Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

Pictionary Teacher Words to pictures relay game

For Future Teachers Initiative

Time: 10-15 minutes (or just use the length of the list at your own discretion)

Level: can be used in a variety of Intermediate levels (few modifications for junior groups)

Compiled by Sonia Kalwaney (let me know if you need clarifications or any help with this)

Brief Description: This group co-operative strategy allows students to visualize and communicate ideas and words related to teaching into pictorial representations. The students are in small groups and are initially asked to send one group member to the FTI leader for a word. Once they receive this word they walk quickly back to their group and draw out that word so the other group members can guess what it is (e.g. chalkboard). Once they have guessed the word ANOTHER group member goes to the FTI leader for their next word and they continue the process through a list of words. The first group to get through the list wins.


-Word lists (one common one and a list of harder words to draw for sanctions or penalties)


-Writing utensils/marks etc.

Notes about safety: Some students may try to run back to their groups. If the room permits this use it with caution however, if it is a smaller room avoid this altogether by saying that teams get sanctioned with time penalties or using a “harder word list” for behaviour like running, cheating with words or misbehaviour of any major sort)

General Notes:

• If you are worried about students cheating and just telling each other the words a few things you can do are:

1) Have another FTI member walk around and listen for signs of it

2) Have the students bring up their drawn work to see they have attempted to draw the word

• If you are worried about noise level you may want to encourage students to stay quiet so other group members cannot hear the words (they are all getting the same words from the same list so secrecy is important)

• Motivation: maybe offer a prize (e.g. FTI pencils/bookmarks) if the students are not responding well to doing the activity

• Cover the next words on the list

Set up and procedure

1) Hook: how many of you have played Pictionary before? Describe Pictionary

2) Game introduction

-We are going to communicate some words that are associated with teaching and education toeach other by playing Pictionary

-In groups, (which we will assign), you will be asked to send one group member (the drawer) to the front of the class to get the first word you are to draw

- for example, the first word might be chalkboard. The representative will return to their group and draw (without speaking) a chalkboard. Like Pictionary you can’t use words or numbers only drawings.

-Once someone else in the group guesses right. A new drawer will be sent to the front to get the next word. The first group to finish the list wins!

-A few notes: when you come up to the front of the classroom bring the drawing that you attempted with your group (if you drew a line and told me someone got chalkboard from there I probably won’t believe you!)

-NO RUNNING! You can move quick but be safe. If there is any running or horseplay your team will get a time penalty (or word from a harder list as a distracter) e.g. you will be asked to draw the word experiment

3) Put students into groups of 4 students (small sized groups for noise and management and ask for a drawer (have students number themselves)

4) One FTI member should ensure students go to their groups and quickly chose the first group member to draw

5) Have fun!


Get students back together, settle down


Suggested Key Questions:

• What words were easier to draw? For the more difficult words what did you use to draw them?

• What words might you include in a list you made? Why do these words remind you of school/education?

• What strategies did you use to communicate when you could not speak? How might a teacher use these strategies with non-verbal communication

Accommodation or modifications:

Having instructions on overhead/written

-model activity with small group

-have students repeat instructions

-make list shorter and create mixed ability groups

Print this list and cover the next word as you show the students the next word they are to draw!

Word lists as examples




Phys-Ed teacher

School bus



Vice principal






Harder list

-Group work






-course selection

-report card


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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