Assignments for Othello - Ms. McKee

Reputation, Reputation, Reputation


“It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it” Benjamin Franklin

In Act two of Othello, Cassio has lost his reputation and believes that he has lost “the immortal part of his self”.

Iago retorts with “ Reputation is an idle and most false imposition; oft got without merit, and lost without deserving.”

Choose either Cassio or Iago’s philosophy on reputation and write a persuasive essay that either praises or denounces the true value of an individual’s reputation.

Your essay should be one page single spaced and formally written. Strengthen your essay with the use of quotes, analogies, studies or outside sources source.

(Due Wednesday)

Act Two Questions to Prepare

Scene One

Storms and wars- What potential internal conflicts do these external conflicts foreshadow?

Provide two quotations that demonstrate Iago’s lack of respect of his wife and women in general.

I am not merry, but I do beguile

The thing I am by seeming otherwise. (II. i. 135-136)

Explain how Desdemona’s thoughts reinforce the theme of appearance versus reality.

Iago’s soliloquy (II. i. 291-317)

22 Iago states his grudging respect for Othello. Explain and quote the lines.

23 To whom does Iago refer with the phrase, “this poor trash of Venice, whom I leash” (308)

24 “Knavery’s plain face is never seen till used.” (317)

How does this statement contribute to the theme of appearance versus reality?

Scene Two

“Iago hath direction what to do,

But notwithstanding, with my personal eye

Will I look to’t” (II. iii. 4-6)

Explain how this remark on Cassio’s part reinforces the fact that Cassio has more power than Iago, hence causing Iago’s resentment.

Explain how Iago ‘poisons’ Montano’s perception of Cassio. Provide at least three quotations to support your ideas.

Othello stops potential conflict again. He calls the reputations of both Montano and Cassio into question. Explain.

What plan does Iago suggest to Cassio? Provide quotations. How will this plan provide the appearance that Cassio is involved with Desdemona?

“I’ll pour this pestilience into his ear” (II. iii. 343) What technique is Iago using against Othello?

One of Iago’s techniques is to turn his victim’s virtues into weaknesses. Explain how he has used this method already in the play and how he plans to use it on Desdemona.

What “two things are to be done” (369) in Iago’s plot? What will they achieved?

(Due Monday)

Assignment 2

What’s Your Shade of Green?

“[pic]Cucumber Green

Yeah. You get jealous. So what? Everybody does. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t. But that doesn’t mean you’re gonna let your jealous feelings sabotage this coolness thing you’ve been working on…

Apple Green [pic]

Sometimes you can’t control your jealous reactions and you pout like a baby. But whatever – for the most part, you keep yourself in check. Except for, you know, when you don’t. . . .

[pic]Asparagus Green

Feeling bitter? Passive-aggressive much? The whiplash tongue of your inner green monster scorned is a force to be reckoned with and should be able to bring just about any rival to tears.


Forest Green

Think your better than me? Ha! Impossible. And if you ARE better than me then you had just better watch out, cause you are one green-eyed monster who’s taking names and cutting ‘em down to size. I’ll show them. . . .


, beware, my lord, of jealousy;

It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock

The meat it feeds on; that cuckold lives in bliss

Who, certain of his fate, loves not his wronger.

"Othello" (3.3.189-92)

What shade of Green is Iago?

What kind of Jealousy consumes Othello? Is he warranted in his behaviour?

Writing Assignment:

What do you think of Iago’s effort to stir up jealousy in Othello? Think about what drives his behavior. Is he consumed by jealousy, envy, or desire for revenge? Does he simply get pleasure out of destroying the happiness of others? Do you think he wants to prove his personal power or superior intelligence?

Respond, giving your take on all the questions posed.


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