

First Church of Christ

in New Haven

311 Temple Street

New Haven, CT 06511



Minister – Rev. Kevin Ewing

Director of Music ~ Eleanor Fulton


Church Secretary - Linda Consiglio

Business Manager/Assistant Treasurer - Luis Pagan

Sexton - Michelle Georgevich, 203-824-7647


Moderator - Donna Williams

Clerk - Nancy Mellone

Treasurer - Donna Hall

Parish House (203) 787-0121 ~ Fax – (203) 787-2187

Meeting House (203) 787-0633

OPEN AND affirming ~ welcoming all!

E-mail address: Centerchurchonthegreen@


Minister’s e-mail: pastor@




Volume 95 No. 6 September, 2017


“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

2 Timothy 1:7

It’s September again! Most years I’m excited when this month comes around. September, in a college town like New Haven, is like the start of a new year. Though mMost of us worked all summer and feel like things never slowed,. But it seems like things pick up a bit in September. In a college town like New Haven, September is like the start of a new year. The city fills up with students and faculty – returning faces going back to their old haunts from last year. We New Haveners have to watch out for the new faces who aren’t accustomed to navigating city traffic. All of the sudden, eEverything feels new. Even the old things feel refreshed!.

Some of us resent all of thisit. We rebel against it… resistant to changes thatof newness forces on us. Many of us embrace it… excited by the opening of new possibilities and opportunities. Most of us ignore it and keep plodding along..., recognizing that the more things change,… the more they stay the same.

But there’s something different going on this year. By that I mean though there’s always tension in September, . But this year I’m also sensing something deeper… something darker. Fear… hopelessness... exasperation… despair. Almost every day I come across someone who wants to quit, . Jjust shuck it all and give up. And that scares me more than anything, b. Because when we give up… I don’t even want to think about what that means. We can’t give up! But where can we find hope?

If you’ve been to church the last couple months, you’ve heard me give my definition of what it means to be a “Believer.” That’s what we Christians call ourselves in many circles – “Believers.” I am a Believer. I believe in the covenant. I believe that what God promised to Abraham and his people still stands. I believe that through Jesus, that covenant was ‘amended’ to include me, you, and all of us. I believe that I am a child of God and that gives me some privileges and some responsibilities.

First, the privilege of knowing that no weapon formed against me can prosper. Second, The privilege of knowing that when I put on the whole armor of God, I can stand in safety. Also, tThe privilege of knowing that regardless what is happening in the battles, we have already won the war. We are MORE than conquerors. And finally, tThe great privilege of having confidence – resting in the knowledge that we don’t have to worry about anything. There is no place for fear in us. Not if we are truly “Believers.”

And with that we have the great responsibility of sharing our love… our peace… our confidence… our assurance. We are to go be like Jesus to the world. We are to show them that they have already been rescued… they are also God’s chosen. We are to show them that they are also loved.

For the next several weeks, we at Center Church will be exploring what it means to be a “Believer.” We will be listening closely for God’s voice… discerning our call for a time such as this. Who are we to be in the world and to the world? How are we to live? And most importantly,… how do we best show God’s love?

I hope that you will join us on this adventure of discovery. We can do much with just a few, but we can do magic with many. Come to our worship each Sunday morning. Bring friends. Send us your offerings to support our mission work. Offer your services to share your talents and gifts. Look for ways that we, as a congregation, can support you and your passions just as you support those of others. Let’s work together on being family. Let’s reclaim our identity as the First Church of Christ… the Center Church on the Green… God’s chosen. Let us discover new ways to love each other.




|September |3 | |Psalm 105:1-6,23-26,45b |

| | | |Romans 12:9-21 |

|September |10 |Creation by the Word Fourteenth Sunday after |Genesis 1:1—2:4a Creation by word; light, life; it was good. |

| | |Pentecost |(John 1:1-5) |

|September |17 |Binding of Isaac Fifteenth Sunday after |Genesis 21:1-3; 22:1-14 God gives Abraham and Sarah a son in |

| | |Pentecost |their old age. Abraham is told to sacrifice his son, but God |

| | | |provides the ram. (John 1:29) |

|September |24 |Jacob’s Dream Sixteenth Sunday after |Genesis 27:1-4, 15-23; 28:10-17 Jacob gets a blessing by |

| | |Pentecost |trickery, flees, dreams of a ladder with angels ascending and |

| | | |descending. Receives God’s promise. (John 1:50-51) |


PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS – John Blassingame, Peter Curtis, Alan Kendrix, Obie O’Brien- (Linda’s cousin, who is now in Hospice), Sara Ouzts, and Barbara Pitcher.


Listed below is the schedule of upcoming meetings

New Haven Crypt Association –Wednesday, September 27th – 4:00 p.m. P. H.

Ladies Home Missionary Society – Wednesday, Oct. 4th - 10:00 a.m. P. H.


Our church secretary, Linda Consiglio, will be on vacation

from September 7 to September 21.

She will return to work on September 25.

Colleen O’Connor will cover the office duties on a limited basis on those dates.


The church office will be closed on Monday, September 4th in observance of Labor Day. Regular Office Hours will resume upon the Secretary’s return from vacation

on Monday, September 25th.

Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Closed Friday


Pray for our sick and shut-in members.

Send a card; give them a call, or visit.

Pray for our sick and shut-in members.

Evelyn Riordan, Apt. Benchmark Apts., 35 Hamden Hills Dr., Hamden 06518

Barbara Pitcher, 200 Leeder Hill Dr., Apt. 113 Hamden, 06517 203-407-1204

Lois Simeone, 30 Coachman's Lane, Woodbridge, 06525 203-393-0433

Lura Ellsworth, Memory Care Unit at The Hearth at Gardenside, 173 Alps Rd., Apt. 303, Branford 06405

Bob Kebabian, Guilford House, 109 West Lake Ave., Guilford, 06437 203-643-0540



Homecoming Sunday

September 10, 2017

10:00 a.m.

Join us for Worship as we:

Welcome back our choir

Welcome back our members

Recommit to our covenant together


Bring family and friends

Invite strangers



We are in need of volunteers. There is a sign-up sheet in the back of the church for Greeters/Ushers and Readers. Please fill out if you can serve, or you can call the church office.



Celebrating their birthdays in September

|13th |Nancy Ahern |15 |Kevan Chase |



The needs of the hungry among us are increasing. It is seen with ever-increasing attendees at the Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen, Community Soup Kitchen and other places where the hungry are fed. Families with children are having difficulty in buying enough food due to the rising costs of food supplies.

The way all of us can be helpful is by bringing canned or packaged food items to church as we attend services or by leaving food items at the Parish House during office hours. Our donations are much appreciated. Please be a part of this missionary effort.



SATURDAYS 11:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.

September 2 – Harold Peck, Kevan Chase

September 9 – Carol Robinson, Harold Peck

September 16 – Nancy Ahern, Kevan Chase

September 23 – Michelle Georgevich, Harold Peck

September 30 – Carol Robinson, Michelle Georgevich

Bible Quiz


In memorable language in Revelation, God tells the church in Laodicea, “I am about to spit you out of my mouth,” because it is metaphorically ______ (fill in the blank).

A. too hot

B. too cold

C. tasteless

D. lukewarm

Answer: (See Revelation 3:16.)




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