidry Survey Summary, On-Line Mother Grove Minutes, Exchange Publications, ADF Grove Lisiting, ADF Membership Form, About Contributors

Oak Leaves #7, July 1998

Chronicler's Corner, Chronicler's Opposite Corner, Fox Tracks, The Ancient Celtic Otherworld, Criminals in the community, The Sacrifice of Beltain, Old Eastern Religions, Norse Crossword Puzzle, Lughnassanh Rite, , A Celtic Lughnsassadh Module, Throught the Mists, Core Ideas in Druid Theology, Seers in the rite, First Steps on the Path of Our Druidry, The Dedicant's Program, Outreach Committee Chair's Report, Mantional Membership Meeting, On-Line Mother Grove Minutes, Financial Report, LoCLand, ADF Directory, Classifieds, Club Dagda.

Oak Leaves #9, January 1999

Chronicler's Corner, Chronicler's Opposite Corner, Fox Tracks, First Oath, Using the Dedicant’s Work for Grove Building, the Future of ADF, Consider the Source, Early Roman Religious Principles, Primary Functionaries of Group Ritual, Dancing Green and Naked in the Sun Essay, Annual Meeting Results: 1999 Annual Election Results, Minutes of the Annual Membership Meeting, reflections on the Wellspring Main Rite, Outgoing Preceptor's Report, Incoming Preceptor's Report, Call for Nominations, Book Reviews (Encyclopedia of Celtic Wisdom, The Druid Renaissance), On the Solitary Path, Passages, Falling Acorns, ADF Directory, ADF Membership form, Contributor's Page.

Oak Leaves #10, March 1999

On the Value of Polytheism, Basic Meditation, Other People's Myths, Two Simplified Versions of ADF Ritual, Fire, Pandora's Tale story, Poetry Page, On the Solitary Path, Book Reviews (Celtic Daily Life, Living Withing Limits, In Search of the Indo-Europeans, The Aryans), Falling Acorns, News from the Mother Grove, Administrator's Report, ADF Directory, ADF Membership form, Contributor's Page.

Oak Leaves #11, Samhain (July) 1999

Fox Tracks, Chronicler's Corner, Inspiration and the Druid Secret Language (pt 1), Religio Romana, Spiritual Current, Sacred Work- Sacred Life, Alternate Liturgical ADF Ritual Outline, Book Reviews (21 Lessons of Merlyn, Natural Water Garden, Gift of the Jews, Ancient Goddesses) Stories ( The Dancing Lady, Tale of the Two Suns, The Great Library), Poems (Samhain, Untitled, Luna, Lament), On the Solitary Path, Passages, Falling Acorns, Regional Reports, ADF Directory, ADF Membership form, Contributor?fs Page.

Oak Leaves #12, Yule (November) 1999

Journaling the Druid Path, Connecting with the Natural World exercises, A Yule Ritual, Naming Ritual, Norse Yule Ritual, Book Reviews (Noah?fs Garden, The Legendary Past, Celtic Sacred Landscapes), Sories (A Quest, Snow Turtles, A Lesson in Stone, A Tale of One, Meagan and Yule Solstice), Poems (Daybreak by the Quinnipiac, Solstice Blessing, Winter Solstice, Winter, A Charleston Winter?fs Tale, A Tribute to Marion Zimmer Bradley, Winter's Tree), Mead Tasting Announcement, Gift for Yule at ADF Regalia, Mentoring Annoucement, On the Solitary Path, Kid's Pages, Yule Recipes, ADF Directory, Contributor's Page.

Oak Leaves #13, Imbolc (January) 2000

Religio Romano, Sacred Water – Flow in Me, The Afterlife the Heroes and the Dead, Connecting with the Natural World, The Land & the Spirits, Two Rituals for Brighid, Initiaion and the Druid Secret Language (pt. 2), February Thoughts, On the Solitary Path, Poetry (Brigid, A Possible Tale of Cosmic Origins, Maple Syrup, Émigré, Brigid, Offering), A Wobbly Bard at Imbolc essay, Kid's Page, Book Reviews (Spirits of the Sacred Grove, Celtic Sunset, Mummies of the Urumchi), Falling Acorns, Guild Notes, Officer Reports, ADF Directory, ADF Membership Form, Contributor's Page.

Oak Leaves #14, Beltainne (April) 2000

Ethics of a Celtic Warrior, Prayer in the Life of a Modern Druid, The Soul of Manannan, Movement and Gesture in Ritual, Learning from the Trees, A Spring Blot Ritual to Nerthus, Stories (The Gifting, The Rainmaker's Apprentice, Bealteinne Edition) Winners of the Warriors Guild Championship, The Kid's Page: The Road to the Fairy Hill, Poems (Good Morning, Eostre, Wind Moon, Let the Dance Begin), On the Solitary Path, Falling Acorns, Regional Reports, ADF Directory, ADF Membership Form, Contributors' Page.

Oak Leaves #15, Lughnassadh (July) 2000

Birth Magick, Magic in Culture, Letting the World Slip Away, On the Solitary Path, Book Reviews (Triumph of the Moon, Druid Magic), Falling Acorns, Administrator Report, Poetry (Sunset on the D&R Canal, Ode to Brighid, Songs of Four Nations Rising, Lughnasadh Dance, Balor's Song) Wellspring Report (Annual Meeting Minutes, Election Results, A Seer's View of the Main Rite), ADF Directory, ADF Membership Form, Contributors' Page.

Oak Leaves #16, Samhain (October) 2000 & Imbolc (January) 2001

Taking the Waters, Support Systems in ADF, Sacrifice: The Indo-Europeans and ADF, Reflections on being an Urban Pagan, Free Spirit gathering Ritual Retrospective, Free Spirit Gathering ADF ritual, Sigil Pages, Poetry (Samhain, Two Sonnets, The Cailleach, A Rhyme for Brighid, Untitled), Stories (The Great Train Ride, Sham & Elkheart), Vice Archdruid's Report, ADF Financial Report, Falling Acorns, Regional Reports, ADF Directory, ADF Membership Form, Contributors' Page.

Oak Leaves #17, Samhain (October) 2000 & Imbolc (January) 2001

Taking the Waters, Support Systems in ADF, Sacrifice: The Indo-Europeans and ADF,

Iss 18

Iss 19, Autum 2002

Iss 20 Spring 2003

ADF--Shadow Weaver Grove

Beltane Ritual 5/5/90

ADF--Stone Creed Grove

A Whispering Among the Trees, Newsletter

Vol 3 No 2, Lammas 93

Defining Druid spirituality, avoid bashing ANY religion just for fun, interview with member of Green Man Grove on artisitic elements in ADF, Neighbour of the Beast (humorous story), Brightfox's Erotica poem, First Circle poem, The Forest Speaks poem.

Vol 4 No 1, Samhain 93

Paganism in Media, Meditation on Forests pt1, Fall equinox reminisces, Stonelodge (Sweatlodge) ritual, 9 Reasons to celebrate Samhain, POEMS: Trains & Tunnels, Queen of Air & Darkness, Dumb Supper Call, Gods & Orgasms (racy)

2005 Webpage Snapshot Folder

Home page, 1

Events, 2

Words for the Rites, 1

Seasonal Song Books, 1

About Stone Creed Grove, 1

Well Spring Festival 1

Berengaria Order of Druids

03/14/2001, Rooke to Scharding

The Berengaria Order of Druids

A Report on Some Sacred Sites

Science Fiction and Druidry

Ancient Celts: Celtic Artwork

Ancient Celts: Celtic Tribes Past and Present

Celtic Performing Arts: A Comparative Study

British Druid Order

A group founded by Phillip Shallcrass, prolific author, who published Druid’s Voice magazine until 2004.

05/07/200 BDO to Various, Compiling updated Druid Directory

Internet Snapshot, Jan 2005

Homepage, 1

Site Map 1

About Us

What's New?  UPDATED

Seasons of Renewal, 6

Introducing the British Druid Order..., 4

To BDO or not to BDO?, 3


Council of Elders, 2

Membership, 2

Contacts, 1

Events, 2


Druidry in a Time of War 13


Awen: The Holy Spirit of Druidry, 14

Gorsedd of Bards of the Isles of Britain , 4

A Little History of Druidry, 8

A Little History of Ogham, 12

Interview with a Yew Tree, 7


BDO Books and CD's, 4

Tooth and Claw, 2

Bardic Poetry, 3

Reading List, 2

Sacred Sites

Hill of Tara  NEW , 3

Sacred Site News, 6

Silbury Hill, 4

Stonehenge and the Druid, 13

Stonehenge News , 5

Slieve Gullion, 15


1998 Newsletter and Calendar of Events

The Celtic College of Reformed Druidic Wicca

10/2/94 Harris to Hansen, Information About CCRDW

Celtic College Newsletter: Muskogee Convocation

Lammas 94

Mabon 94

Feast of Brigid 95

Vernal Equinox 95

Beltane 95

01/9/95, Harris to Scharding, explaining CCRDW

The Tenets of Reformed Druidic Wicca, Myrddin A Maeglin, 93

The Rule of the Celtic College of Reformed Druidic Wicca Muskogee Convocationary

Convocation Branch Report Form

Branch Creation Worksheet

The Coming of the Circle, Myrddin A Maeglin, 91

Initiation Ritual

Ritual of the Staff

Celtic College Rite, Form B

Church of All Worlds

Membership Handbook, 1st Edition 94

Witchcraft, Satanism and Occult Crime: Who's Who and What's What, Fourth Edition, Oct 91

Green Egg

Subscription Form 2/1/94

Vol XXVI No 101, Summer 93

Vol 27 No 107


Information Packet C.12/4/86

Circle Guide to Pagan Groups Eighth Edition

Newsletter for 1994 International Pagan Spirit Gathering

Incense by Moonscents Catalogue

Herb Magic Festival Schedule, July 28-August 1, 93

Sanctuary Circles Newsletter Lammas 93

Circle Network Bulletin

Fall 93

Pagan Academic Network Mailing

Nature Religions Scholars Meeting at AAR

Pagan Academic Network Directory Form

Pagan Spirit Gathering 93 Village Guide

Pagan Spirit Alliance Membership Information Sheet

Circle Network Membership Sheet

Circle Information Sheet

Magin in Nature: Pagan Spirit Gathering 2000

Circle--Circle Network News

Iss 48, Summer 93

Iss 49, Fall 93

Iss 50, Winter 93/94

Iss 51, Spring 94

Iss 53, Winter 94/95

Clan Dalriada

The Trees of the Celtic Alphabet, by Helen McSkimming

Celtic Totem Animals, by Lorraine McDonald

Gods of the Celts, by Lorraine McDonald and Sam McSkimming

The Salmon of Knowledge- Reflections on Celtic Myth and Folklore by Brendan McMahon, 45p

Hazels of Wisdom

Cornish Giant Myth

Miner’s Tale

Dreams & Dragons

Plain of Pleasure

King of All Birds

Voyage of Bran

Bride’s Mantle – Celtic Healing Traditions by Maria Constantinou, 40p

Earth Shapers

Early Healers

Physician in Celtic Society

Goda and Animals of Healing

Charms and Incantations

Healing Herbs

Clan Dalriada information sheet

The History of Dalriada

Gaelic Herb Lore

Gaelic Medicine and Healing

The Craft of the Poet

Folklore of the Gaels

Traditional Crafts of the Celts

Customs and Culture

Myths and Legends

Clan Dalriada Introductory Course. Advertisement

Introductory Course

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

Lesson 13

Arran Banner, 5/11/93

Scotland on Sunday Magazine, In Tune With Nature 10/21/90

Clan Dalriada--Dalriada, 1988-91

3.2 Beltane 88

Panceltism, "Child" meditation, Roads to Scottish Isles, Darkness & Light explained, "Mother" poem, 3 Levels of Celtic Existence, The Alder Tree, warrior-ism, "A Creation Legend"

3.3 Lughnasad 88

Celtic music instrument, Curlew meditation, Dancing the Spiral Dance, Celtic migrations, The Willow Tree, 5-fold Centre Theology, Concern over Witchcraft Bill.

