April 13, 2017 - Mr. Searles' Science

[Pages:10]April 13, 2017

Aims: SWBAT begin to investigate the Blue People of Troublesome



1. Do Now

2. Independent Practice

3. Practicing our AIMS: Homework: G.14-INVESTIGATION: Troublesome Creek

How will you help our class earn all of our S.T.R.I.V.E. Points?

UNIT TEST COUNTDOWN: Tuesday after Spring Break!


Aim Check:



INV ESTIGA TION: Troublesome Creek G.14

Name: _____________________________ Date: ________________________________ Homeroom: _________________________


...aka why you're the cute one

OBJECTIVES: By the end of class, students will be able to...

SWBAT begin to investigate the Blue People of Troublesome Creek.


Draw a family pedigree for the trait of wizardry in Harry Potter's family over three generations.

Harry is a wizard. His father, James, was a wizard and his mother, Lily, was a witch. Both of Harry's dad's parents had magical abilities. Harry's mother's parents did not nor does her sister, Harry's Aunt, Petunia. Petunia is married to Vernon Dursley and they have a son, Dudley. None of the Dursleys have magical powers.

Use shading to indicate genotype. Also, write the names and genotypes below each of the circles or squares. For those who only one allele is known, write the known allele and a question mark.




1. Respect each other You w ere put in these groups for a reason. Professional, scholarly conduct and language only.

2. Everyone is responsible for the task: I f you are not activ ely working w ith your group, you w ill be remov ed and giv en an independent w ork packet. I f you are not letting others contribute to the group, you w ill be remov ed and giv en an independent w ork packet.

3. All STRIVE expect at ions st ill apply. (This is MY lab.)






o Class Packet: G.14 o pencil o coloring supplies


AS A GROUP: Watch your time! This is a two day project for a reason!

1. Read the Introduction and answer the questions on your group work paper. ? Be sure everyone is writing down the correct answers, and then staple the papers together. ? Raise your hand for Mr. Searles to collect your group's work. He will be assigning one grade for the entire group based on a randomly selected paper, so make sure everyone has the correct responses!

TIME CHECK: Step 1 should take 25 minutes or less.

2. Read and annotate the following excerpt of a partial pedigree for the Blue Fugates of Troublesome Creek. Then, use it to construct a rough draft of a pedigree tracing methemoglobinemia on the paper provided. ? Be sure that your pedigree is clearly labeled. USE NAMES WHEN GIVEN. ? Be sure to label the generations using Roman numerals ? There will be people whose genotype is impossible to determine, label these with a ? instead of shading.

Martin Fugate married Elizabeth Smith, who had red hair and was described to be "as pale as Mountain Laurel". It is unknown as to whether or not Martin Fugate was blue or not. Together they had seven children: Eleanor, Charles, John, Zachariah, William, Hanna and Lev i. John, Zachariah, Hanna and Lev i were blue. Zachariah married a woman by the name with the last name Ritchie (her first name is unknown, but she was actu ally Zachariah's aunt), she was normal. Together they had 6 children, 4 sons and 2 daughters. 2 of the sons were blue.

One of their sons was named Lev y, Levy was NOT blue, and he also married a Ri tchie woman named Mahala. He and Mahala had 8 children, 4 bo ys and 4 girls. Only 1 of their children was blue, her name was Luna. Luna married a man by the name of John Stacy . Together they had 1 3 children, 6 boys and 7 girls. NONE of their children were blue. One of their sons was named Bill. Bill married Mary Ritchie. They had a son named Alva who was not blue, either. Alva married a woman named Hilda Godsey . Alva and Hilda are Ben Stacy 's parents. Ben was born blue, but outgrew his bluish tint without medical intervention, suggesting he is a carrier of m e t he m o globinem ia.

TIME CHECK: Step 2's rough draft should be at least halfway finished by the end of this class time.




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