Rubric for Changing Comics into Quotations

Quotation Sentences: Comic Rubric

Name _______________________________Date ___________

|Criteria |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Punctuates and capitalizes |All quotes are correctly |Almost all quotes are|Most quotes are |Multiple quotes are |Many quotes are incorrectly |

|quotes correctly |punctuated and capitalized |correctly punctuated |correctly punctuated |incorrectly |punctuated and capitalized |

| | |and capitalized (1-3 |and capitalized (4-6 |punctuated and |(10+ mistakes) |

| | |mistakes) |mistakes) |capitalized (7-9 | |

| | | | |mistakes) | |

|Requirements |Comic includes at least 8 |Comic includes |Comic includes |Comic includes |Comic includes less than 2 |

| |quotation sentences. |6-7 quotation |4-5 quotation |2-3 quotation |quotation sentences. |

| | |sentences. |sentences. |sentences. | |

|Uses a variety of words to |Appropriately uses a variety|Uses a variety of |Uses a variety of |Uses a small variety |Only uses said |

|replace said |of words (6+) |words (6+) but some |words (3-5) and some |of words (1-2) and | |

| | |do not fit the |may not fit the |some may not fit the | |

| | |context |context |context | |

Total Score: ____/ 15



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