3.4 Samhain 88

Laws of the Hearth, Rhinns of Islay Music fest, How to Intitiate, "Dreams within Dreams" poem, The Hawthorn Tree, Warrior in 5-fold tribe, "I Am a Leaf" poem, Saving Sacred Sites, Halloween.

4.1 An Fheille Bride 89

The Dagda, Playing Game of Life, "Song of Apple Trees" poem, "Fork, Scythe & Wheat Sheaf", "To the New Moon" poem, The Oak Tree, 5-fold centre conclusion, Making of a Pagan Poet, Four Elemental Poems

4.2 Beltane 89

Ancient Scottish Druids, "Bel's Flame" poem, The Morrigan goddess, "Harp of Cnoc I Chosgair" poem, Folklore Myth & Mirth, "Bells of Youth" poem, "Nine Desires" poem, The Holly plant, Shamanistic Druids?, "Druid's Meeting" poem, Earth Shaper's mythology, "Suibhne wild Man in the Forest" poem, Celtic Folk Traditions, Arran the Isle of Legends + a Map.

4.3 Lughnasadh 89

Pesticide editorial, Kirk's Secret Commonwealth of Fairies, Our Green brothers meditation, "Gift of the Night" poem, Sons of the North pagan view, "The Hood" poem, Land of the Gaels, Why Use Tradition?, How Robin got His Red Breast story.

4.4 Samhain 89

Dowsing with Fields & Forest, "Sunset" poem, Inspiration form the Earth-Mother, Being Celtic, "our Brethren the Beasts" poem, The Vine Plant, Aine Goddess, Samhain reflections, "Questions" poem.

5.1 An Fheille Bride 90

The Science of Magic pt1, "Bride" poem, All or Nothing reflection, "Sacred Site" poem, Celtic Fire, The Ivy Plant, Lugh god, Our Living Soul, The Hunt meditation, Fair Woman of February on Brigit, "Merlin" poem.

5.2 Beltainne 90

Are We Witches? editorial, The Gaelic Bard, "Deidre's Lament" poem, The Science of Magic pt 2, The Beauty of Crafting, Shamanism & New Ageism, "Yellow Way of Beltane" poem, "The Four Winds of Fate" poem, "A promise from the Salmon" poem, Ski'athach goddess, Phantom Huntsman of Windsor story, "May Song" translation.

5.3 Lughnassad 90

As Above So Below (Science of Magic pt 3), "Crimson Moon" poem, Man the Reaper, Archeological Field Trip, "The New Day" poem, Circles & Crystals, Traditional Dyes, Mananan Mac Lir god, The Elder Tree, Seal & Salmon totems, Mud Hut mentality

5.4 Samhain 90

The Science of Magic pt 4, Etain goddess, Making Ritual Wine, "Dark Lady" poem, Making Pottery, Dream Weaving, Bull Totems, "Lament for Cleena" poem.

6.1 An Fheille Bride 91

Birds of the Air totems, "Invocation to Bride (Brigit)" poem, Dream Lands, Nuada Argetlamh god, How to Basket Weave (illustr.), More Making Ritual Wine, What do we Mean by Prehistory?

6.2 Beltainne 91

Orkney Child Abuse Media Fiasco, Macha goddess, Celtic Warrior & Weapons, "Love Song of Drostan" poem, Giving Birth in Water/Tub, "Growing Moon" poem, Song in the heart of the Land meditation, Boar Totems, Jewelry Making (Ilustr.), A wiew of the Awakening Land, Orchid meditation, The Smith & Dord Fian story, "Dirge of the 4 Cities" poem, Unpopular History of Native Celtic Religions pt 1, Gaelic Pronunciation of Names.

6.3 Lughnassad 91

Types of "Pagans" to steer clear of, "Aine" poem, Handfasting in Ancient and Modern times, Pagan Dilemmas with using Aboriginal religion in Australia, The Isle of Skye, The Art of Spinning, The Bard, Descriptions of various publications, Unpopular History of Native Celtic Religions pt 2.

6.4 Samhain 91

"An Gealach" (the moon), The Warrior Way, The Great Wildcat of Alba, "The Enchanted Valleys" poem, A Spiritual Journey, "The Weaver" poem, How does Clan Dalriada actually operate?, "Dark Lords of Shadow" poem, the Craft of the Seer pt1, Unpopular History of Native Celtic Religion pt 3.

Clan Dalriada--Dalriada, 1992-95

7.1 An Fheille Bride 92

Dualism, Sages of Man, Bardic Inspiration, Pagan Envir., Highland 2nd sight, Hearthfire, Bridget's Tree, The Awakening.

7.2 Beltainne 92

Fairies, Iona, Celtic Art & Society, Aedan, Natural Religion, Hidden Inner Child, Gnomes.

7.3 Lughnassad 92

The Web, Blacksmiths, Isle of Skye, Lughnsadh, Bagpipes, Feast of Tailltiu, creeds.

7.4 Samhain 92

Three Ways of seeing Samhain, Apple Moon, Children of Danu, Floods, Confused Religion, Fiona MacLeod, The Flute, Customs on Death, Isle of Arran, The Cailleach, Feast of Ages.

8.1 An Fheille Bride 93

Fairies, Fianna of Erin, Isle of Barra, New Agers, Awakening to light, womb of stone, Dance, Brigid.

8.2 Beltainne 93

Clan Dalriada, Magic charms, Tainchell poem, magical island, Magic tools, Isle of Mull, the otherworld.

8.3 Lughnassad 93

Fianna, Fairy Lover, Australian Paganism, Poem of the Raider's Return, Isle of Islay, Quantum consciousness, Story Teller, Celtic Family Tradition

8.4 Samhain 93

Changelings, the Otherworld, Isle of South Uist, the Dark Side, Life Energy.

9.1 An Fheille Bride 94

Thomas the Rhymer/Faery, Celtic Head relics, The Changing Face of the Sidhe (Faery), The Goddes Brigit Comes in Oimelc, Brehon Laws of Ireland pt 1, Leannan poem, BenBecual & North Uist travelog pt1

9.2 Beltainne 94

Beltane editorial, Life blood of the land (Beltane), If the Stones Could Talk, the Earth Shapers: a Scientific Commentary on the Gaelic Creation Myth (8pgs), Under a Dark Moon poem, Our Native Music (skimpy), News & Events, Callanish Stonewatch activism, Dalriada Bulletin Board, Time & Tide (magickal time travel), The Brehon Laws (of Ireland) pt 2, North Uist travelog pt 2, exchange Magazines.

9.3 Lughnassad 94

Editorial, Faierie Doctor, Heart of Eagle& Crow, Heroic Voyages, Wise Warrior, Naidheach/news, If the Stones Counld Talk, Harris-the High Island, Bardachd/poetry, Native Religion, Celtic Telecommunications, Reviews.

9.4 Samhain 94

Editorial, Evil Eye, Gathering, Deirdre, White Red-Eared Hounds (poem), Samhain, Isle of Blue, Naidheach/news, Rave Dark (Poem), Balnain House, Saving of Tara, Soul Visionary, Tecommunications update..

10.1 Fheille Bride 95

Editorial, Membership Rates, Other Face of Bride, Rage of Tailltiu (poem), Celtic Kingsihp, La Fheille Bride (poem), Duality, Isle of Lewis, Naidheachd/news, Earthsong (poem), Celtnet, Journey to Lochlann, Sian Bride

10.2 Beltainne 95

Editorial, Teine-Sacred Fire, Turning the Circles, Five Invasions, Suil na h’iolaire, Sacred Water- Holy Wells, Inner Kingship, Isle of Lewis pt 2,.

10.3 Lughnassadh 95

Editorial, Chief of the Mound, Hazels of Wisdom, Isles of Yew, beyond the Solstice, Suil na h’iolaire, Emain Macha, Dynamic Portals, Samildanach, Midsummer Night-Skye, Scotland’s Early History, Reviews,

10.4 Samhain 95

Editorial, An Tir/The Land, Salmon of Knowledge, Adventures Within, Suil na H’iolaire, Modality & Early Celtic Music, Celtic Conference 1995, Scotland’s Early History, Reviews.

11.1 Fheille Bride 95

Editorial, A Ghoath/the wind & arts, Selkie, Suil Na h’iolaire, St. Bride of the Isles, Shane O’Neil, Tilleadh (poem), Scotland’s Early History pt3, News from Cornwall, Gaelic in the Glen

11.2 Beltainne 96

Editorial, Celtic Myth-Recorded or Recreated, Scottish Deerhound in Gaelic Literature, Scotland in Myth, Suil Na h’iolaire, Bodhran-Pulse of Irish Music, Mythology in the Modern World, Traditional Cutlture Revived in Glens of Antrim, Gaelic Herblore

11.3 Lughnassadh 96

Editorial, Gaelic Herblore, Scotland’s Early History pt4, Bard of Nova Scotia, Suil na H-iolaire, Scotland in Cymric Myth, Words with a Woodcarver, Prince-fox-and sword of light.

11.4 Samhain 96

Editorial, Tradtitional Highland Story Telling, Fand & Cuchulain, A’Mhuir (the sea), Clan Geneaologies, Suil na h-Iolaire, Scottish Basketry Lives On, Scotlands Early History pt 5, Poetry, Iain Og Ile, Reviews.

12.1 Fheille Bride 97

Editorial, Dance Forms in Gaelic Msuic, A’Mhuir (the Sea), Adomnan’s Life of St. Columba, Poetry, Suil nah-Iolaire, Not Just for the Youngsters, Computer Aided Manufacture of Celtic Art, Columba’s Calves, Reviews,

12.2 Beltainne 97

Editorial, Irish Harp, Saint Odhran, Isbister-Tomb of the Eagles, Suil na H-Iolaire, Isle of Lismore, Ireland- Nature’s Especial Repository, Sunwise Blessing, Reviews

12.3 Lughnassadh 97

Editorial, Sunwise Blessing pt2, Se Reivers-Viking Legacy, Chasing the Tale, Suil na H-Iolaire, Comhradh, Kelpie, Kilt, Ancient Echoes, Reviews.

