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This Service Level Agreement is a continuation of the Service Level Agreement developed by Somerset NHS and used 2013 – 14. No changes have been made except to reflect organisational changes and dates.



|Section | |Page |



|2 |BASE |1 |







| |Contractor duties under the SLA |6 |

| |PCT duties under the SLA |7 |



|11 |PAYMENT | |


|This service agreement is between NHS England and |

|…………………………………………………………………… |(Please enter name of pharmacy contractor) (the contractor) |

|for the provision of the Minor Ailments Service at |

|…………………………………………………………………… | |

|…………………………………………………………………… | |

|…………………………………………………………………… |(Please enter name and address of premises) (the pharmacy) |

| |

|Signed on behalf of the contractor: |……………………………………………………..…(Signature) |

| |……………………………………………………..…(Print name) |

| |……………………………………………………..…(Authority[1]) |

| |……………………………………………………..…(Date) |

| |

|Signed on behalf of NHS England: |……………………………………………………..…(Signature) |

| |……………………………………………………..…(Print name) |

| |……………………………………………………..…(Authority1) |

| |……………………………………………………..…(Date) |


1.1 The period of agreement is from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015

1.2 A notice period of one calendar month is required if either party wishes to terminate this agreement.


2.1 The service will only be provided in the community pharmacy (the pharmacy) owned and operated by the contractor as identified above.


3.1 The pharmacist will be accredited to supply medicines under the Minor Ailments Scheme, when indicated to clients in line with the requirements of a locally agreed Protocols and relevant Patient Group Directions (PGDs) where applicable. The supply will be made to all patients meeting the relevant inclusion criteria defined in the protocol and relevant PGDs to:

3.2 improve patient access to the provision of treatment for the defined minor ailments, through community pharmacy;

3.3 improve patient choice of where to receive treatment for the defined minor ailments;

3.4 provide professional self-care advice; sympathetic understanding to the client; signposting to appropriate services, with a non-judgmental attitude;

3.5 raise the awareness of self-care options for patients;

3.6 reduce demand on other healthcare services, including GP practices and Accident and Emergency Departments, for treatment of the defined minor ailments

3.7 refer clients, especially those from hard to reach groups, into mainstream services where appropriate;

3.8 strengthen the local network of health services to help ensure easy and swift access to advice and treatment where necessary

3.9 provide treatments available under this service in line with normal NHS prescription levy and exemption rules for:

• topical treatment of Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections of the lips and face (Herpes labialis)treatment of genital candidiasis, acute or recurrent vaginal candidiasis, or candidal balanitis

• prophylaxis and symptomatic treatment of allergic rhinitis

• prophylaxis and symptomatic treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

• treatment of mycotic infections of the skin and nails such as Athlete’s foot (Tinea pedis infection) and ringworm (Tinea corporis infection)

• treatment of acute superficial bacterial eye infections including conjunctivitis, blepharitis, stye, and infected meibomiam cyst

• topical treatment for minor localised impetigo

• treatment of uncomplicated acute urinary tract infections in females aged between 16 years and 65 years


4.1 Provision of the Minor Ailments Scheme Service to all patient groups identified under the Protocols and relevant PGDs will be through accredited pharmacists who:

• have completed the authorisation process to be accredited by the NHS England Area Team for the supply of medicines under the Protocol and relevant PGDs

• can demonstrate undertaking CPD relevant to this service if request to do so

4.2 Registered pharmacists accredited to provide the scheme (see 4.1 above) working in the pharmacy are expected to comply with all aspects as described above.

4.3 When the service cannot be made available (in case of sickness, holiday, or absence of an accredited pharmacist) the pharmacy staff will signpost client to the nearest Minor Ailments Scheme service provider a phone call to the next provider may be necessary.


5.1 It is the responsibility of participating contractor and the accredited pharmacist to ensure they have appropriate indemnity insurance arrangements in place for providing this service.


6.1 Where applicable PGDs will be provided in compliance with Fraser guidelines and Department of Health guidance on treatment for young people aged under 16 years. In providing advice or treatment it is good practice to encourage the young person to talk to a parent or familiar adult.

