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Vocabulary Strategy

Connotation and Denotation

A word’s denotation is its dictionary meaning. Its connotation is the overtone of meaning that it may take on. For example, the word soberly means “seriously, quietly,” but it has connotations of self-restraint or holding back that quietly does not have. When you choose words in writing, be sure to consider whether their connotations fit the context.

A. Write the word that works best in each sentence.

1. The new mother smiled __________________as her new baby howled.


2. The tiny cottage, surrounded by flowers, looked ____________________.


3. The farmer was ____________________ about his business when the price of milk


dropped suddenly.

4. The students reacted __________________ when they heard about their classmate’s



5. The twins’ ___________________ was evident in the condition of their bedroom.


B. Write a sentence using each of following words. Be sure your sentences reflect the words’ connotations.

1. soberly

2. charming

3. sloppiness

4. indulgently

5. disturbed

Resource Manager Unit 2 55

Answer Key


Vocabulary Strategy [p.55]


1. indulgently

2. charming

3. worried

4. soberly

5. sloppiness

B. Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. The crowd listened soberly as the speaker read the names of the injured.

2. Will was so charming that his boss forgave him for being late.

3. The mistakes in the essay revealed the writer’s sloppiness and speed.

4. Mrs. Forman looked indulgently at her son as he splashed through the mud puddles.

5. Lena was disturbed by the rumors she heard about her friend.


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