12.4 Samhain 97

Editorial, Samhain Customs, Pipe-making Today, St. Kilda, Suil na H-Iolaire, Morrigan, Halloween- a Haunting Tale, Objects of Reverence, Reviews

13.1 Fheille Bride 98

Editorial, Cornish Festivals, Bede’s Chair, Traditional Music in Isle of Man, Kilt, Suil na H-Iolaire, Celtic Roots, Gaelic Poetry- Medieval to Modern, Reviews

13.2 Beltainne 98

Editorial, Cornish Festivals, Welsh Language, Kilmartin House Trust, As It Was Told to Me, Suil na H-Iolaire, Macpherson’s Ossian, Picts, Kilt, Reviews

13.3 Lughnassadh 98

Editorial, Comtemporary Piping, Cymru Gymraeg – Welsh Wales, Miracles of the Celtic Saints, Archaelink, As an Eilan-from an Island, Suil na H-Iolaire, Gaelic: It’s Past, Present & Future, Kilt pt 4, Enigma of Janet Douglas, Stone of Destiny, Reviews

13.4 Samhain 98

Editorial, Who are the Celts? pt1, Ti Chulainn, Cymur Gymraeg, As an Eilan, Suil na H-Iolaire, Manx Gaelic, Bru na Boinee, Reviews

14.1 Fheille Bride 99

Editorial, Who are the Celts pt2, Crannogs, Festival of Imbolc, Celtic Gods of Roman Britain, Suil na H-Iolaire, As an Eilean, Martin Martin, Letters, Chi Mi, Piping Concert, Reviews

14.2 Beltainne 99

Editorial, Beltaine, Sacred Lakes, An Iodhlainn, Cymru Gymraeg pt 3, Duthcas-clan & Kinship, Suil na H-Iolaire, Tale of Fionn, Bluestone Design, As an Eilean, Celtic Reflections, Reviews

14.3 Lughnassadh 99

Editorial, Lammas, Jeff Fitzpatrick-Artist, Cultural Tradition, Dalriada gathering, Duthchas – Clann Aonghais, Suil na H-Iolaire, The Druids, Cally Berry of Slieve Gullion, Celtic Reflection, Reviews

14.4 Samhain 99

Editorial, Feast of Samhain, Early Emmigration from Ulster to Canada, 2nd Dalriada Gathering, Realms of Mythology, Early Celtic Music & Musicians, Celtic Druidism, Suil na H-Iolaire, At Summer’s End, Dutchhas-Language & Culture, Celtic Reflections, Dal Riata-Divisions of Land & People, Case for Pre-historic Tartan, Reviews.

15.1 Fheille Bride 00

Editorial, Celtic Feasting, Cymru Gymraeg, Clava Cairns, Beachd-Comment, Albannach Tours, Annual Piping Concert, Suil na H-Iolaire, Duthchas –Names of the Gael, Dal Riata – Social Division, Saints of the High Road, Celtic Reflections, Dalriada Trust News, Reviews

15.2 Beltainne 00

Editorial, Tobar Honi –Wells, An Ghaelige 200, Celtic Interlace, Saints of the High Road, Highland Homecomings, Suil na H-Iolaire, Duthchas –Defining Celtic Identity, Celtic Art Exhibition, Celtic Druidism, Storytelling in Skye, Celtic Reflections, Reviews

15.3 Lughnassadh 00

Editorial, Lughnasadh & Feast of St. Michael, Stanway Burials, Sgeul gu Latha- Folktalkes, Celtic Interlace, Suil na H-Iolaire, Duthchas-Proverbs, Visit to Irish Dalriada, History of Bagpipes, Celtic Reflections, Reviews

15.4 Samhain 00

Editorial, Continuum of Celtic Interlace pt2, Skye Faerie Tale, Silent Ones, Sgeul gu Latha, Samhuinn-Sending the Souls on, Suil na H-Iolaire, Bardachd-poetry, Origins of Dal Riata, Duthchas-Gaelic Proverbs, pt2, Celtic Reflections, Reviews

16.1 Fheille Bride 01

Editorial, Symbolism in Celtic Art, Seer in Scottish Tradition, 13 Precious Things of the Isle of Britain, Sgeul gu Latha, Suil na H-Iolaire, Mog Riuth, Dal Riata in the 7th Century, Duthchas-Early Celtic Clans, St. Bride’s Bird, Celtic Reflections, Reviews,

16.2 Beltainne 01

Editorial, Music Through the Ages, Dal Riata in 7th Century pt2, Sgeul gu Latha, Celtaeg Nuadh, Suil na H-Iolaire, Interview with James MacPhail Wilson, Duthcas-Early Celtic Clans pt 2, Gathering Stone Campaign, Wallace Site Under Threat, Artist- Scott MacLeod, Celtic Reflection, Reviews

16.3 Lughnassadh 01

Editorial, From Ancestors to the Early Celts, Dutchas –Clan MacDougal, Sgeul Gu Latha –People of the Sea, Suil na H-Iolaire, Literacy in Early Celtic Societies, Irish Influence on Scottish Dal Riata, Celtic Reflections, Reviews,.

16.4 Samhain 01

Editorial, Oppidum=Culture Centre of the Celts, Coming of Manannan, Celtic Fact and Fable, Duthchas – Clan Cameron, Suil na H-Iolaire, Sguel gu Latha _Boar of Ben Bulbiain, Seer in Celtic Tradition pt2, Peom-The Turning, Celtic Reflections, Reviews.

17.1 Fheille Bride 02

Editorial, Gaelic Sweathouses, Musings on Brigit, Duthchas-Clan MacKinnon, Suil na H-Iolaire, Sguel gu Latha, Corrievreckan, Celtic Reflections, Reviews.

17.2 Beltainne 02

Editorial, Bridge of the Gods, Duthchas –Clan MacIntyre, Suil na H-Iolaire, Cuchulainn-Hero of Ulster, Sgeul gu Latha, May Day Customs, Celtic Reflections, Reviews

17.3 Lughnassadh 02

Editorial, Sea Kingdom, Glauberg, Great Hunger, Liban the Sea Woman, Suil na H-Iolaire, Diarmait mac Cerbaill, Duthchas, Celtic Reflections, Lynn of Dreams

17.4 Samhain 02

Editorial, Dream of Bride, Clan MacNeil, Kelpie, Linguistic Survival, Chief of Glencoe, Suil na H-Iolaire, Sguel gu Latha, Waterbeasts, Celtic Reflections, Reviews

18.1 Fheille Bride 03

Editorial, Swan in Celtic Lore, Diarmait mac Cerbaill, Selkie, Linguistic Survival pt2, Suil na H-Iolaire, Duthchas, Clen Etive & Deidre, Sgeul gu Latha, Celtic Reflections, Reviews

Clan Dalriada--photographs, 1993






Machrie Stone

(Others with no additonal Labels)

Clanna Brocheta

An Feiline Draiocta, Calendar of Events, Nov 78-May 80

Divine Circle of the Sacred Grove

“Why I don’t recommend DCSG” by Isaac Bonewits, 1998, 2001

Internet Snapshot, Jan 2005

Home Page, 2

Church & Seminary , 3

Events Page, 2

Philosophy of the Church & School , 3

Mission Statement, 2

Membership, 4

Sanctuary & Retreat Center, 4

Druid Clan of Dana--Aisling

Vol 1 Iss 5, Autum 93

Bluestone Granite of Stonehenge, Yeats and the Fairies, Poetry Winner Battle of Dongas, Banshees, Witchcraft in Britain, Filid, Lugh: The Lost God of Aquarius?

Druid Library (2 boxes--S21; see separate list)

Druid Order of Peacelovers, Healers and Philosophers

02/08/01Daffern to Scharding, Coverletter of Information About Group

The Druid Order of Peacelovers, Healers and Philosophers, Purpose

Druidiactos (See book called “Sacred Cauldron”)

The Truth About The Druids, by Tadhg McCrossan

American Druids: Uxello Druidacto by the Former Alio Uer-Druis

Uxellodruidactos, High Council of Druid Activites

The Talamatan

Llewllyn New Times, Reviving the Druidic Tradition and Other Matters, an Interview with Tadg MacCrossan by Trish Telesco Nov/Dec 92

Packet on Druidactos

The Touta

The Druidic Oath

Frequently Asked Questions About Celtic Religion/Druidism

Common Sources of Misinformation About the Celts and Druids

Druidactos Book List

The Touta

Form Letter from MacCrossan

Membership Form

Druidactos Training Program

Adili Are Uxellos Druidactos, Aprovals of the Uxellos Druidactos

Symbolism of the Death Skull

The Doors to the Soul: Doura Anamonos, M.G Boutet and J. Monard

The Three Rays of Cosmic Energy

Welcome to Druidacto letter

Nemes Dillatis (In French...explanation of Celtic Garb?)

Druidique, Le

Internet Shapshot 2005


Mise au point



Dieux et Deesses


Les Druides





Santee Naturelle

Sites Sacres

Rites et Rituels








Druidisme, Le, 1994(?)-95

No 26

No 34, Avril, Mai, Juin 95

Neo-Paganism is mistaken, Theater, Open Letter to the Christians, Appeal to Srobonne against Rome, candidate Jacques Delors, Mr. Giscard D’estang, The Mystery of the spiritual incarnation in the material world, More problems with christian political movements, the Beginning of Life, Reflection of Druidc Anthropology

No 35, Juillet, Aout, Septembre 95

True Universalism of anti-nationalism, The Paganism of the Berbers, Iona, Revision & Correction of the Manichaic History, The Myth of the Resistance, The Journal of Anne Frank, The Connection between Ancient & Modern Druids, Zionism, The French During WW2, Polish News, Auschwitz, Christians failing in their duty in WW2, Part 6 of the history of Man:Neanderthals, the Homo-sapiens, the Cro-ganons, Evolution into Holyman, The Assumption of the World (into heaven), Notes on the Principle of Energy, The possible foundation of a common human creed, Buchenwald, Deportations made by the communist, Rwanda.

No 36, Octobre, Novembre, Decembre 95

No 37

Druidisme, Le, 1997

No 43

Druid Network, The

A group that networks Druid Organizations in Britain in 90s, and led by Phillip Shall Crass of the BDO. No longer publishes the Druid’s Voice.

Internet Snapshot, Jan 2005

About Us, 5

·Changes to TDN, 4

·Child Protection, 9

·Constitution, 5

·Definitions, 2

·Office Ethics, 3

·Privacy Statement, 2

·Terms & Conditions, 1

·Tour of the Site, 2

Main Links

Affiliated Group, s, 4


Druidry & Witchcraft, 5

Christians & Druids, 5

Druidry & Politics, 4

Bardic Voices


Environment, 2

Ethical Living, 2

Globally Local, 2

Interfaith, 1

Media Watch, 4

Mistletoe Foundation, 2

Order of the Yew, 2

Peace Projects, 2,

Resources, 4

Rites of Passage15

Celebrants & Priest, 4

Stonehenge & Avebury, 3

Online Directory, 32

Druids' Voice, The, 1-5

Published by BDO and Druid Network until 2004 under Phillip Shallcrass.