6.6 Pharmacists and their staff must ensure that the confidentiality of information acquired in the course of their professional activities is respected and protected, and is disclosed only with the consent of the individual, or the their parent, guardian or carer where appropriate, except where such disclosure is necessary to prevent serious injury or damage to the health of the patient, a third party or to public health.

6.8 The pharmacist, the contractor and his / her staff must also comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 and should ensure they are aware of their legal and professional responsibilities concerning data protection in the provision of this service.


7.1 The contractor must notify the NHS England Area Team with reasonable promptness where the contractor believes that they will not able to meet the requirements for MAS provision under this SLA for the foreseeable future (e.g. long-term sickness.

7.2 The contractor must ensure that treatment for minor ailments under this service is only provided under the Protocol and relevant PGDs and under the terms of this Service Level Agreement by a suitably authorised and accredited pharmacist.

7.3 If a suitably authorised and accredited pharmacist is not available to provide the service staff at the pharmacy must make reasonable efforts to signpost any patients or other individuals attempting to access the service to the nearest community pharmacy that is providing the service.

7.4 The contractor should ensure that all pharmacists and staff participating in this service are aware of their responsibilities with respect to safeguarding children and child protection. All staff have a statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people.

7.5 The contractor must ensure that a copy of this Service Level Agreement and, the Protocols and relevant PGDs, together with copies of relevant forms necessary to supply medicines under this service are available and readily identifiable in the pharmacy.


The Pharmacy will:

8.1 Have been approved to provide advanced services i.e. having suitable consultation area.

8.2 Provide a confidential, non-judgmental and sympathetic service sensitive to the needs of all clients.

8.3 Take the relevant medical history of the patient as described on the service Protocol / PGD, using the pro forma (MAS1) and Patient Medication Record (PMR) to note any applicable information.

8.4 Supply medicines to treat the conditions defined in the Protocols and relevant PGDs where patients and conditions meet the defined criteria.

8.5 only supply medicines under this service in the pack size and form identified in the protocols and relevant PGDs

8.6 Complete the relevant service pro-forma which must be signed by:

• the accredited pharmacist providing the service, and

• the patient, or the patient’s carer or guardian or representative

8.7 Offer to supply leaflets to reinforce health advice given during the consultation and in proportion to the patient’s need and level of knowledge.

8.8 Offer support and advice to the patient, including up to date details of other related services and/or referral to primary care or specialist centres where appropriate.

8.9 Maintain stock of:

• Medicines required for the provision of this service in a timely manner

• Relevant leaflets for reinforcement of health advice from the Somerset Health Promotion and Resource Service

8.10 Maintain appropriate confidential records on the utilisation of the service.

8.11 Share relevant information with other health care professionals and agencies, in line with local and national confidentiality and data protection arrangements, including the need for the permission of the person to share the information.

8.12 To share information without consent where there is reasonable cause to believe that a young person may be suffering or at risk of significant harm

8.13 Must use the November 2012 or later version of the relevant MAS forms for supply of medicines and claims of payment under this SLA.

8.14 Complete separate claim form(s) (November 2012 or later version) for all supplies of medicines made under this service in each separate month.

8.15 Claim forms must be completed with all the required information for data collection and service monitoring and returned to the NHS England Area Team as identified on the claim form

8.16 Must NOT send completed Record of Supply forms (MAS1 to the NHS England Area Team with the completed claim form(s) (MAS3)

8.17 A record of the consultation and supply must be kept securely at the pharmacy for at least eight years, or for children, until the child is 25 years old or for eight years after the child’s death. Provided that an electronic record on the patient’s PMR remains available, pro forma paper copies (MAS1) need only to be retained for audit purposes for two years.

8.18 Records (including paper copies of the MAS1 if within two years of consultation and supply) must be available for inspection by the NHS England Area Team at the pharmacy upon request.

The NHS England Area Team will:

8.18 Provide up to date details of other services which pharmacy staff can use to refer on service users who require further assistance.

8.19 Coordinate the promotion of the service locally, including the development of publicity materials and the use of nationally produced materials, in order to ensure young people and other local health care providers are aware that the service is available from local pharmacies.

