“Government” Essay Assignment

“Government” Essay Assignment

In this chapter, we have read and discussed ideas by the following authors:

• Lao-Tzu

• Machiavelli

• Rousseau

• Jefferson

• Gasset

• Becker

• Arendt

Each of these authors grapples with the inter-related ideas of power: who has it and who does not have it, who uses it, who should have it, and what is the relationship between those who have it and those who don’t. The authors come from different time periods, cultures, and political realities. What they have to say is deep, meaningful, and interesting – truly “great thoughts.” However, unless we can make some sort of connection with our own lives, what they say doesn’t really amount to a hill of beans. So…

In our modern-day American society, the individual, “the people,” is/are influenced by a myriad of factors. Our culture is swayed by many powerful forces. What are they? Well, some (but not all) of the forces that shape our lives include:

• Our government, at all its various levels

• Our watchers and protectors: police, military, spies

• Our religions, religious institutions, and traditions

• Our economics: the culture of consumerism, capitalism, and multinational corporations, the worlds of banking and finance

• The super-wealthy

• Our communications, propaganda, advertising, censorship

• Our electronics and media, news, information, entertainment, and the cult of celebrity

• Our education system

• Our welfare system

• Our geography

Here’s the assignment. There are two parts to it.

The first part is to relate the book to one of the things mentioned above. Therefore, please choose one (or more) of the authors in our “Government” chapter to focus on. Then relate that author’s point of view to one of the powers (forces) in modern-day American society – there are many mentioned above, or you may choose one of your own. Try to apply the theoretical perspective to a modern-day influence in today’s society. For example, Lao-Tzu mentioned that advertising makes people unhappy, so the effect of advertising is to unsettle the population.

The second part of the assignment is related to the first part. Once you’ve applied a theoretical perspective to a societal force, then please take a look at that force in relation to other forces. For example, Lao Tzu’s ideas (theoretical perspective) are related to advertising (societal force), but how is advertising related to other forces? Is advertising more influential on our society’s behavior than news? Or, tangentially, how are our news and advertising censored, and by whom and why? Who truly influences our consumer habits and why, news providers or advertisers? What is the end result of that influence?

Take any forces/influences that you care to – and please do not imagine that you have to examine more than a few. Believe me, there are too many to examine in one paper. I want you to think in relationships, inter-relationships, and try to answer the deeper questions of WHY? WHO? HOW? The questions that are not usually asked, the questions that might get you labeled a “conspiracy nut.” Think in broad terms.


All papers must have the following characteristics. Papers that do not follow these guidelines will be returned to the student without being read or graded.

1) All text double-spaced

2) Use a sans-serif font such as Arial or Chalkboard

3) 12 point height (neither less nor more)

4) Follow consistent MLA formatting

5) A hard copy delivered to the instructor (no disks/emails/excuses)

6) Length: 6+ pages, not including Works Cited page

7) Identified as to type of paper being submitted (“Mind Paper”)

8) Given an appropriate title (not a label such as “mind paper”)

9) MLA citations and a Works Cited page

10) Proof of peer review (on the rough draft)

11) A formal outline

Please be prepared to peer review your essay draft on March 26th. The final draft of the essay is due on April 9th. Please remember that you may write on this topic or the “Wealth and Poverty” topic for this assignment – you have a choice.

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