Make a Venn diagram where you compare and contrast today’s ...


Design a Venn diagram where you are to compare and contrast today’s time period with the 1800 time period. You may use a computer to type your answers. You need 5 -6 items in each section of the Venn diagram. Research what when on in the 1800’s so that your comparisons and contrasts are correct. |Research Author

Find a picture of Jack London and write a biography on his life. Make it into a book cover. The front page is the picture. Make a title, the inside is his biography, the backside is a list of stories that Jack London wrote. Make it colorful. You may draw, type, cut out pictures. | Literary Pamphlet

Choose 5 of the following literary terms and put into a pamphlet.

Draw a scene or find a quote from

The novel for each term and be

sure to explain why you chose that quote for the terms: suspense,

setting, protagonist, flashback, foreshadowing, character trait, dynamic character, static character, and antagonist. Decorate!!!! Make each page colorful and interesting. | |

|Movie critic: |Plot Diagram |Research Yukon Gold Rush |

|Design an article for the newspaper that |Design a plot diagram on the novel, Call of the |Research and answer the questions. What was the |

|gives a review for the movie Call of the |Wild. Elaborate on each of the literary terms |Yukon Gold Rush? How did it begin? When did it end? |

|Wild. Choose people to play the parts of |for a plot diagram: exposition, inciting moment,|Why did people swarm to the Yukon? Where any cities |

|Judge Miller, Man in the Red sweater, |rising actions (5), climax, falling action, and |started as a result of the rush? How much gold was |

|Francois, and Perrault, Hal, Charles and |the resolution. Make the diagram colorful, |found? What are your opinions of people going out to|

|Mercedes and finally John Thornton. Be sure |include pictures made by you or from the |search for gold? What did you learn by doing this |

|to include a brief summary of the story and |computer or magazine |research? Cite your sources on the last page of your|

|mention the actors who play the main parts | |paper. |

|of the movie. | | |

|Vocabulary |Graphing Buck’s feelings |Pictorial of Call of Wild |

|What does it mean? |Make a line graph showing how Buck’s feeling |Design in a time line fashion using only pictures to|

|For each chapter, choose two words that you |changed through each chapter. Then answer the |explain why the novel is called call of the wild. |

|do not know. Write the sentence where the |following questions that relate to how Buck is a|The pictorial should be very specific with limited |

|word is located. Find the definition, part |dynamic character. What does Buck hear? What |writing. Show the process Buck went through to |

|of speech, and draw a picture or write a |does Buck think? What does Buck love? How does |become finally wild. |

|sentence to show you know the meaning of the|Buck feel? What does Buck do? Where does Buck | |

|word.—14 words 2 words per page! |go? Answer all of these! | |

Call of the Wild by Jack London

Tic-Tac-Toe Project--Place all work in a regular folder with prongs.

You may go diagonally, across, or straight down, You are to highlight which one’s you’ve chosen!

Securely place all of your work into your folder. Everything should be on regular paper, 8 ½ x 11 paper. Decorate the cover of the folder for the novel, Call of the Wild be sure your name is on the front of the cover. Be neat! Be creative! Be on time! Project due DECEMBER 1ST

Student name_________________________________________ Turn in this sheet with project.


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