8.20 Provide details to contractors of how to order health resources (including relevant claim forms (MAS3) and record of supply forms (MAS1) for fulfilment of the agreement on at least once annually.

8.21 Pass the claim forms for payment by the end of the month if the correctly completed claim forms are received by the NHS England Area Team by the 10th day of that month (or next working day if a week-end or public holiday). Correctly completed claims received after the 10th day of the month (or next working day if a week-end or public holiday) will be passed for payment by the end of the following month.

8.22 Incorrectly completed or incomplete claim forms will be returned to the pharmacy and cannot be processed for payment until completed correctly with all the required information.


9.1 The pharmacy has appropriate health promotion resources available for the user group and promotes its uptake.

9.2 The pharmacy reviews its standard operating procedures and the referral pathways for the service on an annual basis.

9.3 The pharmacy can demonstrate that pharmacists and staff involved in the provision of the service have undertaken CPD relevant to this service.

9.4 The pharmacy participates in an annual or periodic ‘snap shot’ NHS England Area Team organised audit of service provision

9.5 The pharmacy co-operates with any locally agreed NHS England Area Team-led assessment of service user experience.


10.1 Whilst discharging their duties, pharmacist/technicians may uncover practice that they consider to be of significant danger to patient safety. In these circumstances the pharmacist/technician will need to exercise their professional judgement. They may also wish to seek advice from one of the following;

|Name |Post |Telephone No. |

|David Ward |Assistant Contract Manager |01935 381978 |

|Gaynor Woodland |Primary Care Commissioning Support |01935 385276 |

|Gill Munro |Designated Nurse for Safeguarding Children |01935 385226 |

10.2 Incidents must be reported formally to england.bnsssg-pharmacy@.


11.1 All claims for payment must be made on the NHS England Area Team issued claim form.

11.2 Correctly completed claims for payment received at the NHS England Area Team by the 10th day of the month (or the next working day if a week-end or public holiday) will be passed for payment by the end of the month, claims received after the 10th day of the month (or next working day if a week-end or public holiday) may not be passed for payment until the end of the following month

11.3 The contractor will be reimbursed for the medicines supplied under the protocol and relevant PGDs. Reimbursement will be at the Drug Tariff price for medicine relevant at the time of the supply. If the product is not listed in the Drug Tariff the product will be reimbursed at the manufacturer’s trade price as detailed in the relevant Chemist & Druggist.

11.4 The contractor will be paid according to the following principle:

|Professional fee |+ |Drug Tariff defined drug cost(s) |= |Total payment per supply made |

11.5 One professional fee will be paid for each patient treated per defined condition treated. If more than one medicine is supplied to the same patient during the same consultation for the same condition only one professional fee will be paid. The seven conditions identified for treatment under this service are:

• Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections of the lips and face (Herpes labialis)

• Candidiasis including genital candidiasis, vaginal candidiasis, or candidal balanitis

• allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis

• mycotic infections of the skin and nails including as Athlete’s foot (Tinea pedis infection) and ringworm (Tinea corporis infection)

• acute superficial bacterial eye infections including conjunctivitis, blepharitis, stye, and infected meibomiam cyst

• minor localised impetigo

• uncomplicated urinary tract infections

11.6 Where the protocol or relevant PGDs allow the supply of more than one medicine to a patient for the treatment of the each defined condition contractors will be reimbursed for all the products supplied to patient.

11.6 The professional fee payable for each supply patient treatment episode will be £5.50.

11.6 The professional fees and reimbursement of medicines costs will be paid by BACS.

11.7 The contractor will be reimbursed for cost of the medicine supplied to each patient at the price detailed in the Drug Tariff in effect during the month the medicine was supplied. The reimbursement of the medicine cost will be in addition to any professional fee paid.

11.8 The contractor will only be reimbursed for the cost of the medicine supplied in accordance with the protocols or relevant PGDs. The contractor will not be reimbursed for any supply of an OTC versions or pack sizes of the medicines not authorised under the protocols or relevant PGDs.

11.9 All patients treated under the terms of this Service Level Agreement will receive treatment in line with normal NHS prescription levy and exemption rules.


[1] Please state authority or job title e.g. Branch manager, Store manager, Area manager.


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