No 1, 6/21/92

CBDO Chariman's Letter, CBDO Past Chairman's Letter, Elaborat Drawing of Mistletoe ceremony, Ancient Druids in Celtic Society and their Role in the "New Age" (13pgs, excellent summary, but unfootnoted), Drawing of Welsh Gorsedd of Bards ca 1880, Avalon From the Mists: The Contemporary Teaching of Goddess Spirituality (a survey of the suitability of teaching about Neo-Paganism/Goddess worship) 5pgs, Glastonbury: Isle of the Dead (Deeply interesting account of what Glastonians are like) 3pgs. What is the Ancient Order of Druids? 1pg, What is the British Druid Order? 2pgs, What is the Glastonbury Order of Druids? 1pg, What is the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids? 2pg, What is the Order of Sula? 2pg, What are the Qaballistic English Druids? 3pgs, What is the Secular Order of Druids?2pg, Stone Henge Legality of Access update 2pg, Book Reviews: Taliesin, The Pagan Rel. of the Anc. Brit. Isles, Myth-Legend and Romance, POETRY:Roots, Carnac, Who will find...? Eisteddfod event and advertisement.

No 2, Winter 92/93

Chairman's letter on Stonehenge debate, full page b&w woodcutting of witches, Druids & Witches (good view on differences/Similarities) 6pgs, Bowl of Glaeston (reprint on Glastonbury's rumour of Grail/Jesus) 4pgs, St. Patrick's Purgatory (reprint of John de Trevisa's account of Patrick's visit to hell) Glastonbury Now (retort to previous issue), King Arthur and his Warband (somebody renamed themselves "King Arthur Pendragon" and now does activism?), Day in the Life of Stonehenge Picket poem, Rallying Song from the Latterday Book of Arthurian Bards poem/song, Stonehenge: Latest News, Why We Need Stonehenge (w/photos of people) 4pgs of tiny print, What is the London Grove of the Druid Clan of Dana?2pgs. Druid Tarot advert, Full page woodcut of Dryads and tree planter, Britain's Vanishing WildWood 2pgs, Full page woodcut of deer-hunters, Alban Heruin: The Summer Solstice reflections 4pgs, full page woodcut of Druid by the sea and a boy, Letters to the editors with one especially long (4pgs) on Druidiactos/Tadhg MacCrossan , Quick notes on Ogham, Book Reviews: Druid Tradition, Book of Druidry, Celtic World. Poetry: A tax, Tara, Autumn.

No 3, Autumn 93

Pt 1: Bardic Tradition in Britain (total 16pgs): Introduction, Early History of Bardism, Age of Cynfeirdd (500-1100), Age of Gogynfeird (1110-1350), Age of Cywyddyr (1350-1600), The Eisteddfod, The Bardic Chairs, Gorsedd Mounds, Seats of the Three ArchDruids of Britain (historical), Seat of the Chief Druids of Britain (historical), Gorsedd of the Bards of Briatin/Iolo, Modern Welsh Eisteddfod and the Welsh Gorsedd of Bards, The Future:Reviving the Tradition, Appendix A: Gorsedd Ceremony of the Bards of the Islands of Britain, Appendix B: Ceremony for the Awarding of the Bardic Chairs, Appendix C: Two Poems from the 13th cent Book of Taliesin Concerning Bardic Chairs (Chair of Taliesin & Chair of Cerridwen), Appendix D: Calender of Eisteddfods & Celtic Festivals.

Pt 2: Iolo Morganwg (1746-1826) Bardism & Unitarianism 6pgs (all about the man who started the welsh Gorsedd, screwed up academia for a long time, his inspiration and biography) interspaced with old & rare Woodcuts of Druids.

Pt 3: Other articles Bardic and Druidic Chairs in CBOD, A Call for Druidic Unity, Was Lord Bath a Druid?, ThynneHenge:the Longleat Megalitihic Circle & Legal Access, (cool stonehenge drawing) 3pgs , The Third Question of the Grail Quest 2pgs, "King Arthur Pendragon" and his Warband & the Dragon Quest. Book Reviews: Carmina Gadelica, The Druid Way, Animals in Celtic Life & Myth, Letters on Faery Folks and American Druidism. More summaries-Summaries & Rolecalls of the Druid Orders. Qu'est-ce que l'Ecole Druidique des Gaules?, What is the London Druid Group/Universal Druid Order?, What is the Taliesin Foundation? What is Teach Shinanna?

No 4, Winter 94

Musical (Bardic) Chairs (2), Ancient Order of Druidism (4), Essentials in Druidry (2), Thynne Henge:the archaeological plans (4), Paganism in Contemporary Britain, Avebury (2), Gorsedd Bards of Caer Abiri (1), Druids & various orders (2), Magic of Wychbury Hill (3), Salisbury Hill (1), Battle of Catraeth-Castle of Bards (3). The Lore & the Law (2), POEMS: The Druid & the Land, For Stonehenge & The Mother, Song of the Stones, Fecund Earth, Mystery of your Return. BOOK REVIEWS: Shamans of Siberia, Rise & Fall of Merry England, Traditional British Heney Drinks, Broken Trees, Bards 1, Dive in Deep. Directory of Druid Orders including: AOD, Aos Dana, ADF, Bardic Order roup, British Druid Order, Ecole Druidique des Gaules, Glastonbury Order Druids, Gorsedd of Bards of Caer Aberi, Grove of the Four Elements, Insular Order of Druids, Irish Pagan Movement, London Druid Group (UDB), Loyal Arthurian Warband, OBOD, Order of Sula, RDNA, Secular Order of Druids, Taliesin Foundation, Teach Shinanna,

No 5, Autumn 95

Druids' Voice, The, 6-

No 6, Spring/Summer 96

No 7, Autumn 96

École druidique des Gaules (Much is in French and Hence Unaccesible to the current Indexer)

f.1 93, Postcard to Heidi Shultz, Reformed Druids, Carleton College

6/29/93, Scharding in response to Postcard, and asking for information

01/01/01 Scharding to various asking for papers, returned copy to Ecole Druidique

Yes We Fight 06/20/92

Paper with Picture and Handwriting

Proclamation du College de Lutece, Imbolc 88

Letter, 02/27/98

Letter, 08/25/98

Letter, 02/01/98

Letter, 01/15/98

Letter, 01/15/98 (German?)

Letter, 01/15/98 (Language?)

Letter, 01/15/98, Call for Imbolc 98 (English)

Reunion du ler Fevrier 98

Report of a Meeting of the 1st of February

Bericht, Satzung vom 1. Februar 98

Handwritten Letter

Invitation to Lughnasad 98

2050th Aniversary of the Battle of Alesia by Vercingetorix and Julius Caesar, 17th and 18th of Oct 98

Letter, 11/18/98

Letter, 04/98

Tribune Gaulooise, 98

Que fait-on de votre argent?

Indo-European Language Family Tree

10/30/98 la bataille d'Alesia

Tribune Gauloise, 09/98

Letter, 12/1/98

Present, Procaine Cible: La France annonce le president de deux organisations internationales 12/25 97

Liberation, On A localise la tomvbe du roi Arthur, 6/27/90

Order/letter, 11/01/94

Letter, 09/21/97

Letter 03/01/97

Letter, Nov 97

Letter, 03/5/95

Letter, 11/94

Letter. 11/94

Letter, 11/97

Letter, 5/97

Small Sheet

Letter, 06/26/92

Letter, 8/30/92

Information Sheet

Letter, 2/5/93

Letter, 3/15/93

Letter, 3/16/89

Letter, 4/93

Letter, 4/93

Letter, 4/18/93

Letter, 4/20/93

Letter, 4/28/93

Letter, 93

Letter, 5/19/93

Letter, June 20th 92, Yes, We Fight.

Letter, 6/22/93

Association Pour La Sauvegarde de La Valle De L'Aff, poster

The Gallic Kings.

Premier Cycle de Confrences 1994, Historique, Mythologique, Religieux

Letter, 02/94

Letter, 04/93

Letter, 10/24/91

Lughnasad 1989 Europeenne a Lyon

Letter, 6/89?

Letter, 10/03/88

Presentation de L'Ecole Druidique Des Gaules, Promoteur de la Manifestation, 01/31/88?

Letter, 02/88

Letter, 04/18/88

Letter, 5/6/88

Letter, 5/18/88

Les Druides cuillent les vieilles pierres

f.2 Packet, Salons de l'etoile

Complexe du Siege D'Alesia en Terre-Plaine, 12/97

Les Souverains Gaulois

Privileges, Organe de la Confederation Nationale des Associations de Defense Contre Les Privileges et L'Arbitraire 06/89

Letter, 06/84

Comment Faire L'Europe

French Druids--photographs, 1993


Police at Stonehenge

Police at Stonehenge

Police at Stonehenge





Congregation sitting




Altar Fire?

Gazette Druidique, La

No 2, 6/88

No 3, 7/88

No 4, 8/88

No 6, 10/88

No 7, 11/88

No 8, 12/88

Golden Section Order


Newsletter, 2/78

Fire Festival by Stuar, Imbolc by Colqhohoun, Little Girl by Blake, Nineteen Candles for Brigit by Murray, Correspondence, some Welsh Festivals, Upcoming Events, Local Group addresses.

Newsletter, 3/78

An Le Rak Kernewek Yn Kernow Avorow: The Place of Cornish in Cornwall Tommorow, The Heston Flora, The Hanl-An-Ton: The Monk's March Dance, Cornish Group addresses and pictures. This is known as the Spring Equinox. Includes poems by Murray and Blake: Hear the Voice of the Bard!, Let us Enter the Sacred Grove, Thus Stand We at the Gate of Summer, In Memory of Bendigeidfran, In Memory of Lugh, In Memory of the Greene Men of the Meadows, Com: The Voice of the Ancient Bard, Then shall the Cauldron Raise Anew, Dip Down upon the Northern Shore, Comes a Fragment-The Sun Dances (Carmina Gadelica)

Newsletter, 10/78

Samhain Traditions by Murray, Cernunnos the God, Destiny Calling by Stuart, Hang-gliders in the Bronze Age, The Name Esther in the world.

Newsletter, 2/79

19 Candles for Brigit poem, Long article on the Goddess Brigid by Murray, Mazdanan: Master Though which deals with breathing, dietetics, endocrinology & eugenics. Meptaphysical & cultural sources of the ancient world. The Golden Mean and it's application to dentistry. Correspondence, GSO public.

Newsletter, 9/80?

Also known as Autumn Equinox. Each of the 13 plants has a verse in this chorus sheet.

The New Celtic Review


The Celtic Sites of Llanain (london): Parliament Hill Carer Llyndain & Caer Droia, The High Noon Ceremony. Poems: Loch Nell by Johnston, Gweddi'r Orsedd: The Gorsedd Prayer, su:sol:sound by Murray, Gentry (fairy) by Clark, Description of Albion by Boece, Iona-the Isle of Dreams:INis nan Druidnean by Sharkey, Large Four Seasons Gorsedd at Parliament Hill.


Priest's Grove" found under Wychwood, Sacred groves, the Maying Festival by Burland, the Past is the Present by Coldecott, ClanmacNoise Abbey and celtic monasticism, Poems: song on May Morning-Milton, Medbh at Cualane by Clark, Uathe:Hawthorne by Colquohoun, Spring Night by Valiente, King Arther by Lores. Letters. Groups. Celtic Cooks Corner by Olwen. GSO publications.

