Answers - Kindness

Look at the thesaurus entries below.crop, n. fruits, gathering, product (PLANT)crop, v. trim, cut, detach (CUTTING)crop, v. emerge, arise, drop in, show up (ARRIVAL) 1. Which word would best replace crops in the sentence below?Our crops will benefit from the heavy rain we got this year.A.cutB.plantsC.trimD.arise2. Which word would best replace crop in the sentence below?The summer was so hot, I decided to crop off my favorite jeans to the knee.A.drop inB.ariseC.cutD.gathering3. Which word would best replace cropped in the sentence below?In the haunted house, a fake ghost cropped up behind me.A.gatheringB.productC.cutD.showed4. Which word would best replace crop in the sentence below?We had to crop the picture because it was too big to fit in the frame.A.emergeB.gatheringC.fruitD.trim5. coda n. [Italy] 1 a: a concluding musical section that is formally distinct from the main structure; b: a concluding part of a literary work; 2: something that serves to round out, conclude, or summarize and that has an interest of its ownWhat is the origin of the word coda? A.Middle EnglishB.FranceC.ItalyD.German6. Directions:?Select the correct text in the dictionary entry.The?demand?for cakes has increased by three times this season.Look at the dictionary entry.?Which definition of?demand?is used in the sentence above??demand?\di-?mand\?noun1.the state of being wanted2.a legal urgent requirement4.the act of asking with authority7. Which of the following words would be found on the same page as programmer and proletariat? A.projectB.promoteC.propaneD.prone8. Which of the following would be on the same page as guide words fool and foppery? A.forceB.forbidC.footD.food9. Directions:?Select the correct text in the dictionary entry.The panel slides along a?groove?in the frame.Look at the dictionary entry.?Which definition of?groove?is used in the sentence above??groove?\?grüv\?noun1.a channel or a depression2.a routine that does not exciting experience4.a situation that suits a person's ability 10. Which of the following words is on the same page as guide words mongoose and monochrome? A.moltenB.moneyC.mojoD.monkey11. Look at the thesaurus entries below.staff, n. assistants, team, workers (EMPLOYEES)staff, n. pole, rod, wand, cane (STICK)Which word would best replace staff in the sentence below?The restaurant staff worked hard during the busy dinnertime hours.A.rodB.poleC.stickD.workers12. Which of the following is on the same page as guide words spire and splash? A.spiteB.sportC.SpockD.spam13. Directions:?Select the correct text in the dictionary entry.Brian can wear both small- and?medium-sized shirts, but his younger brother wears large-sized shirts.Look at the dictionary entry.?Which definition of?medium?is used in the sentence above?medium /mē-dē-?m/?nouna middle state or conditionthe thing by which or through which something is donethe materials or methods used by an artista surrounding condition or environment in which something may growa particular form of communication such as newspapers, radio, or television14. safety n. [ME] the condition of being safe from undergoing or causing hurt, injury, or lossa device (as on a weapon or machine) designed to prevent inadvertent or hazardous operationa member of a defensive backfield in football who occupies the deepest position in order to defend against a forward pass or stop a ballcarriera billiard shot made with no attempt to score or so as to leave the balls in an unfavorable position for the opponentWhat is the meaning of the word safety in the sentence below?The safety hit the running back so hard that the football was knocked loose.A.3B.4C.2D.115. race n. [Middle English] the act of runninga contest of speed, commonly between automobilesa breeding stock of animalsdistinctive flavor or strengthWhat is the correct meaning of the word race in the sentence below?I saw a street race between two trucks the other day.A.2B.1C.3D.416. puttee n. [Hindi] a cloth strip wrapped around the leg from ankle to kneeWhat is the origin of the word puttee? A.AztecB.GermanC.HindiD.French17. stoop n. [Dutch] a porch, platform, entrance stairway, or small veranda leading to the entranceway to a house What is the origin of stoop? A.Old EnglishB.SanskritC.DutchD.GermanA Whole Yacht of Fun(sailing glossary)boom: the horizontal pole that supports the bottom of the main sailbow: the front of the boathelm: a lever or wheel controlling the rudder of a boat for steering halyard: the rigging used to raise and lower the sailhull: the frame or body of a boatkeel: a fin that extends along and projects from the center of the boat's bottom to keep it stablemast: a vertical pole that supports the sail and the pole that it's attached toport: the left side of the boat when looking toward the bowrigging: the lines and chains used aboard a ship used to work sails, masts, and boomsrudder: an