In other words, if you are not dating anyone one right now ...

In the following section, we are interested in your dating history. If you are not dating anyone one right now, answer the following while considering your last dating partner. If you are currently seeing more than one person, please decide who is your main partner and answer the questions only in regards to that person. It is possible that dating is not a big part of your life, so if you have not dated in the last year, please go to page (middle of page where new section starts).

1. Are you going out with someone now? Yes No

2. How long have you been dating this person (in total): ________

3. For the time you have dated (or did date) this person in the past year, how often do you (or did you) see them?

Every day or about every day ____

Three - four times a week ____

Once a week ____

About 2 times per month ____

About once a month ____

Less than once a month ____

4. How happy would you say you are in this relationship?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Extremely Fairly A little Happy Very Extremely Perfectly

unhappy unhappy unhappy happy happy happy

5. Have you had sexual intercourse with this person? yes ____ no _____.

6. Do you confide in (tell him/her) your boyfriend/ girlfriend, would you say... (Please circle )

1. Almost never

2. Rarely

3. In most things

4. In most things

7. How often do you and your boyfriend/ girlfriend argue?

1. Less than once a month

2. Once a month

3. Once every two weeks

4. Once a week

5. Every day


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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