Basic Word Structure

Basic Word Structure

Chapter 1

Medical Terminology

I. Introduction

A. Medical terms are like jigsaw puzzles; They are constructed of small pieces that make each word unique; Pieces can be used in different combinations in other words

B. You will “decode” words by dividing terms into component parts; You will need to memorize the component parts.

II. Word Analysis

A. Words are divided into the following components:

1. Root: foundation of the term

Ex: subgastric – gastr is the root meaning stomach

2. Suffix: word ending

Ex: subgastric – ic means pertaining to

3. Prefix: word beginning

Ex: subgastric – sub means under

4. Combining vowel: vowel (usually O) that links the root to the suffix or the root to another root

Ex: hematology- hemat is the root meaning blood; O is the combining vowel; logy is the suffix meaning the study of

5. Combining form: combination of the root and the combining vowel

Ex. Hematology – hemat/o is the combining form meaning blood

B. Reading Medical Terminology

1. Read meaning of medical terms from the suffix back to the beginning of the term and then across

Ex: hematology: logy means the study of; hemat/o means blood so this word means the study of blood.


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