underwater blade at the stern of a boat that is controlled by the boat's helm and when turned causes the bow to turn in the same directionstarboard: the right side of the boat when looking toward the bowstern: the back end of a boattiller: another name for the helmtransom: a flat surface of the hull that the rudder is attached towake: the waves or path that a boat leaves behind when it moves across water18. What should Captain Jack Sparrow use to steer his boat? A.keelB.bowC.wakeD.helm19. Captain Smollett wants the sails of his ship raised. According to the glossary, what should his crew use to raise the sails? A.starboardB.halyardC.transomD.rudder20. Capt'n Crunch named his boat the S.S. Guppy. Which choice below would be the best place for Cap'n Crunch to paint his ship's name? A.rudderB.keelC.wakeD.hull21. Feeling seasick, Julia turned her head and threw up over the port.Julia throws up over what side of the boat? A.the front sideB.the left sideC.the back sideD.the right side22. Based on the glossary, what does the rudder do? A.causes the bow to turnB.raises and lowers the sailsC.controls the helm or tillerD.supports the main sailLook at the thesaurus entries, v. present, display, expose (DEMONSTRATE)show, n. drama, movie (PERFORMANCE) 23. Which word would best replace show in the sentence below?I am going to show my painting to the class, so everyone can see it.A.movieB.presentC.performanceD.drama24. Life Cycle of a Butterfly?????A butterfly undergoes metamorphosis through several stages to become an adult.?There are four main stages in a butterfly's life cycle.?A butterfly begins its first stage as an egg.?Within the egg, a larva or a caterpillar, matures.The second stage begins when a larva, or a caterpillar, comes out from the egg.?During this stage, the larva eats leaves and flowers.?At the third stage, the larva becomes a pupa.?The pupa is an important phase in a butterfly's life as it transforms from a caterpillar to a butterfly.?The pupa is enclosed in a silken case called a cocoon.?From the cocoon, an adult butterfly is born.?When the adult butterfly lays an egg, a new cycle begins again.Directions:?Select the correct text in the glossary.Which word in the glossary describes the important change that happens to the butterfly?Glossarybutterfly?(?b?-t?r-flī),an insect with bright colored wingscocoon?(\k?-?kün\),a protective structurelarva?(\?l?r-v?\),a worm-like young of an insectmetamorphosis?(\?me-t?-?mo?r-f?-s?s\),a major biological transformation in the appearancepupa?(\?pyü-p?\),an in-between stage of development of an insectLook at the thesaurus entries below.picture, n. photo, image, cartoon (ART)picture, v. imagine, see, dream of (THINKING ABOUT) 25. Which word would best replace picture in the sentence below?I picture a world in which there is no racism.A.dream ofB.photoC.imageD.art26. Which word would best replace picture in the sentence below?My sister took the most beautiful picture of a sunset while we were on vacation.A.imagineB.seeC.photoD.thinking aboutAt the Movies(showbiz glossary)B-movie: a movie produced on a low budget and originally made to be shown with a more popular movie in a double featureblockbuster: a successful movie that makes a lot of moneybomb: a movie that fails to make moneyclapper: two boards hinged together that are banged together in front of the camera before each recorded performancecrane shot: a shot that is taken on high from a crane to show the actors belowdirector: the person who supervises the production of a moviedolly: a truck that carries a movie camerafoley artist: the person who creates sound effects for a filmgaffer: the chief electrician for a motion-picture productionkey grip: the chief stagehand on a movie set who shifts scenery, moves furniture, and so forthlong shot: a shot taken at a great distance from the subject and permitting a broad view of a scenemedium shot: a camera shot that shows actors from the waist upout-take: a take of a scene that isn't used in the moviepan: to move the movie camera to the left or right pyrotechnician: an expert in charge of creating explosions and fires for a movietake: one recorded performance of a sceneset: the place where a movie is filmedscene: a part of the movie involving a single place or character(s)sleeper: an unpromising movie that becomes a hittilt: to move the movie camera up or down27. According to the glossary, what is the object below?A.clapperB.panC.out-takeD.dolly28. Here is Shirley Temple starring in the movie Glad Rags to Riches. What can viewers tell about the picture? A.The camera operator used a medium shot.B.The camera operator used a crane shot.C.The camera operator used a long shot.D.The camera operator used a close-up shot.29. The movie Howard the Duck is considered to be a bomb because A.the movie failed to make much money.B.the movie was made on a low budget.C.the movie became an