Fall 82

Extensive customs of Lammas Day, Corn Dolly poem, Custom of the Celtic Year, Celtic Monuments and Crosses, Coronach for Iona poems by Colquhoun. Large Page on Breton. "Barzhoneg a Du-Gin Ma Zouar" with English, British Mazes open to the public.

Dec 83

Scythian Tamberlin poem, A short List of Frankish Superstitions and Pagan Practices, Various Alphabets, The Flamin Door Chapter One: The Three and the Seven, Ogham Card-reading Divination, Various stuff, Hand-Coloured.

Spring 84

Reflection upon Iona cont, Deidre of the Sorrows by Green (6), Healing goddesses and Brigantia by Asphodel (4), Commius the Gaul by Ratcliffe (4), La Religion des Gaulois (4), Arts and Crafts (2), GSO:The Pentagram, The Flaming Door cont (6), Deciphering Difficult Ogahm, Compton Chapel with photos, Commentary on the Druids (5), A vision of Albion pt 3 by Sharkey (3), Celtic arts forum, Brehon Law (4), Silber Branch Celtic Music REview, Review of Tolkien, Magazine Reviews, Poetry: Night, We Inhabit a land of Elves, Listening to Water at Dartmeet, Vicions to Come, Tor, Full Moon, Coming of the Stranger, On the Frontier. Ausonious: was he of celtic stock?, Time & light. GSO news, Biographies of contributers, exchange ads.

Newsletter, 5/2/76

Ceremonial Sheet with 11 poems: Noble Britains-sprung from Trojans Bold, The Blasted Meath has flattened, Le with our Hands a Circle Fair Behold, Then shall the Golden Sun, Before our Fee the Water Lies, Now Shall our Combined Company, Fellow Peoples of Yngs Wen, The Present of the Besant, Ovation of r Greenwich's Favour, Now Shall Green Robin close the Yearly Dance, Closing to Lugnasadh.

Newsletter, Spring Solstice 77

Includes some poems and Chants by Murray and Blake: There is a Castle in our Minds, Calling the 4 directions, We Dance out of the Maze and into the Sparkle of Life, For One and All.

Newsletter, October

Ground Zodiac

Priddy Cross, Eastbourne

The White Oak Pentagram

The Tree Alphabet

Mathematical Diagrams

Lughnasadh 81

The Celtic Sites of Llanain (london): Parliament Hill Carer Llyndain & Caer Droia, The High Noon Ceremony. Poems: Loch Nell by Johnston, Gweddi'r Orsedd: The Gorsedd Prayer, su:sol:sound by Murray, Gentry (fairy) by Clark, Description of Albion by Boece, Iona-the Isle of Dreams:INis nan Druidnean by Sharkey, Large Four Seasons Gorsedd at Parliament Hill.

Gregorian and Ogham Calendar

The Stone Circle Builders

Lughnasadh Poem Sheet 78

Imbolc Poem Sheet

Samhain Poem Sheet 78

Gorsedd of Bards of Caer Abiri

Introductory Pamphlet

Newsletter no 6, Summer '96

Henge of Keltria

Welcome to Keltria Letter

Henge of Keltria Member Resources

Solitary Welcome '99

Recommended Reading List

The Henge, an introduction to Keltrian Druidism, Second Edition, Imbolc 98

Keltrian history, Symbols of Druidism, Keltrian Beliefs, pantheons, hierarchy, celebratory days, levels, transfering from other systems, disciplines, initiations, finances, Resources, Founders, biography of founders.

The Henge of Keltria By-Laws, 2001 Edition

Book of Ritual, 1st ? (1993) Edition, Fourth Edition

Introduction, Defining "Druid" Ritual, Table of Triads, Ritual Differences and Tools, Vestments and Sites of Rituals, Festival Dates & explanations, table of the Tuatha De Danaan gods and correspondances, Ritual leader posistions, Outline of ritual

Ritual Walk Through: Individual and Site preparation, Processional, Consecration, Rite's purpose, Meditation, parting Veil, and Invocation, calling principals, lighting fire, devotionals, offerings, divination, time for grove's choice, remembrances, blessing of liquid, closing, return of patron, closing veil, closeup.

Note on Mistletoe & Vervain rites.

Appendix 1:Tree Meditation

Appendix 2:Seasonal Rites (8 festivals)

Appendix 3:Mistletoe Rite (note Vervain is not in here)

What is the Henge of Keltria and what is Neo-Pagan Druidism? 1991

Membership and ordering information

3/5/95 Schaal to Scharding, officers

6/10/95 Taylor, change of address for the Henge of Keltria

Henge of Keltria--Henge Happenings –

Now an Online Newsletter (Redacted Versions’s missing article indicated in italics) Successor to the Keltria Journal. Issues 1-41 are only in printed format, and are being sought from publisher.

Guidelings for Advertising in Henge Happenings

Iss 42, Beltane 99, (incomplete)15p

From the President –History Lesson, A Druid Alone – Column for Solitary Keltrians, Making Magical Tools pt 1

Iss 43 Lughnasadh 99, (incomplete) 8pg

Almighty Bread, Magickal Tools pt 2

Iss 44 Samhain 99 12p

Best Laid Plans-The Sequel, Focus on Groves, Henge News, Passages, A Druid Alone, Bard’s path, Snowfall, Ads,

Iss 45 Imbolc 00, 11p

From the President, Treasurer’s Report, Henge Happenings, Focus on Groves, Passages, Henge News, Groves Choice- Stones & Ashes, Bard’s Path, From the Mail Box, Ads,

Iss 46 Beltane 00

Not Available

Iss 47 Lughnasadh 00

Not Available

Iss 48 Samhain 00, 12p

From the President- Samhain’s Grove’s Choice, From the VP, From the Secretary, Passages, Henge News, Taltiu Games-Lughnasadh with Golden Horse Grove, Focus on Groves, Bards Path, Gathering of the Keltrian Tribe 2001, Book Review – Four Agreements-Toltiec Wisdom Book, Ads

Iss 49 Imbolc 01, 10p

From the President- Progress, From the VP- Pagan Child in the World, From the Secretary, Treasurers Report, The Bard’s Path-Following the Druid, Five Shades of You-poem, Gathering of the Keltrian Tribe, Gathering Details, Ads, Membership Resource Order Form.

Iss 50 Beltane 01, 6pg

From the President – Gathering Plans, Election Biographies, Treasurer’s Report, Passages, Druid’s Path – Do the Gods Forget?, Ads

Iss 51, Lughnasad 01, 4pg

From the President – Post Gathering, Focus on Groves, Focus on Study Groups, Bard’s Path –Morgaine, From the Mailbox, Ads,

Iss 52, Samhain 01, 16pg

From the President – Feast of Death 2001 (9-11, Pledge of Allegiance), Henge of Keltria 13 rules, From the VP, From The Secretary, From the Treasurer, Rembrance Starter Kit, From the AD, Focus on the Grove, Focus on the Study Groups, Bard’s Path –Keltrian Myth Cycle, The Sacrifice-poem, Chronicle-Sept 13-Poem, Druid’s Path –Death Lif & Honor, Reviews –Pagan Parenting, Review-Success Secrets: Letters to Matthew, From the Mailbox, Ads

Iss 53, Imbolc 02, Incomplete Version, 22pg

State of the Henge: Review of the Nineties, Forming a Keltrian study Group, Laying a Foundation of the Group(11pgs), Raining Stars-Poem, Portal-Poem, Review: IN the Footsteps of the Goddess, I walk-poem, Review: Marion Weinstein’s Handy Guide to the Tarot

Iss 54, Beltane 02, 10pg

From the President –Beltane Omesn, From the Treasurer, From the Secretary, Focus on Groves, Druid’s Path – D2-ing, Bard’s Path- Song for the Druid, Ads, Henge Membership Resource Order Form

Iss 55, Lughnasad 02, 14pg

From the President – Gathering Preparation, From the Treasurer, From the Secretary, Focus on Groves, Bard’s Path- Honouring the Ancestors, Keeper of the Watch-poem, Beliefs of Henge of Keltria, The Druid-poem, Passages, Seer’s Path – Divination, From the Mailbox, Ads,

Iss 56, Samhain 02, 8pg

From the President-Post Gathering, From the VP, From the Treasurer, Focus on Groves & Study Groups, Pasages, Druid’s Path-First Foundation, Bard’s Path-Winter Solstice, Beliefs of HK, Henge Member Resource Order Form,

Iss 57, Imbolc 03, 5pg

From the President-Move to WV, From the Treasurer, From the Secertary, Passages, Focus on Groves, Gathering of Keltrian Tribe, Bard’s Path- Defining Venus, Beliefs of HK,

Iss 58, Beltane 03, 10pg

From the President-WV, From the VP, Focus on Groves, Adresses, Bard’s Path-Druidess, Book Review-Ogham, Book Review-Mabon & Guardians of Celtic Britain, From the Mailbox, From the Internet, Book Review: Dangerous Religion, Ads, Gathering of Keltrian Tribe,

Iss 59, Lughnasad 03, 11pg

From the President-Planning the Gathering, From the Treasurer, Henge of Keltria Meeting, Focus on Groves, Druid’s Path,-Life of a Solitary Druid, Bard’s Path-Walking Prayer, Book Review: Green Man Within, From the Internet, Beliefs of HK

Iss 60, Samhain 03, 16pg

From the President-Natural Cycles, From the VP-Fun Gathering, From the Treasurer, Focus on Solitaries-Solitary Keltrian Ritual, Druid’s Path-Recommended Realing List, Bard’s Path-Eclipse on Avalon, Focus on Groves, Book Review: Red Haired Gril from the Bog, From the Internet, From the Mailbox, Beliefs of HK,

Iss 61, Imbolc 04, 12pg

From the President-Leadership, From the VP- Vacation, From the Treasurer, Bard’s Path-There was Druid named Moe, Druid’s Path-Three Traits of a Druid Leader, More on Druid’s Path-Lecture on the Druids by Dr. Philip Freeman, Focus on Groves & Groups, Focus on Solitaries-6 suggestions, Book Review: Darksome Thirst, From the Internet, Beliefs of HK,

Iss 62, Beltane 04, 13pg

From the President-Teacher Student Relationship, From the Secretary, From the Treasurer, The Seer’s Path-Ogham, Groves & groups

Iss 63, Lughnasad 04, 14pg

From the President-Gardening, From the VP-Tale of Two Festivals, Passages, From the Treasuerer, Bard’s Path-Tailtiul Three Cinquins 0 Purple Roses-Three Sisters, Druid’s Path-Keltrian Gives Ordination Blessing, Grove & Groups, Solitary Path-Homecoming, From the Internet, Books,-Princes of Island, Beliefs of HK

Iss 64, Samhain 04

From the President-Commitment, From the VP-labor day stone raising, From the Secretary, From the Treasurer, Groves & Groups, Bard’s Path-The Ancestors, Continuity-Poem, Reviews: Complete Idiot’s Guide to Celtic Wisdom, Review: Horse and the Mystical Path, Review: Shamanic Way of the Bee, From the Internet, Henge Member Resource Order Form

Henge of Keltria—Keltria Journal, 1989-91

Imbolc 89

Transition from Wodenwood publication, Advantages of legal church recognition, About Keltria, Psychic use of Herbs, Planes of Worship Theology, Boann the Goddess, Job-Finding Ritual, How does magic fit in with Witchcraft?, Coming of Lugh poem.

