Unit 3 Vocabulary Definitions & Example Sentence

Unit 4 Vocabulary Definitions & Example Sentence

I have given you the definitions and an example sentence. Your job is to locate synonyms and antonyms for each word. This will help you to complete your assignment on the back. List them in the blank spaces beneath the sentences. You may not copy the ones given to you on the worksheet as your synonyms and antonyms. However, you may add them to the others that you find.

1. Annul (v) to reduce to nothing; to make ineffective or inoperative; to declare legally invalid or void.

1. The state legislators voted by an overwhelming majority to annul the out-of-date law.



2. Blasé (adj) indifferent, bored as a result of having enjoyed many pleasures; apathetic.

1. Battle-hardened soldiers may ten to become a bit blasé about the dangers they face.



3. Bolster (v) to support, give a boost to; (n) a long pillow or cushion; a supporting post.

1. When you write a research paper, you should always use appropriate facts to bolster your case.

2. the sofa has four comfortable bolsters.



4. Deplore (v) to feel or express regret of disapproval.

1. Social critics deplore what they believe is a widespread decline in good manners.



5. Frivolous (adj) of little importance, not worthy of serious attention; not meant seriously.

1. I’ll ignore your frivolous suggestion.



6. Muster (v) to bring together for service or battle; to gather or summon; to amount to, comprise, include; (n) a list of men for military service; a gathering, accumulation.

1. You will need to muster up your courage to face the bully who has been tormenting you.

2. The sleepy new recruits assembled on the parade ground for the early morning muster.



7. Nonentity (n) a person or thing of no importance

1. We may not be the movie stars, but we did not deserve to be treating as nonentities by the presumptuous headwaiter.



8. Obsess (v) to trouble, haunt, or fill the mind

1. If you allow fear of failure to obsess you, you will find it difficult or even impossible to achieve your goals in life



9. Ornate (adj) elaborately decorated; showily splendid

1. If you ask me, an ornate gilded frame distracts the viewer’s eye from a simple drawing.



10. Oust (v) to remove, drive out of a position or place

1. Military leaders ousted the duly elected president and took over the government.



Vocabulary Workshop Practice Unit 4 (#1-10)

Completing Sentences: Make sure you use the correct spelling and tense of the word.

1. Because they failed to deliver the goods on time, we felt justified in __________________ the entire contract.

2. The way the witness blushed and stuttered when questioned, __________________ my suspicions that he was not telling the truth.

3. Isn’t it strange that such great writers as Poe and Dickinson were considered __________________ in their own lifetimes?

4. I like jokes as much as anyone, but I don’t approve of making such __________________ remarks when a serious matter is under discussion.

5. It is all very well to criticize and __________________ the mistakes of young people, but why don’t you also give them credit for their good qualities?

6. Only a person who is __________________ with a desire to create beautiful music can become a great pianist or violinist.

7. “It will take all the strength we can __________________ to dislodge the enemy from that hill,” the general observed grimly.

8. The novelist is known for her very __________________ writing style, using many unusual words, figures of speech, and involved constructions.

9. My brother tried to appear __________________ when he was named to the honor society, but I know that he was thrilled.

10. After being the apple of her eye for years, I suddenly found myself __________________ from her affections by an upstart rival.


11. ____________________ named on the regiment’s roster

12. ____________________ resisted efforts to expel the captain.

13. ____________________ annoyed by the reporter’s foolish questions

14. ____________________ may strengthen your ability to resist colds

15. ____________________ chose a very elaborate silverware pattern

16. ____________________ painful memories that haunted the survivors

17. ____________________ bemoan conditions in the refugee camp


18. ____________________ enthusiastic about the glittering guest list

19. ____________________ expect the committee to ratify the settlement

20. ____________________ a room crowded with celebrities


Muster Frivolous Annul Blasé Bolster

Deplore Oust Ornate Nonentity Obsess


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