Big review for you guys - ReadyHosting

Big review for you guys

My dear grade 12 students,

Please find attached examples of a formal letter, an opinion essay and a description essay which I have already shown you in class. Note the use of connectors and different tenses including perfect, passive and conditional as well as reported speech. Also you will find the new form for the “E” X file with an explanation. Please print it if you do not receive one from me.

Hint: try to put in every essay at least 3 connectors, 1-2 conditional sentences (If…), 2 examples of the passive form and 1-2 examples of the perfect tenses. Here is a brief example though not a complete one. Also, you could add reported speech.

Obviously (connector), if (conditional) I had known that this English class was so wonderful I would have taught these students from grade 10. However, unfortunately (connector) the classes that I teach are determined (passive) by Anat rather than by me.

By the way (connector) because they are such good people, I have been working hard (present perfect tense – “have”) to teach these students as much as possible. Of course, by the time I realized what wonderful students I had, they had already decided that I did not appreciate them. (past perfect). Too bad!!!! But Rina has often said (reported speech) that someday I might be a good teacher.

Good luck!!!!!!!!!! You all will do well!!!!!

Your servant, Jim

X FILE for “E”

Your name: _______________

If you have any questions, please talk to me!!!!!

1. You need to submit 4 unseens and 3 listening exercises, the highest grades, of course.

2. You will probably need to submit the חוברת .

3. Hand in E unseens and not new G’s. I have those grades listed in my yoman and I will

use them if I can to raise you G – X-file grade if I see improvement.

4. You can’t really correct anything as basically I made most of the corrections so the

bonus points will be based on other criteria which I will determine later.

5. Do not hand in homework assignments but they are listed in my yoman and will be

taken into consideration when I determine the bonus points.

5. You may hand in the x-file as soon as possible but definitely no later than Thursday,

31/03. So do this NOW!!!!!

6. Please hand it to me personally rather than putting it in my box or giving it to the



|Unseens 60% | | | | | |

|Listening Exercises | | | | | |

|40% | | | |________ | |

|Bonus (as many as 7 | | | | | |

|points) |________ |________ |__________ |________ | |

|Final Grade |________ |________ |________ |________ | |

6 Herzl Street

Haifa, 2315

March 20, 2005

Ms. Ronit Regev Cabir

Homeroom teacher, Grade 12/8

Harel High School

P.O. Box 121212

Mevasseret Zion

Dear Madame,

I am writing this letter to thank you for granting me the privilege of teaching several of your students this year and, in addition, I would like to nominate one of them for the “Student of the Year Prize”.

If only it would be so simple to choose one of them, however, as you will soon see, this is not the case as they are all outstanding students. Since I have been having a most difficult time choosing the winner, please, if you have the time, think about what appears in the next section and then give me your advice. I wish that I had thought of asking you before in order to have avoided all the heartache I have been going through the last few weeks.

Each nominee will now be briefly discussed.

Alon: respectful, reserved but sharp of mind.

Yahli: tall but not arrogant, consistently receives fine marks.

Ben Levi: a serious student, one who has become so over the course of the year.

Noam: underneath that effervescent exterior dwells a young lady who strives to


Yoav: a talented young man who often harnesses his linguistic ability.

Noa: calm, light hearted but serious, she has a winning smile.

Adi: living proof that great things come in small packages.

Saar: everyone class needs someone to entertain the teacher.

Omri: though a consummate actor, also a strong student.

Ms. Regev, before you make a decision, please keep in mind that Shahar Eini is also in the running for the prize and certainly she must be considered because of her most positive attitude toward life and her bubbling personality. As for the students in grade 12/7, unfortunately none of them deserve to be nominated for this prize.

Thank you for your assistance and I hope that you will be able to attend the awards ceremony.


Jim Greenblatt

Opinion essay

How This Class Has Proven Itself

Over the past school year, I have had the distinct pleasure of teaching a certain magical grade 12, five point, English class. Now, I will explain why, in my opinion, this class has been the best one ever.

Certainly every teacher wishes for his students to be punctual and that can certainly be said about the participants in this class. For example, every one of them always comes on time fully equipped with all the necessary books and, in addition, they always do their homework and put forward a mighty effort while working in class. Yes, never, never have any of them been reprimanded by me for improper behavior. If I had one wish it would be to be able to teach this class one more year.

However, I must point out that as good as this class is, there could have been room for improvement. For instance, the lessons were usually very boring as the students sat quietly, never spoke to each other, thus disrupting the class, and never laughed at the teacher. In fact, as their teacher, I never had to ask for quiet even once. In other words, because of the students’ exemplary behavior, I often found myself falling asleep during the lessons.

Perhaps the best way to summarize my past year’s experience with this class would be to repeat what Rina Even Tov has often said about them and that is simply that they are heaven’s gift to the state of Israel. As I stated in the first paragraph, teaching this class has been a distinct pleasure.

A Person I Admire (Description)

The typical student in my high school is a perfect example of the saying “You can’t judge a book by its cover.” When you first meet this student, he or she does not make a strong positive impression on you. In fact, the opposite is often the case. However, once you get to know him/her, you will change your mind.

If you look at this student for the first time, what will you see? If he is a boy, he will probably need a shave, his pants will be almost “down to his knees” and he will look like he hasn’t combed his hair for a month. No wonder that the girls in his class won’t go out with him. To put it bluntly, as one girl in grade 12 said earlier this year, had I known the boys in this school were going to be like this, I would have gone to Leyada. By the way, academically speaking, the boys’ grades are, on the average, some ten points lower than the girls’. Then, in spite of all the previously mentioned facts, why do I still admire the typical boy in our school – let us just simply say that, above all, he is a real “mensch” and a dyed-in-the-wool friend, and I could not ask for more.

After having said all that about the typical male student in Harel High School, let us look at an “average” member of the opposite sex. She always comes immaculately cleansed with a sweet smell surrounding her. Impeccably made up, her clothes are always in the best of taste and in the latest fashion. Of course, even in the hottest of weather, she dresses modestly in order not to distract the boys’ attention from their studies. In addition, the typical female student always comes on time prepared to put forth her best effort as the day wears on. In addition, unlike the typical member of the “weaker sex”, the girls in our school maintain perfect silence during the lesson, never complain and certainly never criticize their English teacher. To put it clearly, if I still had an unmarried son, I would happily match him up with any young lady in our school.

As you can see, every teacher in our school has every reason in the world to admire each and every male or female student that he teaches. Certainly what has been previously recorded in this essay succinctly proves why we, the staff of Harel High School, consider ourselves to be lucky beyond human comprehension.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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