Beltane 89

Evaluation of first issue, Pagan Anti-Abuse Resolution, Hawthorn herbalism, Triad theology, Ritual Tool explanation, Bile/Holy trees, Doctrine doesn't define legal Church, Myth of Bel Tree story, Ceremonial Magic discussion with Kraig, Invocation of Brigid poem

Iss 3 Lughnasadh 89

More on Ceremonial Magic Debate, Herbal Oils, Why use one Pantheon (at a time) in Rituals, Keltrian Magic Definition, Tool Consecration, Triple Goddess adoration ritual, Methods of Magicking, Druidic view of Vegetarianism, laws on divulging confessions of suicide to ministers.

Iss 4 Samhain 89

More on Ceremonial Magic Debate, Herbal Oils, Why use one Pantheon (at a time) in Rituals, Keltrian Magic Definition, Tool Consecration, Triple Goddess adoration ritual, Methods of Magicking, Druidic view of Vegetarianism, laws on divulging confessions of suicide to ministers.

Iss 5 Imbolc 90

How to view Pantheism letter, Why have Cross Quarters, Brigit lore, Love Charm spell, Eco-smart winter tips, Making and Enchanting the Bell Branch ritual tool, Ana poem, Spring Meditation, British Traditional Witchcraft, Dreams of Ireland letter,

Iss 7 Lughnasadh 90

Cross quarter and tri-lunar views of Deities (long theological), Llew Llaw Gaffes (LUGH), Lammas Oat Cakes, Why Did Old Druids Use Oral Tradition?, Exposition on the publishing history of important books in Modern Wicca (long),

Iss 8 Samhain 90

Oral tradition response, Taking your time, Rainforest ecology and people, Cottage in the Wood/ Cauldron motifs, Using language, Pagan Themes in British Folk Music, Pagan Parents Network,

Iss 9 Imbolc 91

Value of live-music, Moonrise journal, Living the Wheel of Year (Festival lore), Libations to Gods, Fairy Tradition, Being Pagan in Rural areas, Recommended books on Druidism, Why Tribalism evokes clannishness and how to balance it, Charmbag poem, Brigid lore (long),

Iss 10 Beltane 91

Outdoor shrines, Liturgical, Ginseng, paid wiccan priests?, belief & spirit, poetry.

Iss 11 Lughnasadh

Coon Creek thoughts and Summer review, Firemaking 101, Dandelion herbal lore, Magic study courses, Outline of areas considered Druidic Knowledge, Handfasting ritual, Lugh's Chain story, Tribalism, Ode to the Gift poem, Magic of Polarities, Tree planting, Crowley

Iss 12 Samhain

E-smart cleaning, blackberry, magics of the Druids, self-blessing, antlered hollyking, Nature spirit chant, when God was a woman, professional pagans

Henge of Keltria--Keltria, 1992-93

Iss 13 Imbolc 92

Solo-ritual, what is satanism?, teens in ritual, burning offerings, Brigid, paid Wiccans, yule trees, mugwort/thyme/cedar incense, dagda/boann.

Iss 14 Beltane 92

View of the tribe, Druid Books, ogham, story telling, pagan schools, druids monotheistic?, ecocide, why is there formal education? Iss 15 Lughnasadh 92

Iss 15/16 Samhain 92

Columbus day, Triads, Grove hierarchy, ogham pt2, druid mail-courses, samhain, women, holiday gifts, twin cities pagan conference

Iss 17 Imbolc 93

Rise and Fall of Rome in Celtic Britain pt1, ogham pt3, St. Brigid or the Goddess?, big poetry, how to spot non-eco household cleaners, Burdock, pagan retreats. Iss 18 Beltane 93

Iss 18 Beltane 93

Triads, child custody, future of Druidism in North America, Cattle raid story at PSG, Rise and Fall of Rome in Celtic Britain pt2, Comic book druids, Covenston MN, Handfasting Ritual, May Queen, are we "druids"?, Shaggy Man, Peace as a Preventative, Calendula Plant, bird food.

Iss 19 Lughnasadh 93

Druid Egg, Lugh, Mead, 3 Mothers, Herbalism, instruments, poetry.

Iss 20 Samhain/Yule 93

Dagda, year cycle, Druidesses, solstice ritual, beads, poetry, ogham

Henge of Keltria--Keltria, 1994-95

Iss 21 Imbolc/Spring 94

Concerns of future path of Keltria, Bard/Seer/Druid partition of future issues, Parting the Veil-Ritual Theology, 5 Letters on "Veil" theme with "Otherworld", Bardic exercise on Ancestors, Ancestor's Connection 1 poem, Ce Gluhe Hokwa story, Pagan origins of St Patrick's Day and Easter Eggs, Catnip and Cayenne Herbalism,Angus Ouge the God, Tribalism vs. Racism, Scharding's Archive letter,

Iss 22 Beltane/Summer '94

Future of Druidism:Validity in the 2000s, The Uncovered Acorns:Some Thoughts on State & Future of Druidism, Seers Path on Mistletoe by Hopmann, The Urban Law: A journey into the Wilderness, The Druid Path & the Gundestrip Cauldron:A response to Kondratiene, Poems: Starshine, Stone Song, My Tides, Tree Wisdom.

Iss 23 Lughnasadh/Fall 94

The IDA, Revival of Druidism, New & Improving Druidism (BY SCHARDING), Bardic Bath, Cernunnos, Celtic Vertical Cosmology, Herbs, Book Reviews, Mother Wove the Morning book review, Pagan Family book review, The Celts:Conqueror of Europe book review, Initiation discussion.

Iss 24 Samhain/Yule 94

Ancestors & Reincarnation, Peotry:Cailleach Bheur, turnings, Precious Power, Epitabph for a Neo-Pagan, Table Grace, Song: The Magickal Land, Herbs:Dandelion, Earth Vision, Ritual Killing of the Green Lord, Feast of Remembrance Ritual, Cernunnos: Iconography & Meaning pt 2, Reviews: Pilgrim of the Night, Victorian Flower Oracle, Real magic, Witta, Hansen’s letter on Druidism & Clergy.

Iss 25 Imbolc/Spring 95

Values & Television, Orc-Triath: King of the Boars, Mistletoe poem, A Celtic Village in Winter, Meditate Sometimes in Silence, POEMS: A Drink from the Seven Sisters, Bally MacCibbon Caim, Forest Wisdom, Secret of the Hawthorne Tree, Triads, Brighid Prise Poem, Fosterage Ritual, Danu-Mother of the Gods, Brighid, Otherworld, Interview with Isaac Bonewits, Review of Midicinal Plants of the Pacific West, Greenman Grove ADF

Iss 26 Beltane/Summer 95

Place of Gods in Keltria, Goddess Danu, Dagda’s Harp, Drum Making pt1, Adharc Flathil story, Geis & Taboos, Herbs, Celtic Gauls book review, Druid Way book review.

Iss 27 Lughnasadh/Fall 95

Iss 28 Samhain/Winter 95

Henge of Keltria--Keltria, 1996-98

Iss 29 Imbolc/Spring '96

Iss 30 Beltane/Summer 96

The Celtic World of Sky, The Once and Future Celtic Culture: Reflections on the Realm of Sky by Frank MacEowen ; The Bardic Path- Bardic Exercise 1 - The Heroic Tale by Caillean ap Gwynedd , In the Baron's Kitchen by Mary-Beth O'Shea-Noonan (Not available on-line) , An Equity of Redemption by Ken MacDonnell ; The Seer's Path

Ogham Divination - Part III by Searles O'Dubhain This article includes The Four Hallows: The Sword of Nuada, The Fiery Spear of Lugh, The Cauldron of the Dagda, and The Stone of Fal; The Four (Five) Directions: The East, The South, The West, The North, and The Center; and The Division Of The World: Magh Mor (Skyworld), Bith (Middleworld), and Tir Andomain (Underworld); The Hawthorn by Mara Freeman ;

The Druid's Path - Labara: Introduction to the Celtic Languages

Part 1: A very Brief History by Meredith Richard , Medieval Ireland: Foreign Invaders and the Land , by William Stewart Busteed (Not available on-line) , An Interview With Emma Restall Orr by Ellen Evert Hopman ; Other Departments - Magazine Reviews

Celtic Renewal -- Uallicca , Book Reviews World of the Celts by Simon James - Review by Alex Maxwell , People of the Earth (revised in 2001 - Now titled: Being a Pagan) by Ellen Evert Hopman and Lawrence Bond - Review by Sam Williams (Not available on-line)

Iss 31 Lughnasadh/Fall 96

The Seer's Path - Ogham Divination - Part IV by Searles O'Dubhain - (Excerpt)

This article includes The Knowledge of the Trees, Seven B's on Birch, Carving the Woods, Traditional Uses of Ogham, The Sacredness of Wood, Woods for the Need Fire: Burn ye not, Burn ye these; The Sacred Bile, Wood Lore, Choosing a Tree, Bri, Bru & Blood, Ogham Types, Masters of Wisdom, Levels of Filidh, Prim-sc La, and Becoming a Poet. , Magical Trees: Oak by Mara Freeman , The Bardic Path , The Pipes of Pan Entice by Ken MacDonnell , Near Frost by Scott Thomas , Morgan Le Fey by Pamela Harvey

Nature is Calling by Sean Magee , The Druid Path - The Celts and the Sea: History, Myth, and Cosmology by Mary Branin , Labara: Introduction to the Celtic Language: Part II - Structure and Worldview by Meredith Richard , Interviews - An Interview with Tim Sebastian by Ellen Evert Hopman ; Other Departments - Book Reviews The Druids and Pagan Celtic Britain - Review by Ellen Evert Hopman , Who Owns Stonehenge - Review by Rhonawby , Letter from David Schaal

Iss 32 Samhain/Winter 96

The Seer's Path - Ogham Divination - Part V by Searles O'Dubhain This installment includes The Ollmah - Master of Poetry, Eochra Eocsi, Spokes in the Wheel, Singing to the Sun, The Sun, Wisdom will Bloom, Song of the Forest Trees, Music of the Seasons, Words of Power, Amrun, and Musical Instruments. , Sacred Space and Dowsing by Christopher Sloane , Magical Trees - Oak by Mara Freeman , The Bardic Path -

The Voyage of Lugh by Caillean ap Gwynedd , This is a new myth concerning Lugh and his travels across the deep waters to shores he had never seen; The Druid's Path - The Problem of Evil by Matthew McCabe , Labara: Introduction to the Celtic Languages - Part 3: , Celtic Language Learning; A Guide for Pagans by Meredith Richard This installment includes General tips of Learning Materials, Specific Learning Materials, and Dealing with People. , An Interview with Philip Carr-Gomm By Ellen Evert Hopman ;

Other Departments Letters from Alexei Kondratiev , from David Schaal ; About the Three Paths

Iss 33 Imbolc/Spring 97

The Seer's Path - Ogham Divination - Part VI by Searles O'Dubhain , This installment includes The Poet’s Secred, Harmony of the Spheres, Traditional Irish Harp - Ogham Relationships, The Natural Concordance of Notes with the Planets, Tree Toning, Magical Implements, The Inner Circle, and Creating Sacred Space. , Magical Trees - Apple by Mara Freeman , Cayenne by Herb C. Sage ; The Bardic Path - Rhiannon by Brigantia Hearthkeeper , The Wild Man and the Goddess by Ken MacDonnell , The Traveler by Kelly S. MacCath , Ancient Bard by Christopher Dendy , Triads by Brendan McMahon

February by Martha-Lisa , Merlin and Vortigern by Stone , This is a storyteller’s story of Merlin, the Great Druid in King Arthur’s time and Vortigern a very bad King.

