(traditional) Today, Other Helpful Info Welcome Restrooms Shane

First Words

August 21, 2022

Today, Welcome

Shane Pruitt!

Next Generation Evangelism Director for the North American

Mission Board

Welcome! Glad you're with us!

Free Small Groups

Our small groups meet Sundays at

Gift 8:00, 9:15 & 10:45am. For help finding

a small group, contact Jamie O'Dell

at jamieo@.

A 1st Time Guests

Bring today's completed

tear off to the Welcome

Center, or visit

next-steps and let us

For You!

know you were with us today!

Worship Today

? 9:15am (traditional) ? 10:45am (contemporary)

Other Helpful Info

? Restrooms are conveniently located just outside the Worship Center. ? Offering bins are located at the exits as you leave the Worship Center. ? Listening devices are available by request; see an usher to inquire. ? Our Library: Open today, 8:00am-12:30pm. Stop in and check us out! ? Inquire or register for any FBCT event at the Event Center. ? For further assistance please see an usher or visit the Welcome Center.

Let us pray for you. Use today's tear off to request prayer, placing

it in an offering bin as you leave.



Coming Missions Opportunities* >>>



Jana's Kids School Supply Drive

A $35 donation provides all that's needed for a student

needing assistance this year! Donate using PushPay at

give, or by using the giving bins as you

leave today (write Jana's kids on your check, envelope).

Crop Drop is coming back!

Mark your calendar for September 17th when 38,000 lbs. of potatoes are "dropped" in our parking lot. We'll bag and get them ready for area shelters to serve!

Now Is The Time

August 21, 2022

Shane Pruitt

Now Is The Time For The ____________

He presented Himself alive to them after His suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God.

Acts 1:3 (NIV)

"And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under Heaven

given among men by which we must be saved."

Acts 4:12 (NIV)

_________________ Is A Potential Harvest

Shane Pruitt @shane_pruitt78

would you help me gather some some info? if you're a Christian, what age did you surrender to Jesus as Lord & Savior? (please RT to help gather more data)

under 13 years old 13-18 years old 18-30 years old over 30 years old

2,694 votes ? Final results

48% 29% 18%


Now Is The Time To Be The ____________

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you

will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end

of the earth."

Acts 1:8 (NIV)

_____________________ is an endangered generation.

Population: ______________________ in the United States.*

*Business Insider

________% says "religion is very important to them."

*Wall Street Journal

________% says "attending church is very important to them."

*Barna Research Group

_________________ are spiritually lost. (They'd create the largest State by _________________ people.)

One generation shall commend Your works to another, and shall declare Your

mighty acts.

Psalm 145:4 (NIV)

Now Is The Time To ______

9 And when He had said these things, as they were looking on, He was lifted

up, and a cloud took Him out of their sight. 10 And while they were gazing into

Heaven as He went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, 11 and

said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into Heaven? This Jesus, who

was taken up from you into Heaven, will come in the same way as you saw Him

go into Heaven."

Acts 1:9-11 (NIV)

Classes Begin This Wednesday,

August 24th!

Spaghetti is served in the Gym, 4:30-6:00pm!

? $5 adults, $2 kids, $20 immediate family max ? Kids menu item - grilled cheese

? Salad bar provided as an alternative entr?e

6:00pm - Discipleship University

? Responding to Atheists (C302) ? Lessons for Living (Fellowship Hall) ? Finding I Am (C304) - for ladies ? Kingdom Man (C307) - for men ? Cherish (C312) - A study on marriage ? Intro to Disciple Making (C303) ? Preparing To Parent (C311)

And: ? DivorceCare (D138)



Childcare (A100) Babies-2 yrs

Team KID (A100) K3-K5

6:00pm 6:00pm 6:15pm

Acts 1:8 (D203) 1st-3rd

412* (C412) 4th-5th

*$1 pizza starting at 5:30!

Middle School Hangout and $1 pizza Worship (CB-00) beginning at 5:15pm

Choir Rehearsal Join us as we begin

(Music Suite)

preparing for Christmas!


High School Worship (A200)

Hangout and $1 pizza beginning at 6:00pm

Numbers From Last Sunday - August 14, 2022

Budget Receipts:

$ 124,424

Small Groups:

Budget Received YTD: $ 5,099,771

Worship Services:


$ 731,091

On Campus - 1,690


Online - 308 Total - 1,998

Today (8/21)

Student Ministry Teacher Mtg.

Noon ? Gym - We'll look ahead to the coming year with a special challenge from Shane Pruitt!

This Week (8/22-27)

Lil Piano Pals

Classes begin this week! ($252) This is a fun, 14-week group piano class for 4K & 5K, with classes on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 1:15pm. Register: events


Wednesday, August 24 Dinner is served 4:30-6:00pm in the Gym, followed by Discipleship University classes and activities for kids and students of all ages! (Detailed schedule inside)

SAM Luncheon

Thursday, August 25 ? 10:30am ? $6 Join us in the Gym as we welcome the talents and comedy of Cheryl Rogers! Register on today's tear off, or email sam.reservations@.

Beginners Ballet & Jazz

Classes begin this Friday! ($225) 14-weeks of dance for 3-7 year-old girls through the FBCT Conservatory! Register: events

FBCT Library

Come see what's new in your library! Sundays: 8:00am-12:30pm Tuesdays: 9:00am-5:00pm Wednesdays: 4:00-7:30pm

Next Sunday (8/28)

Starting Point

5:00pm ? Fellowship Hall - For anyone new to First Baptist or looking for a church home! Register on today's tear off, or events.

Coming Up

? Fortify Conference* ($15) Aug 27 ? 10:00am-3:00pm For 7th-12th grade guys, held in the High School Space.

? JELLO Sept 1 ? 9:00 & 10:30am It's back! A weekly, standing play date for preschoolers and moms!

? First Monday Prayer Time Sept 5 ? 10:00am ? Chapel A time of prayer led by the Seasoned Adult Ministry

? Baptism Sunday! Sept 11 ? Noon ? Worship Center For anyone needing to take this important step in their faith!

? Let's Go Hiking!* Sept 17 ? 7:30am ? Ruffner Mtn. A morning hike with members of your First Family!

? FBCT Golf Tournament* ($110) Sept 30 ? 8:00am ? Grayson Valley Hit the links with friends from FBCT at this shotgun, four-man scramble!

? Disciple Now 2023* ($60) Jan 13-15 ? FBCT Take advantage of earlybird pricing through September 3rd!

*Register: events

On Today's Tear Off...

Starting Point

Sunday, August 28 ? 5:00-7:00pm

Please plan on me at the next Staring Point!







Total # attending with me:


Ages of children attending:


SAM Luncheon Reservation

Plan on me at the August 25th luncheon.





Total number attending, including me

Deacon Recommendation

Name ________

For Starting Point reservations please contact: jamieo@

For SAM Luncheon reservations, please contact: darrington@

For Deacon Recommendations, please contact: rebeccap@



1 Timothy 6 2 Timothy 1 2 Timothy 2

2 Timothy 3 2 Timothy 4 Memorize: Matthew 6:25-26


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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