unexpected hit.D.the movie made a whole lot of money.30. Janice clapped coconuts together to create the sound of galloping horses.Using the glossary, find out which job Janice has. A.gafferB.foley artistC.key gripD.pyrotechnicianLook at the thesaurus entries below.produce, n. crop, vegetable, fruit (FOOD)produce, v. make, result in, breed (STARTING) 31. Which word would best replace produce in the sentence below?Bob's is my favorite grocery store because it has the freshest produce.A.fruitB.breedC.resultD.starting32. Which word would best replace produce in the sentence below?Those gray clouds will probably produce rain.A.cropB.foodC.dryD.make33. White-tailed Deer? ? ?White-tailed deer live in North and South America.?The deer are named for the white fur on the undersides of their tails.??Adult white-tailed deer have reddish-brown coats in the summer and grayish-brown coats in the winter.?Baby white-tailed deer, called fawns, have brown coats with white spots.?White-tailed deer live in meadows and graze on grass during the summer.?They also eat leaves, fruit, nuts, corn, and alfalfa.?During the winter, the deer live in forests and eat twigs and other plant material.They are mostly active at night.?Other animals such as bobcats eat the deer, especially the fawns.?Adult white-tailed deer can run up to 30 miles per hour.?They can cover a distance of 30 feet in one jump.?White-tailed deer use their athletic ability to escape from other animals.??Directions:?Select the correct word in the glossary.Which word in the glossary describes white-tailed deer??Glossarycarnivore?(k?r'n?–v?r),an animal that eats other animalsherbivore?(h?r'b?–v?r),an animal that only eats plantsomnivore?(?m'n?–v?r),an animal that eats both plants and animalsscavenger?(skāv'?n–j?r),an animal that eats dead or decaying animalsdecomposer?(dē'k?m–pō'z?r),an organism that breaks down dead plant or animal matter\?\ as a in abut\a\ as a in ash\ā\ as a in ace\?\ as o in mop\a?\ as ou in out\ch\ as ch in chin\e\ as e in bet\ē\ as ea in easy\g\ as g in go\i\ as i in hit\ī\ as i in ice\j\ as j in job\[ng]\ as ng in sing\ō\ as o in go\o\ as aw in law\oi\ as oy in boy\th\ as th in thin\th\ as th in the\ü\ as oo in loot\?\ as oo in foot\y\ as y in yet\zh\ as si in vision34. Which word has the same pronunciation as the word hat? A.yetB.batC.bātD.chēt35. Which word has the same pronunciation as the word thin? A.rīceB.nīceC.spīceD.spin36. According to the table above, which word has the same pronunciation as the word cheat? A.setB.bētC.letD.betLook at the thesaurus entries below.present, adj.. already, current, now (TIME)present, n gift, offering, goodie (THING)present, v. give, offer, donate (GIVING) 37. Which word would best replace present in the sentence below?I gave my friend a present for her birthday.A.nowB.giftC.offerD.give38. How many synonyms are listed for the adjective form of present? A.9B.4C.3D.1239. Which word would best replace present in the sentence below?I present to you the key to Emerald City!A.goodieB.giftC.alreadyD.giveLook at the thesaurus entries, v. present, display, expose (DEMONSTRATE)show, n. drama, movie (PERFORMANCE) 40. Which word would best replace show in the sentence below?My friend and I saw a wonderful show Saturday night.A.demonstrateB.movieC.exposeD.present41. How many synonyms are listed for the verb form of show? A.2B.3C.0D.1Look at the thesaurus entries below.peer, n. associate, companion, match (EQUAL)peer, v. focus, gawk, glare, spy, stare (SCAN) 42. Which word would best replace peer in the sentence below?I knew the teacher was angry when she started to peer over her glasses at me.panionB.equalC.glareD.match43. Which word would best replace peers in the sentence below?My artwork will be judged by one of my peers.A.spiesB.staresC.panionsLook at the thesaurus entries below.crop, n. fruits, gathering, product (PLANT)crop, v. trim, cut, detach (CUTTING)crop, v. emerge, arise, drop in, show up (ARRIVAL) 44. How many synonyms are listed for the noun form of crop? A.3B.7C.5D.6Look at the thesaurus entries below.kind, adj. friendly, generous, gentle, thoughtful (GOOD)kind, n. brand, breed, family, set, sort (CLASS) 45. Which word would best replace kind in the sentence below?No thanks. I don't like that kind of candy.A.thoughtfulB.goodC.friendlyD.brand46. Which word would best replace kind in the sentence below?I knew Ashlee was kind when she offered to share her ice cream with me.A.generousB.breedC.classD.familyAnswers1. B 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. -- 7. A 8. C 9. -- 10. D 11. D 12. A 13. -- 14. A 15. A 16. C 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. D 21. B 22. A 23. B 24. -- 25. A 26. C 27. A 28. A 29. A 30. B 31. A 32. D 33. -- 34. B 35. D 36. B 37. B 38. C 39. D 40. B 41. B 42. C 43. D 44. A 45. D 46. A ................

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