Gabha Meala by Caillean ap Gwynedd , This is a new myth concerning the spirit hidden within the honey that is hidden in the mead. , Inchworm: Or How History Escapes Us by Pamela Harvey ; The Druid's Path - Saxon Druidry or Native American? by Philip Shallcrass , Why modern Druids should connect to spirits of the land of the ancient peoples of that land., Filidheacht: Shamanic Practices in Ireland and Wales By Robert Kaucher , Includes Celtic Cosmology and the Otherworld, Moving between the Worlds, and Face your Fears. , Silkies and Merrymaids: The Legend of the Seal Folk By Brendan McMahon ; Other Departments , From Within The Standing Stones by Tony Taylor, Editor- in-Chief , Reviews Celtic Book of Days -- By Caitlin Matthews -- Review by Ellen Evert Hopman , Celtic Tales of Birds and Beasts: Stories from the Otherworld -- Told by Mara Freeman, Music by Gerry Smida -- Review by Saphire Mann , At the Feet of Mary Mooncoin -- Celtic Harp Music by Michael Ranauro -- Review by Ellen Evert Hopman

Iss 34 Beltaine/Summer 97

The Seer's Path - Ogham Divination - Part VII by Searles O'Dubhain , Magical Trees - Birch by Mara Freeman , Rosemary by Herb C. Sage; The Bardic Path - Incarnation by Kelly S. MacCath , Glimmerings of Eternity by Ken MacDonnell , Realization by Pamela Harvey , Labara IV - A Taste of Welsh Verse by Meredith Richard ; The Druid's Path - Understanding the Ways of the Ancestors by Ellen Evert Hopman , Druidism: A Glance at the Past reveals a Vision for the Future by C.L. McGinley , The Celtic Otherworld: A Linguistic Approach by Robert Kaucher , Warrior Women by Daniel Hansen ; Other Departments - From Within the Standing Stones by Tony Taylor, Editor- in-Chief , Reviews: The Stonehenge People , The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life

Iss 35 Lughnasadh/Fall '97

The Seer's Path:- Ogham Divination - Part VIII by Searles O'Dubhain , Magical Trees - Ash by Mara Freeman, Traditional Irish Shingles Remedy by Ellen Evert Hopman ; The Bardic Path: - Personal Sovereignty and the Craic by Mariéid Sullivan , Infinite Possibilities by Alice Tracy , The Isles of the Blest by Philip Shallcrass ; The Druid Path

Labara V - A taste of Irish Verse by Meridith Richard, Land, Sidhe and Skye by Sharynne NicMacha ; Departments: From Within the Standing Stones by Tony Taylor, Editor , Reviews (all written by Ken MacDonnell): The Encyclopedia of Celtic Wisdom: A Celtic Shaman's Source Book by Caitlin and John Matthews , Myth Legend and Romance: An Encyclopedia of Irish Folk Traditions by Dr. Daithi Oh Ogain

A Celtic Quest by John Layard

Iss 36 Samhain/Winter '97

The Seer's Path Ogham Divination - Part IX by Searles O'Dubhain Magical Trees - Rowan by Mara Freeman , The Bardic Path The Birth of LLew by Lion's Dream The Elementalist by Ken McDonnell Maze by Pamela Harvey Ancestor Poem by Brigantia Hearthkeeper ; The Druid's Path The Triple Demon of Samhain: An Indo-European Tale by Ceiswr Serith , Land, Sidhe and Skye - Part 2 by Sharynne NicMacha , Toward a Reclamation of our Native Beliefs: Druid Ontological Reflections on Samhain, The Ancestors, and Rebirth by Frank MacEowen ; Other Departments, Video Reviews, Lord of the Dance and Riverdance (review by Ellen Evert Hopman);Book Reviews A History of Pagan Europe by Prudence Jones and Nigel Pennick (review by Stone); Misc. Gatherings

Iss 37 Imbolc/Spring '98

The Seer's Path- Ogham Divination - Part X by Searles O'Dubhain , Peppermint by Herb C. Sage , Yew by Ellen Evert Hopman ; The Bardic Path -Merlin in the Garden (Part 1 of 2) by Stone , Return of the Wood Nymph by Pamela Harvey , The Philosopher and the Mad Old Man by Ken MacDonnell ;The Druid's Path - Identity and the Land by Cathbad , Early Celtic Christianity by Ellen Evert Hopman , Toward a Reclamation of our Native Beliefs: Druid Ontological Reflections on Samhain, The Ancestors, and Rebirth (Part 2 of 2) by Frank MacEowen ; Other Departments From Within the Standing Stones , Letters , Alexei Kondratiev , Searles O'Dubhain ; Book Reviews

The Celtic Connection by Michel-Gerald Boutet (Review by Alexei Kondratiev) ; Audio Reviews Pagan Paths Sampler (Review by Karl); TV Review Hear the Roar (Review by Diogenes M. MacLugh) ; Misc. Gatherings

Iss 38 Beltaine/Summer 98

The Seer's Path- Ogham Divination - Part XI by Searles O'Dubhain ; Alder by Mara Freeman Making Mead by Alex Finsch ; The Bardic Path- Merlin in the Garden (Part 2 of 2) by Stone , The Initiation by Kaye Stacy , Aisling by Ken MacDonnell , Symbol of Faith by Alice Tracy , Leanne Sidhe by Pamela Harvey ; The Druid's Path - Who Were the Celts? by Ellen Evert Hopman , The Feather Cloak and the Antlered God: Druids, Shamans, Sacred Trees and Shape-Shifting in the Ancient Bardic , Traditions (Part 1 of 2) by Sharynne NicMacha ; Other Departments From Within the Standing Stones

Book Reviews Celtic Britian by Charles Thomas (Review by Rhonabwy) , The Irish Celtic Magical Tradition by Steve Blamires (Review by Chris Smith) , The Pagan Family by Ceisiwr Serith (Review by Rain) ; Misc. Gatherings ,

Iss 39 Lughnasadh/Fall 98

The Seer's Path- Ogham Divination - Part XII by Searles O'Dubhain , Yarrow by Ellen Evert Hopman [Excerpt] ; The Bardic Path - A Trip to Ireland by Karl Schlotterbeck , The Birds of Rhiannon by Elizabeth Barrette , Aisling by Ken MacDonnell , Symbol of Faith by Alice Tracy , Mother Night by S. E. Cinechead , Labara 6: A Taste of Breton Verse by Meredith Richard ; The Druid's Path - The Feather Cloak and the Antlered God: Druids, Shamans, Sacred Trees and Shape-Shifting in the Ancient Bardic , Traditions (Part 2 of 2) by Sharynne NicMacha , Celtic Myth & Creativity: An Interview with Jean Markale by Sirona Knight , Care of the Soul by Matthew McCabe ; Other Departments

Media Reviews Merlin A Historical Review (Review by Diogenes MacLugh) , A Counterpoint to the Review of Lord of the Dance (Review by Karl Schlotterbeck) , A Reformed Druid Anthology Compiled and Edited by Michael Scharding (Review by Daniel Hanson) ; Tarot Review Shapeshifter Tarot by D.J. Conway and Sirona Knight (Review by Sheila Van Houten) ; Music Review - A Celtic Evening with Derek Bell (Review by Hypatia's Hoard) , Misc. Gatherings

Henge of Keltria--Serpent Stone

Iss 1

Druidism and Abortion, Do's and Don'ts of Keltrian ethics, views of deity, interview w/Janet Farrar on British Druidism & Wicca,

Iss 2

Review of Druids by Llywelyn followed by an interview with her, Iberian celticity, Druids in Irish mythology, pronunciation guide to Irish names, myth bibli.

International Druidic Society

International Druidic Society 4455 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19124 (215) 288-5700

The Truth About Druidism

Kredenn Geltiek (French Language on Breton Group)

Journal, No 2, '96

6/21/96 Raoult to Scharding, informatin on Kredenn Geltiek

Mythologie celtique (French)


Another Issue (?) undated

Neo-Druids (Non-denominational)

The Guardian Picture of Britain's first recognized Druid wedding, 6/22/95

Fort Worth Star Telegram Druids believe in life, again and again, 2/22/87

The Guardian It's a virtual walkover as Druids from all around the world are granted access to

Stonehenge's magic circle--on the Internet, 6/21/96

Standard Stonehenge police are no match for Arthur's picnic, 6/21/93

A Druids Path: Readings Along the Way, collected by Sterling Lee Few, Jr. excerpts from:

Balthasar Gracian

Wendell Berry

Twoborn: Coming to Power

Aldo Leopold

Self-Evident Truths: NABC 1 Proceedings



Lord Foul's Bane

Hiero's Journey

Black Elk Speaks

A Mystical Geography



Confessions of a Barbarian

Gandalf the Grey

Of Men and Foress

Hymns to an Unknown God

Drawing Down the Moon

Gary Lawless

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Amish Belief

Chinese Proverb

Thomas a Kempis

Theodore Roosevelt

John Burroughs

Arne Naess

The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights

Barbara Bush

Earth's Ten Commandments

Sacred Paths and Muddy Places

Planet Steward

Rand McNally Histomap of World History and Encyclopedia Britannica

Woman and Nature

Sharon Dilworth

Still Life with Woodpecker

Ed Abbey

Our Secret Plan

Richard Nelson


Utne Reader

Chuang Tzu


Fabian Chavez

Robinson Jeffers

Gary Lawless

Dedication to St. Barbe Baker

Walt Whitman

E.F. Shumacher


Gary Snyder

Arne Naess

Permaculture: A Designers Manual

The Final Empire: The Collapse of Civilization, The Seed of the Future

Letters from a Wild State


Ghanima Atreides

M.J. Slim Hooey

The Fifth Sacred Thing

Forests, The Shadow of Civilzation

Viktor Frankl

Joseph Cambell

Truth or Dare

The Mind of the Druid

The Life and Times of John Adams


The Skin of Our Teeth

Living Philosophies

Outline of History


Sacred Land, Sacred Sex

Roy Rappaport

Green Man; The Archetype of our Oneness with the Earth

Alan Drengson

Barbara Mor

D.H. Lawrence

Joanna Macy

Winnebago Indians

Terry Tempest Williams

Soul Catcher

Mind and Nature

The Book of the Vision Question

My Pah

The Island Within

Earth Prayers

Wendell Berry

Neo-Paganism (general)

The Book of the Drago, Ian Corrigan, Yule 82

The Portal, Ian Corrigan, 92

Voice Literary Supplement The Remains of the Dieties, 11/93

New Forest Centre

12/15/92 Monroe to Hansen, info about New Forest Centre

Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD)

Advertisement Pamphlet for Introductory Package

Alban Arthuran

Alban Eiler




Addresses, advertisement, Druid Associations in Bingley, Gender Inclusivity, Children meditation "some words from my Celtic Meditation" poem, "Going with the Stream" poem, "Wolf cries" poem, Contact Addresses, Yugoslavia Peace Aid, Special Interest Groups, Tree Dressing Day.


