International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery (IJOHNS ...

9 772168 545006 06

International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 2022, 11, 283-316 ISSN Online: 2168-5460 ISSN Print: 2168-5452

Table of Contents

Volume 11 Number 6

November 2022

The Precautions Efficacy Taken among Health Care Workers While Performing Tracheostomies on COVID-19 Patients: Systematic Review

M. Al Safar, H. A. Amoodi, M. Al-Satti, A. Alsaidi..................................................................................................283

Cervicofacial Cystic Lymphangiomas and Review of the Literature: About 2 Cases at Donka National Hospital

A. Ke?ta, I. Diallo, M. Fofana, S. Kourouma, M. M. R. Diallo, M. A. Diallo, S. Sacko, M. C. Kaman....................292

Screening of New Born and Infants for Hearing by OAE

A. Mathur, M. Singh, D. Nagwan..................................................................................................................300

Multiple Cranial Nerve Palsies in Otolaryngology Consultation: An Atypical Clinical Presentation Revealing Myasthenia Gravis

A.-R. N. Nyeki, P. C. Mbonda, L. Atanga, Y. Mossus, R. Meva'a, V. Sini, M. O. Ngaba, D. Mindja, F. Djomou, C. Kuate, R. Njock, A. Ndjolo................................................................................................................306

International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery (IJOHNS) Journal Information


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