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12/12/13 – Unit H – Medical Math – “Bell Ringers” 16oz is equal to 1lb.0.5cm is equal to 5mm.There are 5C (cups) in 40oz.30mm is equal to 3cm.1.5m is equal to 1500mm.12.5kg is equal to 12,500g.The largest metric prefix is kilo.1L is equal to 1000mL.3 teaspoons is equal to 1T.32 ounces is equal to 2lb.The medical prefix centi means 100 times.The medical prefix kilo means 1000 times.4oz of Pepsi equals 120mL.Dr. Ryan has ordered Tim to be given 10mL of Tylenol. He should take 2tsp of Tylenol.197 inches equals 5m.100?F in Celsius is 37.8?C 40 qt equals 40,000mL.Keisha has a temperature of 104?F. Her temperature in Celsius is 40?C.37?C equals 98.6?F. (C x 1.8) +32 = 37 x 1.8 = 66.6 + 32 = 98.612 inches equals 30cm.A bottle of OJ has 8oz. The pt drinks ?. How many mL did the pt drink? 180mL8 x .75 = 6; 1oz = 30mL; 70kg equals 154lb.8 ounces equals 240mL.6 inches equals 15cm.Allison weighs 33 pounds which equals 15kg. 1kg = 2.2lb; 33/2.2 = 1512/13/13 A plane with a heart for transplant leaves Charlotte at 1630. It takes 2hrs and 45 min to fly to Boston and get to the hospital. What time did the heart arrive? 7:15pm (and 1915)Your HOSA chapter has CLXIV members. How many membership cards should National HOSA send you? 164If it is 5:30pm, what time is it in military time? 1730John has an appointment at 1200 that will last one hour. How long will he have to get to his 1400 appointment? 1 hourA CNA must report to work at 6:30am. It takes 20 minutes to drive to the hospital. At what time should she leave home if she wants to arrive early? 0600What is the Roman numeral for 40? XLWhat is the Roman numeral for 24? XXIVMs. Alford is grading book reports. She has 17 book reports to grade and it takes 30 min for each report. If she begins at 1430, what time will she finish? 2300Math: 17x30 = 510; 1430+510; 510min / 60 = 8.5; Jerome begins work at 1500 and works eight hours. He also take a 30 minute dinner break. At what time does his shift end? 2330What time is 11:00am in military time? 1100A client has an appt. at 4:00pm. What time is the appt. in military time? 1600Kristell went into labor at 2030. She was in labor for 2hrs before driving 45 min to the hospital. What time did she arrive at the hospital? 11:15pmA medical office assistant orders LXVIII boxes of alcohol swabs. How many boxes were ordered? 68 ................

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