Annual Review of OBOD, Special Interest Groups, Iona OBOD retreat, Contact Addresses, "Latha Mor" (BIG DAY) poem, "Smell of Satin" poem, "Have analysis" poem, Activism & Projects, Review of "The Druid Way" book.


Seedgroups and Groves Presentations for Cornwall, West London, Australia, Nether Lands, South Wales, Australia, "Plastic Flower" poem, "The Owl" poem, "Tall Man Dreaming Singing So" poem, "The Earth Lies Eager for the touch of Day" poem, Summer camp, Article on organic farming.


More Seedgroup presentations from Germany, Wales, Manchester, Northumbria, Surrey, Astrological News, Eclipse, Ecology interest group, "Vision-verse" poem, Forum on the size of OBOD, Imbolc memories, Contact Addresses.


Update on Council of British Druid Orders, Campaign on behalf of Hopi Indians, Forum letters, Humanitarian Aid Mission to Yugoslavia, Sleekburn project, "Untitled" poem, "Epitaph" poem, "Summer Rain" poem, "Winter Walk" poem, Grail as a Spiritual Quest workshop, Contacts, International Druid Archives advertisement, Extinct Tree found in Wales.

The Druid Tradition, (an Introduction) Spring 95

The Order of Bards Ovates & Druids –Cairdeas Mor Shaoghal nan Druid pt 1 & 2 Total 27p 2001

The Sacred Grove – Planting Programme of the Order of Bards Ovates & Druids 30p 2001

Wild Wisdom –Introduction to the Order of Bards Ovates & Druids 22p 2001

Order of the White Oak (5 boxes-S21)

Founded by Ellen Hoppman, author of many Druid books. Restrictions: This Material was donated with the Carleton Druid Collections with the Understanding and agreement that access to it is RESTRICTED to current college or university students, or faculty members, or persons "engaged in serious scholarly research," at the discretion of the Carleton Archivist. Anyone using this collection must sign an agreement to keep names and addresses of mailing list participants confidential

2/1/94 Hopman to Scharding, new book

10/16/00 Hopman to Scharding, charities

Amherst Bulletin Showing and telling of ancient saced sites, 5/13/93

Form and Function in Ancient Ireland, poster

Hampshire Life, 4/7 through 13/95, with Spiritual Paths article

First Annual New England Druid Summit Conference, 9/3-5/94 Letter

Sacred Scotland Tour, 6/18 through 27/98 pamphlet

Advertisement for Druidism, Nature Spiritualitiy and Western Mystery Traditon Course by Hopman

Advertisement for Slide Show

Poster for Slide Show Talk

Labor Day Druid Summit a Success by Hopman and Notes on the First Annual Summit of Northeastern Druids, Julian Fisher ADF

Internet Snapshot, Jan 2005


Welcome to the White Oak, 4pg

Celtic/Druidic Bibliography, 8pg

White Oak Links, 6pg

White Oak Rites & Rituals

Opening the Assembly

Samhain Rite

Imbolc Rite

Beltane Rite

Lughnasad Rite

Handfasting Rite

Childbirth Rite

Healing Rite

Sword Rite

Death Rites

Rites of Internment

Moon Rite

Pagan Academic Network

Introductory Pamphlet

Primitive Celtic Church

An Introduction to the Primitive Celtic Church

Royal Nation Eistefodd of Wales

Going to the Eistefodd

Excerpts from Prentis, a magazine for Welsh Learners

Ten Questions Answered

Eistefodd History and Background

Royal National Eistefodd of Wales: The Gorsedd of Bards of the Isle of Britain

The Gorsedd of the Bards of Britain, from Antiquity, 3/51, by Iorwerth C. Peate

Pamphlet for 95 Eistefodd

Eistefodd -- A Welsh Phenomenon, Margaret Jones

Eistefodd: An Introduction and Guide to Non-Welsh Speakers

Society of Reformed Druids

12/28/93 to Hansen, apologizes for not sending Another Branch of the Oak

Silver Circle - Antiga

Calendar of Full Moon Dances Winter and Spring 86-87

Full Moon Dances 88, poster

The What, Why's and How's of a Full Moon Dance

Crystall ball reading by Antiga, poster

Tuatha de Brigid

Internet Snapshot Jan, 2005

Who We Are



















On Religion

On Reconciling Cosmologies

Cosmological Iterations

On Cosmological Diversity

What I Hold Sacred

Ruhani's Chrystal

Rainbow Path


Consider the Source

Terms Of Endearment

A Word On Kinship


Why Ritual

Basic Considerations for Recommended TdB Ritual Structure

ASH - Approaching




OAK - Offering

Offering-Invocation, Acceptance

Intro to TdB



Recommended Book List

SP Proposal

Clan Life


Join Us

Friend Application

Local Groups




Old Tree


Grandmother All Time

I Am There

Oak Song


Samhain Night


Wild Hunt

Spirit Wind

I am

The Cycle

Autumn Brighid


The Tree of Dreams

For The Wolf



General Individual Outdoor Ritual - full version, annotated

General Individual Outdoor Ritual - abbreviated version

Folk Rituals

Wiccan Lunar Ritual

Four Elements

Mother Godde


HoTH Liturgy


Vespers of Simple Offering

Yule Blot

Offering to Brighid

Turtle's Beltaine

Ritual of Transormation

Moon Cycle Ritual

Evening Ritual

A Year's Cycle

Alban Heruin


Alban Elued


Alban Arthuan - Yule


Alban Eiler


Ritual Poetry

Waters of Life

Descent of Brighid


Godhi's Oath

Charm for Serenity

Samhain Poem

May I Pray

Fall Not Down - Druid Rosary Prayer

Universal Life Church

2/22/94 Hensley to (Scharding ?) Answer to Questions

Ordination Form

Materials Available

Titles Offered by ULC

Certificates of Baptism

Ordination Certificate

Important Notice Concerning Marriage Records

Information Accompanying Doctorate of Divinity

Marriage Certificate

Life Is... Pamphlet

Church and State: American Church Law and Parliamentary Procedure

Materials and Certificates Available

Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, Universal Live Church, Inc. vs United States of America

Counseling: Lesson One

The United States, Universe

Yggdrasil Kreis


Abraxas 11Jahrgang 39

Druid Library



Banton Press softbound reprints of:

Anonymous. Druidism and Popular Welsh Occultism (1890s)

Davies, Edward. Celtic Researches (1804)

Davies, Edward. The Mythology and Rites of the British Druids (1809)

Herbert, A. An Essay on the Neodruidic Heresy in Britannia (1838)

Mackinlay, James M. Folklore of Scottish Lochs and Springs (1893)

Toland, John. A Critical History of the Celtic Religion (1815)

Bonewits, Isaac. Real Magic (1971; 1993 reprint)

Brouwer, Sigmund. A City of Dreams (1993)

Brouwer, Sigmund. Merlin's Destiny (1993)

Carr-Gomm, Philip. The Druid Way (1993)

Carr-Gomm, Philip. The Elements of the Druid Tradition (1991)

Conway, D. J. Celtic Magic (1992)

Holland, Cecelia. Pillar of the Sky (1985)

Hopman, Ellen Evert. A Druid's Herbal For the Sacred Earth Year (1994)

Hopman, Ellen Evert. Tree Medicine, Tree Magic (1991)

L'Engle, Madeleine. An Acceptable Time (1989)

Matthews, John. The Druid Source Book (1996)

Melling, Orla. The Singing Stone (1986; 1993 ed.)

Minahane, John. The Christian Druids (1993)

Monroe, Douglas. The 21 Lessons of Meryln: A Study in Druid Magic & Lore (1994)

Nichols, Ross. The Book of Druidry (1990)

Piggott, Stuart. The Druids (1968; 1993 reprint)

Rutherford, Ward. Celtic Lore: The History of the Druids and the Timeless Traditions (1993)

Sekigawa Ikari. [How to Summon Demons - in Japanese] (1998)


Frye, Burton. Druid Poems from the Irish Woods (n.d.)

Nash, D. W. Taliesin; of, The Bards and Druids of Britain (1858)

Regulations for the Installation of Officers, and Conducting the Business; Together with The Form of Initiation, For the Use of Subordinate Groves Under the Jurisdiction of The Grand Grove of the United States of the United Ancient Order of Druids (1859)

Richardson, Walter. The Olympus Mysteries and Druids' Key (1912)

Williams ab Ithel, J. Barddas; or a Collection of Original Documents, Illustrative of the Theology, Wisdom, and Usages of The Bardo-Druidic System of the Isle of Britain (1872, 1874)

Cassette Tapes:

Bonewits, Isaac. Druidism: Ancient & Modern

Bonewits, Isaac. How Does Magic Work?

Bonewits, Isaac. On Magic:

Top Down Liturgical Design

A Magician Prepares

The Structure of Craft Ritual

Bonewits, Isaac. Rituals That Work

Bonewits, Isaac; and Deborah Lipp. Making Fun of Religion

Bonewits, Isaac; and Friends. Be Pagan Once Again!

Bonewits, Issac; Jeff Kalmar, Connie Doane, Roberta LIpp, Al Sirois. Real Magic / Avalon Is Rising!

Clark, Charles W. The Burning Times: The Holocaust of the Witches

Corrigan, Ian. Sacred Fire, Holy Well

Fish, Leslie. Chickasaw Mountain

Gwydion. Gwydion Sings "Songs for the Old Religion"

Hopman, Ellen Evert. Tree Medicine, Tree Magic

Lady Isadora; with Lord Pan. The Witching Hour.

MOCC Introductory Tape, given by Archdruid Thomas Lee Harris, Jr. 10-9-1998.

On Wings of Song and Robert Gass. From the Goddess

Reclaiming and Friends. Chants: Ritual Music


A&E Television Networks. The Unexplained: "Sacred Societies"

Buckland, Raymond. Witchcraft: Yesterday and Today

Discovery of Witches: Laurie Cabot, "The Witch of Salem"

Hopman, Ellen Evert. Gifts From The Healing Earth, Volume I

Sacred Circle Pagan Television. Druidism

Tarot/Oracle and other card decks:

Carr-Gomm, Philip and Stephanie. The Druid Animal Oracle

Davis, Courtney. The Celtic Tarot

Gray, Miranda. Beasts of Albion

Murray, Liz and Colin. The Celtic Tree Oracle: A System of Divination

Pennick, Nigel; and Nigel Jackson. The Celtic Oracle: The Ancient Art of the Druids


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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